A lily Yon Owe. YiuinmU it iu ... , vmppk nnaio Tin moo k, om;os m itrn no. io: rr,r ten We Freshen the Store Daily With New Spring Goods llnltn.n'R i illlllM'll "Till' StlHV f KVIT I'luillniUf Mou. (VW. Worn..,. M.' tMa (,,' With Jnumtomis mipplipn f fiwh muw itipichan, . ... I...,. I n.u.lttf 'n Hi lliTM.mt ulnob.. ....... c Krtml Brirflr of ih, ' M""K ArmaW llrrc and Th rr tor ur In spection : New! Hicb. Nee Silk H'aist. Ni-w' s "A h Woo n Ott- Skirt. Ncn! Women's Coat. New! Women's Palmer Suit. New' S.lki ', t'jvVtwear for Knster. New' "N-aUVi! kc" Suede Gu'.iiUM t.loev New' Wou-cn's Patent and Kid Belt. -Newt V.-wn' triti fMurvunir wer Ti.read Silk Vet nd Hloowors in a Rich Shade of Pin. Now! Beautiful Oignmlte t.oop Tn in High i '!' Special, Yard - New! KM os Ntvn and I'rvl mn. With tjinrv IN. tun t length Sateen rloner ...... .WUmtMi far Bnt dt.P 01 MJUHH.U. x ,... . ' ' V uC ,.e tie-am, Tim. ohlHilU: KWtM' UIMI K'l" ill Will III' ... ulW,H HHr) . .... .....I ..ri.u. mn mil row of trood lh'w nut, 1i,.,il.. Pocke... .W to 7. ! . u'. Novelty - co.l.sww. ' ' " ; C. N'ew! Tub'.'lar SilV Onrtnr Hilton In -.ty Co or CVrobinatkna Hoaa in Tw y. tic. rt. Pre-Ei Hcraldinii n Great ter Sale of Lustrous One Week Only April 1st to 7th Including Approximately 10,000 Yards of Desirable and Luxurious Weave WMch likewise include the season's most twUutiful v- thr ouiwm of ovu-nsivc pru-r wdwctioM wul jh J M , i.. .., tk- oi&utv tht oknractmiM lU'toma Silk will b mmWUii wy " M Jowvr prtiH-i .n jv'wr iuau t. f-.- - i houU have but bi-cf u uft.r lUium k. op o th (mat ditnbutmi of brt.ut.rul ilk "wm. A a all know t op-nin? of th oatv,;. in -w, donn-.nc now t; thewtwe ahon'4 bo of Rrt iaaporunw to mlMr P1"" - ' K to be worn on Eatr Sunday. Kxpcr:wl aaiesworaen to aaaiat you in p!nnninR ywir wardrobe U, lack Supit Qiwtily -Kr,-po Knit" p'. 1500 Yard of Ucvy Qimlity 2.29 10 Inch Wonderful Uu.nlit Canton (..!'. S'- '10 Inch Georgette, Ytird $1.29 Van! J 1.19 J3 Inch liwbridortl port I'onceo Kotltu-od $2.25f $2.39 and $2.50 Fashion able Yard Wide Lustrous Satin, Yard $1.49 Xot ordinary satin, but fr i.f "iMchess' satin wo rv.cat it. A wo, shy su-.v?s-tr to other lutvus for k'ns and drej Thcr w , " be over 2 tro.xi shaJe. Yoa i-hou'.d ojwn our ovi-i with woiv.Kt when yen s Duvkoj. baM..e :t w.i mn fartuwl with a vrry nsuch ad", anted price in mind. Extra Heavy Quality $3.9S Black Taffeta, Full 40 Inches Wide, Yard $2.49 T.v Yrtl H.9 3a lack Caanarahi 1 af f otn .ptalU Priced. aftl ..... S' 40 lack Hea tjualil IhMcndtnc t. rope Ue .. thio lant" Yard Mir Kutlins C hiflun Taffeta. nl 51.79 ami StU9 Inch Kra Ilea W eicht Hlnck IVou Do Saie. Yard J3.9 Inch Standard tunlit Peau Ue oie, at Yard S2-9 JS lah l.nurious Silk Shirting at Onl, Yard S1.9. Sfi lack Novell Kimono Silk Special Yd. Sl.t9 3S lack Novell Silk Stripe Shirting Special, Yani . ' 51.19 Sheer Jap Silk Pre-Katr Sale Yd. 63c to 1.19 T The ltutterwk-Dfltor Patterns And You'll Save. -A it such a h n.4 to the imagination - " e. viiina- material for .t Ku.e Cauy - du'ferunt i'j- .tv, t.nc Wai' Wir in mind thai Um - uch h. qua tty tbam wt pi.i ' txMUtiiul d'tataadtnK . t A aavtaf of exactly t.00 an cN-ty f l you purchase. $4.49 All Silk Brocade Satin, 3G Inchua Wide, Lovely Patterns, Yard 52.9S Silks WKJhfa 40 Ckuic Trimmed Hals at an Amazinsjlv Low Price S-I.9S V Aa : . .aaV All are h'.r.cr priced models and i. ffeat Prt-Ea.ter apeci&l aad when milady is coRtemplati.n Wying a si art n.w m xlel to wear on Easter Sur.day. This Opportunity ia offered for the first time Saturday. There are one of a kind, every one fe creation of our own trimmer, Mias Dougherty. You wul admire them when you fee th-rt see them. A Prt-latir Spcial of 00 Pair . f V n.en's Extra Long Silk Boot Hose Actual $1.75 Values, $1.19 Th'.-v art- the r.at.onally advertiaed "But' ntt'.t' New Fashioned" brand. A fa.-hiont-d hue without a team. Black only. Heay Quality. Bleached 42-In. Pillow Tubing SMI RHVY. APItlL 1st. ONLY 31c Prompny at 10 A. M. Saturday and pcHiitively for one day only we will place on sale several bolts of well known brands of 42 inch tubing below replacement coat. It is doubtful if the supply will last throughout the day. Wp reserve the ris;ht to limit quantity. Women Who Require Extraordinarily Hijjh-Quiility Shoes at Moderate Prices ti the many new aarriVal of In- parl.cului iy delijalad v. lib Those women will le doubly int.-. fashionable f.twear we aro show:: . the highly famed "RED CROSS" Pumps and clippers, reigninK supreme for drvaa oxfords, hltk la favor for street wear fend hiiib shoes for informal dr.. affair ail afa hi fxoiwear that ia the quinteaaence f refinement, throughly rorr 1 ia style and superior in workmanship and finch in all widths Just received: new two suap patent altppera with. robber lip low heel for Rirls and young women; very chte, pair 4493 One and threa strap baby French hee! for dress wear. And (rood calf skin brown oxfords, military heel at, pair 33.35 up. A compVte showing of rhtldrena, miva,l wuTen's, boy's and men's tennis, gym and heavy caiiwi !h'e.s .imJ lp r -O- A Remarkable Opportun.t;. Purchase V..nien .,nd Muc' FOOTWEAR AT A REMARKABLY LOW PRICE THE PAIR Indeed This Is a Great Prc-Kaster Special On These Lovelv New Silk DRESSES Styled to the nimitu ami amn?.intiy pricuvl iu'0 ihw in Miken frocka of T.rTKT., CANTON CRXri, KltKPR KIT A.N'l) COMMS s MATBHIAIJ IX WANTRU COIjOIW OP H.N.SA. liUi'K. ' IIUU.ST OlNGiJ AKD KAL UriOW.1?. $3.29 On account of limited spa, we regret wi-'n- unab'o to define in deta.l everything portaininB to thii K".'t Pre-Ka-iei ian- of apk-ndid footwear. The rund you've formifrly paid $1J n", llMi un.l ( for in a retrular way, Tho principal reason why '. e t-ffoctod -ih-h a low price is the fact lots are broken. A number of them '.iro the famous "Red Cross" shoes (as woll as oxfords) in hiirh heul atylen. Brow and black kul welt and hand turn aolc -Or,t beauty is evj from ike geatereaa use ( omtrtiu'7 ?M aaotber Wwiuhmrf mtel ackwvtd ia mH pleaUiu: tiw IS la -Pull leartk, half atoevej Mi d-UWy abutevtxUal o. Si ilui' Alteration If nccaaAry f charge and RarBil w f lj. " Another Kastrr .Supru! Women' Wry fhlr New Smock Suits at S0 1 .50 -1 They Are t'mhM'prict'tl too -Juat arrKed in time for thi. Pr Ul.r .pecial. Wme 3n, nil-. faah. Tu J" r" ttc ,y4f,w'nU' Rreatnea. u( ll.i ,, ,.., r. Men, Do You Care To Save From $5.00 to $12.50 on Your New Easter Suit And make our c!othi:.u men prove to you too that such is a fact. And they'd cheerfully respond. Yes they arc .-,-eciaJly priced in four groups. $29.85, $35.00, $39.85, $45.00 It's high time to think of vour new Easter wardrobe The Haltom store is dressing up for the o?asion. Everyday sees m;w models SUITS. The clothing cases fairly teem with good ali wool and expertly tailored "HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX" ALSO "EDERHEIr.SR STEIN FITFORM MODELS .-Vna everyone distinct one and two button coats; conservative U button models as well as single i.n i double bicasted style.-, to suit all men whether young or old. As usual we maintain o..r high siadnard of quality. Garanteed to satsify or mon;y refunded. o v 'Six,- -r..a t, -. - A There Uwt unmethinir ln.Uin.1,1.. l , I. .1.-. .1 . ,. . ... , . . " HIW loom ninF. - i lL Jrr . rrl'"rr''UM '' - ln.llcatlon tl.oy m ",P ' " " rBiuieincnia u.ully aaoclatwl with h i ' " rt l-v.MM v" ,,008K ''J-OWINi: (iUACKKUI. I.INKH rnn V .IOm.o K.' 'VN(i,:l' vl-"H'rr:i:S IN VIVID SPOUT COI.OMH 111! N 100 01HKK.S AUK MOUK CO.VHBUVATIVBI.V 8TVI.KI. i ntloU- O FOR EASTER A MALLORY HAT Its the kind of hat that makes a man .look Wi buat. That's because Mullory JlaU ure nuulu to suit every typo of face as well as fit the head. Shown in eicluilvo shade; MonovO, Coffee Iirown, J'enri Clrey, Uunmotnl, Filbert Etc. with iclf colored and contrast ingr haul and bandings. Priced 5.00 nnd up. - You'll find horo . hat with Juat Hie rglit kind tf brim nnd jut the right hrwht of crown. Comw in und try on u few. Otbi'r bmnils in new apr.ng blocks that aro priced nt only 3.4.'. Now then, to complete your Easter Ward robe a pair of these new FLORSHEIM OXFORDS In pliu'UiK "ur new Flornheinii on dplny, we offer tho men of thin city the finest shoe Ktyleh jiroduced. No one enn inupcet them without lulmil atn.D. They will plea.se the most crilicnl. Their qualiy will KUtinfy tho inont economical. Black, brown and Hoft kIowik iihailo of tan am the accepted color. Leathers: KiiKlish Ki'iin, i upper brown calf and vel vet calf and willow calf. Brogue and ncmi-brogue aro quite the nigo ami stitch-. - made on ; modern semi-siprtire too lust. No shoe" offers so much i.t HUch reasonable prlcoa $10.00. $11,00 nnd $12.00. Other lines in atylifih lusts, blown and black at, pair $1.BG to ?7.10. 'Tho Woman of Fiuhion" Intimntci tl Good Corset ic Shn airmn to have given her corset lh ntlmdun that rul! In assis Ing the .I,,,., ,!,,.,. , mik, Mo out of her form ,,d the outlines M.ggest corset pe.fcctlon for her figure. "i0NT ASO f ,;U!,'K"AN UV IN BOTH Nl ANI) "ACK LACK STYLUS AT Till' NHW LOW i'HK'KH. Orailimt,, cnrsetlere I,, e,rgo .,,,.1 below Is .epllcu of one Just liko what she ., , , n)1,,.t Il4i1.' ,VnVr!my. Iff i' 1 TII.LAMOO, OHKCO.N y?vf vtmkLim Pawwww I1 - iMSV