Talent news. (Talent, Or.) 1892-1894, March 01, 1894, Image 4

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We are informed that two attempts
were mat]® to relieve Joseph Robison of
T alent , O r . March 1st, 1:'P4.
his money during hie late stay in Oak­
land, California, I hj t the pickpockets failed
to succeed.
■ *
• '
• .
Joseph Robison and wife and daughter
Dr. A. C. Caldwell is the leading Den­
have returned from their visit k Califor­ tist of Ashland and keeps the latest im­
nia and the Fair.
proved Dental Plates for sale at hard
times prices. Any one wanting any thing
Jas. Helms and wife- are back from the in that line will do well to call on him
Midwinter Fair.
before purchasing elsewhere.
F ok S ale —300 peach trees one year
Ed. Lovelady from Southern Califor­
nia is visiting friends and relatives in old from bud, including the following
varieties: Muir. Crawford, Coolidge'.*
Favorite, Early Alexander.
10 cents
each; $8 pur hundred.
Mrs. Eva Dewey of Dunsmuir is over
E dward Foss,
for a three months visit to relatives and ]
Talent Oregon.
friends in Talent.
A blue cross on the margin of
A leading Populist of this county the paper Indicates that your subscription
writes a very encouraging letter to yeedi- has expired. A prompt renewal chcereih
ye editor muchly.
tor and suggests that the N ews be made
a weekly, enlarged, and the subscription
price increased accordingly.
thanks, Bro. W. for your kind words for
our little paper. W o would like to re-
Mr. Jas. Garvin and Miss. Jessie Bee­
•j>ond to the suggestion to enlarge, etc.
son at the residence of the bride’s mother
but do not see our way clearly to do so at
on Sunday, the 18th ult.
present. However no man, not even an
Both parties are well and favorably
editor, knoweth what the future ma>
known in this locality and the N ews joins
bring forth.
their many friends in wishing them a
Mrs. M. H. Coleman and Mrs. W. J. long and happy life. May their honey­
Dean returned from their trip to Califor­ moon never wane.
nia last Monday. They report a splendid
time though the weather was cold and
disagreeable most of the time. They
would not advice any one to go to the
Fair for at least one month yet as every­
thing is topsy turvy now. The Califor­
nia building is the only one fully finished
and in which the exhibits are ready.
The N ews is requested to urge a good
turn-out at the Talent Literary society
to-morrow evening and that each member
l*e prepared with something for the good
of the order as there is no regular pro­
Th® dance at the hall on the 22nd ult
was a success socially if not fmancia lly.
Mr. Eben Carver and Miss. Lily Rean e
both of Phoenix, were married on the 21 m
The Populist meeting held in the hall
last evening for the purpose of investigat­
ing the charges made by W. II. Breese.
N. 1). Brophy and Grant Rawlins n-
gainst. several rnemlvcrs of the club for
“conspiracy,” “trickery,’’ pie hunting etc.
unfavorable to their political advance­
ment, was, as far as w ords were concerned
a lively “trial.” U was in the wee ema
hours when the meeting adjourned. The
affair was referred to a committee <.f
three from Phoenix who decided that all
charges against members for adopting
corrupt method« were without sufficient
foundation. The full verdict of the com­
mittee will probably appear in next weekV