pKiimli II'1'"" 81tf--A luly Yu Ow Y.tutself H.t u cms PAGE KIOHT rDrC WITH KAC1I I'AIK OK rilHJJKlCNS StlOOI. SIIOKS -FREE! SOLD A 10c 1'KNllI. ANM) I.AKtiK ISo lAHI.k.1 ' TILLAMOOK UKKAl.O, TILLAMOOK MKUO ,.m h " TIII.AMOtXC, OUWiON Mil's Mail Order. Promptly and Carefully Filled ; Kuelo.c Sufficient P o,te for MiUnK. "Sunny Smile Sale9' Is Doing Wonders for You at Haltom's NEW STRING MERCHANDISE FINDING ITS WAV IN M KUY SK.'T.OX OF TILLAMOOK'S ilRKATKST ffTOKK AT NEW LOW PRICES AND IN MANY INSTANCES AT VERY Sl'LVIAL HUCKS MADE LOSS11II.U HY Sl'NNY SMILE SALE. 1 li 1 V'.' 'K t'KKi.OS . t k 1 ! r -'Ji-ik r v. Do Your Shoes Wear Through? If yit, yo-.i prvKiM h.e a imI'ou on the sole of your feet. d.'vtl alve the worn spot on the M!e of our sho4. This Spot wears thru because one or more of the little Nnu-s in the baU.of your foot are lower than those on either side of it. The T.n.iis thi spot not only makts the hH- tnr out faster but it will cause a. painful callous or other forms .of foot trouble. Ten. visit our f .ot xpert anJ let him give you instant reiu: : y gudually raising the disp'aced to their normal posi tions with. APCH And Callous Relievers Frequently foot troubles are caused by ill-fitting shoes that look to be frUed cor rectly. Our salesmen are trained shoe fit ters. CAUTION PARENTS SHOULD BE CAREFUL IK THE FITTING OF THEIR CHILDREN'S SHOES NOW AS IN LATER YEARS 50 PER CENT OF THEIR FOOT AILMENTS IS CAUSED BY IM PROPER SHOE FITTING WHEN YOUNG. MEN! More Gojol Buys! 53.50 NoUy SVuo! Cajfc-Me 12.65 t K'. r New Spring Dres.-: Wool Felt Hats For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young, at 13.35 Group of Florsheim Dress Shoes- In English and Medidrh Toes, Sunny Smile' Sale . : 4.So Solid Leather Work Shoes," Sores, Counters and Heels Leather Throughout, Either Black Or Brown, Sunny Smile Sale, Pair $S.M Corduroy Pants, Dark Color, 32 To 12, at ..$2.93 Regulation Army Shirt, 11 to 1,t ?3.15 Heavy Weight Blue Bib Overalls, Sizes 32 To 42, at v.. SJ.10 Men's Wool Army Pants $2.50 The Men's Suit Sale Is Going Big AT $29 95 -$35. $39.85 $45.00 New models, ma'1" by America's best manufactur. ers '.'Hait;H baffr;r airy! Marx" or "Fitform" brands. Inwpnitr. rfinijvlpjfo suit bath young and oiiJjjiM'owH. Guaranteed To satisfy or money . . . - - rerunued. - ...i is Nobby Juvenile Suifs That Actually Sold $7.9ir T. . $4.95 A sinio for the littlo fo'ks ns well unci what a really big saving for their parents. Your choice from brown and navy eorduroyfuncy, mixtures also blue serge's, in ages !i to'o. TWeIrmad'o an'd lo6k natty Sensational ! New 32-lnch Blenched 36-Inch Gingham, Yard Muslin, Yard 17c Splendid quality and in pret ty cheek and plaid patterns, fhev certainlv will make cheerful bungalow dresses for spring wear Only 3S5 yards so come early to get your share. While it last.-;, the yard 17c. No mail orders filled at this price. (Displayed under bal-conv.) All No Butterick Pattern Contain THE DELTOR Which makes every woman her own dressmaker WHAT IS IT? WHAT WILL IT 1)07 It brings a perfect mastery of the dressmaking art. Dress making con sists of three things cutting out putting together and fashlontng.For years there has bevn the paper pat terns, encouraging home dressmaking. Now for the first time, there has been created a complete system, so simple that the word system stems ji' fl. I f J 111 . . A 7 till mWi f III I I TT 1 t Iff II I '51 3443 l'J lv 10923 Patted n&' er deltors art trrwldd fbr Buttetiick Designs too cumbersome a won), but no thor ough and practical that the word is right. It saves goods, time and en ergy. "CUTTING OUr shows a woman exactly how to lay each piece of her pattern on her cloth before cutting TUTTING TOGETHER" The Del tor as ercaU-d by Ilutterick, shows a woman exactly how the pieces fit together and how to take each successive step. "FINISHING" The Deltor shows a woman" the fine points of finishing each separate gar ment with all that skill without which no garment ever is completely satis fying, no matter how well cut it may be. It likewise, explains at last some of thptjc French secrets ot finishing, which- ihe average woman has never darcflhope 'if attaining for herself. ATlie Dehor is nothing more or less than a Ifture story" of each suc cessive step, ip cutting out, putting . .logt'Jnec.r with oxpliclty worded dir eetio7s. It is enHoseiln tht envelopo (if Jluterlck Patterns, una only' in Butterick Patterns T- v " ii The April Delineator and Ilutterick Patterns' a'ru now hero. ...Bountiful Stocks of Spring Woolens, Silks and Cotton Goods' Jrfow On Dis. play And At New Low Prices Ah Well AtfVeiy Spcciul Prices Prevail. r i vt..i. r"w ' iiij, vu a wuinoer uj i,oib. lie Here is anotlu-r exceptional buy for the prudent housewife to lake advantage of. Without a doubt if sold In a regular way it would bo around the -0c mark. No mail orders filled at the above price. Displayed under balcony. EXTRA! 3-Day Sale! Of Notions and Sewing Needs March 25th to 28th Inclusive With spring sewing in full sty na turally dressmakers and hme evrrs will welcome this, rare money saving treat. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday only. Dreeas Snips, -tttiat Proof, Several Brands to Saleet From, Card . , . .9 Rust Proof Hook and Eye, 2 Dosen un Curd 4c Liberty Belle Wirt Hail I'ltu, Tno Box 4c Imperial Celluloid Hair Pins, S In Bo 9c Crowley's Adjustable Baiting, Ready T Sew In Slurt 18e Celebrated "Boye" Sawing Uhcbina Needles, 3 In Tuba Ut "Boye" 1-ln-One Combination Screw Drivers at 12c Dreasmokers' Tape With Metal hna, 0U Inch lenjrtn to Superior Metal gluttons, Warranted i'erfett y Countersunk, 3 Day Bale, 3 Doion at 6c Warren' Weighted Tape, Black or While, Yard 21c "Omo" Cushion Bnmi Collar Bands, Kach , ye O. N T. 0o Yanl hpool Cotton, rf For 2,1c Pearl Buttons, Several Him; Dozen On Card je Short Length Uce, It to 1 Yard Lengths, at fic Real Human IUir Nets, Double Strand They are Invisible And Sanitnrj'i Each 'jc BARGAINS SELECTED AT RANDOM YOU MAY THANK "SUNNY SMILE SALE" Children's Blue Chanibray Romp, ers, Sizes fj Months to (1 Years, "Sunnny Smile Salo'J 1'Jc Yard Wiile Daik Color Outing Flannel, at Yard . . , l'Jc 30 Inch Unreached Muslin Only, Yard ()c Girls New Sport Sateen and Cro tonne Aprons, Sizes t to 7, at fJc 30 Inch Fancy Scrim Curtaining t. Yard r,c 72 By !)0 Inch Bleaclied Sheets, K;il'.'h 7;,e 42 By 3(1 Inch Heavy Quality and Bleached "Wearwoll" Pillow Cases Reduced to M'Jc One Lot of Approximately 000 Yards of Window and Apron Cro tonne, Formerly Sold to fiOc.Cliolcn Y'"-'l 2.1c BOO Yards of Wldo Fnricv Hair bow Taffeta Itll.lion A Him' ft'e and 7fie Values. Cliolco Yard ..47c 1R Pio'cs lif Women's and Misses' Dainty wifkwcur A'tuallv Hold to ?2 00,;fJholco U8c j I VIia UUl Spring Hats Are Charming" Kvl.wiutt.m w" h.-ur mvonil Umua during oaeh il. by disci iniinalm fair m-x. Much pnilae Is duo mil Mlm Dottght'i ty in iji inging thin about to win tho mliuii nU-m of so uianv intrivsU tl oiui n ht certalninly tx dtv.i,nl3 gn at tlt-al uf effrt and with hor nrtUtlc nhv Til lainotk wuini'ii can well nffunl to foul foitunatr i hav ing her hero. -TIIK SrRlSG HAT IS AtVOKmU) ITS PltOI'Jtlt IMIn(Tl'. r IN (U'R IUPMV. INtMVItiU.vl.lXKf) NKW UL1.1M H U BVKRY tHTASIOS IIKRK IK A WII1B VAItlim AT M- ti ATK raum kvkhy kwunu shapk nmpuvui n BAIA'UK Y AT THE NltW tX)W rUlO TOO -O- THI8 WHUK WK AttH HHVOTING SlMU'lAt. SPACIl Tt till DIM'l X AND h til- TI1K SUAHO.VJ Nl'.W SUITS COATS DKHSSHS DRIiSS SKIRTS Kvary garment a carefully thoum mltl of stirti pnnfi uir. in ttji nlmirr!, ,j Haltom's, Models wWeh aaaur Uw doairvd UrulrmK effect Um Uri mlc in mnVlnc 'l ' g An aasortmant aa varied and exunatv Uwt J tat majr e uilni, and a iWr tr i - ba eouaed for alM-ftvlf. taking wilf i"- Clover sului from 5115.S6 to 71.00- Fnnhionnblo coata from $11.70 to $8S,90. Unique dreioa from 19.0S to 11.95. New sheer silk waits $3.fi9 to $11.95. Girl's mid intasuu, t to M. l- Iria-Kllt" wool jumper dre.w ner Jy doignod and in dashing c' "-m-binntionn, priuod nt .... $-139 - furl's and MiaM' TtiMah I P -n-gec ik homvf to coin' fh1 outfit at $2.39 ;u. 1 $3.98 Women. The Kamou American Lady" Corsets at Sacrifice Prices IN THREK GROUPS $2 00 To 13 75 $100 To 5O0 Values, Choice Valuns, Chekut $1.19 S2.-1 7 t 00 To 14J.50 Value. Cliolro $3.47 Yon again can fel thankful iomsmU "Kunny Rmik 8al." --KiuieUy 18 from which to ho.. (sites 20 to U) Mrnnh iMt all in vry style. Models to fit n'l figure On tho whole this u the great, it o.rM-t value evur offered. "GOSSARD" BRASSIERES AT A WONDERFULLY LOW PRICE All that need be said they are the celebrated Oord Una. Of ItilaiHlId qiinlity treco mesh and brocaded lmtlt.i. In flesh color. Si sea 88 to 10. 49c It 1 f"fyfzj&rssf tM -Women's Fiber Silk Hose. J'xtn, .(llllJ ,.. (. dovan and llh.,1,, ttr k ( "r' yijg Woiuen's I'lishionablu silk And W. i. quality and Brown Ileatl, u? V,('r ." tllffl Women's Novely Silk and W,.i a Wonderful Price, Pair 1 '". Hose n ' ' 1 , ij 2fl Full Fashioned Ami fi.i n . The Discriminating Women.WonM H.r, lllurk, Hr Just Keculved 5000 Pairs Women's and Children's Hose At New Low Prices rt'i i ..... i ... luUlfrV i nolo wno Hie very parlicuiin nitmit 1 ' iff, tmy, quickly luvome eiithusiustlc over Hallom' fill finality hose, because thoy possess all the ,1,''lr,lfJ comiori ami i tally good mivmo imiiiu i "f the foot and leg Unit Is why they nro M styll.h. .Such celebrated make lis "llolepioof, ''Jur , Ion,", "I'JIffel", "Best Knit", "Humming H""" " rf nun Kenny", "Diiralilllty" mill "Kdiuiitn" " uini ulielves. Ueveiillng a fuw uf our best sellein Wl.llll,!,'. I t ...... I... II... 1 ...... II. .U III lllllfl1'!' I "iiii'i i(iiiini voii"" jn And llrnwn, Pair Wiiiiuh'h Wonderful Kill Top Itluck " ai Vt' -Llilldreu's Wonderful Weaving "Hough J'J Mri.nil Black IMibt'd Hlockiugs ut, flUv l0',r' , -"KdiHiitor," The lft Heavy Hibbcil Mf'Ji Clilldren On T, Miirhet, Unusunlly VAM' M Utiiml Kurd WeHr, All Hl'ri, In lllurk imd lif0"' Pair . MHIMIIHI i