Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 11, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Week's Rouncl-Up of City andj
, . . .
County Happenings and Personals;
Mr. V HnitOsk. of Baker O-f, , n
returned 10 t u !.,. ).t k . i
a v4 U hor mother, Mr h .
Jl !. hO- . . ' R'lJ I H 1T.,
f 1i ;-, Mr ' M. Ht m 10
!..! "i th. r. '.;Ur . atinf
l i. J- , . prwl rwrclf M pr
f. .'. lie :' . cd with Til!tk
.!,iv w,jhi,i that he could ivmain
H'-n '.inent'y.
W E i.nswk, rMPMOOtinv Afce
) i' .'iii1 i'nur Co, was esulr
i m oek.
V. Robo ts I' tmund left Wd-
i i, v,nit-n. Wash. wh ri
-.v.,i her r.iother.
t- Hi.1, rland .f Portland a
b- iu ! 15, Ur thl- WWr-k.
Mi s. Howard E.irntt mat t the
metropolis Wednesday en the st?e.
("Uv.is Quick of Forest Grot u
.reentered at Uk; T .fcunook Tuesday.
K U Hit and V. m. A. Mom were
ric.-u-rtii in the I i nuaoolt Monday
i ,t"-no.
W W. Case f B'.a' l city
-. - . r :k; Saturday.
Mi.-. K L. PaTM.rv and Mtas Pris-
T rAn y of A m-etcf w in our
,..: Saturday.
For the D Bw-aiio nomination of
, . v . n. r N to?r Holmes has every
,.ng r-y ..v.n way h.-rc. The Judge
njt- been doing consul rable c.
P..Binr.ir by mail th. last two weeks
ana seem to haie a chance to land
the nomination, V'lovidia always
;hat Sisrkweathtr and Pierat -do as
;uj hac -n the pat campaigns
.- .p Multnomah.
Auhdearon J. C. Blacky of the Ep
w il .ti -huTh, hp ia the city on
.sluioay, -iiut will hold services on
.-u:.d.iy,rr.rvin:n &rxl evening, at the
NiaMvnio bu.ialtSK. at 11:00 A. M. ab-i
T...0 P M. Aii c cordially inviUJ
On TucJa, EUrl A. Mernl, whu
frrii-J here a short tim ago irm
I'or land, w& adjudged inaane aixi
ordtred s nt to the asyiuin at Ssteiit.
He had been employed at the Coats
null and on Saturday began to act
s. rang?. He was taken ut coatody
l y Marshal White on "Sunday.
Rev. C.L. Dark wa called to Sher
day Wednesiay, to preach the uv
acrrnon of Jos. Brown of ina
city, who died on Sunday last.
On Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd.
occurred the wedding of Mary Parry
of Tittunook to Thos. Belchan of Sea
vide. They will make their home at
Willi am F. Stelx, nUVa manager of
ihtf fUnion Central life lnsum: e
Company is registered et the Tdla
' mock Howl.
S. M. Knha of Portland was bast,
noes visitor this week.
Perry Higgais of Lebanan was in
tha coanty seat this week. ,
A. G. Beals left Sunday f-.-r Port
itod while there will ako visit his son t
iSnd wher he will transact business
B land, who is attending HU's Mill
U.:y Academy.
U. T. Toney of Roo.kaway was re
gistered at the Todd Hotel Tuesday.
Jan Hsski. and A. H. faii.ptK.-h.
both eniloyts at the Whuiey camp
on ihe KiL-his, rticn were unfortunate
..I .,ih t fiv brcken U'f by
iltl h k.ns. on Aaturday lat-ln-y
wi0 bnmtrht to the Boat's hoe
U1 for tratttnant.
The livbo Tannine Clnh took n
trip U the Bay, combining hsiiM
with pleasure. Ctam yttu red vre
dR(o4 at the besyh and brooht
home to can. Members of '.his club
are M4g Kellow, president; Vernon
n, vk-prkifn; ! rene Flet
cher. Loily McKtthp and Mael Smith.
Miss Goldie Wilson the local leader.
Tho M3ami Valley Calf Club met at
Ut school houe, and after thy meet
the i-lub adjottrnei to inspect the
u-rd of Gu Peterson and tak p
time practice judging.
A fine baby pirl was born to Jl r.
sod Mrs. Chesur McQhe or Monday
Mrs- Ed. Kari of Clowdale, was
Tillamook visitor on Tuesday.
Mr. J. A Anderson of Oakland, Cal.
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
r rank Heyd,
Election returns will be received by
the CtAunber oi Coinmeru- at the City
Hail on Friday evaitr. Ma lth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindsay of thv
N'enalem wunty were in the cay on
-t.oay of hist weex.
FOf.Nl A watch. Apply to Arthur
Anuerson at cont Mill.
Ed. Mallory and Arthur Coffiv an
son Arthur Jr., of Clverrinle, were
a the city Wednesday.
Dr. Sheaer. returned on I'nesduy
irom Portland where h? attended r
gvral climes for several dnys.
Mother Jultan nod tester Ccun
ft 'Ihursday mornmg for St. Mtiry
academy at Beaverton.
Ed .H olden went to Doty Tnursday
on business.
H. C. Atv.li of the state board of
horticulture was a business visitor
Huh (Marion Severance taft 'or
Bay City Thursoay mornuif,- where
ihe will viist her sister, Mrs. Blnnch-,
Cko. Cohn, formerly of this city!
and wj 1 known here, but now of Sun
iiiego. Cai. is shaking hands with Til.
ium.uk friends this weK.
Mrs. Reading and chiloren left
iiiuisoiiy morning for Wheeler where
..i wm spend the week with Mrs.
.vedamg's suter, Mrs. Crawford.
Warren L. Starkley. was is stage
ussenger Thursday.
S. Felts of Seattle went to Portland
uonday on the stage.
Aiuoqg Ujj ?tnre passengers Mon
.ay were Lur rtarshsn, Mrs. E. L.
arl, L Wilsoa, A. T. Bain, Mr. Fow.
.or, Fred Olson, W. II, .Martin, C. F.
tieXamier, Karl Lawrence
Hm Saaie Cauison left ' Monday
.Jt Slem to attend the fnneral of h.r
.k.-k- Ed. Kmnamin,
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Martin, werc
uge passengers Sunday.
Alta True went to Portland Sundny.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Male from Beld
.nr w re in our city Sunday.
U. K. Milton from Idaville was in
ii county sfc&t Saturday.
Mrs .Shim Rd and George Re- ti
Even our windows proclaim this word to every passerby. Meats
on display and under glass in our sales room are all under re
frigeration insuring sanitation and FRESH meats under any and
ail conditions.
Our meats are selected from choice stock and bear the U. S. Gov
ernment inspection stamp. This stamp is your protection insist
on it.
Our cutters are experienced men ; cutting of meats is of vital im
poitance. Our salesmen are courteous and we guarantee accurate
weight at all times.
Our prices are the lowest our quality the highest our service
the best. We appeciate your patronage.
weiv U TrtkttuooVv Siitimlny. They
camo ht eiitn,v with Jpo LcGaiilt
n ml Wft
C. S Grim of Weodhurn w. .n
hiiainess visitor Stxt unlay
Thna J. Ryan for T?esurer. rt
di'iw d by bankw, hunnes 'ien ftir-n
ers of Tiktmook Cownty. I ifornm.i.n
furnlhe4 by l 1. Myers. P,l a.in
A. L. Thompn of Wheeler
seen on wr street Saturday.
Speod ThvmnH ias in Tills v. ok
K. H. Snithr, recently fnvn tho
east is barbertaK for Kmil Hnissor
Get your Mat oarir for tlw Rnml
Concert Hlirh Scliool Gymn Wwlnc
day MaT 17 th,
Mrs. A. K. Coata and daiiRht.-r Mvr
(Tiret of Seattle, ' a f- .v
last week visiting rvlatm m .-r
Mrs. StranalAtn left Saturday norn
.ng- for IVcoma to attend ihe N.it' n.i
pat,nt-tchettt association
Sew UKou and benr his Radio jilun
at the Hlch School GtTnn. Wlnosday
evetiinir May l'ta
J. D. Kdward of ldnviil0 m a
business visitor lat IVidny.
Miss M L Kolan went to Poit.tiui
Sturdav morn .nr.
Th- radio phone is without .juoi.:n
'.he greatest achteveinent of tho'umo.v
iiear this wonderful uistnur.on .vi
tl:gh Schoo Gymn, Wednesday, t-ivn-ng
May 1 7th. ,
Mrs. Cornforth of Rockauuy m.i
in our city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Foster Skiff and
baby and Mr. ami Ms. Siutt o: 1'. it
land wore reinsured at tho Villnmook
Hotol Saturday.
S. M. CorniU of Vancowr Wash,
was a busaiess visitor fast KrM.i
Mrs. C. J. Wolb who lia.' ii r.
vtsiun? her K'rnndauRhtor, Mr b..
mer fc,arl at Cloveruale, tcturtuM u
her homo n Or prim City Suturviay
Eva Zieke, H. J. Myers, A. L t or
rtstin J. J. Mnnn and W. E Cftuuh
were stae passeeik'ers ast ta.urua
Harold Sutton of Neskowui Mas a
tMisinese visitor Saturday.
Thos. J. Ryan for State Treasurer
Pd. Adv.
Thos. J. Ryan for Treasurer, en
dors- d by bankers, business n.eu .a::!.,
ers of Tiki moo k County. Infortuat.on
furnished by C. I. Myors. I'u, Adv
Don't forget Wodnosdtiy evening, !
Mhy 17. I
E. Norman Baker, excu ic re
presentat:v of the Business i tn. nuiti I
of Seattle was here a few o.j , ui. i
wu k visiting the lumber industry.
Mrs. Mary A. Rain n lur;u.i t. i.
hom in N heeler Tuesdii) morning
She has been visiting Mrs. John Riggs
and Mrs. Simmons.
T Kellow of Hebo and Paul L
Fiti:h of Foroat Grove wre registered
at the Netherlands Hotel rust Sat
urday. Conditions fuvorablc Mr. Oren Dixon
will givo you an hours enU-ruunrn ;it
ith the radio phone in connect on
.ith the Band concert. Wednesday
-vening Mav 17th High School Gym.
See W. A. Church lor Hay niiO'
Git the graduate a pen. Pens ol
exquisite ;-tyLo for men and won.e.i
at Jenkins the Jewe'.-. r. Adv
Dr. Allen and Sharpe, dcntints. At
National Bldtr Tillamook. Ore.
Meatt Market
M. R. Leach & Son
m mi
ou buy.. WHY PAY
Old Dutch Cleaner i cans 29c
I? Tkirs. Corn Staivh at . . . . 29o
Sunmnicl Seetllesw Raisins 25c
Sunmnid Seeded Knishis 2 for 5c
Honleiis Milk Tail, 12 cans $1.32
Carnation Milk Tall. 1'2 cans $1.32
Oilier Brand Milk per can , 10c
K eo Head Kice 12 lb $1-00
Ghirardellis Choc. 8 lb 89c
Swifts Pure Lard f lb 95c
Society Notes
Oregon Federation of Women's Club
meet in Tilhtniook May 30, to June
Shakispeam Club May 12th.
Harlequin Clul May 10th.
Kill Kar Club May ltth.
Sunday May 11. Is Mother's Day.
which will bo celebrated in all part
f thr I'llitcd Stnto
To Miss Anna Jan.'is of Philndoph a
1 i longs the :h- nor of ostnliHahiju:
"Mother's Day." Several yonrs aito
Miss Jnrvis wore a bonipict of white
amations to rhur-h in honor of her
"thorn birthdiy which was the 2nd
Sunday of May. Noxt year th. idea
f honoring mother's each year spread
'.hroughmit city and 3rd. year the ob.
. rvrn-o wax nation wide. With the
ncreasing obacrvanrc of th- day ram.,
i trroat demand for white carnations
r'"! demand wng so great that wh'to
irnat ons on Mother's Day were !
ng nt prices as high n ?1 00 ach.
Pnrv finally Wamo so hieli that
'he florists themn Ivei took remodinl
'asurcs and th iistom of wonrinit
ehr favorife tflower" rathon whlt
.imati'ins results I.
The Christian Cfirch has been
h"ipn for the head-juartors of F.
' i n of Women's Club on acvunt
f sj. ability and gnu'nl cnnvcnui'-t
The church mn-le th- Ki'l Kare h,l
n very good of.'er for the use it the
All tho meetings imd the reception
are to be held there.
Tuesday evening May 30th a re
ception will hi, given for the delegates
in address of welcome, music by the
fcind nnd other musical numbers.
Wednesday beside the business
"lossion n trip to Lake Lytlu is plan
ned. Thursday, the eommordnl club will
"We the ladies It luncheon at noon nnd
the Mr Rosenbergs' are going to
tako them to Oceanslde for a sea food
Friday morning they expect to In
speet n cheese fnctory, perhaps tho
Tillamook as It Is tho noarest.
Arrangements are to bo made for
do'egates wishing to return to Port
Ihnd Friday afternoon.
At tho opening of each session
twenty minutes nro to bo devoted to
musk. Flvo minutes chorus work, fif.
teen minutes special selections. Ench
opening to Include no local number,
DulegatcH from over tho stato will
furnish other special music.
Among tho evening Hpeakers will
bo H. V. Irvino thu eillUir of. tho Ore
Kin Journal and Professor SIsson of
Heed Co'kgo,
Mrs. Iihi B, Callahan of Corvallis
will prcsldo, Mrs. Sndl0 Orr -Dunbar
Is chairman of tho programme com
niltteo, Mrs. Emmett Bales ii chair-
Karo Syr tip, Maple
Flavor. -2 Gallon
man of rriHlcn'.ial committer ind
f. th- h..ntcii c.immittre Mr. S W
..novrr is chairman of the executive
Mrs Ida U. Cal.ihan .UitrA that
J jhn M Scott has onnouwrd that
ummer rates will be on sals fcbout
M.iy 2o The state club roR vent ion
will open hem on May VHh. T'atn
will 'save Portland tit S;15 A. M. and
arrive here at 1: 16.
Th Monday Musiral Club rim on
May the lif-m, of Mrs. Koeh 'ITie
utivi committu, jeting ns btc
After the busincj.i meeting, th
program was givon.
Mrs McGrath rend a paper on
"Music of tho Maggars."
A record of Liist "HungMrlnn
ar-sody No 2" wan playul. This
was rhosen bocaujo it U typical
f tr-wgarian rnns'i.
M' Koh iail Mrs TurnbulP
piper f.n 'Mnvr in Itusshi nnd Po
land." Mm. Turnbull was unable to
'x. present
This was foil ! hy several rr--rds.
Tschait ' y't "Slav Marcn"
'His' nting R moloncholy op
pression anil yc 17. "Cradle Song",
' At the Russini Tnn", "A Rtisslnri
"oik Dnno'." Mrs. Small played "Mo
kowski's Value."
IV'.. rul was represented by a Cho
-in "Prelude" plnyod by Mrs Hol.l.m.
.lid Mrs Carroll played Pndercwskr'n
ai'nuei .
Mm. E-.'h read n pap r on "R-nt-and
and Wnles". Mrs Petteys sang
Bonnie Sweet Ilcmsie" and Mrs'
'J, . . .r'Y """f All Thru the
.iigiu welsli.
The club wi moot on tip 1 2th of
.....IE i nirn nome with Mrs
I.eals and Mrs. Burton hoius...
A social hour followed tho prognm
Members rrtiy bring guests 'i- noU
uy-ng hostcd-a and paying fee of 10c
,f .F,ri'lny frldgn club met with
""ck Mr"" Turnbull on
bJll h0m f Un' Turn'
After n delicious luncheon bridge
was enjoyed. Mrs Hanslmair win
ning h gh scor0 and Mrs. Turnbull
The rooms were loste'ully dtornt
vl with spring flowers nnd shrubery
A,"Tihers present were Milamus!
Small, B,.U. Ihmslmair, French, pln.
' arroll Shaw King, BarricCpo i Sk
Iumbul nnd Greeno.
Tho dlimer given recently by th,,
Tillamook Women's Club was a sUc.
cess from overystnnd point. There
was a very good ntti n-lnnco nnd 10
oral said thoy wish tho club would
give , more of these dinners.
Ihe committee Inrlu.rge were! Mrs
m a' Mm. Alfred Anderson,
Mrs. Harry Thomas, Mm. G K Hart
Mrs. Guy Ford, Mrs. ir II, Rosen erg
Mrs. Oiubortmd Mrs. Kewton Ande?.'
e e
, M.r'!' C J. Edwards was In 40iU
land last Wednes.hiy ronferr' ig will
Mrn Ladle Orr Dunbar, ftgrn m
chairman, regarding the details of U u
program for th0 Oregon l.V.l,..ii,
of WomA . clubs whAlTw II e '
llllumook, Mnyao to Junu 2nd.
John Chilro Montleth was entertain--d
at the home of Mr. and Mra. ffli
A. Carrol 1 urn,. 1,1. , '.?' ,,0.nn
for bis coJiiert. m ine
Chii-artlem' Hulk Coco, H lb -17c
M J B Coffee f lb. tin $l.D,i
The Ten 1 lb 60c
Schilling Baking lvcl. 2 1-2 lb .... $1.20
Jewel Shoi tnin.u 10's . . . . ........ $1,I5
Knox' OlnMn I pkg- 2Cc
Fl irala Stwip (3 bait 50c
Hrrad, of life .'...."Uc
Sartlinea in oil 10 cans 50c
Hod Ribbon Solid Pack Tomntoiw .... "Cc
lh lad of in i K M Kn..-'-
';-., n-.rt Vt c '! ;jr alt itivtn Wi(
Mc.lamc Hurt., It. ai nrxi 1 mU.
, luU About llU ,i.r KU. U
, rr pr..nt AlVt Oir bu.iwi
I .1 'inir li.nt. ri ,!!! thf
' 4.n t.j a .Jvlitht.ut un iriin.
1 tllj dxilli 'mini Ihr Umir
lhr lul will mrrt h .rtotKl V
day in JuJlr it; r., ,f the ffl
i..-uuia, with Mp,jti( lM.y.
tiutams and Totrv a ft. .
Vclma DwaIcU and Rtwm Han
n will glv a )u nt piano p rital a
.rtiHl by Mr. H K KtKh with the
ioun, under the d.rwUon of Mr.
r. K Koch- The rertui will be etv
on at the Clirtsutut church Friday wp
rum; May 12 ut 5 p m. Public u w .
On Tuesdhy evening May to. Ml..
Mary Umtir will be nresnttni in a
piano reciul ji.tdalrd b Mrs. Waltm
Petuys vacatur, at tl ChrUUn
hurch tit 8 o'clock. Amu. ion free
The Pt tbytortttn Guild wilt meet at
the homo oj Mrs Frank H,,yd nu
Tuesday, May 18th. Mr Al Walhm
Mill bu aaai.taiil hostvs..
I'o date ,tho regiatrnlion of Voter.
11 I ilAtmouk County, lm hoiutus lot
H publican; innlo 22HB, fenwlo
rf. 'U,t'!1 ?'U- "mwintj mnli
(Jl, female 330, total U.l. pfuh,,
Hon; male 20 tmnule 3H, lo.'.il 6h
L)0(MllMMt ttifili. 'II . .
Hugh Wallnro son ,.r Ilu, Wallace
vrtiH tcorlouHly (livjure.l eu (lunduy,
wi th, work.ngntth.. Holding' Lun.be
; c?,,,p at LV.'hrnn. A loggna
-he left enr, knocking htm uncons.coi.s
hours. W" UWO,u,cioua 'or Curlew
Tin injured man ws brought U
' ""ninook on U afternoon ' ,
IULld In Dr. Ilnnl'. It ... . .'.ni,f
hca,i;d. X","ul,' ' u' '!'
S i0r l,U nr'wwy r very
A fim nuieil.... i t
fries V P V 'f""' Judge Jef
I'D lemuitibioo.i 11. , ln' 'I Will
Thn ..,1.1
hari. """" W" uln t 8 o'clock
MEETS if 21
( Irrtilt coiltt, xbi. f
M nday owing t t"
at J hi. Re Ui. I. Wat
a net lit rniivtt io
probably bt MjttuAdmi
k 0$ June, vrhKb
Uuii wrrk.
Tho court ilc;k. to )'
nuUllCnl ia.t Wirt. fr
..fe U at follow.
Jad. E. Wltlnli et I Wli
llam.; action lor in .
Han lUtunii y. J .... a i sl
Mfred Zwiilil; uttlun t
N. W. Ph'lJ v A . l
ictton for moil y.
amte nf Oregon, rn
lildinl Wham plf M
tliuni, .If 1 H)nUinipt
'I'tllaiitoolt Cjiuity .. . L
rty Lumber C.; i......
M. 1). Ack ov an.J u "f '
I Ba.Uy; notion for n .
W. A. Dvl va, I) J i'. , ot
tton for iiionuy.
Minor Moclmntilu
oilowj notion for mom .
Jaiims V Hnun ami n IU1
. C. and A. Er"-. nr.pt
mm J until o Coin I,
Vi.e . cr. Mercuil . , 1 ' u
i h I.Viinw.l el nl". - M ht
Jm J. llerin nnd H I1"'
E, I), nnd llnrry M " 3'1
puss .luii of i r l'"'!
l si'liariilu aii .1 for H uy w
oi.imslon of real propc
Geo. Flleumn vh. dm' I'fWf
t ux; '.ictlon fur money
Solon Hehltfiiian vs '',,0(rt'
ock, et nl; uctliia (or n . f , .
Bolts & Wlnsow Amw
tiop'lior; action for mono ,
Erinmt; Uhman vs. Jo l)tlri'r'
ion for money. . .. fc
A. 0. KvehHon vs Lewis HuiIiIh
ml wlfoj ujitetirKiii. ,. .
A. C. Kvomo,, vs l.w. Hu.libtfH
n wife; replevin,
l-'irst Nnlloiml Hunk Ihiv 1 dy u
'ley Box Factory; ucImii f l0n(lf
Gnrllon Statu Hiivlng-t I v'
ieo. H. Carl; iictlon for m- .
( (ieo, V ThurHloii t tili c
IrnveHj ration for money
M. D. Ackley ami It. II Miller .
' S. Grnhiim; action for im u V n
Tllamook County Bank v "
Valker; aclion for money
John N. HocMch vs, J. M lurr,'r,
ictlon for money, .. .t
J. G Penny Go. vh. TiIIio
f.umbor Co ; nrtlon for momy . .
, U. G Nnllonnl Bank, P rtln-l
lit iron vs Rudolph Zweifel; nc,Kn
w monoy, M
TI liiinook Cotinty Biuilc v. A.
Votils; ucllon for money.
, U. P, Ziifhmnn vs. It. Hnimonj nf
Ion for iiionuy. .
eo. H, lMlemnii Vfl. W. V- S"fir
cllou for money, vi.
J. M, Trnxler v. Arthur W
niiKls; nrtlon for iniiney- ,
. Lurniir Tooxo vh. K. I'. Ito!k'r,
it't'on for monoy, ,
HrlKhto,, Milhi Co. vs. D. Hyrfr""
ictlon for monoy, , .
, Application fur cUn nV, ur,),
'ollowsi Frank Von Kuw, WP3S
.lfuu!t Knrl MiU'tln BliiHcr! NJ
"ikmyrh. J, J, Bister Hurold IUn'
nalr. KdurmrA -I ..Jllfa
r" llllHtssssstssl