W--. ~ - —■ TALENT NEWS. - 18'3.3. Mil y ¡A th. • LOCAL ITEMS. • • ___ BORN. The Rev. Ira W akefield hat* left the Alliance. It seems that he was desirous On the 5th inst, to» 'the wife of Fred of making it an out-and-vut political Dyer, a son. organization in name as well as in fact. Well, is’nt W akefield consistent? The Emmette Beeson and family returned Alliance is generally recognized as the “mamma Lear" of the third party. So < to their mountain ranch last Friday, far as and outsider can “catch on” to its having spent several days in the valley. methods, it thinks party, talks party and A slight rain yesterday, making good votes party. Any Alliance member would the old notion that if it rains on Easter have to be adenitis in the use of words to Bunday it will rain for seven consecutive successfully give the public an opposite Sundays. impress’on. True the rules of the order Several interesting extracts from the • forbid th<* discussion of partisan pli tics’? ment at the Baptist church on the even­ A blue cross on the margin of ing of Decoration day to raise funds for the paper indicates that your subscription the benefit of the Talent cemetery. Unf­ has expired. A prompt renewal cheereth it fallen through with? ye editor muchly. Place your subscriptions with Geo. Dewey left for Dunsmuir. Cal., on the Ashland Newa Stand for the* various the 7th. inst, with the intention of going papers and magazines which you’desire into the blacksmith business in that town. P> lake and you will save cost of money­ order and postage. His wife will follow in a few days. /[&*' They will tidce the K»y along. Rev. E, E. Thompson and Dr. Kahler, J. \V. Aid came in from Pokegama on the Moody and Sankey of Jackson county, the 3rd on a short visit to relations and are conducting a series of revival meet­ friends. He has purchased the Logan j ings at Talenf. If, as has been alleged, photographic outfit which he takes back ’converts “regularly freeze up” during the with him. He had some fine views, which Warm season, this may be a wise move. he had taken, of the log-chute on the For reliable Fire Insurance, in first Klamath, the dam at Pokegama and others. Mr. Aid is an artist of no mean class companies, farmers should call on ability. He returned last Saturday. E. V. Carter at Bank of Ashland. R ates Don’t forget that E. M. Deauvaul is the Low. Talent shoemaker, and does his work up in good shape, for moderate prices. • • I At the special school meeting last Sat­ urday, called for the purpe.-e of voting a tax to build an addition to the school house, 5 voted for and I I against the tax. The meeting was called for one o’clock but several that had not carefully exam- ined the notices thought two o’clock the time and arrived too late to take a hand in the voting. It is not probable that the tax could have l>een carried anyway, yet it strikes us that the affair was rushed through with undue haste as all (he Ims- ' iness had l>ccn transacted ami the meet- , ing dismissed Indore two o’clock. A mo- ' tion to discuss the tax <|U»-ti«»n before voting was promptly voted d< wn. J. B. Dyer was elected clerk to fill the vacancy .calls» «! by the death of \\ cllx»r«l Beeson.’ A. MILLSAP, /V ry^jvnvy v toy/. ivv » CA /A’AA’A A??1*’ 'Al A-AA1 A At_ A A x 'K « ' A , PACKER AND SHIPPER OF HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID . FOR POULTRY, DEALER IX F lour , G rain , S eeds , E tc . AslfLAXh. oi:i:aox. .