iUmv, k'. Lading lloinn 'l'r TILLAMOOK II ERA LI), TILLAMOOK, 0RK00N .MARCH 2.1, 1022 PACK SKVKM An Elegant Triple Plnted (iolil Gillette Safely Razor Absolutely Free ilrlnatliHJ iMir (Jiililt'H Ainiio'iity Vr ui.r I..,, in n,u ..i y.M til very man who buy a .u.t ..t ... bif,r Marrh k. nj; in K"i ft Hintmiti fin iiMiii-niiirNiii .ttt HMy Itaiur altd liU lr ftrw (T I'Ultir gold hue Sutli Mnile (o Order $22. 50 a Mi i r Wo Snti.fy or Mi)ijy Refunded (.OLD I'LATKI) (JILLFHlv UX() riiACK YUUK OKDr.K AT ()N('K llONOMY CLEANUP I.I. SCIIIII. I, Prop. irfill Dealer Fur A II. M. MARKS COMPANY I ll.tr. t Whole. !r 'lallim Iti lUI.Umr ,,. d 172 CW :::::iJi,.:ii:ni::nHi.:iuiitumiiHHmiitHtii:nnji:nii:tij!i:titii:i!:::n:::::n!jtt::a vi i .tiv H Lake Lytic Hotel SOCIKTY NOTKS II) MISS I'l.OKLNCH I'AtlLSON I I l CALENDER Oregon riHietaiiou f Women' Club i1.,pt. , Tilliimwk May 30 lo June , JWhliu. Club- .Marrh 2Hth. Hwa.Ukn Club-Munch 21th. J'ythlan Blaurra -March tifith. Tllilwm Club- March 2fiUi. "Trip arownr U. world'- Match ai. 0m by Kill Kurt Klub. loitland w ha iha boat of irttny liU.r ihla wk. Paopla nr coming ftum nearly avary eitY ami town In On gun and Wnahingtot, mJ including point in Idaho, Calif orrfti ami Mon tana and MriUkh Columbia to attend U it,agv (irand Opem. Amng those attending f rum TIL an., ok rrr Mr. R. T. lloi.li and Mra. J. C. Ilokktn ana daughter Miaa La vema. tha horn f N. Nalaon, 2 mitoa K.ulh f Tillamook waa in arnt of d-lightful affali Tuaaday evening when Mi Mart Mciaori entettanod I of hr friend at a "tOO" ar- Uf.fi Joy an4 Luiiw Jotiea won I at pue and Kna Anderson ittaJ Ed. ! If tael. boohv nrtu. Hi Tho prrwnt ware: I! ' HUNPAY CON r-.IM A sewl-Hncred cwui't ll h iiWen at thi' (Jem Thentie, Mindiy aft" mikki nt 5J;30 April -n ' urnlir ih nUKiire of th! Motulny Mi.wvl ..lull. WnU'h fur furtliT nit'.'un ntnU. I, ii I he run Hfrtlri-o Wi I bti htihl Kumlny Mnrrli 2(1 nt 10 .hj A. M. nt th Suvi'tith I)iiy Aloriiit ehiircb. M)KT A rul fox r. nrhlu. I'ln'lor will be Kln llharal rp wiinl, by lotvini; aitrrMi at llt'raW offlri'. .soncH i citHonous. In Tho County Court f Tlio Mtnlo of rrtilrtl to prrx-nt thm, propnrly vorifbwl, to tb tindrralxnitl, t th' offlcofi of llurrick it UnV, Koom 7, itnU(ina IlulbllliK. Tilalmook, OrPK'n, . within alic wiTka from the eJnte of the firat publlrdtlfin t)t thla nntlen. I)nt of ftrst- publlnction March 2, IOWA Dflto of It publication, Mftrch 30, 1 022. K. II. McKlnlcy. Admlnlnlrntor. in thu MutUY ol titu www of Mnrv II. MeKlnlny, bi-cawl. Nolkn I lluroby ;iwn. that llt Oiunty Court of th ( Orron .or lhi County of Till ,M, ha duly appolntwl the undem KriwI, admlnla trnUir of lhi UtU' of Mary K McKln lny. tltji-niii'l. All p?tji having clnfrim iiKolnil tl Mid etat rc NOTICK OK FINAL HKTTLIiMKNT KOTICK IS HKIIKHY (JIVEK.that ' th uiHlaralKnud, fdminltratrlx of tho ; FtUt of Adolph Bdward DrorKi", d-1 'bmI. laa fHM )n th" bounty Court j in Tilbtmook County, Huito of Oi.--br final acrjjnt n urh admlnUtra rije(arU'r','H nrnl that th. 18th ill" ri'mr "i levari oVInrk A. M tit th-1 urt rwm i f aid Court, in th" Court Jlotw-. in aid (VHfity baa b""n fJxrd wy d "rtttH a th" tint nd pla'e for hr ihir of objartlonn to M rfport and j ih- w't "ti-pt thi" nif 1 IKMA Ili'KPAM (CllANt K Admlnlumtrix of the Eatat of Al!;h Edward llwite, dwrnafl liarrifk A Hall, attorm-ya for al- ntratrix. UKI'OItT Ol' CONDITION 01" D I lainook Hcach Lukt- l.ytl.'. Oregon. i i li'itt'l will minply evciy mmlfm ctuivcn iiul comfort, vll hcnteil and IikHUmI rooms. I . nil cold walur in each. AllrHcuve lobby bo iixlultji'i! in. Son parlor i i w i il inn may ink ui: ocean. Mr. and Mr. f1 llftsrl, Mr and Mm. A;frwl Smith Mr. and Mr. Ht-nry llrlarl ami aon. Myrtl Wallin, Ellen .N'orbars, Ethxl AndritD, Clara llaakirr, I.ulne Jona, Vi,r Btte. Krtla KMin, Hon Joy. Hrry Andaraoti . AWIn Wieklund. CrJ-rw Dww and Victor JMn. THE TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK At "ldmmooK in the State of Oregon at Close of Business March 10, 1922. KK.S01 III TS $07,018 SS . 2,70U.2l 17,5 It. 72 7,370.77 0,076.00 t in Pacific tlupot near hotel. ,i. week end or dinner part lot noloclled. Kua.sonablu winter iU. For information writo or phone, 1 ilia M. Parker, Mki., 1. 0. Hockiiway. On. f vmtwtn of tha Kutrr rtttrrtarnnt Friday a I! ciwb :i n at th tnimr of Wn lUiht Myora who f iit hntnaa with Mr Jack VI- Scaring and rarW war' Ihr h i nl'tttra f t th1 VfU-moon at tha rloar f t-.irh a ddMrtabla Itnv-haon wa ' ? 1 Th fo'lowlna ware prant: , M...'nt,i Waltrr IVUia. Jack Allay, 1 UA i Myr, C. 11 Cm, E. J.Kemwdy. Cnri An4rn, E. 8. .Vunn, I. W. WWt.. i All Ball, and Cyril 0 Wn Mi-tidamn Coa and Kntnady rntartain In two wmka. Ixmnn tind dikcttunta, lu.linc rediscount ahown n iUn 2t mid 30, If ""' Ovttrdrafta hwurotl a.U unawured Oth.-r Utidi, wurratiU and aacuritHta, Including foreign Kttvtirniitvnl, Jitxtto, municipal, corjx'ration, etc., Inelnd ini: thoau shown in it'-.n M ami 3j, if any 8Un;k, acttrlliu claim., iea, judcroul.U, otc ('iimiltin. fiml Httllra ,..... llwnl eatatc ownod other than banking houae I lawful reacrvo with frdnai imn nank aajai Caah on hand in vault and duo from otlr laftisto, Iwnltow u mi tmat eotnpamra 30,.(J2v) ExcliatiKta for claartng houac and Hma on otlaar banlai m tin- nni ton aa repotting ban!: C..JJ0 ChU on lti ouuide of city r town ot reporting l.nV mat ollmr caah Item 1030.il lntitet, Inxw and lupatuwa pM .1 023.13' LIVESTOCK I'llOKITS A HE CK11TAIN ONLY WHEN YOU AUK FULLY I'UOTECTKI) AO A INST LOSS. Mortality Live Stock Insurance A In the Hartford Livi' Stock Inur.iricc Company give you tha mdurar.co of getting the money you have InveaUd should cal amity befall your atock. It earrioa your" risk Sind promises indemnity far the value of tliesc. nnitnala you lose through death from any cause. nmall annual premium .buya thin worthwhile protection againxt lens. ASK FOR PARTICULARS AND RATES Rollie W. Watson 'THE INSLUANCK MAN" 21 years tn Tillamook PHONE MUTUAL OR BELL 405 Total J7027IJ 1 4. 'r.!.,..t-iu"i-:i:i!ii;iitiir.iUitttnHntnHtiii;itittii!::ii;ti::;;:!::;:iirtni;tmttmUBi WHY? i pity the price u - . ' n u can u . .i c.ir in perfect condition fur 1-3 the money AT A BARGAIN Chevrolet Delivery Chevrolet -tEO-1918 rouriitc Overland Hclivcry nd many more I " 1uh frt rn. Drop in and xe f r yovu- lf A! Martiny's Garage fr4ff'', Tr Kill Ka'e Kluh waa eaterCiinel rt KrWa March 17 at th luwne of Sir A W lank with Mra. Koala n ' Mr Plank a hoatee Th- h was heaullf'illy doenii fl with n-nrtek aqd otltw 8t I'at n k drmrttina T a'irrnoin waa anani in making iih fp lh- nteH infant of the tV'WMi Keratton Clob to l held h- tha li-r- nart of May. Paintv refer hment- wew aerl Tw TcatrWra wara pre.nt Thr nta w'- aW'Hamea C.raltaw lldvwt, M''W. Tuckar and WllHama Witrft far th "Hood Eat Sale" t ba five Saturday March SftUt. I.IAUILITUiS Capital .lock paid In Surplus fund !, irrnt cxpmwa. interwit and tnxea aid O.COo.iQ liMlivitlunl dtptwlu aubjtjct to cback, including depoait dwa the Stato of Oregon, county, citiea or oUwr public fttnds 3'3'0i!fr Demand cmtlflciit. of deposit outstanding 5,0??'nA Cnahi r'a chirka of this bank outstanding on dnam! '45 (ttifiol chick ouutanding li 'Jt Time certiflcntoa of dppou outaUnding ' Savings ilapoaitti, payable ubt U notice 107.t73.Pu Notes ami bills rodiscounted with Federal Haarw Haulc 07,i59.2 Nolo '.umI hilts riiciuntel including bonds or other . etirttira so'd under reparcliaa agrwmenta with CCti- tingent liabllith GNm Hills payable with foderal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies 21,021.00 Liabilitius other than abo'e, if any Rurenuo Stamps W.61 Homebuilder s PLUMBING PRICES ARE DOWN'! t' i piiee.s are consequent!) the net, tpiality ! uorkman.ship conslderetl. Let u f inure with i on your plumbing .supplies and your plumb ii i.r or sheet metal work. Tillamook Sheet Metal Works A. GRUENENWALD, Prop. Hth Phones Estimates Kurni. hed Two df ihr tnaat dalighlfnl even' f taat wta war M500" ptirtiaa given j Tuaaf and Thursday nt th hwnn of Mr. ?.tnirt Rales on 50j street with Hps. CaH l!-herlaeh and Mra. Kinmel Bs'e a in'it Hnaunaaas. ft,, wn-. were gay In St Patrick , iv . -nr '-n with graari streamers nl phtnrr-k nd daffoilila, red cur. if ';n and pussywillows. tf ! -i u lunrhaons wn served by j th. h-weaea ' "irt honor on Tueadnv wore won by Mm Cordon llurne tiinl Mra. E. 0. ndt-raon won consolnunn ami on Tho day Mrs J. J. Krobs won 1st ami Mr. Met rill Smith, eonaolntion. Invlftvl guaftt were; Mewlamtx C. ,ih. Groat, t.amb, Amleraon. Hak r A'darman, llaltom, Robinson. H nl liayaa. Kaatmnn, Carroll. 'V..,ch jmar. Orolier. A. Williams. i..n,.hn HoM.-n. Ktahni.O S-hutla f' S.-holtt. pollock. Morrison. Part- bf. Hcltx. Connver, Hnnso'innir. H, i', Amlermin Maginnis, C Hadlev Orider F nimHv, Krvbs Fnrloy. Mr .n Tnmbul' II H. Iloaonbonr. J. fl Rnaenbertr. M Srhulli, Hei-hers. Hull, Koch. Chrlatonxon, Kiirnlti Buge. Winalow. A. Anderson, K Hnr i ri,-k. F rd. Hi'l Poorinnn, Pltink. I FrnnMm. Fv h. McOntth, Hindi, Hot-J i h, i Hr Ih.-Bil Mathers, lieeilv, I on. lit. Leonanl. M. Smith, Onvliml. Swill. St. ne. Miller. Cnso, Loonier, Reoher, Lewis and Heilkle. The Pi. hvleiian Oui!d met nt tin heme of Mrs. Pavld Itobinson ojt 'Vmlnsdav and elftiMl tho followini' ffii-e-!t for th ensuing your' Mra H,'.!,tnan. nreaident; Mrs. Oruhor i.reiil nt Mrs fNil Hnherlaeh Twis'irer: Mrs. K. 0. Anderson, ?o-protary. Tot.il $752,274.3! State of Orrfgon, County of Tillamook as. 1, W. K. Nlcho', cashier of tlw above named bank, do' solemnly suear that the above statement i true to thu nt of my knowlodge and belief. W. P. NICHOL, Cafhier couitErr AUMt WM.' MAXWELL JAMES WILLIAMS D. KURATLl Directors Subacribel and sworn to before tnc thi ISth day of March, 1022, Mary L. Hriiun, Notary Public. My commission expires Februaiy 10, 1021. Tile Your Farm IT PAYS Tilamook Clay Works Make a Fine Grade of Tile Sold at Reasonable Prices E. G. KREBS, Prop. MILK y We Sell Milk Joit Ai It Come From The Cow. ItU On Ice For Yoor Benefit. It Comes From Dr. Sharp's Herd and Will Tet Better Than 4 Per Cent All The Time. Fine For The Babies THE LOUVRE RESTAURANT E. J. BAERTLEIN FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Fords a speciality. Quick service. Work guaran teed at honest prices. Give us a trial At new Bungalow Service Station COR. 9th. SREET 2nd. AVENUE SOUTH Both Phones WHY PAY 10c When you can get one for - 5c Jas. G. Blaine Cigar Ask your Dealer for it t4-t4r4 Both Phones City Transfer Co. We Haul Anything Anywhere WOOD STORAGE COAL I. 0. 0. F. Building Tillamook 9 ! GOOD MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES AT THE BUNGALOW A. C. VOGLER serve Weatherly Ice Cream WHAT YOU NEED FOR CONSTIPVTION When troubled with constipation, what you need is a remedy that, wi'l pro luco n free movement of tho bow Is. A r'wrlf" that Is mttflnnd gentle nit art 'on A reifirdy that leaves the liowel- in a nutiii'iil mid hentlily eon-, Ittinn. A reniuilv that is ease and i plimiant to take. Chamberlain's Tab lota meet all the.ie conditions. Try them and see for yourself. They Try Ilium and see for yourself. They -nil. .-ost n nuarler. A. H. GAYLORD INSURANCE Kirn Insurance, Oeneial Insurance Real Estate 20(1 !!id. St. Hull 152 Mutual rhonu NOW OPEN Central Service Station Opposite Tillamook. Hotel Poll I1W Mutual Phone IF YOU WANT A RKAL BAITER Y TRY A mm m wmm a mm "assm W MaMtaVMaaM UMMHaMMMM kaB aWTHSfl You Can Furjct All Yotir Tire Troubles If You "Put on a SOUND Tillamook Battery Station M. R. TERRY, Prop. " A Stitch in Time Saves Embarassment" Also a trip to the Doctor in time may pre vent; a long and lingering illness which might terminate in a slow ride out East with Flowers. P iiin is natures policeman and is the only way the body has to tell you that some thing is wrong in the engine. The best way to take hold is to "ASK YOUR DOCTOR THE HEAD MECHANIC" After he has prescribed give us a chance with the prescription you will get the best drugs and chemicals obtainable with , a vwiujjuiuui, men iiiiiiiipwuiung me spaiuia .4 .....1 l.A..J ..i .11 iv r.T r f9t ... ... itmi uest ut an uie riuuti win oe right. LAMAR'S DRUG STORE Tillamook t