Talent news. (Talent, Or.) 1892-1894, April 15, 1893, Image 1

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APRIL 15,1893.
VOL. 2.
The TALENT NEW’S is published the
1st. and 15th. of each month.
E ditor .
One year. . . .
Six months. ..
Three months
25 cents
j of a dollar.
Two bits.
Eptcred at the Talent Post Office as second
class mail matt» r.
Mr. McClurg has moved his family to Talent.
The oldest inhabitant rememla reth not a
more backward spring than the present.
Wei I torn Beeson has secured about 25 sub-
HcrilaTs for the N ews . Thanks.
Last week three horses Itelonging to Ben.
Netlierland were seriously i. jured by being
kicked by
V a loose hor.-c.
Win. Addison has sold his farm of 25 m r s
just north of Talent to Mathew Mewnrt of Ta­
coma, Wash.; consideration ?t:i0. Mr. A<l<ii*on
contemplates building on his land north of the
Anderi-on road.
Many people about Talent are ind'gnant over
the pilfering of'OL’gs from their premises just
before Easter. Some of the.-« days somel»ody
or several somel ody’s w ill get caught at this
sn *ak-thieving work and be gi\en an oppor­
tunity to view the beauties of nature through
grated windows.
The special school meeting w hich was to l e
hehi on the last Saturday of thin month tor the
purpose of voting a tax to bu.ld m new school
nouse, hasN'vn declared off. It serniRthiit un­
cording to the new a-se<Hme».t law aucli hi T. oo I
tax could not be collect». <1 during the pres« ut
C ard
of thanks .
We desire to tender thunks to our neiglilM»rs
for their prompt assistance in lightii g the lluii.t
and raving our household goods u In n our
dwelling was destroyed by tire, end til ofor tl.e
nvedisl accommodations and other a»ts of kind­
ness otic re» I our family until a temporary
dwelling could l-e erected.
Jas. I’ui\c ,
Ar.'niudn Purvc«.
Ben. Dyer luis I v : im *«I and n »w cccupivs Var­
rei! Lynch’s ll.nk-n.itli shop. ìì«r t mjMirrrv
str.lenire errcU'd ncar hi* home was fo»> srnnil
and inronvenieiit to-uit liise >n*tan(lv in.r»?--
ing btisitiess. Mr. |)yvr lui* few superni a* li
Minith and miichim st and ia o:ie <>[ (he in<>-t in»
geniou« ali-round m«-(,linnic.- to l>r («mtid in il i-
or unv otlmr ctunfrv. We I i O| m * In w HI roiit lit­
uo in business in Tulent fora long timo to come.
NO. 6.
W e desire’to publicly tender our .«»n* err
thanks to the many kind friends and
neighbors for their aid and sympathy dui
ing our late bereavtment.
B. 0. Goddard,
M rs. M. II. ('oirman.
Mrs. W’. .1. Dean,
H. 11. Goddard,
O. R. Goddard.
Mrs. Jessie Gould arrived here fr< m
Baker City a few weeks since to make her
home with her aunt, Mrs. P. Fowler.
Her husband was killed near doc« ma.
Wash., on Jan. 22nd, by a L g rolling up­
on him; a few days later her infant child
died after a brief illness; and now her
only’ remaining child, a bright boy < f
three years, was consigned to tarth in th»*
Talent cemetery on the 1th. inst, having
fallen victim to me.ishs and fever.
Few persons have had greater misfor­
tunes in so short a j eriod. In the spuceof
ten weeks she has lost a husband and her
two children. The scene at the grave wa -
affecting indeed.
To see that young
mother, whose sorrow was too d<-ep and
intense for violent, outward man:f< sta­
tion, bending over her darling, vet beau
tiful in death and imprinting hist and
loving kisses upon those pallid 1;| s.
brought sympath« tic tears to the eyas < i
every spectator. We cannot err when we
say that the bertavul mother. Ims tl.e
heartfelt sympathy of every j crsi.ui in the
From our special ri p ?rter
The old residents will remember Log; ii
J. Estes as a boy some twenty t’\e ye it
ago, living at W elborn Busi n’s and i
tending the public school here and wh «
went directly from the Wagner rink
school to Portland to attend the medic,
college. He graduated with high lu»p< i
and was afterwards awarded a diph n
from the Phi lade j d da Medici 1 I n i vet • i: \
Mettled in Baker Citv in this stale ai.o
had ii very successful practice and w..
A . «
known far and near as < nr of the last
physician* in the state, but was laougl .
last wack to the asylum lab« ring v.i.dci
the id«a that some one v
tiving to .•
jure him with rl<< tricity. Ilis mam.
wasiaisid by the rx< <•» si \ e r-r of th.
pernicious drug, cm au.c. to w hi« b -»» n ai. y
students in our c<»lhg<s l ev« n e a 'd .•