NOAH AND ANONYMA. THE WINE. W hen Noah hade the ark farewell And pensive sat to think a spell, An unknown figure met his eyes, Perchance a herald from the skies, Who said: “Since vou have done your best The gods will grant you one request.” “My dearest sir,” good Noah said, “The water here effects mv head, Because the sinners great or small Were in it drowned, both one and all, And so my wish will he I think, To have some other, better drink.” His wish was granted in a thrice, The wine was sent from paradise, With lessons how to make it grow, And counsel good for him to know, And Noah, filled with grateful mirth, Bowed down delighted to the earth. • O Then calling to his wife and child. He told them both, in accents mild, What all the confab was about, And quickly laid a vineyard out. When five or six short years were o’er The bottles reached his second floor. Against this you can nothing say. He took his wine in pious way. Like upright Dutchmen later born, To the honor of heaven lie drained his horn, And after the deluge appears He lived three hundred ami fifty years • So each of you can plainly see That wine is good for you and me, And also that a righteous man Ne’er mixes water in his can. Because the sinners, great and small, Therein were drowned, both one and all, - From the Dutch. NOTICE. She, whose name is shame to sprat . Crimsoning the virgin’s cheek She, the type of vice, Ltcoims Guardian of virtuous homes, But for her, their purity Might, alas! pol'uted be; And not few, who in the pride Of their chastity confide Still untempted and who think Of her but with loathing, shrink From her aH from foulest air Might have known remorse, despair. On that one degraded form Passions concentrated swarm. That might every home defame. Filling all the world with shame. While our civilizations, all Creeds and nations, rise and fall, She remains humanity’s Eternal priestess, on her knees, Till all ends where all begins, Blasted for the people’s sins. —Geo. Birdseye, in Boston Investi­ gator. rrr* a blue cross on the margin of the paper indicates that your subscripti» n has expired. A prompt renewal cheereth ye editor muchly. FRANK HASTY, N otary P vui ic, Agent for the following Insurance Com panics: : : T he NORTH CJIANTILE BRITISH ani » iNsruAN’iE Co. of MEL’ LON DON ani » EDINBURGH, I , , | | NEW YORK LIFE ani » mi STANDARD LIFE ani » ACCIDENT ** *< Those indebted to the Wagner Creek Co. of D ei non. Cemetery .Association are requested to On K E AT THE pAy up as soon as convenient ns money N ews S tani », is needed for necessary improvements on the Cemetery. Also those who have ac­ A sh i ani ». counts against the association are request­ ed to present them for payment W. J. D e vx, Clerk. \ On • « \