found a company of U. S. dragoons en­ camped under command of Major Phil Kearney, afterwards a noted general. He was marching from fort Vancouver on the Columbia to fort Benicia on San Francis­ co Bay, and had come over from the Ump­ BY WELBOHX BEESOX. ✓ '________ qua on what is now known as the Elk % and Trail creek trail. On arriving at The discovery of rich mines on Scott Rogue river opposite the mouth of Indian river in northern California by captain creek, he was attacked by the Indians, and Scott and others in the winter of 1851, and Lieutenant Stewart had received a mortal a little later of the placers on Yreka Flats wound. The Major made camp where by the late Dr. Hearn, caused numliers Phoenix now is and Stewart there died of of the hardy pioneers of the Willamette his wound, and was buried under the oak valley to leave their homes and hazzard tree that now serves as a gate post to the a trip over the Calapooia mountains gate leading from Colver’s across Bear through the famous Umpqua canyon, a- creek. His remains were afterwards tak­ Iong the rocky banks of Rogue river and make their way over the then almost track­ en up and sent back east at his mother? less Siskiyou mountains. Among the ad­ request. Majex Kearney named this place. venturers was an old gentleman who had Camp Stewart, and Bear creek was called Stewart’s creek for several years after­ been a resident of Lane county five years. He started with two yoke of oxen and a wards. Our four young adventurers arrived at ’ , wagon that he had traveled across the plains from Iowa with in 1S46. He had the camp just as the major had performed the last rites of burial to his young oflicer with him his two sons, George and Charles, also three or four young men that he had and wishing to avenge his death, called known in Iowa. They made their way for volunteers from among the traveling gold seekers, as there were several others through all thedi.Tculties; s-«mt times all united to lift the wagon over the imm ne found. The troops crossed th«1 turning from the Illinois river, with dis­ river and followed down skirting the couraging news. Here they I.eld a council brush. When they came to the place and it was decided that theold gentleman where lower Table Rock approaches the and his son Gj>r ge should return home, river, making a very narrow passage be­ while (’harles and his three companions tween the rock and river, on what is now should take the only pony, with blankets, known as the Billy Wilson donation provisions and tools that they could pack claim, suddenly a shower of arrows came whizzing among the company slightly and again return to the Yreka diggings. The four young men, three of whom arc wounding several. A retreat to open now prosperous and rcs|>ecte