Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 16, 1922, Automobile Section, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12

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    II, me 'it-HC
A Duty Yo-l Owe Vinitaolf and Hip (
a'l ci but hc -houting -and he first time this season. Neuberg's
w xnt' rfom the shouting. r". l "
. , , , ... ... I Hues for foolht.
Which is by .y of aaym. thai tba , Vf hns nvw
T-' iff hih baJlttU heJi m throng aH rooting like wad
, t i many a well foRht for Tillam -ok. fans and school of-
u jrv.bod to the ft of these two town. Wt lottd
i . .i r
-,t ! '
jh. hi . '
!r linn" i
K I 1 -U-en-eli li; ll ' 1 "'
bn.ketheU team " h'k',,
'.-.all. OlfPt f "
. . i, ,. ! u- UtV all
1m il-l !' f
Wf haven't decided yet whether it .h-ul far larger than was the CeJ-
iv "Shingle" Gabriel's wonderful umbtn University crowd - and tt w
floor work. Mathews' entry into the a crowd huniterinf ror
wnic, Tone and Stnrk stonewall de scalp. When U looked '
ense or Conch Fm V plttu of attach for us the crowd yelled
that turned an spr' -1 one-side.! de than they did when
Uy n !''
T-.- .! iv --V-.W
berff -m
pin-!' i
lo ra"..
bem h
ed at
e -! p!.i
st into a glorious vi t.ry. or wheth. te first pitt, tWi wh.-n
ay n 'osinit the cHm- 5 te rtoan-olajrinir of th ( r it was a combination of an- Uvo or oM-mt-ncod l crawl up ' the chuty
-v i Ttuaw.K ooy ami mow mr t i all of thejo fturtM ont smny nn lamnin iao. on, wnai mm
thf UK finalt now
' - v
...-r wt' I'K
0 . M. 4 "rtvni
i tr,i ...w. .'mU f,r n''
I the ot-rr wi-'i-n
, H,.(h f'
( II II .-Hi '
ma byono offWal that "after aHllAmwA cincrt:i the victor ovor Mc- rent tho hoacnn, Whrn Hr cc n
i Tillamk earnest mow than they . Mlnnville Saturday nr(U in th hiffh all ho cowMRil h.-M : i"
i lem as muh of a i ivt by playing tho ganio a it shou'd -hol b,!ketbalt eontfst otaol on way. tho crowd mn'me . v I. I
id "dirt " itmo play- i he r'ayi'd "
m..i.v r. vb? ' Rtr-h Coleman of O. A. C n'ffre-
ti. He ay that h dki not wo Jut
how GabrW . injurod. conwqttrntly
t.wk no action.
THo eore:
T. H S
. M thesv.: ?
Gabriel t i
6 NVon I
Carlisle i
l, Mr-ndlc
S,-ir- N- be r. 19; Tdlamk Nv
Ti! airnvV vtus robhod of an appar
rnt -t,'ry iben Cr'vn "hinple"
C.ab-i! a' taken oat of the (tame
in an u" '-:i.-i'U condition as a ro
uH -f 'vtH'atod collision with a New.
here player. GabrW. herocia'ly re
maincd ir. tho frame for seven apea-
lona Winnies wiore nr Tone
lowinp h's rouch trfatmoflt. mc w i Daridon
uneons."iou. for more than hour after
the pamf.
Gabri.'. wa hijrh pint man and
leadinc hi team on to victory whi
N'ewborff shi'ted their attck in hit
(li-inn in ooe unknown mannP
b- -Maid enld". and a he wy
'wWm wa '!k Vfore j We lost but w won many friends
we- I -uM no t distinrjuish a Tilla- i by playing clean ba!!.
T ... fror. a Newbcrg man
t p.."'o.! as if the whiste wul1
the local fliwr. Score. 20-U. ;lymg line, throwing htt '-.'o in i
The "in -a rrle,l in a aensat-, M fg
ion am! nerve-w reeking ninthinn - Whil ,h' 'l,t
.nc rallv. after it seemed a nhvaieal ! "Ve as lwpont I-a.i
I or twenty yrnrs the nm Uulck hn
hern uttlrllbly linUcd WU! tltoac cr qunt
itica tlmt npprnt nttat prufouiulty to enr
owner turtlinra, power, uttfniHttK tlr
pemlrtbility nntl tUy in, tUy out tkt'ufnct
oty service tintlrr c?vcryiblc contli-
we leavo it to yottr Imas tnt ;, f r 1
t Matnwarning
G H Carson!
Spar Babcock
nioojlbilitT to ovoreome Ut
-I up bv Conch JacVon,s team of I Tlin th'r Bvr " " "
'eMmnvdle The 4,-ore at the end of H"tory yell as that Ut .. t
Se fir' half tiW IS tn C in favor : then.
invader. A few minute after
eeonti bnlf 5sbitlev tbreu- Mtmther
Cron,nlrxal makinc it 17 to 6 and 'ocat fan
t about cave up hope but not
With thi score starini; them in the
fare Tillamook' valiant warriors ral-
lied and be it recorded in bir black
lie "Hm"
Tis nd up the mter-scaolattk
ner - How. I knew we had to wro season.
s w I stared with it as H
coold The onlv intimation I had of I Track work will be Ukt.i up by
wh-t hanpened was when I awaken-1'' . Fren -h now The county track
ed in the hotel to see the doctor ami met u? t be netd nere tnts ipnnu.
mates arfund me and
The r '! . K r
defease! th- h
-ptmt ! j 'a in ! '
el vn the W h i-f-r -r
S ,iro 2. U'
-i! f k
tin.- 1 t
Sunset Garage
Ifet th. I
,i half, th ! !
The yelling resulting from Vhi "
winning shot h hMlv .' ed d'n ' lr",! '''''
. Li.n I brar "- 'he f
"r iimora niie "Tw '' . , .
..: . . l.i ... ecfiin ' ghtMnif arrvigefoe.it
nrn imnKn wrre itm. iit t.w
floor while score- and wore ewded I tH" ,,m tH !l'
around the victorious team t offer hA, h
t.ip Uttlt. Huwi. vit ImiiM ti .
to to pc'ii With the et -r
. 'l i
hen ir ) "
it! that
b'.- -
letters THEY N'EVFK AI.I.OWFP cunKratulations and then shuk'u tne,
Ol,P M AC TO SHOOT VS'OTHER j ,"c'n r ?W1 'n tn' ,,r ''
FIELD GOAU On top of this won- j fr'ends. in utter collapse, f r he had
derful denfenie record the locals open, attended the game, planne.1 the at-'
e,l up as offensive such as never wit- j "! h was carried,
r.eserl before this season That th's through, when family and hitfh who.d
is tropel truth one can readtlv see bv fs-ultv had urgeJ htm to une to ni
mh!. for he was a sick man. lie re
; ee:ve.l the e mgratulations if friend"
humb'y but with ftankf))re and
fellow teim
learn of the outcome of the game We
should have won but rr.v boy? sure
ly put tin an awful c'enr-cut gan'e ar.1
I am r-o'.ider o' that than anything
right now "
With Cabricl out and Stark forced
to rot;-e to the sideline for peTf"'
al fouls Tillamook fought a loaiu
game in the dying minutes or the
The loca's started strong and at
one time had a 10 to 5. lead. White
was covered and dogged juet ae he
wa; in the McMinnville game here.
Gabriel shot three field baskets and
six fouls. Camoo high man for Nev.
berg shot 4 field goals and three
fouls. Tippia got into the ?ame for
tben was driven lo hla home, n very
sick man. Such loyalty to a rh ! Is ,
about two weeks.
Spnr.g f.'Otba:: rnictice will be in-
l-.ter in the month or
Watch T. H. S. go.
auciHi'i d h-"-i
early in At ril.
Pictured in Lecture, Exhibit, Demunstratioa
The Home Management, Sanitation, Furnishings, Labor Sar-
ir.e Devicf- and Emergencies.
The Child Xarsnrion, Clothing, Books.
The Food Selecnon, Preparation and Serving.
The Clothinir Section, Making Iress Form, Decorative
Touches for Garments, Short Cuts in Sewing.
Evening Entertainment.
Commun ty Play Music Noted Speaker!.
Full Information on Any Subjt-ct by Writing
Kt'Sitrar O. A. C, Corvallis, Oregon.
arair. clar.cing at the score 20 to l
alwa remebbering that MeMinn
ville wa leadinc IT to 6 at one time.
Gabriel was the outstanding stnr of
the evening. H. shot a'l but four of
Tillamook'- point.. Stark registering ' ' desired but Seldom f mn 1 and
Ba.eba'l practice will be emlto.1 in 1 Texas too much praise M M he gwen
White chalVinr up two more with a j nl"n or nn wwn on -.m ine
field pool. Gabriel shot five field j nicht alone.
baskets AND SIX STRAIGHT From-h is the greatest on. h tha'
''Ori. never mi.inb a s'nirle trr 1 'v'"' eame to Tillamook a mm be
'mm the field line, a feat a'one that wd b the thlte nnder him. re.
mrht to win him honors at old Tilla- , spited by facult and patmrs alike
mook hich that students in yenrs to
come will hear about.
In the first half Tillamook seemed
"stale." On the other hand Mae was
in and eomine every instant. They ; follow; :
charcej down the f'oor with terrific ' M'-M'nnville
rriss-cros dibble ami pass that seem- ' ..bbins 6
d to co throuch the Tillamook lin" Shipley IX
l;ke so muh poison gas Time after neB
Watch The t'nl had one mar. devoted hi en . Akcc
tire and undivided attention to brother . Jierclan.t
- htte of the Tillamook squad and
whn he thoucht he was coing to hnve
and another man would come to his
assistance and Sien White had two
docgers at his heels to contsnd w,'h
elude th- Wr (rtianln M
'he ba" die 'v toler t.iiir ?
."ife t 'he riit i-l !t
WSeelr' p' -i a h-mid '
was I' Unsi ',r be'tef tno thit .t -
tve.i h re wben tVj p!rvl ht I
O O F tea-1!
I In the neciir ! htf FbVe- H-tt
' wild s"d ih.it i'tii lp fnt at .
TS. whi
'ided wh "'-
. ' f!-ior work the par o !fe-! af t f
LocV ng C"v c s A-e Gootl Pro
tcction Aga njt Deprctlattons
of Meddlesome Bo$.
DURANT'S latest
Xcwbcrg is tangling with Astoria
h gh at Salem today. Here's hopin'
A post -season game between two
all-star teams is talked of Oh. Boy!
King's suggestion for a semi-pro
league with IWvor. A meeting will
dbubt'ds be called sooa
j and we!' liked by the cltitenrv in gen.
eral. To him great credit is du and
we accord It.
The score of thi intmurable game
2 White
1 Gabriel
8 Stark
Math own
Referee: ;4orrisa; itinera, Uber
man and White; scorers, Dlscol' and
j The 'ore shows what surecss was at-
I lenoant upon xnis memw oi proceea.
in.!... L
c 1VI ..iiiLt- ihl mil) lint- L.in
' evenings, at other times his every
effort being smothered in infancy.
Tone and Stark put up a wonderful
i de'ense in the second half. Retter ! .
i work no coa-h could ask for. B-th!
, cHnVv and Rohbins were kent ;n ' ' '- ts u''r'' f- '
j nerfect control and any stray pH : r anf l' ' 'e h: -I;
'who hannenel down their eml of the' niKh hen the K P
Ptaiker and Hie rrnghty tf""d guard
tng frori' the rWiwst brnthers netfe.!
them 7 mint to WreVr's 'i-
Tolfi rd and Patchel p!vM brd
Uinliv fr Wh-le Whedrr hi ,.
' 'H hrt teai'-i in th .-ot?t i.i
when V -.1 take th" '.?, t;mr hrv
S-- f. -n .irajr- ie! nt" .'ndeTa
lr(ertai Tm f Oimtit tenia
Wtj. Cistt C id Cu
stM o4 OkiHrit
I.ey Ui.
1 !on tb- If re- ur !
id Hfrh to '
hart rrfrrei-d the
(frxwl, very g'od
' fm,-li tr Rhine.
,-ame Saturday
attel ;llt ! m
t-f ert 4"tea mMufe
.jW ts suXeo tltt i
-c are reewveeml hi
'4i iwlf U aoo-fcee W
t t,
aea a ilt mm n-wimMBasj
court with desip-ns on the basket had
either Jim or o'd Ironsides to contend
with. Our hat is off to both theso
lads, even if they never win another
x-g'ame this year.
Davidson started at forward and
nlayed nicely, but soene hv.v or other
- Id no cet h's hii''s on the ball
t jrpi. ts s-n in in .!, gtcad 'n the
from cry old
r.o'd gymn last
arid I. 0. 0. P.
teams swung into aetmn asainst each
other, the K- P. lads d .'ng most of the
damago and coming in with a CI to 10
The winners imply wen wild in the
first half and rolled through the hoop
until tho officia' scorer thotiirbt for a
tine to call for an adding mn-hino.
Tho second half was faster and
Permanent Reair Should Follow
Soon as rotsibifl.
Htefcisit Orivtne Ovr 0ait, Into
Curb and Helcf od Affawui
Reckt It Largs' ReepenMbl
tee tee of at. -,
fr) ttiK to mue a tiuu uut palcb
lo the juti of u i-. r mutient repair ts a
-t u to r..n iii. fliv tlrv Msl U
k t!rtnl.l li. .ti.H. ut tu mwt eti.ef
.i.i ., fait m . after tit litmut
iia j...tm ll ,", b i r lump. I unit
4 J er aunt-iii rvi.ir iiijijr. I'lilion Dili
i (lone, the tusJi.jj Hfll Iie ui nil
Ift Utat is eutmtaiillj ,i'"'l4ti
At.l er.
A (turnout ptri ijoeii ind if!- It.
self tt.t.i the i ui 1 1. .t sttnk m , tv
It reuiini.il e(Mtrate, mn, durttu the
waVidiu: thai take j.i.i. ., n,tf
tlru la In utuiuui, liu(e aatiut lit
rBKiti-d cdxes of il. . uc In the eusiiut
In tloie the Jkk .
Hem that It !'
liuitossiuit to r, r
When a tread t in is rnsnooslble for
the blowout, the result is usually a
clean cut hole, he v ere bruises ordl-
t tx-'-
.' -4
'at 'ew minutes of the first half, moro eunly playe-i ball tho Odd Fel- rlly prmluen a ragged hole. Wlieie
I'-'ng the jump at center and tcttinK makin 15 of their points In this B,,rlr ' rnvpU'" "r '"
, v , . j ir i . i i fr-irai. 'nhrlc nemratlon Is often the entitle
en to forward. He ooked goo. ' Thi Mandard-mako tire, o .tt
anri aacco-npusnea just wnat ne was .amu was uie n,,
sent in
tt '
St I I! !
! rt. ti
- - tleetees) or tb tx
Bi f- ii -t l l el4et Thf ar
b sore t-" tmusa saalax ipnfu'
h) atr...t ' buja. ao-l tn
tfce i-uvn -l lie Ihlef o uinrti tei.-j' '.'
1 ( 'f In fate tS I" eirvt
nr rv parll 'Ms olst ! b kmM
to fltwt t'iitrttr f cam '
left tt tert, asat sseny
wttbMii beiuf reebssi H rmee
aooMitmea foevM m take ih JnHUl
k-y with thessv. laavter U I tie wiik
Wfk ef Praf.lo4L
Should a peorVaAi.-tiot weKbiie
thief frt jftr ear tw -ill lake fl
ear that ut tn n rit '.
stvioM yiwt see H . -ts) ' kitoa
It now -t.!r!y l It - ilretu iui, er
and enaio tini era, vt fnr
rratrhe. ikait a4 atltrbt rrt
tleg. He lt-arl the lleesuc t4kn.
diittifrs n. ngtsMf ant) ear number
and ') i ntea ff ai by wbietj
)u m'tfin tdrnilfy jrostf car ui.io
Is hi ml.tdle naiM. lie tike M. t.ar
li.n rrrsl eM of the mi.,.- owWo
aid rentwiniihia 'liew thst no ta
of tlMr crtiwinat parts will t fmu,,
In any one car tr-K.ef . tn,
Ickf-l eyrtthtng over tHh fteet rare
lo whether iir InliUU ., 1.1.1
.a aucn propor- , den nndw a wahr. or whether t!n t "" H KM-n.
(UOeult tf not ' am pr irk punch botes atirwbvr eon ' IMtawl s crantl du
eealed, t t hbwitlfr otne '"UW fntn Hie kti.Kilont
seratrb or dent it may at new feu.l- '" '"" " l"l lti ho
ers and repaint Ilia ear. J u' H "s fttrinerly it tiieiut ei '
Way le Secure Oar. Herman rodfiilerallnn ami '
i . . . . . I lall t r the lleriiiBli ruslom
If vmi could make a ertavr .W !
The Mtit tat l.wb
prMMnn.l thai he ;
Wh'ngtuti u inn do
Tb prutlu. 1 l to l.t i
9trr t"r wd k iJknuf
thirant Matar. Itw utiJc
iih tbe JMorr Molar . -Htll
control the dbtttb i'
t'nl f4tnt awl It p
In 9tMLVie ( ili rr vt
aya "The ttlarr ef h
front dw of IMIciotl a-
bo Ut It Tlioy a. i
that it was ptttalbt. .- '
wbsrk etoboil et in 1
Ike kieher prlrimi ei t
ptittoti wHb the ..t ;
lieretof reati lh ruarket"
I tw a lour vyllmler
tl Hel IMOtar. atxl ihr t
u bo.li la eafry (it p
eo-'ifort- The nicKinka' f
Hode a dUr ckilch, tl---'
gwar traivtntl(t !h tb"
(orvaril obm nrcr, T
tog o fr'tll HHI Mt 1he--:-Wttij
TltoVoM tl SO.I llvtrb
nnd llatetiktsd drive ihf. .
barkbone, n er,luUe t)urf festaif
wbfoh add rlgUtliy to the f a r M
body. Tlln tw-ly ! ef t r lf
tWtgn with a high hoo.1 - t a
wflKl thlehl ll will Ik- pr .1 - 't
popuUr tnoo It h
prtng, vacuum fel Coi
olreuicAlty ctulpiw-d
Mr Ourant hs pfxmitt.t ,
Uly doJWrry by June tt il M
decline la tte hich f ' .'
faeterln will prudticc the Ms "ar
l.Wettlaitf I np M; l
lit h OlfHlj hlHl MU i-
larnalexl (j) FfBlK". I' "' '
uir'a ItMgbiiHl aipl 1 1
er'PHilatlej lj,i,'l li.
1-iMhiit. Ma, II If-IT It
jfrainl tlurh) Iim- 111. If--
t S t
The Lang "AL.A SKA" Kitchen Range is the most econom
iral cook stove on ti market. Occupying small space, it fits
in exactly with the smaller kitchen. Constructed of Armco
pnliMicd Ire t, -with nicklcd plated trimmings, large oven and
fire-box, the "ALASKA" meets every kitchen requirement.
Although the "ALASKA" is a wood burning stove with an
extra large fire box, coal can be burned by raising the grate.
Hot water coils can easily and cheaply be installed.
A visit to our store will prove to you that the Lanj will
fce your next stove. Write or call today.
Pos. I. 0. 0 F
F 0 Camjiboll
F 2 Conovcr
C Wilson
0 H. Erskitic
G O'Dell
Sn ire & Driscoll ;
moturlst IimIm will iu.i ii..
for to give the locaU a Paying of tho two l-.mkine broihors, in their prime if (hoy are treated v lib
breathinr epell and dog the M-ic play. I ' on h team. Howard Krskine rro. Urlvlnit oei kIhim, Into curbs,
er who was raising the very Ci'n with, hot thrco baskets while hs brotlter 1,,t0 rt""1 b"u' rt,,,l UKnliiMt r-ks I.
h, srore board. hm right. Joe P'aakor, ns ususl uT,in"y r"Ml'""1M" '"r l-rpur
"- I--"! nnrr... in the -c VS n"nt "im cutting 28 roin's
d half. His entry into tho unmo i ho lino-up Hnd score:
was the signal for faster play. This . K. P.
little lad was everywhere that the hall i Krskine 10
was, yet at the same time he did not ! Foster 12
'ose sitfht of his man and kept him Plaskor U8
from scoring. He passed niceoly and i Ttoonlst !
-- oif. nreVt,.. tris for goa1. ! I
nttrk -hot n nev".to-be.,nrgiitoi) ' -! t
goal fror the rente- of the floor. Ho1 Bot.utat
shot it 'I 'iekly and on the spur A th
moment 'mt with diJii'ly pro-:isi ir
the oval dropping through the net
kir-p'unk Jost like that.
rf ever old Bedlam was turned loo
't sure was at this gme. The great
est crowd of the season wis ou- a
nilleive. I In- mi!--I n la tn huVU
our tires mspei ii-il ri-KUliirl) by n
tire in mi He I'll 1 1 it:i.i ntu IV ulliie
of futtirn tioulile liefore ll Is imi IiU .
Frame Present Arcuated Front Msov
bers D.-irioitd in Sub .ir.taiiy
Horizontal Planes.
Tim Hrbniiiic Atm-rtenii In Illustrat
ing mid ili-HiTlbliiK hii niiinmnlillit rtx
(ler, tlio hnentbiri nf II. ICempler, ll)7
Klmiiaoii street, Itronx . y Mlyi:
The Invention relm tH III ll fimjlfii
Lane county sawmHh eut "2B ?nn coiiiiiIkIiik n rlirl I frame nnwornim-
Itcferco: Morrisson; 'Nmors.Frnnch
and "Shorty"! Scorer Slmonsen.
-t l-ii-hrr. nmnloy "000 hnnda.
p,ldlo 11 000 date prune tree1
'"'ed on 200 acres hero.
f WHY PAY 10c
"For fiftj cars ther& was no change
'Til LANG did build the Hot Blaut Rarrge."
When you can get one for
King & Crenshaw Jas. G. Blaine Cigar
Z A Fragmentary Side Elovat on of an
T Automobile Equipped Vith Pender.
urcimli'd front iiiemliefH iI!mhmi-i
Niilmlnntlnlly liiirlzmiiiil pbinex i(n,
spuced pnnillelly from eiifli u',.r
rollers lhi inoiiuteil t, n.. u.'
S twt;ii tlio iii'i:initi-i nidi,,',, , , ,, wi,u,t
iiioiintuil to riivohii In imrioiiinl
!iliilic nsvu-liileii ullli llm f,-,,,,,,, ,
ns to project filii-ml of ii,d niib , 4 n
y ; iT'iniiiy w miiu wiu-i-i, nut) i,MII
f for nilJilMliibly siieiirlnir tin- frniiin.
Ask your Dealer for it.
Astoria to yet 200 head Guar
Sisttirna Snutiu' Orc-W
tlflcntl.n of a boy. frnn le. rii. in
ear ens, rear asl hi.u-init ur friMit
lle. you would rntid the best klml of
a chance to take that ear aay from
a erow.i f claimants. ...en if fOMr
iarhlns etwi.i be fimti-l o bin iMln
Of these parta.
How n.nr can wu emt to a virin
nf lnrMhle marklnn. uniiki-ii ,,t
cliatiro ilupllenthrti. nn, r,.IM(), ,U,
covernbl,. by tin- owiiir or .mi,.,i,
authorised by hlinY Th.-re I. nf,-ir
In iiunilMirs R.-versI nmrklni; ,.i,
h iwrt make It I,-, w,,y ,lllt
eu be obliterated
Hete of r-r-jt Markt 1
Take, fi an -.ample, f t.v Iiir
meiiK.r.iMiliun of ii seerot murk "7s;
111. hurl -i.ntitllr to the lefi of ,-ei,,.r ,.f
ihe rlulil uisli,.. susih-,,,1,,,, ,
serapo off il,.- i.i.lrtt hii.I Hud a ilrlll-l
hob, nil., , lmi)-
If y'U hnv.i BHvertil such mnrk, i
rarofully hwrt,,, .ilfT.r.nt purls ,
"f Hie frnii..., y.ir i,,.ii,,Uioi, will
' ,,mr" P'Hdllve, ll M H U hlubly
""" "r more of ,h,M.
'" mny d..pu I
' " uiur pirnti,
Mn ..lli.-r tmnliods of ,,,l. ,,
. ve owner. It lm
red, however, Dim ,,-,, , M . 1 1 tt .-
"'I. inarbs urn or,.,l,. mS?ul
nr.- Hir.-full). I4(1( . , , , J
" record of U.e,,, pr r. . , '
Hmyerln Popular H,.,ene Momhl
' or -Now l.-o plant, jno.O()0
" nml lujrk l.'ock Imlldliii.
lUinier Local .hl,,l,ul(ii,: ,,t t
bo orilinijwl.
Itfu-t. . ..I .
win wiiiiitm- ,.oa(
built at eo-t of $70,780.
Wrr.iiU.n -Moilo,,, lllin,K,r ,!
mill un,lr const, ucilo,,. !
'''llo WlVi,lnK Wat,,.-.........
if'd'Utnc In V
- i n ir.eil mii e h
clmi.iiK ...liifn a the I'tfht r
Sle n itcl,i,( note o riH.'n M-n
of lb,-e r.iiiii- In nimlnt m ml ha i 'n
For your Dodge
Brothers Car!
Luxurious comfort
mart appearance
tircandup-keep econ
omy If you equip it
with Hasster Shock
Absorber. 10 day
trial ice u,
Sunset Oarage
i44U44tWi4Wwwi. isbue ?2B,000 bonds.
37,600 oi. kVd Mlll ihZZ&!,
anack Afaaarberv