THE MAN WHO NEVER SWEARS. VALLE OF BRAINS. This ofl’ec was in need of a mailer, Lut I’ve often wondered how he feels, instruments such as are in general t -e When troubles come his way. When every thing goes wrong, ami clouds were too high in price for u<. Seeing the advertisement of a new’ patent and very Obscure his sunny day; cheap we ordered one. W hen we opened For instance, when a gust of wind the pill-box and examined the mac hine Takes off the tile he wear.% we in voluntarily ejaculated “sold.’’ I wonder what he thinks about, Indeed we would have parted with it The man who never swears. then and there at | er cc nt discount, Or when to make a business trip but we read the directions ami experi­ He hastens through the rain, mented with the seeming toy. It And gains the station just in time ually rose in value and i y two hour? To miss the morning train; it had reached par and is still a going u; . How does he feel as in the west Really it was not the machine alone The express disappears? for which the price was asked, but th»- I wonder if he thinks bad words, brain work of the inventor. W ell, whv• The man who never swears. shouldn’t a man have pay for exerc ising his brains in inventing any labor savim The world is full of trying scenes, implement? This reminds us of an im i- No matter where you go, clent that well illustrates this point. The truly good are tempted sore, Something got wrong with the water As you, perhaps, may know; pipes connected with the steam engine c i And when I find him vexed and mad a large factory. The work was in a rush My sympathy he shares, and to shut down even for a day would For I imagine how he feels, cause a loss of several hundred dollars. The man who never swears. As a last resort an expert mac hinist — Cincinati Times. and all-round genius was called in. Hr removed the obstacle in a way that no PLENTY LEFT OVER. one else knew how to do and in five min­ I n a certain church in Ireland a young utes had everything in running order. His bill was $25.50. Though some priest was detailed to preach. The oc­ casion was his first appearance, and be what astonished at the amount, the pro took for his text ‘ The Feeding of the prietors paid the* bill but out of curie sitv Multitude.” He said: “And they fed ten asked why he made* it just twenty tiv* dollars and JiJty cents. The reply w «• people with ten thousand fishes.’’ An ol.000.01)0 to the I'mhd«- ah nr. had it right this time. He said: “And Sir Humphrey Davy Lv the in\a ntic n t they fed ten thousand people on ten 1« axes the safety lamp w is the means < f -aving of bread and ten fishes.” He waited a thousands of lives and untold milli« i - Sur»! second or two and then leaned well over of wealth to Great Britian the pulpit ami said: “And could you do brains some brains arc valuable and we should not grumble at pax in.: a i< a that, Mr. Murphy?’ sonable royalty to inventor.*. Hence Mr. Murphy replied: “Ami sure, your forth our subscribers w dl sec th« ir addi» - reverence, I could.” neatly print« I on i' •• n h -io < i the N« > “Ami how could you do it, Mr. Mur­ but they needn’t fee1 at a'l -<-iiv l’« t u when . they are told that «<• I i av • at hart • phy,” said the priest. L>OO iht «»-nt royalty f« t fl«t- ma« h a “And sure, your reverence. I could do that «Iocs tl.c work. W« arc willing !.» it with what was left over from la. ( Sun pay for brains. day.’. (ilemlulf lincim'l.