I ERNONIA EAGLE issued Every Friday. $1.50 Per Year. Application for Entr. as Second-?lasa matter at the Post Office at Vernonia pending. Advertising Rates -25cts per inch, single column measure, each week. We collect tor advertising th* first of every month. PAUL S. R3BINSON. Editor and Owner- In St. Helens.hey will hire a man to watch their city Verno .ia Day, while every o.hsr man, beist and auto are in Vernonia. Mr. Hall will probably de­ cide that politics isn’t as suc­ cess ul financially as the banking business. Anew house is being started nearly every day in Vernonia and we are one hundred shy. Vice President and M'A. Calvin Coolidge with their two eons, will visit Portland Sa urday, Sunday, and Mon­ day. We hope t re Coolidge family will excuse us for not going down to see them, but if hey want a real thrill they can come to Vernonia. There’s a bright side to everything Vern >ria men who ohew tobacco don’t use per ume. -------- . --------- There is considerable dis- contnet is throughout this country, aud whenever dig- content is widspread it’a gen­ erally justified. It is evident the burden of taxation is getting on the nerves of the public. This ia apparent to at least one member of congress, who is quoted in the newspapers as saying that “if the folks back home waLt to better conditions they have it in their own hanbs. Individually they canot get congress to quit heaping on taxes, or to take off some already imposed,, if they were organized into Taxpayers Leagues and made their demands in mass they they could accomplish much When the folks back home organize to stop exorbitant and unnecessary government expenditures, such expendi lures will be Btopped. Here is a tho ight for the tax paysrs around Vernonia They have all to win and nothing to lose by giving this serious consideration. For it may be that the con­ gressman knows far better than we do just what is need­ ed to stop the ever-incriasing burden of taxation in this cou n t ry.____________ LESTER SHEELEY I Have Just Returned From the Markets ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oregon. Vernonia, DILLARD & DILLARD ATTORNEYS Practice in any Court—State or Federal. I Made Some Exceptionally Good Buys in Fall Clothing. I Can Clothe Everyone in Tour Family and Give You the Benefit of my Knowledge in Buying. Office. Ceurt Plaza, St. Helens, Ore. » JOHN L. FOOTE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oregon St. Helens, ECONOMY STORE EDWIN ROSS. M. D. Muckles Bldg. Phone 134 Some Say; “I Don’t Like to Trade With Corey; he is a Foreigner.” Yes, what are You? Lay that aside and look out for your pocket book. Man as man. As I said once before, * Don’t be Humbugged by Cheap Talk.” St. Helens, Oregon. DR. S. H. RUSSELL CH1ROPRCT1C PHYSICIAN Morefield Cabinet Steam Baths. OtflM *nS R m M miss 101 Cclvmbia St. St. Helens, Oregon. Phone ’.26J. P. O. Box 574 DR. W. G. PAREN T elieve in Live and Let Live Veterinary Surgeon. St. Helens Hotel. Phone 44 Come to Me. You Will Find in my Store Big Reductions on Every Ar­ ticle; at Least 10 per cent cheaper than others. Why7 Because I handle nothing else but my line. I can buy Cheaper and sell Cheaper. St. Helens, Oregon. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED 1 I The Sunday Oregonian of the 6th. haa a page devoted to Vernonia with good illus­ General Repairs, Tires. Ford trations of the citv, the R. R Uncle Sam has been doing Parts, Gas, 01!. work, the timber and scenery some more research work, The Old The article predicted a 10 000 with the result that some in­ population for Vernonia in & teresting wage figures have oouple of years. Better begin !just been given out. He General Blacksmithing, today to prepare. People will shows that, the combind Horse Shoeing need houses and water. wages, salaries and other in­ 9 comes of all Americaii3i d Some men saving up for a STAGES 1919 averaged $627 for every ^For Timber. Forest Grove, r?iny day melt tkie boot­ man woman and child. The and Portland leave Ver- legger and spend it all on a of all Kinds. Vernonia man who desires noni at 6 a. m. and wet night. 5 p, m. @ to find out if he did as well One Block South of Bank We can’t understand how or better than the average g EXTRA TRIPS ON APPOINTMENT Vernonia, Orc6on. some fellows can drink coffte man can do so by multiply­ H. J. DUNCAN, Prop. £• for 40 y^ars and yet never ing $627 by the numbe. of learn to keep from spilling it me nbers in his family, him­ on the tab'ecloth. self included, and then com Mos» every Vei noniacitizen paring that with the total Plans and Estimates Furnished his noticed that everything amount he earned in 1919 When You Want It Order from For Eagle Lumber Co. For instance, If there are he dosn’t havs to buz and < Agents YELLOW FIR LUMBER d >?u’t need is a good deal four in vnur family, husband • Beaver Lbr. Co. • j WE BUILD ’EM Mill 2 Miks S uth of Vernonia ® wife ai’d two children, the cheaper.' Rough and Dressed. hu-bsud should nave earned In t|>is counliy any boy $2 508 in 1919 to have struck McGown 6c Anderson Quick Delivery. Vernonia, Oregon. can fight bn wav upwa d to the average. If but two in a BEAVER LBR, CO. . sue tens un'pss bis fathei family, and only ones wage­ leaves him too much spend­ earner, then he should have ing monev. earned $1254. But there is Vernonia ne?ds a hundred this to remember when you SEE MANLEY The new residences built immedi­ do your figuring-it was a year in which more was ear ­ ately for renting purposts. Painter and ned, snd more was spent, 40 acres, 2A mi. from Vernon­ than any j ear in the history Paper Hanger • Before Letting Your Job. ® ia, on school route; 8-room house, of the present generation. <• Stage Meets Trains W.T. HATTEN We’re Reliable Blacksmith With Vernonia. |Vernonia Auto Transit Co.*! Able to Supply Your Needs in:-- Machinery Repairing 8 fl Always Fresh Groceries” LUMBER Our Can Goods are the Best we can Buv and we can Supply You with that Satis­ faction of Knowing you have When You Buy of Us. Rainier is a Columbia County City with a splendid future. Rainier p ople are boosters. Rainier and all her people are coming to Ver­ nonia to help us celebrate on Sept. 9th. Wont we have fun; I Lane & Co Vernonia, Oregon. o Right Here! tree in sight. In these days you see a good many more people talk" ing back than you do coming back. Bread at all Times AR Material ard Workman- © ship Fully A guaranteed I Y ju are Cordially Invited to Inspect Our Exclusive Llnea of Seasonable WOOLENS We Specialize In the Trim-Fitting Gar- Heats ao Generally desired by dis­ criminating patrons. For a Good, Square Meal Headquarters for all Kinds of ———-Try The------------------ Air Dried Lumber COLUMBIA HOTEL Wood For $2.50 n Load. Lay In Your Winter's Supply Now. F. E. COLLINS & CO. Nice Clean Beds and the Best of More overalls are being Treatment. We Aim to Please. sold now than for several Clatskanie people tell us years. If congress dont do Vernonia, - Oregon. TAILORS they have waited long t j help something pretty quick tim^s "Eqail la the Bait—Setter than the Real" Vernonia yell over a new are going to get better. OOOO rai'road, and 'hey are going THE MODEL Superior knowledge and expert work­ How ceil Ford ever become to bring a noi-v bu ich here manship are combined with choicest materials in Snita, Overcoats the world ’ s richest man when Vernonia Dav. and Raincoats. every time he veils a fliver it Modernly equipped for In Rowe Theatre Bld’g. Lots of Vernonia men with adds to the sale of John D.s Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing MODERN SHOP YOU WILL LIKE perfectly good eyesight, can’t gasoline? Also Salt Cleaning and Pressing. We Call for and Deliver. Try Us Next Time. Phone Broadway 2248. 375 Stark St. •eeyou when you’r broke. Corner of West Park. 0. Puckett, Prop. Rumor says a 20th. Century InVernoniaor.ce « month. Leave The whole state ia invited to store is being planned for orders at Nehalem Hotel. Call and see | Orders Takhn far Taller Vernonia’s Celebratiod, Sept, 9. Vernonia, ua or write to ua in Portland. BARBER SHOP to Guaranteed, Pure Graperies S®®®®®©®®®®®^ 2 e M Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils, Builders Hardware, Sporting Goods, Tires, etc We are Strong on A i 1 barn; an acre in family orchard. Job had his troubles, but $1,500; terms if wanted.—Ver­ I nonia Realty Co. Also acre he never had two blowouts tracts and town property. wi hina mile and not a shade Keeping Up TWIN LUMBER CO • j Vernonia, Oregon. Why Go To Portland? THE FOREST GROVE GENERAL HOSPITAL Graduate Nurses in Attendance. Surgical and Obstetrical Cases a Specialty. Forest Grove, Oregon r