Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 23, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    l.emllnu llniiln Paper
Tillamook Tire Co.
Service Station
iHh. Struct and 2nd. Ave-
Wis wore the f irL one to put a Gasoline Pump
under roof in Tillamook County.
W; Load, Other Follow in Quality nnd Price
Good Buys In Tires
A FIRST CLASS 30x3 1-2 TIRE ...... $10.50
A 30x3 1-2 OVER SIZE CORD FOR . . .$16.00
All other sizes rit same rate.
, Call and nop tw when in town.
At the KeW. Bungalow Service Station Corner-
"Know them
by the Jet
raiSAsr i
7UKU s-n Imy
" 'luw rrii,,n kiiMv
l"t K ulinurm . ,
' i '. J'y n i . , i .if)
f m I r Vsi it ijimi
ly th.? H'int .ufntl
It'Ki i iff. ' -:ir
tf UlC V I ' i Cup
I'fo'l () v . ' ci -ry
Yini get rvcTydii'u:
run ut in n tire
ft n mil
(ill J .111. I l,rm
MAKiat MO KtSIR'i Uu.V
Tlif Cfevflsnd Tractor r , ,,.iiy,
i ifftrturwr of iito C! - ''-
tracto', hu just i. - -I
'.hi -tih iU dltfibmL f'" tin
w.-ttotir, 0, V B4Tey. Portland,
, itpfn, prk reduction of t2bb,
L MADE ON PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM, u. uk .ffWt .t on,. Thi.
; uvn bring tf prico of th Utoat
M! f. well adopted for Ore
gon fruit, 4siry and nmrrnl farms,
- . i . mora i i u.iiuiu- a wv ' i . . . n
ChrifttHUttit, Tillamook Lheum inspector, over Ua6ml r trartor r,-mi
1 1 i.ooO mllw on a Kabrtc.
4 ,- :
Ky the (.lib Reporter
. Haya 1 1,000 mile on Maxwell car.
i Madtlo, Kocktway stage lino ftnn ylvwia
r..rd Itits worn out. tyo other wis with food
i'KJ.4posi8 of but wearing the third.
and Ojmtnlno U,h wonderful tire. H eoU5 )m
tin nny oUcr SUndftnl ninHot
uiprttrl, nriuUa: no rxtrn
rjnditur for fnd Tnirnrt.
.n'OTicij or ri.v. i. sirrn.KMFN
Kuttr w hfrhv iVot). Uiftt tfie
ttn4erlfiiMKi, "thiiifsirnlor of the
at KnU PhilMrW. drie(J,
iim ftl4 in th fyonty Court tn Til
Itmiuk rnttiity," ;jVle of OxfKon. lii
fitwl siroum ftkh j"lr..i.,iutar at
MiH "&tuV UsV U.. ttti Uny of
A tin I r9j3J, t (h hour of on o'clork.
t the urt
l'K(m nf
Court r) vi4 uiit li. Imii ful
for hortn.' of ornr l nw rc
j AdmnHdor ttl the "Kutato rj
IlaWd ' ' fuv iHiMUhixI this 0th
fn nueuntr kivu ijh.
years (Ujivtllvacc. U
Sold by
'iams &
Jf in iwl
iO GreaterPwer
10 Quicker Starts
10 Slighter lights
lo Jlfw Ssnvicfi
Chun!. S,n,R, H.utory aro .n.uh- n .u-corA.no
with a spccml formuU which allows unn-strut,. chum-
tinu! jv.siHliiiK illsimfKration. S
TIuih Htniubnl huo Cohunhia Slornp... Katterlos Kiv.. 10 V
t, or vico at no extra cent. You can , . for .nstanco.
volt Cohnnhiu am-ry for earn for only $38
x ha Price 1 1 Pluto Cohnnhiu Sum,; Hattory, wh.ch
, X of al. can,, costs only $24.05. o.xchan.o pr.ee.
' (All .ron. f. S-
rohunhia Storat-o Hattcrl,s aro ..,! in the San Francisco
Lolumi ' . ., r,...,,,,. r.noain.. one of the oldest
nun n..U,...
Colutnhlu UattorwH unu whuiuu... -
Williams & Williams
NATIONAL CARBON CO., Ssn iv,.uIk, aih. couimuia y cru. nATTituucs
We llVV '' "' ll "lu.
,liiKiii fmin FntuK, llattum'i nd
mutt. Pr. (itlbrt!on, the Wizard
"rh Uu'Mvr aiuI King of the shoe
flttn'r, Vlt US hop to it Oil is
Ktil on this fttnile ntuff hinoJ.
Hny It mys bK dividend .-lh in
n ccinl nml buiine tiutus it
dcxMi, for Qt', i pure onn- iwpular
:tv thor who linvc lnm Kfa
nml hi h depnrtmfut over t
K. T. Ilaltoms v ruwdnir 'cm all
rnt:i;.Ml wlwu ri comes to volumne.
It pAj'n to smile.
We mild Sntuna Hcxistcr
Mitchcl, of llayocm Jroppctl in.SaXl
he wanted re "the bicHest jm.
per ii 'tlUaniook" tho once over.
M.itchil must have Wen nround a
emmtry print shop some, for he
surv know how to mlmini&ltrr a put
on tho buck with ttll.iw effect. If
wo wen' to jot. kwwn cvory litU
"pat" thV, e handed us the. Fi'K
wnilvl think wi- wre uffeil up
wiourIj to explode. Anyhow he
in n livi-wire unfa death on shie.
wtrinir pronvjvirs. A ad how he can
The Irish Navy tnr had a big
time Friday niiifct. Hiey attended
the St. l.'utrick's dnncc Kiven by
Wnjcd. Watson, et al, at the St.
'hall, and cnrrii-d things Vih hand
ed. Guess we'll join W- Irish Navy
eomo another tvU'V' months Don't
Tiut. City dnds ivw ?n Miii'iixr
'tho.io days. Kenvvn? Holer to front
pnjro article rKarduu: tlie Inmd
election iit they didn't smile on
Friday, " when they picked up the
sejai-eonscious nana oiu ana reaa
therein som of the junk hnivK-d
out. We did, though, for wo knew
what it would do just what it did
force tho thinir civet- bit:.
1 1 ore's n K0.cdt rxilo to. ro by in
the future Ha,,K! W t'8 sen.iconi
scious mtiul; bill conies out for a
ineaMiro. vote itKtiinst it; if it's,
ann.rtst it, voto for it. Adopt rtfs:
policy nnd you won't ro far rr.iingj.
Tho boss smiled Iwfr. week. In
stead of 25 new dubscribcrs, as he
had planned, ho secured 27. Oh,
boy, but wo. know somebody that
didn't sjnilo
hVnnk Wilson came in smilihjr
nnd n Rrinninc; Saturdcoiv, nici he.
wanted to "siKil up' He handed
over two plunks Mid wo dished out
n receipt. We. .iiulled when he said
ho was transferring hb affections
to tho. paper 'that printed th0 news'
Frank, is u chcwstMimker also an
Odd' Follow, ninins of the frulor
nal kind,
Wo nro Kolnjj to cjult ftir thia week
Th pleasant purcratlvo effect ex-
perlonced by those who us0 Chumbcr.
llnm's Tablets and tno neaimy con
dltlon of body and mind which they
create makts one feel joyful,
Price Goes Down!
Quality Stays Up
The comfortable riding quali
ties of the Overland can be
compared only with those of
higher priced cars, for its
spring base is 130 inches long
longer than the wheel
base of most large heavy cars.
Its 27-horsepower motor
drives the Overland farther om
a gallon of gas than any other
car. Owners report 25 mile
is common.
Touring 550, Rodr 550, Coup
850, Sedtn 695; i o. b. Toleda
Oxrrliind cAlvayt a Qood Investment, 7pv the Qreatett oAutomMU ltn in 4
25 r.ili prr cillon Tnplrx Mi:Kr vuudium mml tptinf . . lyiach atac ban raai mmmm
bf.it laorwu-wf . . SmU, tti rr bod; . . . Fioah, ouiBtt, hak4 450 itmnm . . . TwnWi
. . Kout adjutubU br.Vn . Auto-bi, Urtrie lurur t4 kfka . . Bwtkkni
tlI 5flll W,lll wprrilct. tttt CO Ulh . KAl
The Star Garage
Chas. Pankow, Prop- Tillamook, Ore.
72m greatest oAutomebih
X)alue in cyfn