At; ' f. ' PACK SIX TILLAMOOK HERALD, TIL1.AMOOK. OREGON, MAY 9M. TlllninrteVs Infllirt,. Tillamook Hkrald Sine 1S!9 C K. TROMBLKY Editor and Publisher Safcrtriptktn Per Ysr Advertising Rfctes Made Known Upon Application atrd as 8c .od Com Mail at the Pott Office at "Tillamook, Oregon.. l'rtnrj- Ration Friday, May M, Im tun to wto. Tench Uw children to read tbe ail vert menu: hop them clUvn,, the tltrtft habit . o A do&r spent at bom it n dollar aved to the community. By Of the h'Ui merchant. 0 ' ' TKc. Tillamook Canity ltnseba I League open at TUIaraook Sunday. The fcraudstand and btatehera should b in support o tae noou. club. t have the "Knack of getting th rv" m d.s lonctWMnnn "Nick" Sinnolt of KUstem Oregon or ' Pnt" .McAr .tm; . t (ho Portland district. Nor . a.i i aggTeaaivuly progressive, ,m. Uie tukrt of the conn coutt even ns n pnvbtv cititen has .i'w to aehiugton "J " orougirt .wine th bnctm ' on at knst one was-' iob, (.ilvc htnto oftic.Ul por and ! m vrtll at loftst b heard from, once I and awhile. THE HENKRY 1100Z1TS ( POLITICAL NAP JllOV K. R. R od, the Xafeh Kah N.e ho MaHW and candidate for lh n -miii-tion of Representative wa bob nobb ing around with TilAunoofc vote p i-aot Friday. Reed baa a lot t frinnds bero. $ ? I It look like Ha l and far a 1'. Lam. ok County con. -Hall for Salem and Norbu i Washington. $ f Georgv Winslow and Ko lie W - -, both Republican. bKvth reldet:, ti tb good citv Tilaimook and I i menitwrs in (TihhI s.anding .n , Odd Feiows 1 dge, were cnpi HtNERV VOU'RE 60IN6 TO BE HOME Alt DAY - WONT YOU CLEAN THE. CISTERN OUT 3 KYfiAKRY WMOAPSV ifi' ViuRt I V7 7 wee 11 IVW o-- SANP L V.K IS H.WISn a. JAf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT rvTWWVAA.a.J. . . DID NOU PIND ANVTHIN6.HEN11RY I .vothin' bu UWTKR ! - WHY f th tl , IVmt frgt to applaud tbe vis;..: 1 7 . "r'LN.,V ZZT Ltf, ?rwit at the county conTntuu h. I J'.'Ki-!." Tillamook Saturday. .il "-. " "'-TO,. V , m.ited that ho . lodkint- f.,r a oua iur your team ireaieo vrnen, D";, ., , . , i VrJLu w w'v," the differ know not. The potitkai campaiirn a conductad aa been ivmaikably dan of which fact The Herald editor is part. K-ulariy ploased. Too much time and cnarfy w geiw rally spent in be amitthmgr tbe otber tel ow t name by a raruun apecie of candidate who will v i by tatr method or toJi. o Th dcvelopmuit c; Tillamook's hu.-bor facilities abou d be foremost in tbe minds of evory person m Tu lantook tbeav day. Without harbors no coastal community can expect to come !to it's own and wtth narbor presont or future. prvi rty oevciopeu ana imprurw maj pot .it this Pactf? CoUst has that chance to become tho "New York on tbe Pacific Coast ' taut all commtmi- r C-v'nr.,D 1 1 DID SOU PIND A iTHAT DONEH i ANYTHING.HENtlRY ? ,1 n.Mly OmltieJ Inst lt M.ry KynW rt i w, P to take charts t baM."' w,rd by Mr Wt. Members of tbs Hir r's J uich school ara W 'v prr lw tntiluatmt Jntv b. Oaor 0altoxT wl I'rad "r have put a up sniaKio x A nl AUl .ms klf fw w". t t Mr arvl Mrs Wajtor Te y on J A,r' ' Ut Toy I' taylnf I ltat!il ' i'iowrdl of r' f RECEIVED SHIPMENT DIUlXT FROM THE FACTORY TUG OF WAR CHEWING TOBACCO 15 c One tblnx ortatn tbe south cm! of tbe county is oinjr to hl? n member n the Board of county Conuni.-ion-ers al boogb they will bnvv to awU.t the outran, of tbe fall elections to th inaa. K, O Kicuarus and ii. SJ. Farmer, tbe one a hmi .he other n R. are practically assured .f Uie nomination ntui then lh fUD 8ns. $ S $ Watson i ottt with an absoulfe ienia. of bvmft connectod in any wny hap or to: m with the Klu Klu.v Klan ties a.c aiming at. Ralph E. Williams, L again a can didate :'?r tbe position of Republican National t mraiteman for Oregon. Becaua of Mr. Wiiliam's v.tal interest in Tillamook county, this matter is of special importance to our people, Mr. Wfliicms bemp interested in tbe contebtplated Wilson R.vtr railroad and also h inp president of the Til lamook Coonty Bank. Mr. WilLams if an enerjetic, progressive buiinese mitn and any su:ess which ho may attain will in n measure reflect -o our good. He has be. Republican Nat ional Committeeman for Oregon for tbe past 14 years fend is now vice chairman of the national com mi tee, a position second in importance on the cemmiu, e; and if nnoua this place he will be in ti pos.uon to be ot macs assistance to Tillamook Cocr.ty. A vote for Ralph E. Wil liams will be well placed. Tillamook County shtmld give him a good big vote. Senator Xorbe'd of Astoria should (ve a unanimous vooe at the hands of Tillamook County Republi cans for th nomination of Congress, man. to successed W. C. Havrley who has held that position i )r sixteen j long years. Haw ley does r.ot seen; "Asleep-at-the-switch" Ifowlcy cir. .'ulated the vos rs thist week wth a natlv worded liu'e tprintxi in Wash ington) telling bis (rood fmnds here rsow much money h-- had secured for thj buiidmgs of roads at CRATER . JVKE and the amount be htid secured for the improvement of Tilla nook harbor. V. e wunedr ti ithc ;eiil.emen r members just when this mprovement money was sd:urcd. -Cot that we doub: htm but that t xks liki were in dire need if a considerable "harbor appropria tion" ;'ast now. But vhj he says: i have pending get that pending r.,ouo,000 more appropriations. Seems o us that depends. Anyhow let's put -or Wad on tar job. $ 5 Judge Holmes is hot on the trail of ..i elusive vote and is this week .laking side tripe to Portland, etc. :c. A little work might 'and Hclnvrs he nom. nation. OH I'M SO RELIEVED I I MlbEO tiAEY TEETHINS RIN6 AND I WAS JUST J SURE I DROPPED IT IN THE f I l 1 JS CISTERN ! 7?. AW ' ; & l 4 A l'LUO 7 PLUGS (42 INCHES) FOR A 1M LAR H!CJ VALUK Alex Cigar Store mo, an acre trvM- 1 t 'awBrrKs "e Auri"1 Edward. Certrmle HraM. ' u. ..! t'.aia Ward l'lT' wardi Wallace and Ib Mele and irarry rtaon sr-nt FrUlay ewnng T,'' wa, who t conftntU to btr I' d with an injured limb- Anna Nan rakmt IboreMcb bred prtuHnr tbtt year. Sn,l ts.k aw Mil- ('. -' Uirhr fr e w H 'r bam to b erected by U T Brode V R Willis cany to Uke to go treat Ashing last dy Z t Cbeeae maker. Sybil Htttfbea. $ ports a daily Uerage of ITM lb. of I milk s dy sad M & 'bv for Ik monh of Apr I H A Brand reee'ved i I per rent or htgb st tost far bttttor ft,t You are lertir, tt mmt m IM' o Mr d Mr 3m-k iokm Henry ' pptprtot eH tm fVh, K, Xewbers, Mr N'ordstroa and toe r the snulu' t JnVn the jwe.f Hs., .-ji .r toads from TllUraoak cm la to rAljr . lr , 1ndr fihmg JHsnday All rwsrtd j ., KUng i .. Uw' . , J -I. w g.a t- ...w y. tn'V, I;. Whrr t y u goirp tv t , . . . , ," abr Exclusive DonlcTa JcPtk to trwelrfy Adv l eif- 'Ul "i 111. MU pub HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Finan?JUl'y tfv operetta given by hj grades rec.ntly was a success 140 85 was taken in. This will be dded to the fund for the purchase J .1 new piano. Cants birthday was observed, with .ppropriatg ex, rrises by both the .igh school and grades. The program a.; as follows: S.iluie to the Flag Vssemb y. tays of him, 'Chuck" Lamb who on Sketch of life of Grant teml the nw:e for the preauk-ncy '.; Carlisle Strttnahun. a ,.h, ht:s lHh, ,L.tlv- . ,tua,,. .( Piano Solo .......... James WnUot, ftlw durinK. hu thrl, yr, , th.- j)t)Tit pniFS C.nint tn the Cml War ., . .. . . I" Noah Kvrhards. university. nc is at prsnt genera. Vocal Duet "Tenting Ton.ght' president of the Junior week end con. Francos Wilson and U. m lio a- mitto , and trve1 as .a member oi ttn lite He meconung comm.ttee last fall Piano Solo Rowonn Hanson H wtis a member of the unwarsity Military life of "-ant . . Conch French debating team this year which won Grant as President. . Glenn A ml arson a decisive vrtory over tbe Oregtm PinnA 5oln . . . Oliver Mothers Agriculturnl c..i:e t.-am nd tbe McKmlev's appreciation of Grant Stanford University team, captunru; Hariey Davidson. tK Pacific Coast championship Star Spang'ed Uann r Assembly honors. Ijimb is a membar of Sigma Address by Mr. Spcer of the G. A. U. Chi." Boyhood and youth cf Grant Mrs. Hanson. e . , , . , . . , ,, See Pr. Girder for dental asrt i .Mtiy Pay exjreisea will bo held . n n ,, .,,., on the 12th day of the month. Th s ' 0 0 r- Ruild'nc will also be school exhibition day. . Th.- track meet will be ha'd on Mav ' Whooping CouKh the 13th. The meet will b open to This is n Vl.rv dsnj-urou, disease, amateurs of the county under twenty ! nnrtV-ularlv to children ivr five one years ox age. Charles Lamb a former grauac of Tillamook High is a candidate for thj, presidency of the student body at the Universitw of On-gon. Mr. Lamb . . . . . r- iii s i r- Aprrri v a a ririr U . Bill . mam II W mmm I k mm m mw-m . . ... mmm I 1 I I CIGAR STORE graduated her in 1918. He was an I the time is very mueir shortened, and vears of airo hut when no narerorie. colcine or other on nlo is i?lven. la I Inurance Remedy. Most people believe that it I Von VJU tWni- lnarne must run ita course, rjor knowing that Think ALEX i'rv Our I'Yenh Stock of Ciinrs ami lolmccu Our ,N. .1! 1: r Is Grd HIU STUDKHAKHU .SIX FOR HIKR Charlio Moore, Bill Withrow, A. Aiwlln Go nnywhfi , ..nlime Cull thorn at Alux'.i. Hetrl. THE TODD HOTEL Cootrally lestod, Mo.!erat Price., ltoomi With list snd CW snd Sloam Ural Rote for rooms, 76e anl 1 100; Weekly rste, on spptWtlon. W. T0D1), Proprietor Tll.ia.M0t. UUKGON active member of tho !ass of that year, and was at one time president of the student body. He was also a member of the high schoo' debuto that there is ittle danger from the j disease when th s remedy is given. It j aa been used in mtinv cptdm- of whiopmg cough, with pronounced suc- tearn The "Or gon Diiily Emerald" ; cess. It is safe and pleasant to takw. GEM THEATRE 1 V A A A . . A Sf PROGRAM FOR WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, MAY 14 SUNDAY-MONDAY MAY 14-15 t Moran of the Lady Letty THURSDAY-FRIDAY MAY 18-19 LIONEL BARRYMORE The Devil's Garden MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL Sec V. A. Church, local representative GO TO CHURCH FOR INSURANCE A hatracts H T. Holts, President Attorney ut Iiw Inland HcnUurson, Scy-Tra. ttorn-y-at-luw, Notary Public TILLAMOOK TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO. Law, Abati nets, Real Estate, Insurance. l.'.h Phones TILLAMOUh. OREGON Trnfcr CITY TRANSFER CO. "We haul anythiiiK" Cnll Us Either Phono Qtlroprartor DR. HOWARD CHIROPRACTOR 211 Tillamook Iioth Building Phouci I'll) lrlan ll w 571 Shoe Hepnlrini Featuring Dorothy Dalton and Rudolph Valentino. With stars the calibre of Dorothy Dalton and Ru- ' dolph Valentino, and a stoiy of the type of "Moran ; 0ne man one wife! Civilization forces man to ac of The Lady Letty" it's bound to make a wonderful cePt that principle But it cannot control hs mind, photoplay, a thrilling stoiy of the sea, based on the j Th min of man is still "The Devil's Garden" in great novel by Frank Norris. Unhesitatingly en- which ancient traits persist, struggle against them dorsed as one of the Big Plays of the year. j though he may. See this fight between a man's feality "BONY PARTS" Mutt & Jeff Cartoon Comedy. t0 nis Wlte and tne ae-ld trait that craved not one wne, out many. Lionel Barrymore's Greatest Achiev-ment. SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIRING TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY MAY 16-17 Iron to Gold Taken from the story "When Iron Tunis to Gold" by George Own Baxter The tale is a powerful "west ern" of life,love and crime in a western mining camp. "Iron To Gold" is a story and play that will capture and hold your attention as few others have ever done. If you like quick, snappy rapid-fire action DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ONE. "FOX NEWS" "ON LOCATION" One Reel Comedy. SATURDAY MAY 20 SHIRLEY MASON In Little Miss Smiles The love stoiy of a sweet faced tenement girl and a handsome physician, about a little girl whose smile saved her mother's eyes, her brother's life and her father's self-respect, and won the heart of a true man. "LOVE AND WAR" Two reel comedy. Done correctly at reason able prices. Laces, oil, polish, etc. When in need in our line, call in. SNODGRASS The Shoe Doctor. Todd Hotel Bldg. DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. Wcndt L. L. HOY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Relll Phcni -Office 6, Kotulcnee &M Mutual Phone Office and Residence TILLAMOOK HLOCK DR. I. M. SMITH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office In National Hldg. Tillamook. Oregon Attorneys 1 tccntl 111 LUIIHIh I'UH.K Ml. IS I n ii M . It. . 1 1 J mm G. A. R. ion, ineetJi on p ! i v . I.' ,A I: r Bftlh. it IJI '.., - wi - - - m. in I to W O I Voilmsi famr J. S. UIKItL Cninimler Til LAMOOt i st tMMOJ s i sr Laal . .i t i 0 r u"k . Hi i IllttAiU nesdny cv. tl p " Qll VPIr WAV f CHAr m0 SM W S) S t ' NO. 18 0. E.S. Nlnlr.l nillllllU illwni l" third Tbursdav if Masonic lltill. ' '1sl- MRS. R II MUXES ifiwoMV ru ti' NO. U ROY Al AR(. II MASOM llMnlnr nitltlliltf 1 I fltll ' Frl.lnvs (if h E, J. CLAt t- iN " p IHVli: KI'LI' sr- ) -mm0 ' ' H. T. Ilotu Geo. P. Wlnalow BOTTS & WINSLOW LAWYERS TILLAMOOK, OREGON Fish Denier R. B. HAYS FISH AND SHELL PISH Fmest Quality nt Rensonibl0 Prices BELL PHONE 131W Veternarlan 'THERE'S ALVAYS A GOOD SHOW AT THE GEMOFTEN TIMES IT'S GREAT" DR. O. L. HOHLFELD VETERINARIAN At 'loll Phono F2 Mutual l'hoso Funeral Directors TILLAMOOK UNDERTAKING CO Funwal Director and License Kmbalmcr K- N. HKNKLE, Mgr. Lndy Assistant whin dsilrsd ROBERT H. McGRATH COUNSELLOR AT LAW TILLAMOOK, OUEaoN T. H. GOYNE ATTORNEY AT LAW ami LAND OFFICE BUSINESS Opposite Court House Kyc Specialist " Complcto lens KrlnclInK fnctory on prcmlaes. And ull duplleuteil. DR. J. G. TURNER KYIS hl'KCIAI.IHT Permanently lomUid In Tlllsmook, l'rlvato office in Jenkins Jowoly Store, Latoat up-to-date InstrumenU and . . -.rrf MARA IM OH luiam NO. W .ieev ok i .. . . vi. mi ' r;vn I hers ecomt. Alilrnmn HI"- . . . . . l r r. j M Mnnn,v.- i fc i (.j II i 'c. ,. He Vr f i.' i.amook l.ODCH A. F & . M, 1 ...I .l UU inonlh. Vllltlf, ....lAOBSk . llx.ilifOII U fllfc" tir y llt mier ni n Jlnrvwy KWnM r? r. i Corinth Ktflls Corpn, N JJ .if r I. . imi maets Oil M'" " .i .....iiurn of each b4.iT ... r v hulk '- H lj III, III 1110 V. V. " . .... mil r rrei" linn nt 1 1 1. Kl 11 LI tilAWI'f'l "mTImam 'I I MI'I.K fia anil fourvn Tticsimy u. "",,.11 thu k.ukIiU of l'ytl.ifl" '' 11 ..iiii'ir m. . n ' W 1 HIM S11) A Vl N. ill! . unf Ul Pl. I1..L1.I... Club I"" iai equipmsnt (bird Monday night 01 w-