The TALENT NEWS is published the lit. and 15th. of each month. EDWARD ROBISON, E ditor . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 25 cents, One year.... 4 of a dollar, Six months... Two bits. Three months Entered ut the Talent Post Office as second class mail matter. THEY’VE HUNG BILL JONES. They’ve hung Bill Jones to the sycamore tree, An’ his wife an’ his mother ie a weep- • in’; An’ his children come from the house to 6ee, An’ the col’ wind’s a-wailin’ an’ a- creepin’l O the col’ wind’s a-wailin’ an’ a-crcep- in’, An’ the wife and the mother is a- weepin’; An’ the children’s there Fer to stand an’ stare, An the col’ wind a-wailin’ and a- creepin’! They’ve hung Bill Jones fer a crime o’ his, I An’ bis wife an’ his mother is a-dyin An’ his children’s took where the or­ phans is - An’ the col’ wind a-creepin* an* a- , sighin’! HER SLEEVES. By threes and fours the ladies walked The streets when lightly dressed, But with the new style jackets they Can go but two abreast. —Kansas Citv Journal. 9 She laughed in her sleeve, With intent to deceive, But the gown she was wearing that day Had sleeves of such size That to her surprise They gave the dear damsel away. —Detroit Free Press. * When Mary Hannah’s dress was done Toe neigld>ors all came in to see, And gazed and “my’d” and “oh’d’’and ‘‘ah