TALENT Ï9L 3. TiLLVT, OREGOJ, URIE 15th, IS9I. % Jk ft. , The TALENT NEWS is published the | of the nominees of the clubs, ami urging 1st. and 15th. of each month. the necessity of calling a mass conven- EDWARD ROBISON, E ditor . tion etc. The resolutions were adopted. It was also moved and carried that a SUBSCRIPTION RATES. copy of the same be furnished to each of One year....................... . 25 cents, the county papers, excepting the Valley Six months......................... of a dollar, j Record. It seems that communications Three months................. . Two bits. , from the kicking w ing of the Talent club Entered «t the Talent Post Office es second to the latter paper go by the way of Aus­ class mail matter. tralia and South Africa and somehow get “lost” in transit. . POPULIST CLUB MEETING. ■■■ • It was suspected by same that the with­ FRANK HASTY, drawal of go many prominent members, as reported in last issue, w mid be follow­ N otary P ublic , ed by n diminished interest that would Agent for the following Insurance Com- result in utter collapse. But we arc glad / - . to chronicle the fact that the club .still panic«: : : : : : : wags along and is not likely to go dead for a time. Certainly it can kick as last i Tin: NORTH BRITISH and MEH and furious as ever. At the regular CHANTILE I nsurance C o . of LON­ meeting on the 4th, inst. Mr. F. A. Creed, of Mound precinct, who is can­ DON and EDINBURGH, I |||i vassing the county in the interest of pur­ i i NEW YORK LIFE and the | ity in Populist politics, dropped in and, t being called on, discoursed at length on STANDARD LIFE and ACCIDENT the old-party methods adopted by the Co. of D etroit — *<— ’<----- *• late People’s party county convention. At the outset he announced that he O ffice at the was not a candidate and did not have N ews S tand , the oilice itch. A shland , O regon The speaker denounced in unmeasured teims the ignoring of the preferential vote by a large portion of the delegates and believed that he had ample proof that all this was brought about by the most reprehensible wire-working. He k • l 'A A A A A À AfA4 A A » , advocated adhering to the choice of the DEALER IN people rather than the choice of the dele­ gates. In the opinion of the speaker it CENTRAL POINT would require the cleansing effect of sev­ FLOUR AND FEED. eral bottles of sarsaparilla to tit «ome of the would-be leading Populist« of this TALENT, (»RECON. county to grace the ranks of a reform party. At the close of his address the speaker introduced a few whereas’« and therefore*« requesting Messrs. Marksbury, Rawlings and Jeffrey to resign in favor "X