Talent news. (Talent, Or.) 1892-1894, April 15, 1894, Image 4

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Kev. Win. CruwhdnR, a noted temper­
ance advocate, lectured in the school
T alent O k . April, 1Ö. IS?;.
: hoii»e hall last Monday evening.
discourse cor.Biderud the confirmed inebri-
It will not be hard for « ur reader* tv i ate as one whose j hytn’cal system is so far
s«c that this issue is | retty veil filled up | effected by drink that high moral and in-
with politics, religion and temperance.
I tellectuul conditions could not prevail.
A good rain would J»e just the thing in
Albumen, a substance which enter»-
this locality.
largely into the composition of the brain
A new American citizen with presum­ and nerves, is hardened, coagulated •
ably Populistic tendencies registered at “cockc-d”—by being placed in alcohol;
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott therefore alcohol taken into the system
on the 4th inst.
and coming in contact with the albumen
Arbor day wa« observed in Miss, in the l-rain is highly injurious to the
Cheney’s school on Upper Wagner creek, delicate tissues of the latter, No drunk-
The exercises were very entertaining
ard can have a perfect mentality ; no
n nd appropriate.
sound mind in an unsound body.
We hope the communication on 2d speaker believed in educating the body
page from the pen of Kev. R. 11. Shtri'l ami in accomplishing this purpose,
will prove as interesting to our readers as
it was dill.cult for us to put in type, for abstiner.ee is absolutely necessary. Cul-
Belting up such an array of Scripluie tivation of mind acquiring intelligence
texts was a new departure for us.
But was a duty. The giving out of intelli­
• we can work ’em now all right.
gence was no lesw a duty.
But you can
’ • .
Several months ago we received a let­ give nothing out unless you have tal.cn
ter from a subscriber, renewing his sub­ something in.
't he inebriate can have
scription, But who ordered his name at no taste fur the esthetic the beautiful.
once taken from our list if we favored
Liquor tends to dwarf the liner sensi-
either of the old political parties.
course we didn’t want to lose a cash tml • bi’iti-K of our natures.
The speaker was an ardent believer in
scriber so we instantly went back « n the
g. o. p’s. took up the Populist cause, woman suffrage. W omen would vote for
joined the Talent club and commenced men who are not only total abstainers,
whooping up the People’s party, feeling
but Christian». When women get the
highly elated over the thought, vain,
vain thought! that we were sure of that » ballot, the United State« will become a
subscriber for all timetocome. But now Ch rife tian government. We judged from
he writes us to stop hi« paj>er forthwith.
nis remarks in this line that the speak« i
O, vanity,.thy name is Politics! Even is aji enthusiastic supporter of the Na
an editor can’t suit everybody.
cional Reform or God-in-the-Constitutiun
.Goon B ye “P iu . i ekentiai .”- At a party. The lecturer would attribute the
meeting < f the People’s party central present hard times more to the liquor
committee, held in Medford vesterdav,
the ^referential vote manner id selecting trail’.«' than to any other cause.
Over-production wnoiwi.ee. It was
candidates was arraigned as the came of
all the iidiarmony in the party ranks in under-consumption that is tn ubling us
this county, and that system, from which
no money to buy.
The speaker de- •
so much was expected; that b system,
VStem, lite nounced the policy of our government in
the adoption of which as was boasted,
would insure the pco| !r an entraîne l^ermitting so many ignorant, degraded,
into the delectable land cf political foreign paupers to come to our simr« s ami
Canaan, was sat down upon by all th« the east? with which they becomecitizei r.
avoirdupois the committee coulil bring to I
j He would haxe all foreign immigrant.-
Lear upon it. Thus cndctli a lamlabc at­ r« main in America the same length of
tempt to ‘ get bad; to the j cople
time required <>f Amrrh anH 21 years
. I » V < g «»».»» v
' •
t 4* a 4 4A ' A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 ,
to become citizens.
4 A •
At the conclusion of the !<•< t ure a do »1
ASHLAND. OREGON. Templar s ’« dge of LI members iv:u to ­
ga n ire« 1,
« »Hi.. « »v *1 h» nk