4 M rt,.. I'p ami I'nlnMJp, TILLAMOOK. HERALD, TILLAMOOK ORKOON, MAY 1, 1022 PAOK TVMCK X T The Right Kind of COMEBACK I HI, UK ARE TWO KINDS OF COMEBACKS." ONE is i UK" tJTHKU IS HAD. ONE M KAN'S coon BUSINESS, l4r uudiuAuw; nuv utiik. means had CUSTOM KK i. MPLAINIIKJ v M.'TY OF CJOOnS , HANT1313 OF SA II f K1'D OF GOOD; "RE- BUSINESS----A ANu MAKK "i IUSWE THINK TDK AT CASH PRICES COMBINED WITH A TACTIC)., WHK'.H RKSSULTS IN TIIK .! III rVr. a MEBACK. 1 r-I i f i Tit i .-- i Saturday-Monday SPECIAL i paiti-ularly U children under five. year of ntCii, but whi'rt,fii paregoric, ..ii ...irr, i- "ivinr wi fUH,-r iffniltf in Klv" I" 'A v cuied by Chiimlt'Ti'Ki'i Cough II- medy Mont people believe that It must r tif iu toutm; knowing Hint the limo In very muci nlwrteiied, mid "'at there In title dang r from the duno when this remedy i, given. It x h en lined In m'jfiv epidemics of whooping cough, wild pronounced Suc re It in nfo ami. pleasant lo tnko. Notice ,f Hair of Ileal Property In Him it.'.iti-r ti the entitle of Jan per l. Mirl'a I, Oo-ened. Notion U h e'iy g ven tlmt the Uri dr-r-igmd, mJ: -in n rntrtx of tho f Jasper I). MurFSilI, deceased, will on nnd after the 12th ilny of Jtini-, )2'i, at No, 2r8 Morgan Hujldmg, PorUnrid, Oregon noil '.it private untc to the highest nnd beat bidder for rush, tho fo'lowing don-rln-d rt I property belonging to , aid cstatii: Tho undivided one-half In tcreH with A firm Welch, In Lot 1H, In Illock 3. MnnhntUn, In , Tillamook County Oregon, nnd Th0 undivided one-half in ' teret with Anna Welch in Lot ' 7, in IUi.:k 23, MunhaL'.in Hoach In Tillamook County, Oregon. DAISY Macl'ALL, i Administratrix. Date of lit pub. Apr. 27, 1922; last pub May 25, 1J22. IWfMmyMMd' H VACUOM CUP WITHOUT STREET ADDRESS YOUR MAIL IS DELAYED AT OFFICE OF DELIVERY I I Tho Dentl toiler Office hn be-n In exlstenrij ever ln-e. Urn' Franklin fttartt-fl our jxHifal nertlre V.ven then peoplo ail'I'i-.'-i niq to ,tr. Krcklrl Hmlthrrn, "Atlantic OorM," nnd ex pected Hen o know Junt where 7.;kc II red. I'prhnpi they had 7Vn' nddrenn In lettrrn up In the garret, maybe- a chesl full of etn, but then It wai easier t I let Hen hunt 7-ke. Today irf-t.fi'e are ddrennln letters In Jolin ' i rit ,ewr York. N Y or Chlragn, I I . ihlnklns fnrle, Sam mn locate hloi. whlrh li Jtut an Incomplete an wan Zeke ad (lren of yore. The Pottofflee Depart ment you to put the number and ttreet In the addreet. It help you. Ill, , INK Ni'.WS fcfiE 10 ii, Sack Cream R jiled Oats D 49 c on't Pass Up! -P1 . i nis Honey & Heusser Cash Grocery o - I ' o Ir H.jaln enrno out from Ti'Inmook ' S'J. lnv cvcninj;. t attend Mrn.Kstolla ' il hoc who hni been very ill. Mm Del Vin-ent In vuunc her cou m M V Horba thin week. Mrn MaifKie Nickfttun, who har. be r. in the honpital ut Til nmook for ii "pi" at. on on her neck, was able to rome home Tucnday. Mm Achi Hcnfield in rarinc for Mr. .U-Kco. O V Klnnnmin and family arc ' n iik to Tillamook th n wevk whoro ' thcv make their home with Mrs K eimi'Mn'h father, N. J Dye. They ! ved in this neighborhood for jny years nnd will bo mimed b a h"t r f friend. M T thanco. wife and son of Heaver,. K I). Hfster, w;fo and little jn jtlicr of Hemlock, J. N. EUin,wifc ard dnujrhter, George Sawyer, John and Hurold Illalock, Jem Griffnrd. Mm Ada Iicnficld and ton, were Sun- '.ay Viitor at the 11. A. Chopard h -mc ( jru Itcnflold Is milkini; nt tlic It dd c rnnoh. V It Spoore, wife ami son Rodney, .i-c Msitint: Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Speece at Wheatlnnd. Wanl SappuiK,on nnd.Thurm Coul scn wore in our neighborhood Tuesday ROUGH, rocky, rutty roads hold no terror for V .cuurn Cup Tires, Built ruggedly for long continued service on all cor I j ar.d conditions of roads, Jr ioto gen uins economy !y their ability to withstand the greatest punishment for the longest time. Step into our store and let us show you the Penn sylvania highest quality line. fk How do you expect the Poitnl Clerk to know whether you mean Trinidad, California, or Trinidad, folorndol ALWAYS 81'BLL OL'T TIIK .N'AltK OV TDK STATK IN KL'LL IN TIIK ADDrtBSS. "MORE BUSINESS IN GOVERNMENT" Thin apt phranc wn rrnnl in Presi dent Hnnllnc'n first menHae to Con pritn and applies particularly In postal management where postmasters are ' blns Impressed with the fact that they are managers of local brnnches of the biggest business In the world. for such other relief may W Jt- ahlo. Thin summons Is nenrexl upon ftn by publication In The Tillamook Har hld In pursuance, of an order thersrfor miulo by the Ifonorahle liomsr Mai son, County Jud(e of Tillamook coun ty, OreKon, dated April lth. 1M2, renulrine .jbllentlon thereof to b made once a week for nix nuccennlva weeks and reuring him to apprtr nnd answer th0 complaint on or be fore the expiration of jtuch time of publication and the date of the first publication hereof in April 20, 1922. nOTTS A WINflLOVr, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Retildeaw: Tillamook, Oreicon. First publication, April 20, 1031. Last publication June 1, 1922. Two Dollar Saved A man rushed up to the home of n doctor In the vilhiKo lot ono nl:ht and asked him to come at oaco to a distant farmhouse. The doctor hitched up his horso and home. they drove furiously to the farmer's Upon their arrival the farmer ask ed, "How much is your foo, docUr? "Threo dollam', said the physician, in surprise. "Here you are", handing over the money; "The blamed jitney man want ed 13 to drive me homo." Chicago Tribune. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS HERE COMES A STRANGER! Evils of Constipation Perhaps the most serious of tho diseases caused by constipation is ap pendicits. If you would avoid this -langcrous disease, keen your bowels regular For this purpose Chamber lain's Tab'cts Ure excellent, easy to ake and mild and gentle in gentle in effect. IaI I'arm Wante ( turhblc for hoe . 4tvl mur or on fa n iu matter what it. .hi? it, ciploin It A n ,. k fiddman for tho jral col'cco. Sktm milk. Inblo -rap, cull fru.. ' a . t pi ' t,t. 'a- ? .hc .1. t .-irl li. -.'.. f.i 1.. ; ; - ' . i "-! k t If.r I. h.. It J fcOI't ftf h.-ir t cleai- tb- cra-i. fr-m ra. h ':3',,aKO ... I'. fp.junt- r. i"iil v t.'ut c tv (. atubbie, th"Uth Whmiplnj: Cough An avcrer f u" lr "'' ' a vorv if.itiKin)U ditoaKo, .. is rciuirrd to cm-1 CAtl) OF THANKS An ''' (l '!.." t'ftl.li U.. .....I. I., li...,", tli., mnn.. friimiU Kr.-w a:ft,oou hoirs,(or Ul01r kindm-ss during our late i 4.-. a.idu.unai 2.. u0o frum c.ty beronvoment.also for the manv bcauti- ful flora! offerings. A UK AM oTOKMKK. ALUN STOKMKR. WKSLKY STOKMKR OEM THEATRE PROGRAM FOR WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, MAY 7 SUNDAY-MONDAY MAY 7-S The Little Minister Vnki n from tho play and book by James M. Harrie, tu'lior of "Peter Pan" and other successful stones. If i enjoy good entertainment and wish to spend an . ir and a half in a most pleasing manner you :-i -ifford to miss seeing- -HKTTY COMPSON, Ul oiu.K HACKATHORNE, NMCJKL HAKKIh and the supporting east in "Tho Little Minister. "ML'TT & JEFF Cartoon Comedy "Village Cut-Up" THURSDAY-FRIDAY .MAY 11-12 MONTE BLUE in A PERFECT CRIME A picture produced from a Saturday Evening Post Story, with everything in it that goes to make a per fect photoplay, keen suspense, brilliant humor and pathos. It'll be a "A Perfect Crime" if you do not take the entire family to see this one. "FIFTEEN MINUTES" Ono Reel Rolin Comedv. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY. MAY. 9-10 MARSHALL NEILAN Presents PENR0D SATURDAY MAY 13 DORIS MAY In DO IT TODAY'S WAV o o These nre newspaper days. News paper days are like automobile days Ulster quicker action. -Who u'aveis cro-cbuntry by ox ten m now? Yet ox-teams were Aist noueh once. Fast enough for ox-team days not for today. Messengers nnd personal ca'ls were fast enough onte; but that was before telephone dnys. There wns a time when the 'phone wasn't necesnary it wYtsn't necssary because it didn't exist. Life wasn't geared up to the speed that goes with it. Hut you would luugh at the man who wou'dn't use the 'phone simply bec'.iuse his grandfather didn't. He'd be in the same class with the merchant who thought grandfnther's advertising methods were fast enough and sure enough for him. Grandfather waited for satisfied customers to spread the good word. "Give 'em timu." snid grandfather. He had time to spnre. It fitted his day. nut not today. We're in the quic' 'action mood that goes with nutos and to'ephoncs and ';nress trains nnd wirelrss. It takes newspnrer advertising to lit tho mood of the times. People's minds nre geiired up to thnt ou'.?k method of spreading infor mation. This vear abovo ell years needs nc 'ion. 't't ng won't do. Tor t- day's action, use today's way' Put our advertising :nto tho medium hat fi s the pneer Those nre newspaper trays. Lh's make our post office look neat. Mr. Postmaster. Rtraljliten up the rural letter box. Mr. Fanner. Tidy up fome, Mr. Rural Carrier. First j Impressions arp lasting Maybe Mr Stranger, taking notice of these Im provements, will come back, brlnclnc you benefits. Start these with "POS TAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK" May 1-4J. HUMANIZING THE POSTAL SERVICE There Is no unimportant person or I part of our service. It Is a total of f human units and their co-operation U ! the key to Its succe.-u. In Its last nnalysls, postal duties nre accommo dations performed for our neighbor? and friends nnd should be so regarded, rather than as n hired service per formed for nn absentee employer. Postmaster General Hubert Wortfc "A new bridge wi 1 be thrown ros the Hudson" news item. Some strong people, we say. Vacntion daze will soon be here. Jim Jeffries, cx-hcnvywo.:ght champ rtmts to prench. We'll bet there wi'l be no buttons in the collection plate. You can't keep a good man or good nan's business down. Latest Sport Frocks Loose With FRECKLES BARRY. Booth Tarkingtaon's fiiniou i storios in eight wonderful reels. To those of Von who havo road tho several stories from the pen of BojUi Turkington, wo will say, "Pcnrod" brings to life i wry character in a way that will bring to your mind overy big laugh that, you enjoyed in rond K 1 In stories. Cornel Moot the gang! Penrod, Ionian, Varman, Sammy Williams and all the rest. "FOX NEWS" The FOOLISH AGE It'll tickle you to death almost1 When you seeher four gentle playmates. It's a Knockout! Don't turn around you'll lose a laugh! "The Foolish Age" is one of the most laughable and original comedy dramas, ever produced. Don't Miss It! "TOONERVILLE TANGLE" Two Reel Comedy. 4 n cunw at THE GEM-OFTEN TIMES IT'S GREAT" THERE'S ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Al lm IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIE STATE OF OREGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY SUMMONS F. K. Betils, Plantiff. vs. Northern Pacific Railway Company and Albert H. Malaney, Defendants. To Albert IL Halancy, one of the Sbove named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint fi'ed against you in the 'above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail 30 to answer for want thsreof, plaintiff wi!' apply to the Court for the rciief iemnnded in the comptuint, which re lief is that a decree be entered for the specific performance of the con tract made y defendant Railway Company with one C. E. Mouiton for the conveyance to sUid MouJton, or his assigns, of Lot One (1) of Section 30 in Township 4. South of Range 10 West W. M., which contract was afterwards assigned to you and your interest in suid land was thereafter conveyed to plaintiff, and for a de cree that plaintiff is the owner in fee ; simplo of said funds and requiring a conveyance thereof to be made to him I by the defendant Railway Company, , ana lor costs and disbursments, and , LOLL'S M E AT MARKET Where You Get A-l STEER BEEF From Portland Govern ment Inspection AT RIGHT PRICES Second Ave- E&st Be tween Third and Fourth Evening Dinner At The Tourist Cafe We Feature An Evening 31enu with a variety of tempting com binations ranging in price from 25c to 75c THE TOURIST CAFE A 3 the season piOBiinses one ito J vv that sport fim-lia vary " greatly as to line. Whm tin? fti'tt iikhU-Ih shown for tsuiniiitT went' wore quite atralsht, many of tliv newer model like OiIh Kilet Hiott spun u iv loosely tliupi-u uud tiuvv flowing ,cvyv. DISEASE EXACTS A HEAVY MORTALITY AMONGST LIVE STOCK. IT MAY GET IN TO YOUR HERD AND CAUSE YOU HEAVY LOSSES. Mortality Livestock Insurance In the Hertford Live Stock Lnsurance Co. protects you at all times against h.' posnibiliy of lose stealing your capi tal. It simply carries your risk and repays ou the vtalue lose through death bv any cause. This Insurance costs little but it affords security against loin. Ask for particulars and rates. Rollie W. Watson "THE INSURANCE MAN" 21 years in Tillamook PHONE MUTUAL OR BELL 4SJ