Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 23, 1922, Image 1

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"T li Paper That
Dop Thing."
Watch TW HraM
In lf22
NO. 31
... filing l fcboui nln
V iK )rar old daughter
M Aintrrn Whtifiurr,
r gnilnl hrf clothing ami
, lu.n l trfal at nlxml
f e utir tiled,
' - i i.irj, hail iUpJe4 out
. '..t U rne omr milk
x . hc Mtle otto acfamblrd
Paper I 'n fair to
County Attache
Kaatrtia to rrttP lu thr
,, ' M..i Myrtle WalUn, a
1 'JioriHifhly cvmprlrnl
e . f .unty employ at-
c oUke f County A-
. rra iue of another Til-
, Mit Watlln't name wan
y . M.U Walltn, of the coun
t t - office, wa very tuny
I a Ml Walltn Hao b-rn
t '.Killing tn how belt
t I with b maly county
r r "
i . ( n whu know Ml
W i uffwal capacity thr re-
,, In- patar by at A alll)-,
remit 'k from aontr rn.
r tittle limalrlir lirwa
( Hmvfvrr thrfn fair
' Imp Inail lit Ix-llrVr thai
M ' a I brnn romplalnlnK;
Ktinloli vai liectiKahlr,
w T . them wr wlh to state
'r una entiled) UJIcallrd
' .np. onl rrrtnlnly lth
Ilr of Mt. WAllln
v W la hth ronnevtrd lh
' ..iflcn for a number of
' i ') ilvmt nllafartlnn,
r 1 I an unasked. for Inereaar
i n.J Ima nrvor romplnlnrd
' o a ny county pay check."
Mrs. (ioodspecd, III,
Despondent, Suicides
T'' i miiiuty wa ,h(K-Wl on
' nt UK hint to lenrn of the
'! 1 1' ii,tir' of Mr. Mnry OmMl-
' ' r 31 yrnra n rvuhlrnt of tltln
v " ' and wi known mid loved by
I1, k !.. knew hir bt'iit.
'1 ponrnnrr wa not noted
'"' I .mt H oVIiH-k in tlu mornlnt
when her daughter wnt Into
her rm
fin m'nrchlnK imrtlo ttwl
in " 11 directum uml tlm UiUkIi w
'IrHifjt' I, but no truce of hor wn
found until uhout ono o'o'ock whrn
H'rt Tlmyer nnd V. Mnrril, who had
' r'-'ininlnir on thr liny, fcin! wrrr
r Uirninjr In n bont discovered her
I" flouting In tho nlouith nbout
I'1" ynU lioluw thu old mouth of
!h" Trnak Soon moro ludp wn we
cured nnd thu body rtm broUKhl to
lU'fi'imed had been In III heulth for
nun tlmo, nnd her rnnh net wn the
" i t of Heverc nervoun brenkdovvn
The funend Ncrvlcon wure held t
A 'ecturo, exphilnlnK, (nio t the
I'm pose of the Klu Klux Kln, wn
Kiven ut the City Hull on Monday
A great mniiy people, curious to
nw iilimit th0 organl.atlon attend
'"'i filling every nvallnblo seat In the
Tlm speiikur of tho evening Wiim
'lm Jeffries luomlent j'ortlnnd j
Mr. Jeffries statements consisted
nmliilv lu oxplulninif thu Intontu nd
lutioaua of tho KUn organlnUon,
OUt uf ImI if, ), h-i-M rl0ie arid
wrt Imj n.(r jK atovr Hearm?
her crtm iIip mother ruahrd l Oir
Imutc and Kattlly catinl Df. HavrV.,wbu
arrhnl In aW)t half an hour, Ull ill
tllllr ofir Hi, mi liaillj. Irtlftiwj Uwt
all rffutta l r hrr Wo (UUo.
Thr Urtrf,l tooV Jttafp OM WmIimw
day. ,
the I'mliytnian cltttrrli oc ittindsy t
I! 30 o'clt'-k and wrtfc rondurtmi
Itc-v patV, of thr Mrtb4it clwrvb,
Itrv Tuclpr. f ihe Cbrtatiftn rltutrh
ami ltcv, Mrltra of Uir 'f nliylrrfcin
rhurrh, Hrv. Mrltra piw.-Wnk" tfaf
intomrnt taa jtjacr at ilir Hay
Oty r-(ctrfy
Tliff vrrfr many twautiful fkul
t ASi: siu.i:(Ti;i)
run n HUMAN Jim
Arthur C4" ha l ajipsintr! to
fill thr aearvty In thr TtHswV Ptrr
j )riatmrnt ra,i4l by ttic untimrly
drath of HurdirW.
Cntr a urP flttol fr thr ullkMl
Vni: very prnfftHrnt In wlui.
tl way atxl lrt1nK irrl ft a vol
i tntrrr In htr drpartmrnl for nv(ral
Only nr nthn ftp4kmUi;n ns
fdl with tho eomreiX
Thiessen Here to
Take Charge Store
U-r Thlrfrn nrrtl lt t"
lake personal charter StAlt.
'ard I'rtxJ atorr, puichaawl nvent-
y from Itoariibrre Hntthcr by the
Oregon Hraln (otnpny.
Mr Thirarn t arcrrtsry nml
trraaurrr of thr company which
now on anil operntn l .'lure
in thla atate. Hr has been atrlloiutd
it Aulmvilln and Dalian but hU
rlirlnlly f f on Milwaukle. Oregon,
where the wrltrr wn pernonnlly
icuninteil with him.
He la a irradttnte of Oregon As
rinilturn' Colletre nnd of thnt type
if younu' nmnhiHNl thnt i perserv.
Iiik nnd Induatrioua nlwnyn. Ho
omen here wlh the nvowiil inten-
Ion of nmklni: hi- t're here one
the beat In the city nml purpnae
o build up nil exteimvle tnole
tnionif the dairymen nml fnrmerx
by dllluently uludyiiiK' thrir need
nnd wnnt nnd Mipplyim: them
promptly nnd with every measure of
Thlren will be n vnlucd nd.Il
nlwnya been out In front on mnt
tern of civic moment hence, The
Herald bid him welcome nnd be
ipenkn for him thnt volumnc of
nicceHH hi ImlustrloUKnen and train.
Iiik wnrnint.
Gilbert 'Jiddi.eh mid .il
uotore.1 to Tllliimook from Wheeler,
Snturdny night to, "tke in" the
Moone ilftncf here. They nmde tho
trip In nbout one hour nd one hnlf.
... i.. i.j..f i,.coiiling to Mr.
wnic i lire in
Jeffile.,, follow The supremacy,
he white im-e,ver every other cob ;
..ppoKllim, to every pro-forHRii . i -
gHiiUntlon; '
state; tho suppo't of public s hools
!! ngahiHt fomlBii immlgratlcn of
lurk co'ored race! the uj.ho di.m
of officialdom In enforcement of l
""irSSfrln- UH. .t.T..l
Tliniiuoon ; " . .
bors some of tho moat Influential inc..
of th city,
Schullz Dyeing
Works Makes
H Y Srhutli, proprietor of the
, K"itnmy li.aiirr & Oyer tin a tvvn
j makiriK ei.Mlvr aiterntlona and lm-
I prvitmnt to hla plant tntly to
' t t1hlll I t l M. , ... ... I...
.... ,.,, 1(, ln.,M. rrnouinirniiy
hamlln th lar:c volumne of btlalneati
r.r OTtlcn 't
l H er, td n com" - fire
- dty fUafi.nK rom, wherein ii
It.atnlM i.0 iattwi mnehneiy nee
ry to lit coiiiluei of n iHiainotx
e-f tb a kind. ThU room Is equipped
with motor d'ivim wnaherB, extractor
fi.ilvlnc rrtwhln Uwt Uiorout:hlv
1trt alt trafdine nrnl nnhni.r
ftuldaj giaMtlitir UUtllllng I'nnt which
nuHfie the iim at aanline nml r
trn It to n iititomatlr pump thniui'h
prlllv built pipe line to be ukh!
in nd nrnln Thi room ' thor
mifhly fir'pmof,be(ni; itilpped with
vapitr tJeetrie liehu nml hns nn nr
mn(fttirit o rontHvntl that ahoold
.1 flr hapiarn, the inAaaivr bit: door
wmxlS inatantley clo thu confhiioc
Mi fiin In thU one room. A atmini
Itw l lo fitted op nnd when thee
noora rloe In nn emeri;en-y thl
ten la rrlmel to reek Its hnvoe
the fire Coiklenard atenm.wben
rnfluHd, U one of the very lMst fire
cvttmjuUbera, ay Mr. SehulU.
Ir, nnoUwr room he has ertcted an
I m menu- 'umbler a rontrnption thnt
drlea ni fiheiu the c'othlng pr
rnUry to nemllnc It ti the prexmr
and finbhlnK loam. A h: tenm bd
r hn In-en crrctel to futnljh th
neceiaiiry atenm. Tin- improvement
nnd H'ld t'n nrc nil to the rer of
tlm main toie roam which fteei on
Second Avenue Knst next to Idl'a
:j arkrt.
Sit Schullz looks for nn except mi.
' !"y gooil year nnd thnt Ik bn th
laiivlcllnn of hi stntemenU one run
readi'y ace from thoforero'ln.
The Indies of the Kill Knre Klub
wil hold n rooked food Mile nt the
Vnuithu grocery atore ftiturdny, Mnreh
JS. begiuninir nt 10 o'cliH'k nnd will be
an all dny sole.
The pntceixla will go to help defrny
(he expenses of the entertninment of
the Women's Federation Club which
will be here in Mtiy.
Anotincenicnt is nmde that the live
alink breeilei of the Pacific const
will noon be able to make importa
tion of allium' by direct shipment
from Kurope instead of through nn
Atlantic poit a in the past. As
toria has been designated as a port
of enry for animal according to
a telegram received from Senator
1'ieviously, livestock from abroad
have bee permitted by the fodernl
authorities to land at only one port
In the , Unitod States. Ath.-mi.
New Jersey.
In canvi:'g out this program, a
most -IHd ou-iiantine will bo en
forced when the nnlmnl are landed
from abroad at Astorln. This change
of program on tho part of the
government should result in eon
slderablo snving to the livestock
shippers ;in ithis tlistrlcr, Ouorn
so and Jersey cattle are Imported
in considerable: numbers, nnd nlso
higli-itrade sheep nnd horses. Ow.
iron Stale Farm Hureau Nuw.-i.
The following committees were up.
noliited at the Guernsey meeting- held
i Tuesday night Much l lth.
Finance committee! Jnmes i'liams,
Joseph niirrer nnd Howard Kdmunds.
Peccntion committees Irn (1. I.ance,
i. K. Tucker anil V. D. Pine
I Jntortiilirn'ont committee: Mvs.
ilVllp Hushi Mrs. James Williams,
,1. U finv mid Itudolph Zwelful.
i..mtiiusldi eommitteo: Homer
MtiHun, Paul Fltstpntrlck, Joint J.
limn mid Alfred Josln.
The nut meeting will lm ludd Mnreh
tim 28th and Mr. Weston of Port'imd
will etteiid nnd offer suggestions for
, tho Ouornssy GyUi.
VOTE 103 TO 69
iKTOIOIV :a Tlll.lt KKKI'S
CiUicns of Tlllnmook authorized
the ununnce of $50,000 in bontl
nBiit the City of Tillamook by n
vote of J0 to CO in tho apccial elec
tion held SntunJay.Thin too.in spite of
tn e'eventh hour newapnper attack
by nn eilllor who up until lnul week
hud ben n trusted city official.
Tho city council, nml the finnminee
committee in particular, enn well tnke
this jiopulnr voU a n expression of
confidence impoei upon them by the
Stormy wcfiithor ser-el to brine
out n very light vote, but it is thought
thM the vote would hnvc been in the
unrne proportion no matter what it1
The n'ection rvtuni wure. cnnvni'i'ed
Und the ixnUoafflcfiOly proclaimed
acd nt the Mondny nlirht meeting
f the council. Theae bund which nre
to be used In tnklng up outstanding
nrrniit of lndebtelur und in car
ing for delinquent n.asessment upon
which the city will soon recover, nro
t be placed on the mnrket forthwith,
thus bringing in $i,000 in outside
noney for local circulation.
Lewis U. A'bert was horn nt
Great Falls, New Hnmswick, Juno i,
ISOR, and died at Tillamook, March
16, It22. P.eing 56 yonrs 1) manth
and 7 days old at the time of his
He was mnrried to Mrs. K P.
Winters on Jan. 16th 1006. To this
union was born one son, Clarence
aired 15. He also leaves one step
anghter, Mrs. Walter Mead, of Ne
halcm, Oro
He lived at Til'amook for several
ears before his death, nnd leaves his
blethers of the Lynn! Order of the
Moose and many friends to mouni
their loss.
His funeral wns h?ld at the Un
dertakig Parlors at 3:30 p.m. Sunday
afternoon. Rev. MeRen officiality
The Moose Lodge lind charge nt tho
burial at the Oddfellow cemotary.
A recent report from tlm oclco of
tho county agent In Tillamook coun
ty shows a Jremnrkablo record in
tho tubereu'ln testing of cows. A
ntal of 12,742 animals were tettel
5S6 of which were pure D-etts, and
12,019 were grades, Of this num
ber 110 animals were reactors and
18 were suspects. Tho ( rcactjis
were destroyed, tho owners receiv
ing $25 foe each animal which was
pnld by tho county and state. The
testing was under tho direction of
Dr. J. M. Shaw from O. A. C, tip.
pointed ly the county court Ore
gon State Farm Hureau News.
It is expected that Walter L. Toozo
of McMinnvillo, will address n meet
ing of tho American Legion nt t'
W. O. W. hall on Friday night '
smokor wil1 bo given nnd tho prob ''
llties of organising company of na
tional guards nnd securing an armory
for this city will bo discussed.
Tho Mooso Ihill on tho evening of
i" Mnreh 17th was a great succos. Thle
hall was a benefit ilnuco nnd tho net
nro'cods which Amounted to over $10"
v'll co for tho sttnport of tho boye
jarnl glrla ut Mooiehoart.
Immigrants to
Come; Families
Travel By Auto
The Chamber of Commerce, whien
hns Ikh-ii advertising the county for
ime time, expects a large Indue of
home seekers this summer, for this is
one of thv Urge numbvr of letters
being receivd:
"Will you kindly send me the ad
dress of some storage house in your
city, ni I am coming to Tillamook
this spring in an nuto, nnd would
like to ship some things ahead if I
ran get some good reliable storage
houic to take care of it for me. There
wi be three or four families with
me on the trip, who nrp also going to
Tillnmook and will have some thine
to ship such Itn trucks. We will pr-e
pay th freight. Our stuff will be
'here a month or two ahead of us, as
we are going through the National
Pnrk We nre going to sttirt as soon
is the rcf.id nre open. And a'so send
the nnme of our best bank, as we will
wmt to transfer some mone- to one
f your banks. Which is the bet and
most scenic highway from the park
to Tilhimook?"
High School Players
to Produce Comedies
The H. S. Dramatic Club will pre
sent threo comedies, March 31, at
eight o'clock in the high school cyn
he Glee Club will furnish several
numbers. This is a benefit program,
the procveds is to be used towards
he purchase of a school piano.
"The Revolt" by the author of "Pig
s Pigs," is to be a. -ted by Bessie
Kight, Reberta Campbell, Vera Clark
Marvnret Armentrout, Florence
Strena'.tnn, Mac Pirks, Hallic Large,
Mary Nelson nnd others. The ideal
husband is acted by himself. This
comedy has a very unusual plot and
"The Pest Man" presents an em
barrassing 'ove tangle which unrav
els quite happily. Rodney Farley,
Grace Jolliff, Ruth Miller and Wil
liam Driscol have been cast for this
Perhaps the most lnughable comedy
is "Thnt Rascal Pat" Pat alone is
worth twice the price of admission.
Glenn Anderson, Gerald Graves, Joe
Maxwell, Mary Lamar and Arline
Heyd will give this play.
Remember the 31st, be sure to
"ome. You need the laughs and we
need the p'nm.
Krrol Haltom of Tillamook wns one
of tho honored cadets at Hill Military
Academy, Portlnmty la,st Saturday
when the academy gave a large dance
and Haltom got special mention for
the artistic booth he decorated. There
was a competition for honors in mak
' - th armory attractive. The seating;
'pace around the ballroom was divided
into boxes in which the smartly gown
ed debutantes and chaperones were
Vonor guests. Errd Haltom is chief
'brarian at Hill an 1 Is o"j of the po
ou'ar cadet officers.
Miss Luln Knudson left for dacl
haldl Wednesday morning where shn
will visit Miss Jessu Hoffman for a
few days.
L. I). Brush, one of our most cf
ficlent forest patrol men who turip
bis attention to trapping fur bwul'iK
niuuils In the winter month.! In
town Monday making his last fur
shipment .of the yenr.
Brush hns beep operating on tin
little North Fork of tho WUkii Uivcr,
about seven miles out, this season.Ho
had out nbout n slx-milo Mno and net
ted himself something over $250,
working, only part time.
Ho br tight In n beatuiful specimen
of Otter Monduy, one that (ratal Na.
The Herald ha no connection,
nor dor it intrnd to affiliate with
any local adtrrtisinc agency
formrd or forming.
Thr Herald ha a free arrrice
bureau available to all Herald ad
rrtirr with an eiperirnerd ad
vertising apccialiat in charge.
Wo hae thla week rreeied a
bij' fhipmrnt of cut and illust
rated heading auitable for divers
forma of advertising. This service
i olau frre to Herald advertisers.
Make um- of it.
Sales campaigns, promotion
work educational advertising
campaign propetn work and
catalog compiling carrfully and
conscientiously worked out by an
Ilifore contracting for adver
ting of any nature it might be
well t gel in touch with The Her
ald's M-rvcr bureau. It may mean
money in your pocket: It cer
tain.'y will save you worry and
net-diets trouble.
H ERA LI) advertising attracts
and pays. "Watch the Herald
in 1922."
F. C. Feldchau ' was the successfji
bidder on one mile of concrete on the
Netarts road, connecting with the
present concrete.
The bids which were opened last
Fridiiy were as follows: F. C Feld
s:hau $12,759; J. P. Maginnis, $12 ,221;
A. T. Do'an, J12.0GL00; C. F. Stone,
While Mr. Maginnis bid was the
lowest, we understand that the Court
saw fir to reject his bid because he
ilreiidy has a large contract for road
Mildred Tilden Dies
After Long Illness
Miss Mildred Tilden diet! March 20,
1022 at Nehalem. She had been ill
for the last three years with diabetes.
She w-as 'aid to rest Tuesday After
noon in the Bay City cemetery
Miss Tilden was 20 years old and
is survived by her parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Tilden and four sisters And
one brother and a host of friends.
Cougar are not to be found in Tilla
mook county, reports Stanley Jewctt,
who has just returned from a fruitless
search, made at the request of a com.
plainnnt. Only one cougar was killed
luring the ycar.said Jcwctt.who spent
a night in the brush without shelter or
hrdding in the midst of a hail and
inowstorm while on his hunt.
Streams around Tillamook are alive
with steelhends, says Jewett, and bet-
tor catches are being made with rod
and line than for many years.The first
'Chinook hnve made their appearance
stragglers of the large run to come.
( Oregon Journal.
( We suggest that Jewctt get in touch
with Wallace Edson, of Blaine. What
'say, Mr. Jewett?
one nnd was perhaps five foot, two
inches. He has been shipping to St.
Louis where market conditions were
more satisfactory.
His work as a firo nutrolmnn will
begin May I. For eight Years ho has
been stationed up the Wilson and In
that t'mo he has had only one fire
that 1ms necessitated his calling for
outside assistance. That fire was just
this past season, as many wiU recall.
A now lookout station is planned at
tho head of Cedur Creek this year. It
will be located In Section three, 19
The city council met in regular
session Monday night, Chairman
Johnson presiding in the absncc of
Mayor Moulton, who is sojourning in
California. Present were: Councilmen
Terry, Hoy, Talbot And the chairman,
recorder Stranahan, city attorney,
Hall, Marshal White nd Fire Chief
Several matters of vital importance
at this time were meted upon. A new
truck ordinance was passed as an
emergency measure. Under it's terms
all trucks operating here re subject
to a yeariy license fee. Trucks oper
ating locally for hire are to be as
sessed in substance a follows:
$20 for one ton trucks or under.
$30 for All two ton trucks.
$10 for all three ton trucks or over.
Through trucks from points outside
of Tillamook county to Ti'lamook
$120 for each one ton truck and
20 per cent additional for each ton or
fraction over one ton capacity.
For all trucks in Tillamook County
operating between county points and
Tillamook city a license fee of only
M0 is asked.
F. B. Hayes Appeared before the
council to ask relief from an ordin
ance passed just recently which im
posed a license fee of $5.00 per day on
all peddlers. Hayes sells fish, clams,
etc. from house to house And the
council readily granted his request
by interpreting the ordinance to read
as not operating against sea foods
and seA products providing the seller
was a bonafide resident of the county
The Tillamook Boxing Commission
was granted the use of the City Hall
for their big American Legion Smok
er on pril 15.
The Women's Clubs were granted
the use of the Mill on April 12 for a
card party which is to be given to
raise funds to be appled toward the
entertainment of the Federated Wo
men's Cubs convention.
The repair of walks, streets and
highways waa formally and inform
ally discussed. Reports hav eoma
to the council that walks art in bad
repair in some parts of th city. The
street committee has th matter in
Ivan Donaldson, of the Portland
Cadillac Stage Line, made a plea for
less stringent bus fees. He had just
returned from a pub'ic. Service Com
mission at Salem and had attended
a civil suit at McMnnvlle against the
City of Kewberg where, he said A per
manent injunction had been isiued
against a similar ordinance in New
berg and he feared that the local or
dinance) might be declared non-operative
also. No action waa taken, pend
ing n report from the Above mention,
ed hearings.
Several other matters of lesier im
tiort came before the meeting, soma
of which arc recorded elsewhere.
A. W. Vosburg, president of the
Wheeler I umber Company , ian
nounced Friday that the company
would not charge its employe
house rent, which include lights
and water, during February and
March, The act waa prompted by
the fact tat most of th men had
been idle for some time and eewld
use the money to pay jleeal (mar
chants. It wtil W a aavtaf af
about flfi to taek rtfttor,