TALENT NEWS. December 15th, 1892. THE LITERARY SOC1L1Y. bee. 2nd-- Meeting Opened with k lively dis- cibiiun <>t a motion to a each im mbvr ten cents to raise a sum Mitlirivut to drlruv certain nvevs-ary ex¡ h ii .- vs . Several n.emt r >o-i t ioit—“only a man." She shudders to think of the sorry ap- ptarancc she would make perambulating the golden street«« of the New Jeru-aluin a for­ lorn and lonelv old maid. Her prayer is answer» <1; she op. n- her (yen nn»l lo, a most repulsive oi»jc' t, stands l»v(«»re her. Giving her imagination full ¡»lay, the hor­ rid thing is made out to lw a dud* . si.»* r.p nts herrurth prayer and ¡»leads mo l obl-m;*idfully for the I ord to take the thing a wav—that it He will “relieve her of this," "She will forever re­ main a miss." A •oug "Singing with th.* Angel«-,” by Arthur, Lizzie and Emma Abl»ott was well rrmlrrrd. The entertainment concluded with a ¡.laven­ title«!, “Sav»d at 1-irtt," which wa- highly ap­ preciated. On lust Friday evening th» .¡u» -ti»»n "Resolve»! that wealth I iq «« caused mor»* crime than poverty,” mum »lisciis-ed in a "¡»irit I man­ ner and decide«! in the aflirniativ»-. The pro­ gram for one Mi» k from to-morrow evening cal!»« f»»r a mock trial If fore Justice >h«*riuan. A lively fimo in expected. Mrs. Frank Towne, of Phoenix, has been very ill for several days with erysip- ela?. Ilobt. I’m ves left last Sunday for Ap­ plegate, in the employ of L. 0. Kellogg, to take charge of a farm leased by th».* latter. He will be absent several mouths. J. C. Wilson, a new comer in the val­ ley, has tented Al. Helm’s farm for one vear. Mr. Editor— You can have no idea how over­ joyed I Mas to rel ieve those two answers to my advertisement for a wile. So far I have read them over aliout a dozen times a day. I take the paper with me to my work and read the li t­ ters over and over again while resting. But for the life of me I can’t decide which one of those dear young ladies I could like the best. Rosie Lee’s "uraw ing and painting", would take my eye sure, and then, again, Iso much w uiit to see “ R. Z. L’s." blue eyes that “spark­ le like a Negro’s heel," and sample roast ele­ phant ’s t ruiik a prepared by her fair hands. I’ll study over it two Weeks more and then aiiHMer huke . X. Our esteemed friend I. M. Wagner writes us an interesting letter from -Salem, stating that he recently contributed to a church entertainment at that place by reading selections from a copy of the L ai . ent N ews , including “X’ b ”advertise­ ment for a wife; that he thus secured one new subscriber and a promise of several more. Thanks, Such letters cheer the heart of an editor, ~ W hat better Xmas ¡»resent can vou make to any one than a year's subscrip­ tion to some good magazine or paper? Subscribe at the Ashland News Stand. It seems that a good many years ago, owe Biela turned loose a comet that’ was not thor­ oughly halter broke ami that it has been envoi ting nl»out the skies ever since, following a svs- triu of its own. It is not a pvt with the astron- omvrs hm it ofti n fails to keep its engagements m ith them. They call it the "devil of the skies," the “drunkard among the stnrrt" etc, from its eccentric movements. This ¡ n the comet that was headed for the earth a few davs ago, caus­ ing so much anxiety lest it hit our* little planet a punch in tin* back of the neck. But the dan­ ger is over and we breathe easier. Lieutenant Peary will nbikc another trip to the north, for which he has been granted three year’s leave of absence. The objects are to truce the northern coast line of Greenland, to ascertain if anv land exists north of that Hand and to reach the north ¡»ole. Place your subscriptions with the A.-h- land Newr Stand for the various papers and magazines which you desire to take Lntir»» Webster returned front Duns­ and you will save cost of monev-ordtr muir List Sumi.iv. ami postage.