Solicitors Wanted For Vernon­ ia Eagle. T E NEWEST W; see where they’re ad vertising buttonless under wear. That’s the kind a Io’ of us have been wearing foi years. How would it do for the hugging motorist to take out a one arm drivers* lie mse and thus keep within the law Not being acquainted in all the eorawunities, won’t someone in every adjacent locality volunteer to act as correspondent in that terri tory? Home pride for your section will prompt you «nd we will mail you paper, en­ While it was kind for John velopes, stamps and send the I), to pose for a photo on bis piper to you. Besides make birthday the results do not you a good proposition for indicate any chance to win s securing new readers. Mail beauty prize. us a binch of news items for William Wrigley. Jr., the chew- next iosue. All copy must I inggum magnate, was talking to a little party of men in a smok­ reach us Tuesdays. qm I i IS m - e 9- Dry Goods Shelves full of Latest Weaves, Colors and Qualities. Dainty Lingerie for Ladles and Children Njwest Neckwear, White Goods, Waists,’ Semi- Drees Shoes, House Dresses, etc : : : Quality is Our Standard A Complete ...GROCERIES... Try this Store. You’ll Find what you want, will be ready to buv your Berries, Prunes and all Fruit. We T. R. THROOP Vernonia General Merchandise Vernonia ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦99«9<♦♦♦•««9«999«9a9999999«99999«««9999999« Let’s Eat! :: When you are in Vernonia, you will want to Eat at the Beat and Moat Convenient place in town— The Lunch Box Next d»r west of the Hazelwood, I i R g lar Meals, Home Pastry, Lunch at all Hours. | Our Prices Please. »♦999»49*9999 >99099999»99«99999999999««99'«9999999 BERGERSON’S GENERAL MERCHANDISE Best Groceries ► We can secure. DRY GOODS and HARDWARE and everything of a ► p r Good Merchandise Estebilshment If you are not a Regular Customer, try us. p ergerson Bros. p Across from the Bank. DOCTORS KAUFFMAN «nd TAYLOR Physicians and Surgeons Postoffice Box L ’ Ore * c - l - tatlor Rau.idence i'hone 883 Ira Scott and famjly. Millard Cracraft and wife Riley Hall and family from St Helens at­ tended the funeral of Mrs Justice last Saturday. E. Malmsten has signed a con tract with McGown and Ander­ son, for material and labor for one of the finest residence’s ih Columbia Co. to be built on his ranch just east of town. Subscribe for the Eag e H mm SIU« of all kind« kept in stock or manufactured on aaort not’ce. We carry a atoc’ of Dry Finiah Lumber from which to make your aeiection. Al1 kind« of moulding«: roofing paper: lath, windowa, doors. No order too «mall or too Ifirge. Let uafigure witn you. West Oregee Lumber Ce., Clat«kanlh, Ora. >*♦9999999 9999 «99«9999999« John Bryan’s i 1 Next to Lunch 3ox Cafe Gall in for Good Work. You Are Next! Vomonla, I i Oregon. « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦99999999999«♦ .1 Always M Of yorr eyes for glrsses depends on the experience and skill of the operator to use scientific instru­ ments correctly. By the use of the Opthalmos- cope, one of the latest and most scientific instru­ ments known to Optical science, I can detet the smallest defects in the eyes, which assures my pa­ trons of absolute comfort and eyeglass sat’ifaction. Don’t fail to have me examine your eyes with this wonderful instrument ntxt Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15 and 16 Nehalem Hotel DR. WILL J. THOMPTON PORTLAND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST *99< 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999« Vernonia Brazing and Machine Works ----------------------- and------------------------ Largest and Best Equipped Machine Shop in the Valley. Î : : * ♦ Equipped to Handle Work any Place In the County. 204 Washington St. Betwean 2nd and 3rd, Portland. 9 OOO DOOVOOOC oooooooooooo Pea. Ph'Mie, Office “ • • 113W 5* Call« An«wared Night or Day. i Exterior and Interior Work [ or It isn’ too tqo Small For Us to Handle. Corner of Maple St. and Rose Ave. Vernonia, Oregon. DENTISI Vertíanla, Oregon. l3O Fourth, Comer of 10 i PORTLAND We can do any of it, and do it Right. We’re on Rose Ave. Across from the Depot. Bring us your work. All kinds of Pipe Fittings and Modern Plumbing Work. R. A. Sessman Contracting and General Building Carpenter Work NOILE DUNLAP Anythirg in the Painting Line ? Where the Whole Faintly Eats. Large DR. M. D. COLI small town bands, even if it should suceed in get tin » an appropriation of this kind. Congress would probably scoff at such a proposition Hidgoen pouring millions into the improvement of rivers that will never boast a steamboat, or spending on other schemes that wi 1 never do the taxpayers any good. Rut if we could have our way we’d turn ever suffi­ cient fund to keep a live band going in every town in the country. For if there is that gives the peole of a co Muiinity more enjoyment, or that is a better ad for a town, we haven’t yet found out what it is. you want done, and done right ¡See Vernonia Painter». Bring in any Kind of Work. •9999 «999*99999999999 ♦^♦♦♦♦♦«oaeaeeaaoeeea«aaeeoool St. Helens, Ore. | Union Oyster House AUTO REPAIR SHOP : T. S. WHITE Undertaker and Embalmer New Railroad, big $1500.000 8aw Mill, new High School. C 11 or write for full particulars THE EXAMINATION 0 f knowing just how Secretary Residence Lots, Business Lota, ucre Tracts and Farms. A Few Large Lots in Beautiful Central Addition—$65 to $150—1 Cash, Balance $10 per month. mhwmhhh Vernonia and Nehalem valley folks daily visiting Portland, will find it to their advantage to stop at the Palace Hotel at 12th and Washington. Homelike, modern, quiet, large lobby, splendid beds. You will feel at home and meet acquaintances. Davis would distribute fed- Leave your grip at the Palace. eral money for maintaining r » Forest Grove Emry Mills and wife and little son of Berkinfield visited with their son Alvin of this place Sat. ► Supplies a Large Portion of Vernonia Terriiory in the dr . h . K auffman Keaidence Phone 0283 A. L. Parker and son Alvin and daughter Banita attended Pomona Grange at Bever home home Saturday and reported a good time. F. E Malmsten was sworn in as City Councilman at the Tuesday mgl t meeting of the City Dads. The Mayor was instructed to en­ gage an Engineer to give us es- timat es on the water supply for the proposed new System. Everything Phone 922. Mies Thersie Bays who has been visiting her sister Mrs Ira Scott at St Helens for the past week returned home Saturday. REAL G. B. RICHMOND, ing car the other dny, and telling how mnch chicle is used each “Vernonia Day” will here year for chewing gum. “But after be celebrated every yeai Mr. Wrigley,” said one of hit hearers, you've spent millions about Sept. 9th. of dollars and created a splendid The new Brown buisness block i e i i ! > «