TllUmiviV', TILLAMOOK HKRAI.O, TILLAMOOK. ORKfiOS. MAY U PAGE EIGHT ..... . . .....aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... . .... ? t X i I J I T i ft 4 LADIES HERALD WANT ADS I Automobile Owners Attention! You cm now git thai delicious dessert preparation Diamond W Jelly Powders for .mix 10c PER PACKAGE and Wadeo Flavoring, extracts, pure, wholesome and effi cient at saving prices. Now that your home canned goods are get ting low, we are well prepared to furnish you with canned fruit and vegetables. Fine canned plums, really good, only 20c per can; Peaches and Apricots, 25c, 35c and 45c per can; Tomatoes, 15, 20 and 25c; Corn 20, 25 and 30c per can; Peas 20 and 25c; Krout 20c; Spin ach 25c per can. We do not stock trashy, inferior goods and our business is to keep a good place for you to trade with saiYty and eeoromy. THE SATISFACTION STORE E. G. Anderson A ! PA SITU K FOR KKNT- 400 fcm jiood naturo. Enquire MUS. J, A. SMITH, Mutual phono. 37 FOR KKNT Furnished housoWopint; apartments. WS (ith. St. SHAW APT. P tf M FOR .i.K Piano mut ho oUI. Will s-uerifico high KiIe jdano now in storngo for Immediate aalc.Will give special oa.v tefm to an establish ed homo. For full prti:uhr ami whoro It can lo soon, addrv GKO. t C W1LU Music House, KaUmi, Orifon. WVNTKD 'n t cnr tor Wv 1 t yours .! ' rnvnte home. Ail dtss Ih TdUmewK. SVtl Owing " i- will writ W shares of Sound luMr SUwk. Ail .1 - n'lii llv'll 11 II 8M I OST Udy .lurk hhi rsl, daH J wvlf fur collar AX at RwfkW j- danr Siimly nltht. Return t Herald office Rewnnl, 8 FOR SA1.K SK tlaml My year old ami irentle. CLYUB KINN'A MAN notice t U hrhy (flvpR tkat the Westinghouse 4TTERIES 1-oK ril.UMOOK CITY AND COUNTY cilS Notice It I tAA.-A.U Ckul tv. FOR SAl.B-SU cylunlcr Studcbakor tfk!t Nllwb,r lt. of Tttlamo.k roadster, electrically oHPred. t'unlv, Orefen. will rwdv bid at starter Mid lights, n bargain at &tpTl men-haudl utor f $ 150.00 Inquire at this office, George W P'telpe in Garibaldi. Or FOK SALE Eggs fnm pruo win- gnu. on May Mh. 1033, at nmg black tmnorcas, for hatchine. W. E. XOYES. 32-tf 30 o clock P. M. r tho ronatruotlon of a uuhlli' iichnol butlrftlut 1 tho fehool i ..... ....j m..i ,.. tui ' FOK SA1.K Full brd Harroil Kock ron,lnleU , ..rdtnow with th jotting our for 51.00 per sottlni;. ,,;, ftnt, .p., ftcHgw, am with, from Mopnnuod hens t r ,h, ,:l rk of nistnoL whh 5. ; cond pri:c wmnmc ctvkcrol at Idaho j,,,, nnt ,r,-ti,.a;iottt can b .. u J sUnto fair. Call MKS. MOKKIS j,y ,llly 0M mtrTnt4 at th Aid itor, $j HAYS, Mutual Phono. No. 3T th, rtiki buU ihall tuclikk tU con r' SA! .-TNv, P.imln.. frh I tructlon of M,d bulWlnK. . and aW? in Apnl; 5 two yoar olds, two fro.-h " , , ,1 , .. , , , ' oludo tho hntms plant thorir A ; v... . . tv . . .. I "ntu I SCHMEUER. Mutual Phono,. 33-tf fhfh b"' V" lt0? 4 ... , s-rve tho right ti rjit any and all ! WHY WOUItY I can soil or trado btds, and to wpl th bid "hHk Ml anything anwhero. C. W. MIUU.' tholr Judk'mont for tho InUr. , f EKSHIP, 165H tth. St Mam 5276. Lt at tho Dintriet. DaIivI Annl T7. ? lo tho hontinc plant themor A ; 4 ifiovl cluvk amounting to ft pr I tunt of lb? hit mutt accom)an ) j 11. .1. NlilON, (ormerly with iho Eld c Slotiou of I In, cjy ANNOUNCES (ntSun nt til e TS'lmiMmk Car ifn to 1. 1. nit onrn ik " -'v" itv Kimwm T.T 1 171 J. Tillamook Garage You Get What yout Doctor Prescribes scientific accuracy speed, and absolute honesty are added to every doctor's prescription you bring to be filled at our store. Portland, OroRon. tf i We cany a complete stock of all the necessary ? drugs for accurate prescription work. They are kept fesh and potent, producing first the t beneficial results your doctor desires. We would like to fill your prescriptions. We I NEVER I substitute you get what your doctor prescribes. ! CHAS. I. CL0UGH CO. I The Rexall Store Tillamook, - Oregon X X FOR SALE Seven room hou0 nt bars.nTi. Vory rtisy terms. Call M. E. G RUBER, Tilamook- Hotel, tf. WANTED Sows correjionJonts ro wantod by The Herald in every community of the county. Write or partieuhirs which should be of interest to you. Address lUrttlci, Ti lamook, Oregon. FOK ZEjST Ranch on any terms, call at or wnfy he County Clerk, Ti'amoofc, Orb'o. 3o FOR SALE Settins orns, Incubator Itni pr settinK". purebreil dark vol vet K. I. Jfds. Also turkey e;cs Chase's on th Kil?J)ea river romi or Auto Paint Sh.p. 3Sp FUR SALE- Used range, adjustable rhids high chair, dlninif table, kit chert table, a few chair, Iron bod- stead and sprUifs- G. H. WARD, tf FOR SALE Good work mare. V. E NO YES. 32-t 1022. OUA t GRUim, District Oork. And vi humjltt a eom pltHe Aq& of Wi&T 1NG HOUSE Battel n w connection with i t nil kind .f .infof lllll( !,. I !......(. trotor .,ri Notico of Sale ( Rrul Proprrtjr In th, m:ittor at the etnt of Ja per IV MaoFA't. Dvnd. ( $ Notice is horby ifivwn that th un 1 J dorsiicnoil, adminitrntris of th r f tatu uf Jaspor P MacPU, dtfel will on and tHr the Itth dav ' 1 .... u, . . . . . . ' "Westinghouse Attention for All Makef of Batteries" Juno. 1D2,. at HwldinK, Portland, Orrtfan evil HI j private sale u uh hight and btit bidder for cash, tlw 10 lowinif d-. ' " 1 crtu.J rg(jj Jroprty bolonjni: to ( t)oprlmnt if th In rftar said mUU, NOTICK FOR ruuMiwrioN V It you want to sell your dairy ranch j list it with F. B. McKinley. FOR SALE 3 young cows coming fresh soon. JOHN HOFFMAN, Tillamook. FOR" RENT 1)ITlEASBA straw berry ptch. Two year oul plants pvr bearing. For further informa tion See Q. A. SMITH, Mutual Phone. 33 tf ALEX CIGAR STORE Mutual Phono Popular, because we handle fresh hijjh ffiade tobaccos. iiudweuer on tap and in botti'. STUDHIIAKEK SIX FOR HIRE. Competent drivers Anyn-here. anjtlme Charlie Moore Bill Withrow Call at Alex's Bell 132 W Columbia, Blitz and FOR SALE Small 3 room hous. En quire L. J. Larson. tf FOR SALE Modern seven room house, many built in conveniences, close in. Pavement, sower and side walks paid. Cheap and easy tor.nj. P. O. BOX 133. tf FOR SALE KROUT. See WM. STUIVENGA, MutictI phone. 32-tf The undivided cm-haif In terest with Anm Welch, in Lot 13, in Block 3. Manhattan, in TiHiii 'unt Oregon, and The uud:tdnl oiic lmf with Anna Welch In 7, In H'fick 23. MnnhntiJin Roach in Tillamook County, Orrfori DAISY MarFALL, Adminiatrntrlx.' D.att of lt pub. Apr. 27, 122; last pub May Zf, 10??. j i4l t p4nu u ti,, jitHt 1M. dtr h'tvtar, ftr iAth n hnd, th un- dtrtdwl oo nta fitcrci nt ..IJ Mtaor ft tlw (cdkmine denbe4 real pnprty, 4ttta! tn Tll amouV County, In. th t. Jef Hi. Ud Oilier at PoftUnd. Or. April 10. UZZ. J Noucf 11 urxbi tlut llrry ,,' . HroH-n, of tlavrr, Orfa, fcv. on I May t. I9t!. made Homtjui tairr f-Oi U. and lo In lllwk M. an. I vwaia, ior 01 .tms. SCttoa I. low ja. 1 i. 11 la 1,, iii..v f.t ; v 1-, , ITowMh.p 1 .S Ran. W . W M.n- pitl(it AMiUon t Ui Tun of luj ' ldSa. IIA, fllod OOlUo at Inlmdnn t .. ' I . . lu tt It tny iw- tit t, l-.'.c County. l rntv4 dy of Ap lcd IK e Veir I claim to tkx Umj iK.,,.'' bor ika Ktr and hV-tir )( , (mml Xvu Itu ltr ,thi U UM Offi.. t PonJand.1 Ut , aLj ' 7nS" . Ortenn. .m th 8th Ju. Ifrti ' ,M h 'vMd miw, 1. . i b4 IV llfixk ft g( the tr. ami Uiu , REPAIR IT Now Before It Is Too Late! 1V0 repair uiy and all kind of machinery Sawmill machinery, farm machinery and do a general line of machine work. We have an Acetylene Welding outfit that welda anything. Ve maljc Iirt-c!as roy iron .castings and semi-jteel castings. We will call for the job if necessary. Get in touch with us. "WE SELL SERVICE" OUR MOTTO. Stcinbach Iron Works ' BOTH PHONES FOK SALE Vnutchn Draj; saw with 3 extra saws, at A bargain. Enquire at Williams Garage, Tillamook. 32tf FOR SALE Building lot cheap. Street improvements paid or. W. E. NO YES. 32-tf :-'--j-v'J-m-..,.,,... WHY PAY 10c When you can get one for 5c Jas. G. Blaine Cigar FOR SALE 180 acres; 60 acres hot. torn land. The best buy for the mon oyl. Reasonable to right party. In quir0 at Herald OfKe 35 tt FOR SALE 25 Angora and Token burg milk goaU. Inquire at Her aid office. 35 tf. FOR SALE 2 unit Ninman milking machine complete for 80 foot burn. IDC.OO, $20.00 down. Also potato digger und hiller, one horse cultivat tor, buggy, buggy pole, kitchen ca binet and other things. PETER HAGSSTRUM, WOODS, ORE. hlOp FOR SALE 17 lots In block 3, Millei Addition to Tilamook City. In quire ot T. H. Coyne, Tilamook, Oregon for prices. tic FOR SALE Four Toulouse geese and two settings of eggs. Want to buy several pigs. E. M. STONE, BtAlMu.QJiEQ0ti tf 3Ce FOK SALE Cider "mill, incubator, brooder, garden tools, H. A. WIL LIAMS, Mutuul Phone, P. 35 tf IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY SUMMONS F. R. Brti's, Plantiff. vs. I Northern Pacific Railwav romrtanv ' and Albert H. Mnlaney, DoftndanU ' lo Albert H. linlanitv. onr of tlw above named defendants. j In the rume of tllr Statu at Orwtrnr- loll art) ncrohv mm rl 1l untkr' unu answer the complaint fi wl aca you in the nbovu untitloil suit on oeioro thy expiration of six wee irora in nate 01 tiu 1 mt tiubln'ittion of this fummons, and if ym fai U answer f'.r want throf, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the ronrf uemnnuoa m thi eoniprnnt, whirli re lief Is that a decree lip ort'$.iJ for the specific performance thu -um-tract made "by defendant Hmjtvny Company with one C. E. Moukon for th0 conveyarKe to irtud Moaton, or his assigTu, of Lot One ( I ) of Section 30 in Townihjp -l, South of Kanr 10 West W M., wttlclt contrart was afterwards usfllgncd to you aii.t our interest in Wild land wn thcroaftor conveyed to plaintiff, and for de cree that plaintiff U tlm simple of said lands and squiring n conveyance thereof to bo made u, him by the defendant Rn.lwav Company, and for costs anil d.ibummpnU, an.i for such other relief able. lhi suminnni U unrv.,l nr.r,n ..... bv publication in The Tillamook Hur aid in puisuanre of an order therefor made bv tho II .nnrnhln 11........ 11,. . . . - ..U.I.WI son. Lountv Judire nf Till iy, wregon, uau-a April 10th, 1022, t ii-iuiriiiK jmoucaiion tnercof to bu X nade once a wck fnr iv X weeka and ruquring him to appriir f Jnd answer tho rftmnlnlnt 1... A' lore the exnirntinn nt .nri, . publication and tho dat! of the first junnration hereof Is April 20. 1022 HflTTH X, WIMcii m ' 't Attornevs for Pllnlff tiJ.i.i-' .. X Tillamook, Oregon. ? first puhication, April 20, 1028. f iMtit publication Juno 1, 1922. I j "ik"", n io pin n Juno, j(rj i alRunt umri 4 wtlntueti Jacob Nkklaui. f Bavr. Orrevn. Loud S Sar.Iei. of Bwiror. Ctt;m O'hOf Knnruin. of hrvrr, Otv. Tlwi .VUWUa. p Ufavrr, Ore. AfU , 6. l. 0. 11. Lht i, 1WI. ALEXANIJER SWKBK iUk-UUt DaW. of first pahliratiafl. April Dt0 of Inst publv-aUon, May IS j lUcd Unto b r; d litres -1 A I Wrir- . fBtln lnurpt tn Ut 2 of Mix. ijtpv tito , of Cu A rnip.My', Addition to tho ' aml. a1 1 ' Ottm for taWJ pfrty hrmndr ; w" b rtvr.J by mM Uuanlftin at j h Ttlaok County Hank l THU j mrt Oily. Or,n. M. fct m,d, rjbt to oMftrraiUan by the County JCoort of Tl hwcnt County, Or.fnn 1 BwUd thti Ulh day f April. ll22. NOTICE OP f!U A RDIAN'S SALE I ,AV,D KU,tAJ,', Guardian ..otko U horeby trten that tho Lam wUb.ii.. u... .1.1. tP'CJJ (Juardlan it Harry B . , Cottle, a minor, 0 prec if 4rttt. . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ..anmook, County. Ortrn. ftll m 1. n ,. ' t't . ail aft.r Ih. t-Hfc 7 11 L7 ' Ut,tV rm,rt Tho State Of " . lh Ulh r J,al, 'rBoo. For Ttl imoo Counts id W. c Oregon, at .( )ltinr. if vcrifid bi tt month' "f th's n''e I4td th- . W. t v MASK far paid rli Flrt pub -Im1 puhti . jtyjf rur rlrman' TV' 1 W, A. ChufH I 1 huiti ur r ih xi 11 4 a Til .rtf tla A . . !.. Al tS1 r i At ll'J I sr . a 4 d r , tint 1 Ml! li. April li Mr llti 4' .t- 4. . WELCOME NEWS TO A LL MOTORISTS TILLAMOOK COUNTY Dry Adco Storage Battery the battery of all battee lVuW st0rU -old in Tillamook by tho STAR GARAGE The Adco Battery is sold with a stringent three-year gnarantee Ask your Dealer for it, ' W-ft J,AA,A,A,iA1A,A,A,A, WANTKU A job on a dairy farm ot do general farm work, am single, wiijuj anu m years oiu. Have lived on a larm an mv lire, but should liko to como West. Address FRED BAKER, JR. MIDDLETON DE LAWARE. BOX 10a. J'OR SALE CIIKAP A good strong powerful honp, guarantted In every wny as gentle and sound. Work Hiniflo or ilmihln. Ri.n BTl'I.MM STE1NER. Tillamook. 38 l-OK HALK 30 crr.h tjmlce bottom land with new house and barn cost, ing about $4000 for sale on easy terms. Jnnuire ut this office. FOK KKNT OK SALBDaTryo7o mile to factory. Qflod mcudow, or chard. Will sell stock on very easy term. STONE, Blulnc, Oregon. NOTICK Notice ill hnifli.. trlvnn llA.l .1 If - " --- if, l(U, y Hoard of Directors of th0 OreUwn ? A eHO Cnmnnn,, nt n.AiAM n V A-il receivo sealed bids up to Mav '.8th, 1922 at 0 o'clock A. M. for the onstri'i?tion of u limno nn !,. r,.,... 'rounds of said convuny, to bo con ducted In nccordnnr with L. J, Red. )6rg Oretown Oregon, which plans mil specifications can b0 soon hv any ono Interested, The bids shall lrludo tho construe, ion and pointing of snld house. Hie successful bidber shnll be ,-. piirod to commence tho construction of said house by Juno 10th 1022, and to havo said house comnlet'-d not hit 1 er than September 1st 1022. 1 A f.'et'lified Churk'nmmintlnu In 11... Zll m" ot 1,10 bId mUHi """'"'"y Tho Hon I'll nfi Til trill rlKht to ro tact nn.. im.l t.ll I.I.I.. and to accept tho bid which i their Judgement Is for tho best Interest mc v.uniiany. Tho Adco Is more powerf.n.moro cor nof porforminc Mg ( Z n ore , oconom IcI ail around than 0 d fashioned baUorlcs. "A ana k 'ko a welding torch". No nmr '"tfwiUi diUillod water You cannqt f,:eezo the' Adco Drv Storage Uattoiy. JJ,y There is no whort circuitint, wlll the Adco Kcquire.'i little attontion. II no aul phatlon. No buckled plates Termnj "Ih will not corrode and is Fool proof. Given you more power, le tub'c is tho cheapebt b .ittery in the long run. Dated this second (fay of Mav 1022. X I. J. REDBERG, Board Secretary. , Tillamook, YU We H to Y"'"' Cr to Ca ,, lmM ,.ea..l. Star Garage CHAS, PANKOW