Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 11, 1922, Image 1

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Of the
Of a ■
; Pay Roll Commi
,Le j
h —
emonia to Stage Monster
À Splendid tame
For All Oregon
Whole State of Oregon Will Join in Jubilee Occasioned
By Completion of Vernonia’s New Railroad.
Ten Thousand Visitors from Abroad are Expected to Throng Our Streets Qpon
This Day of all Days, to be Known Hereafter a »Vernonia Day.**
On Saturday,September 9th, the Pepiest Celebration
eve» held in Columbia County, will be staged i£ Vernonia.
The whole state of Oregon his been reading about Vernonia
and wanting to see this Fast Growing Cilv of many oppor­
tunities and their day is approaching, 10,000 visitors are
praotically assured^for the big time. No such fete will
again present itself. No City in the Northwest has more
cause to ba Jubilant. No other location offers the Wonder­
ful opportunities; Vernonia is the “last of the frontier”
The one remaining where one can “go West and grow up
with the coun ry.” With ideal olimate, sconic beauties, fish­
ing, bunting, good soil, splendid farms, and millions upon
millions of feet of standing timber to keep our Immense
Mills sawing for a hundred years. The one Big opportun­
ity for men with money to build bouses, manufactures of
wood products—all lines of industry—there is a crying de
mand for every business that is in existence and tl o big
word is‘Do it Now*. Fo* the laboring man: here is more
work than can be done at present. Men are Wanted, The
big Celebration of Sept. 9th. will demonstrate these facte
|o thousands, but the big purpose is to make a noire over
our new railroad.
Volume 1, Number 2
There is another event to take
place in Vernonia on the 9th.
Mr. Keith President of the Kan­
sas City Coal and Coak Co. is in
Oregon—His company is going
to build in Vernonia one of the
big Mills of the Northwest a
250.000 capacity mill to run two
shifts. The State of Oregon re­
joices to see this Middle West
Capital enter Oregon, It means
work and money to thousands of
Oregon men; it is only a starter
to what will follow in the West­
ward move, To show Oregon«
Appreciation, hundreds of Ore­
gon boosters are Coming to Ver­
nonia on “Vernonia Day’’ to
demonstrate our joy to the
Kansas City Timber man. Ex­
cursion trains will start leaving
Portland early in the morning
and return late at night. It will
be a big day; a glorious day a
day for the movie men to get
some wonderful pictures Every
City in Columbia County, will
aid in entertaining the other
Counties of the State.
Last Sunday Thatcher, Forest
Grove, came to Vernonia to play
the home team. A large crowd
was at the grounds and the game
was interesting at each inning.
The score was 1 to 0 in Vernonia’s
fav^r and good individual plays
were noted on each side.
L. R. Stlger, with Mr. Burdick
both of Portland, called Monday
Mr. Stiger Is consulting Engine­
er of the firm of Stiger&Lincoln
and he gave us some^new ideas
coheering the proposed water
system so badly needed in Ver-
nohia. Mr. Stiger has offices in
thffRy. Ex. bldg. Portland.
D N. Crockett and wife, of
Hillsboro returned to their home
Saturday after a weeks camping
here on river. Mr. Crockett
holds a valuable buisness corner
in Vernonia, and contemplates
erecting a good block thereon in
the near future.
Back in '8f
If you have loti to sell call at
Eagle offico and list them,
In looking over an old paper can sell them in a few hours if
printed in Vernonia in 1889, we you are not profiteering. Buy­
note that at that time it took ers enquire here every day; kut
from 5 to 9 days for a letter to______________
___ every
___ ,
habit of raising _ in „
get from Vernonia to Buxton, day is uncalled for. We’ll sell
That Joseph Van Blaricom then | th im.
owner of *the townsite sold 8’
acres to the Vernonia Mill Co. j
H. E. Peterson, of Peterson
The new Union High School
building at Vernonia is nearing
completion. It is a three story
and basement, building situated
in the best part of the city fay
such an institution and the cost
of completed buiMing will run
over $30.000.
Must Attend to This
One splendid euggetion made by a
Portland visitor this week la that Ver­
nonia must immediately ** Clean Up"
Clear the etreet of old boards, boxes
brick, cans, overalls, trash, weeds, etc.
Shoo some home pride* We may be
use to it here, but it ia disgusting to
strangers and give us a black eye.
Wont the School boys volunteer to aid
in a clean up right away. It is very
important and not much of a job.
< ■ -
ww W«ww
'J St. Hobos, Ore, Aug. •
Vernoni« Esgle
/ DparWr.
Tbs St. Bebna Chamber of Cem-
merve desires to compliment you UPOO
the establishment of • uewspapet ia
Vernonia, and we foal that it «ill be
an «seet to the community there. It
wit pat Vernonia in touch with other
parta of the state and should result in
settlors and capital coming to your
thriving community.
Wo also desire
to compliment yo^ upon the-nice ap­
pearance of your paper and wish you
every good luck.
Aa a Chamber of Commerce we offer
you and your community oar services.
Very Truly,
John L. Storla,
Executive Secretary.
Pieuse Atteud Te it O
Vernonia Church of ths Evan­
gelical Association Sunday Ser­
vices Preaching; 11 A. M. and
Sunday School; 10A. M- Young
Peoples Alliance;. 7P. M. Prayer
meeting Thursday; 8 P. M. Choir
Practice; Tuesday. 8 P.M.
The postal lavs roqalrs OS to
coilset the paper subscription.
Many subscribed for the
Eagle that bavn’t called yat to
pay. It’s a little matter easily/
forgotten. Please call tab week
so we can keep on sending you
the paper.
Some have sigped
E. E. Mills and wife. Bureh
Eifort and Lillian Lester have
returned home.
They report a
Mr. Pennington and family of
good time but Bureh bad a black Newberg spent the week end at
eye. What's the matter, Buren- the Weed home. Mr. Pennington
is President of Pacific College.
The new garage sign just pain­
Mrs Jolly wassailed to Baker,
ted by Mr. McLees for a local
firm is the most attractive in Ore, last week, on account of the
death and burial of her sister
the country.
for a saw mill with 8. J. Brown Bros., Hillsboro, was in Vernon-
Mgr. That Willie Mellinger 1 b j ia this week. These people are 'x'ooooooo
ths (.hampion Salmon fisher; selling many autosin this terri-
Also that a stage route was in tory. and it is a firm that it is a
ex stance from Cornelious to pleasure to deal with. Notic3
Vernonia, taking eleven hours their ads in this paper,
to make the one-way trip.
- ■ -
| Among those who attended the
Prof. E. A. Wilson whe will funeral of Mrs. Justice from
be at the head of the grade Rainier were Henry Hall and
schools in Vernonia arrived with wife and daughters Bertha. Mar-
his family, this week. Mr, Wiison shall Ingoles and Alfred Hall,
sees the need of so many houses
—------ ——------
to rent or sell and will strive to
Ora Honsinger, of St. Johns,
interest an acquaintance in com- visited with Lee Hall’s family
Ing here to build cottages for I over night last week. They were
that purpose; a hundred are [ homestead neighbors in fend ’de
Oreille Co., Wn., 15 years ago.
C. N. RUNDELL, Prop.
! ’
of any Description Yott May Need.
w. 0. Galaway. Pre«.
Our Hand Made Loggers and Shoes
Intematlenal Harvestsr Ce.
^ole«, Rubber Heel«, Etc.
Vernonia, Oregon,
last Side of BrU.
Fumituœ, Dishcs, Homehold Ware.
Tempt, Cebi Citers
Nails, Building Paper,
Everything for
that F|iw Building.
' .......... —
Hudson and £ssex
Farm Tools., Stoves, Ammunition
Motor Cars
The A. D. S. Remedies are the Best in the
Drug Line.
Farm Implements
...Building Mateaial
Sold on Merit
We Handle Both
------- -Agency For------ —
AU A. D. S Remedies
r4 < >•
We Have a Large Stock of Good Shoes-Better than you usually rind
Cne la and see Before Baying your New
The Best Made
--------- PAINT up
ÿ Quality and Service
We Want io See You.
Prescriptions, Omulsts Sundries, Stationery, Etc
Pho. K «2