11..... si-., Un'v Y- i Otvo ViMiriU titnl (U PHONOS' 2 PACK TWO Till VMOOK ltntAU. TU.UMOOK'OI;! ' ''N. M M " 1 Ti Hi IF YOU -WANT. TRY A SEAL A BATTERY i .1 Mr .tn t rot aM r ou Put i Tivibie - if SOI i n Tillamook Battery Station M. K. TERRY, Prop. E. J. BAERTLERN FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Fords a speciality. Quick service. Work gtiaran teed at honest prices. Give us a trial. V At new Bungalow Service Station. COR. 9th. STREET 2nd. AVENUE SOUTH Both Phones . i MOTORISTS LOSE GALLONS OF GAS Inefficient Working of Automobile Engine Is Cause of Leakage of Costly Fuel. I FAULTY COMPRESSION BLAMED ulaarrangtd Motor May Appear to Run Fairly Well, but Trouble Oo oura Whtn Car Is Oii.g Hun at Moderately Lo. peeil. Thousands of irnllohtt of itnMtltH are unstcd every da.i hy motorist be cause of the ttiitiotnt operation of tholr engine. An important detail to watch to keep the cnjlne runnluc etllclentlj l the compression. A motor with fault v ninprvsjlon mi) appear to run ffrt eii when ilrMns the cur at a tmfh it le speed or when II Is nnrkltw.lwnl. '.'( compression shuns it "hell tW r i "tMnc drtion nt n cruinrltvlj nv speed. Hew to Tell It Cutler either of those conditions the inrlne "III run with an ltToetilart( I .it m! es the ear jert or Jump In tend of rtiniiln; steadily, as It should tils Indicates that there? Is eon id tier 'le io of power and tUat ranch re casollne has to ho bttrnotl than v the entitle Is deltilns Its full v.rr. in fact. sasoiine mlie;e may he em itrly In half through otmprtwii oss and still the engine mar continue 'o run fairly well, accordtm; lo tlttt das of an amateur drlvur. Try the Cralt. If an ratine Is not running well ant! i compression loss Is mispected. the iluipl.wt way to detect It Is to uw Hie r.-ui and turn the engine over by mi'd, and thus feel the eoitirevi m each Individual cylinder. You, win nt'ttrly always rind that some pistons vlll gn over cnmprotLstoa much winter than others, and thli. meiins that ati.tM ' here there Is a leak In thin cylinder The number of miles which it car stoold run wtthoct havlns the valves fground varies sreatly depending oti I 'Mllnc and other endue eondft'mi. I With the loernce car ttnler imrtnn! runtilnj conditions, however. It N trohably nl- to have the val'e- ! froutid nt least once every : 'PW) miles, dependlnc on the open titf condition of the motor. Mud, wet or dry. chmild he removi" with tlowln; ater t'rtn n Mjueetei eponRe, or flowing frouj a hose wlti vry little pressure, naver with a ! water blast. RIGHT WAY TO PLAGE INNER TUBE IN CASE First Thing to Do Is to Parti,' Inllnte It. D.d Practl? to Atlov It U Ittat on U round or C'ntrafe r-tf, taw 1'icKirtj Up ParVdtt of 8am!. C I 'id era t Oil. I nee. tttl outlifst rrwu laWi ;u!m waln.iie frfm-tm" t WaltdM mil ttimmlmioti. Hj e.ui-t nti th utut eurta uu il U t etter tsl ,lfet ; in. .t. wis"! eati In mi the doltara Uiat would othwtt ls Ixp m!nl llantr In rn'l. .u.K f m.(rrJ Or olown ottt tu . lit 'tie !,mi'l. Hi light ay tt. . i.e u tn''. tin.' cat in la ttt first pnHI) Uitt.'e It, Then It ahotiltl lf Hpt'llttl ntrtfllt the !(' tHiuii)! the stem hIm' i iok kcilt U alhL When It la in he tat H sbi.iitcl ti ttoe4 najfrfM'y tttul Ih ft ctr fvfcttl tH 4nUjttl tf,. tire to mat nir that OMc haa trxii evenly 41 trlhuteil A tuhe we. r h..ul. hi In seriesi m!e wtrllall if iitl In tmtuiiltiK a ttilxo tf. if inihTtum imwt mntftts KlitrW tt oiuiw cause o; (OT a'jto a: Avorajt Ovtnr Prone It 3aJt Other &rc of 0j fflKT 10 ITS ! Kin unrtity " '"',u " Aw . Pa-u toat M j Ql.i: t'' Wti'' I V4H hy Oft'. ' CORD TIRES CUP by iSe Jit Black Tread! No IT" d. t I en 1 1 i . of .' i ' " ' 111 .t '! . ' slilic Ibt:l tlStilj tutl fil !' !- it'.- i t.. ... tt.it rhMMtcatl. .i -t lu... '1 . I t t. ) the . re " t ,ilt. . :u5'f!..i fleo !. e rhWI I -tt It tin 1 fl-a W i tt af.l ( ' the t . i pr. ) t It tlti ill V (I. , !i it t . llt''l J; ruin' ' t tit .i H : -Mi!i ml r. ,e trt.fitHe ..dttou ttr ! nfia Kntund m h fl'H -f th mi prajtitr t m. it n.m it lo ck tip purtlfles ti-!. etn dera am) tl, Web ereate frt.tMi and evetitunllr tiny lude. The rtght ttjij 1 to f the tnhe tivaw lh leH xtiould.-r An t pump with th riitht hMiA. Thus -riim of tli tuh rtt p JHisl to M"lhe Hitiuvtwr .. r.A ... Mtui vliua tana ai 4t . tt.ib e in t .- rt.iitnle.l ifm' air am! free from. ' tttoir ' writrtile It is mjtff f"f ''i-ertl. In ; V"- ' '"" ' 1 " " tt fasra attri Mil atuiwW )NI . U M.1 4 '"tl . .ni-.rf. " ' to te pfiM-r,-:frt irtMit. ; ,.( ftie.Uf ! ...' -f ' '' B0DYJiETACHABLE ----- r'j; spti-S. H". t" ttut l new f -- ' rttti' it"' " rTB'I'Uit the pi;-.s tn . .- a .In .! "t ! t-t. o1 XX7HF.N tm hUy " V tlvc! IflluilLttlily ItVtK latllljjritlllt STHt : ;)ly,Ayrrtiaii h t v f.ntuiuu! ijtul. Uy the A'tMrauoot i,d , ftrrvtlvrnna uf tlto Viirtium Cuji Head on ailj-ty Jt unit! .VJtj vd tVUttliItt. Ynj Kct rvrryilitii; "tm fan r.rt hi n itr wr.ir trs itancr, t:it lJj frrrtyin. ntttotttva nns, p.? tin s"jht. w, tln ftniglt titU(attw.n V.V wMilt! Ic f lra tn htvc vnt route in tttttl ln(Wr. ihatt. AUTO Oblect of Racani Invention li to vide Framet Wh ch Miy Be Applied or Removed. The SWiOtf Vttft W Ml IHiftrtU. Ing ntl A'MI'trt iMtrhte ant. mtftdte htnly, the Invrtitloti of tt. H. Wos-hner. ldW St.tie ".-.t. Ciiis City, Jieb.. -ays The ln -.Uoti re late pitrtlfdlarlv to m arrane'uetlt Wherehy lhe I)ily of an aut m .lille may tie tulckty appl!'d or rvuwuenl, tliv i4K-ct oelii to pro. a simple AUTO OWM ,th NO I ICE THE HEM ARK ABU MI I AGE MADE ON PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM 4 d ii I- - kt .m... 1 C"li! t. t!. The Herald $2.00 Per Year and worth it. Insurance companies In New York In the future, will pay re-.nnls onl) for the arrest Had conviction of thieve! of automobiles. Innend of of ferine rewards for the return of stolen ,-ars. i 1 ' ..A rai H Penpeetlv Vlev, Shewing Automobile With Invention Applied. ottit ruction which may he formed as tort of the mitimiohile or tvhlch may ho itiado Independently and attache.) theri-to. A further ihje-f II t pro vide frames fonnltu' n rutivtay one xf uhh'h Is in.i.jii!,-d ,n I lie eh i-h th other oi the IbhIi of the autmr'. Ji le win 7-' t! e ma) txs !..! !!(! tit 'ed It tn l- -in..- M Under nagement AXTOnOIMLK &m turns m, iT to t'lUfh New ACKLEY & CONDIT ARE NOW OWNERS OF THE tTlLA M00K GARAGE AND ARE NOW ON THE JOB. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ue handle Fords exclusively and can deliver one today. Order ypur8no ami get the full enjoyment of the coming summer good second hand cars on hand at all times at attractive prices. ii t-' I One of ' ' e 'r.j.s In t . ' ";i!' .1 il A ' ! .Mrs. CI ii ri. Im presldeti: t. tie vest ui'.lor orgjitilxa- i . ';'.lry Is the W raaD't . ' le fluh of America. I'.ul,. r of New Ynfk dty W'li. n the renr t!re (fxnv nmatdltra. hie Tir, lnterrini,g wltjl th ipant Ires ni il i.'veriM- - tla The CbUi ill rnfvm nn iocrenita) tn jAlleagt ftm Ii.. I'r.-s. rf St ndMiiii-. d tfm fr for the rate of c . i ,,t i, ,i, he ensln la run. ni- ins.-, I.ien'mg if the enplnti i with perUops (hi in i ".Lni-'iint im to rNR. It s III i -i uM-i 1 1 it'ntf of fh pnsltts. nrntectins road alna ' ' I Slut, s ii re- i he exeouthe . ',u ..' i-DTlen "iM'in uiitit It) ' I'M. i f-r the -'nt'.' ' l .! I't ajfi" th-tnit thitt ia tl.i? !i!Jott. f.i. iHf.rt."t..ti .i? Hie .- .!!!' Iter Into! ,4 a ,.r ,- m mtd -.etn. I'U.ij'fi " ' of th u. r If Ih.' ' ' ' ' i I fit.t -rl s.....-d l.i.. f lf -.ti" is lo t.'t' ' jsuppll.'l ! l.er tl.v . ' I erly It' 'el hut ti t a It will pfl'l Mt rtna Int.. (It ' ..m.r.u.f't- - .i-ittif. In praetle VM lU nl I illCirttlt ta Mtdese nd l .rn C .iHt . tery rtttflne -hrrr It t ' cer' i ii si ..mt of featuf In m enM till- Is .eii low enotwh 10 ke-tl ' rurtxHi and o'her trvnilitiHI fTOen the aet tt ;e. JSvery i-r uianufiu-tur rwunt toff A a .atn imttle of otl to t use.! In his cissftn. and l t4b ahtttild t rtifttHv lfwnii' to f tbw Cir owner In .-.ie there l fty Que tloo In the matter th alV of lb' j .TVltV latloll htld ho kA. The comisn'tity r.-'v.mnn-Jided tttKrltniit h ! a m.-dium liody oil. ttttt ttlltl t not unUetiti. i he enr ownar tiiould tuaka KhMtutt-ly.ttr f Ma around in tMs titttiiy iin.i.rtnnt mattrf. Rl9 Fitt'oa E tart on Sirtter l-'i'. ?!nr pi.ioti rii. u.i-u inarm lliii.l iii-rely .la Iiij; the rwg lb tltislr k'r. ..im The ro,-s muat t thi ,,'!.. so tl .if tin"-.- la iiorhnp Wt f mi In. It 'ij. ,ui. .1 e.sn chsarame. itf Jii-i i-n..uH-h in (.n-utit Iraki.. ' " no a' -e the Hnf t () i r . i'ii. il I he InptMMl In ale rii.h- tlttld . simiilj be duo by jsr'tmod hauiis. i hero hua Uti a tiih'ti.-t in eei. when eoifhvw i '.-.. r trtt'i l - nfttr tii flt stMiiH j.-n! i of i riiiy mid tn-lle i inm ties the n . t'er. Miuiy of (he m . , rlr l' f rtntl vitltie. hut V be aenir,,i..y fitted, jimt tin- ,ju.e an grditwry dins?.' ; pllt rina'. It Konte . , t fitt,i4, t , fB a chronic cut t.' -ttiupln hy dr-n Int th aklrt platnri wi-h l miiidi hde. i .. - at etjtiiti .1.. taneett nii.ti-r the It. t arum i 1! mldltluli of ii m r M rmtf In tit aklrt. will often ,,, Finally, a aere-l timder w. . i ri'ice ot r" itt'-lnt: . id,. Ir the cvLiider nll (.'i ti, '"'i.tii' pitf III rli s h, ' . t'" (!lr.d. r will hnve to he ofwrttttd U..ii h -.inn.. l.tliM In this ti,rk. i . ' . ChrLieiutn, Tiilmnuok C'hewo tn j. 1' ,fH)0 miles on n FnbHc. itlu.u .y. 1 1,000 mile on a Mn.vwol! car. M. Mali!t., KockflWMy Ug lino iVnn ( i'td ha.n worn out two other cottla ui?. jtrtisju-ct of out wonting Uio third. ir. ; tul , xamine thi h .n any oth- womlt.ul tiro, r St: Hlmtl mnko. It C" Sold by Williams & Williams NOT SO C.D FOR AN OLD FELLER season f ? .The prices (if Fords.are as fol ows F. 0. IB. Detroit. Chassis Regular 285.00 Touring Regular 348.00 Chassis Starter .355.00 Touring Starter .418.00 Ch? - sis Sem-Dem. Touring Semi-Dem. iiims 380.00 Rims 443.00 Ruru.Lout Regular .319 " Sedan 645.00 RuraV'out Starter 389.00 Coupe 580.00 Runabout Semi-Dem. Truck 430.00 Rmi. 414.00 Tractor . 395.00 "WE ARE HERE TO SERVE" r Tillamook Garage t ' :t 'ii- 'ii . Wi "n 1 n H j pri--'i i -' ' ! ' 1 i ALL OF CUBA RUN ON ALCOHOL fwm?W' ' ' "urn i 4 lip 0373 m w il et , aaaaaaj I umii i,ii -ii. j i ijj . -. , .a hi i Ir.tui: , he tHbtlf .., i,,. ,,,, ( .i race fur ! 'im In Chi it. It. ( I till ti, mi 1,1. i ... f... .... ulentll'til linn it in.u I., r,in. ,i .- ... ni. . . " "" " " satmi- Ml-ll ir III IIII 1(111! H 1 1 1 1 It 11' II. . . m i.fr .mi f ii,. ,.. I.. .., i" .",H" "i"''"i . , : " t-nijn' or (;u m urH 1 price hls-tiH! i hoy ti ll ;l. Hi,... urH J'Jdfl la u hvuu fiom u fuel ktutloii In JJuvuim. Culm. of pimilliie. hy Hlcoliol, In fuel, Nolo tin. run . 4.. 4... 4. f tj 4,4.ftA We peciah.e iM tiro nspuirinj; -Let uh vulcanize .hat apaio and inend your tubus. Equipment Die 'eU-Workmanship unoxcolled. We Stock and Sell GOODRICH and HOOD TIRES C!ml,(l Fnhric-Getour priciM Iwfuro buying- - Gty Tbe Shop J. C. HOLDEN, Prop. Tillamook, Oregon. Holh I'hones of ti;