Talent news. (Talent, Or.) 1892-1894, September 01, 1893, Image 4

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T alent , O h . ScptimLer Int, 1S93.
Social dance in the hall to-morrow night.
Harry Gender returned from San I* ran-
cieco last Tuesday evening.
Miss. Clara Lynch ¡8 up from Duns­
muir on a visit.
‘Kobt. Purves returned home last Sun­
day from Willows, C iliiurnia.
The Conwill brothers have moved into
Chas. Harvey’s house north of Talent.
H. II. Goddard will administer upon
the estate of the late B. C Goddard.
Edith Coleman, daughter of M. II.
Coleman, has been very ill with Malaria
for several days, but is now recovering.
Mrs. Crit. Tolman arrived from her
home in Alaska last Sunday on a visit to
relatives and friends.
Jack Lovelady started for Crescent
City last week with a load of fruit and
Jeff. Davison’s thresher has quit for
this season, hiving broke a valve on
the engine.
Big Jim Briner and Rush Glanden are
camped at the cinabar on Applegate
Notwithstanding the scarcity of silver
there was quite a sprinkling of Wagner
creekers at the circus last Saturday.
S- bool will commence in the Talent
•chool house the second Monday of this
Rejiort has it that there is a deadly
conflict going on between the people of
Talent and the {»Lining mill fleas.
fleas still hold the fort.
A. W. Clemens, who has lately had a
cancer removed from Ins lip, thinks the
operation successful so far as the cancer
is concerned. His general health, how­
ever, docs not improve as he was led to
think it would.
Rev. Rol>ert Sherill preached at the
Beeson groie last Sunday at 11 A. w.
and I p. m . Basket dinner l»etween servi­
ces. The speaker takes a mournful view
of the present hard times; thinks they
are growing worse and will continue to
grow worse and that all efforts of man are
¡»owerlees to alleviate the present distress.
We consider such gloomy utterances
decidely harmful. True, the times area
little out of joint, but we will Let all the
available cash assets of the N ewsv $1.34)
that affairs in general will be all O. K.
in less than six months.
Oscar Holt, son of John Holt, of Tal­
ent, has been engaged as principal of the
Talent school for the winter term. Miss.
Zella Cheney, of Lake county, Cal., will
have charge of the primary department.
Mr. Holt is well known in this com­
munity as a young man of high moral
character and, from the guccess he hat
had elsewhere in teaching, is believed'to
l»e thoroughly qualified for the position.
Several years ago Mr. Holt and ye as­
sociate editor l»ore the relation of pupil
and teacher, but we strongly suspect that
that relation might properly l>e reversed
alsnit this time.
Miss. Cheney has had several years ex­
perience in conducting primary depart­
ments and possesses the rare merit of se­
curing the highest respect and obedience
on the {»art of her pupils, which is abso­
lutely essential to success in imparting
instruction. The general opinion is that
the directors have exercised excellent
judgement in the matter of securing
teachers and there is little doubt that we
shall have a firstclass school for the win­
Near Medford on the 25th inst, to the
wife of Henry Hansen a son.
At the Colver residence in Phoenix, on
the 30, inst, Prof. Gus. Newlxiry of Jack­
sonville, to Miss. Nellie Rose of Phoenix.
Prof. Newbery is well known as one of
the leading educators of this part of th»
state, at present bolding a prominent p<.
sition in the Ashland schools. The bride
There was quite a sensation in Talent is also an excellent teacher and will teach
last Sunday over a report of a deadly in the Bish district the coming winter
conflict I »r tween cat tie and sheep men
The N ews joins their many friends in
<»ver on Applegate and that three men wishing them a long and happy life.
were killed: but as one of the “killed”
rode past our oilier since then, we con­
Weeks Bros, for furniture
clude it whs a big scare just to help out
the hard times.