ft.' ' Paiesr70 Columns-1540 Column lhcliesThis Issue; Many New Ads-ReaIlM TILLAMOOK HERALD TILLAMOOK THE LAND OF CHEESE, TREES AND OCEAN BREEZE I' li o PtyfHtr That Port Thing." 1 y Watch" The HeraM In 1922 ul. xxu TILLAMOOK, OMSGON, MARCH J), 1922. No. 29 - 1 li BO REPORT OUT THAT G.N. &N.P. TO BUY WHITNEY RAILROAD n mituni rilr..u fUmtr, ff.eti apparmt kmkJ atithnni). , Hrn ! r UUd tjMHr (irrl) dllflnc Ihr i.t fra ,U. ,(lr r(frrl (flt . j,, , N. trill I'BI '.id Grral .Vufilirrn litrrrt, .,o frtrlltlj Im.u (fill hlt I , tn..n h Uil.im Ithrr rr!rt.d pitrl. I.a. puirhmrd thr Whltnrt ii id htrb rttrnd up the KllfhU rhrf dUlanrr id ahmi trir tnllr ft m lUlr rin TDIsHIl"' U). W'.ilr r .r i -Uotulr ull.ll) for lr mj, 0, ,)lp fMWrt r h i .rrn mfnrmrd U) lhoc Ju.lgrt.rnt i. kmhJ In frrd In ll.r.r . lltsl I Ma moC h brrn rtirrrd. " M that tllJ IIP mtttuKwl .: .;"l,t;:t":AicAiinnville Hi . I !.! l the Kilchbt, thm (Iv. ttcMr mlriu to Up a ra f lnirtU vrr Umber an i. -... -i t i t. . . . . . .i ... . nrlwn tola! lew. m c,. ut HffteJsUy that fnatj that tllP a i 'iillrtinoak may t u vnw! tlx aiiuatimi the Y lf tH Ui frtllt? tv.l.inw f th fotKtilie wW lnll mi w -1 c(fwl Ift cwpUt the , r llnMovrr. If ttu Whll - Ukpn ovrr m,I litinn; tar a thW An 4Aii vnm '1 .! ! and i tva boom for thin i. w Uutfa thiil tho 15 men -.t wrrA uti a jrirt mhtl on rtvnr Why wvc lrn ! i with tin tmiJL - FIRE DESTROYS PAUL FITZPATRICK HOME I 'iptitrlek' Imme miles f Tillnmook wa ilotroy r, Friday nlht, Mnrrh anl, ' and 10 n'cWk. 'tllit of tin' funltiiro wrni ' 'r lirM Jntn wuiic un ( "n,fva firm dlcovtil f tho upp'r rwiiiin, ' '"Viii Jiurd for $700,00 u Crcat .tinrrlfnn InturniH' n li thi Kvimon iiKiiicy. The I'vkkiiIziM tho b l will 't' cjctt In 'full. ni'icliborhood tinned out Hut tint Iioiixi wiii IniriKtl to 1 id in nlmi thirty imnuti'a ' firo wan dineovered M 1 GROWING! NEW ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Morri 5chnai Announcing n wonderful buy in raincoats. Sunset ReaUurant-rvSubniitting a sample monu of their bill of fare. Drum & Frost Announcing opening of new garajje. . ColumbU Rr!a Rohl bv Williams .and Williams. Joe Donaldtfon Announcing date of big sale of ? Jortays. Roscoe Rnrker Announcement of public sale of dairy- cows?' I Todd Hotel One of Tillamook's best known hostlories. I Alex Cigar Store Taxieab headquarters. I Star Garage Important reduction in prico of X Overlaid i Orenonian Truck Line John Mathers, Agent. I Reeher Furniture Co. Fjrst of a series of impor- tanco to homo owno'rs. I Centrnervice Station Announcing opening of I now ostanblishmont. f King & CrRhaw Advertising the famous Lang ? I'ango, RASLR Comes for Revenge ' . . . . !". k )iom ni,Hy niehi MrUM1llo X. Watrn cm W rH flvr MaiMtay tttKltt tht, too, nfurr iKMtHn' TtlUmcKil alt Aih and w'Jr playiui: UtOM ht HiUlk ciplntflu Curtnl thoio t-"MiUKtiU' Me. ; SIhm tfMinivtll ww ft U ur- uii, Ut Tillamook (or to ratn iW j ritht o k u SUm vr miut wnltej , mor m.) thm UVo on Knw. Zi'nttU-fK ilnfratml In twa Kmr, but nn1)- by FIVK AN'I) FOUIt IHIINTlf, th ft Kitme bcln 16.20 nt) vkUiry,i.vw iMne loom blc in fptt,rv,utvf. Haiunlny' iih Jnrt at 7:30. v.ry mlbloodl fan In tuwi mut at lhl k'ume. for boat thejn we mu.t OH I'ORKVKK 1I0I-I) OUK TONGUES. Hrt. Htvnw had nr f his fingrr ut off'by "r """I Tuwklay on ac- opnl of bhaal Kuon tettini: in. 'ljm,mj,flr a( S wrttlni; he I domu nkoly. 19 Thor Herald family i urely Brow. Inir. , 'I'M week IU new rnimo wor nd iI.mI to The HernM ubacrittlou lift all iiiihl-ln ndifMnee siibuciiption thm majority of them 1hiiu: bruui;ht to tho office in pi'Mon- Iteneuaiit are be.- liiK re. otved nliiiol t the ame ratio, , a voluntary approval of I lie Herald effort to fc'ive them We n!HHet nnd bent newitpaper in the county. IMARSH BUROft ! FIREMAN, DIES" : VERY SUDDENLY1 ,IM vu-riM or OI'IJKATION SAVI? AI'I'INDICITIS: I'Alia TO l.ll'B FUNERAL SEI FOR SATURDAY MUM II lilt or TIIK tii.i: IKJSK COMI'A.SV POU SliVKS YIUIW Mirth BurdicSi. pepulwr iMfnWr of thr fir dnrmrtnTt of tM elty, km MwWrn;; I'l Monday nipht with attUrk of npp.nlidtll. Il waui otHinit-il in it thr Shonref ami ,Mr rkl, hu:iial Turly aflwwoun, at S o'fl-k nd ril wy Vdjltjlay nficnioon, at 12:66- lie wa born in Amlowr Now VoikJ SatmWr 7th, IE3? and spont hi mHv maiitxMMl In N'im Vork ta!c ' rail t immMwii til mi i o.m.s .ml I Aprtl of 1007 ho w. uHl In," , . , ., I ',h marriana with MiM lleneritta Srhul- tie. Ho nnii? to Tillamook in Doc-1 ewbr 1013 whero h inadn hi Iwtnoj iiue Own. He ia Mirvivud by hln! anil four gmall children. Twoj ini S'ormr.n ..Maud mid Clnram'i. It : nnl twrt 'uclitor Mrjfure I. and It i't. y,;, n'ao hi w"lhr, Mr. nMle Itrn. of Homll, N. Y., foir braUwm am? Uinv Kiter: XIri. Cora Ilrun of rinliiavillf, N. J.. Mm. Jminle Carr of Andovor N. Y., Mr, lone Fumww at Ilornoll, N. Y. Chorli-ii of Comrvllt, N. Y., Menxo of Wol'svillo. N. Y. Norman of IVrtlaitd, Oretflin. ami Herliert of KochwUer N. Y. and a relative ami hoMt.i of I frind. I Oe-enmnl vms u niimibtr of Mnw thou IxkIko No. DS of K. V. and Abd lUhbAtef Temple ho. 117 K. of P. Portland OnKon. . He ha boon n member of the Tilla mook 11om company for the pnst 7 yoam nd him been n constant ami faithful helpor for the betterment of liie eompnny. In titmui of troub'e and need he lm always been n true friend, and a devoted husband and lovlnp ftlntr. Tin- funeral aorvwen will to eon (j(rtw udor tl, nusplees of the Til lamoo) vilv j)(,pnrtnicjjt nnd the K. P. ltko Sattmlay nt 2 o'clock, Mnrch Hi, at (he Chrialinn Church. CHILD LOSES FINGERS IN PLAY-ACCIDENT Chariot Phelps, II w old sou of Mr. nnd Mr. J. H. Phelps of East, Hi'iiver.met with n sad niisforuntis Inst Friday. ! His life sister Inad, who is only v-nrs. ol '. was playing In the wood shed with tho o. Chnr'es enmo running in tho woodshed and stumbled his Imnd fulling on tho chopping block, directly under tho nxe that Imul wi8 plnying with cuUIng off four fingers on his left hnnd. . Dr. noblnsoli was culled nnd. ft IhN ting tho littla fo'low la impr.vlne. WE APOLOGIZEANN M A K E A N NO UNCEM F.NT Duo to tho grently Increased do imnd miulo upon our job printing do ointment nnd the increased uii of XiJIoriild ml columns these pnst two weeks The Herald bus been Rliglitiy doliiyed on publlcutlon days but with nnnlher Issue or ho wo will be bark o non-' i'i ngabi for wo me OMieellng .iddil'on ! belli and added equipment dur'n" Vv euniing week. V..- y The Herald is growlnif iwiitrhThoHornlil in 1022." M.-H F. P. Hobson, of GntinUU, wnf Tillamook uhopptr tody, DEAL IN PR Mill Opens On 90-Day Trial Basis Tliu Wlwi'lcr ntifl'Viuriic:l cutting Memtlny mmnloit utfir an iit'cnens of ' nor n year. AboutpO men cr put ?V ' Tb mill in bajtu; ran pni nltw, hour b.l with h tolnlmunuace of : 3.00. Ov;r lon Uifinm tuiphone M-iiairitr Volrjj informed thi HornM Wxlnexly Uit the mill wi Im-Iiik oficmtc! ori.iJ.1 plan on a '!(ty dy triviJ "intftt of fnitwl 'h" wri two protiteiliGM,' wId Mr.; fiii utnni.';V",1rK. "An dxHi, b"Uf !y at l lll,. .'lUlJK J . . -s , M i.yw or n nine nfim ni.i m o.. Tby cho Ihft lnttr and If h can't tiuik it pny at thf we will lw forced hut ilnrnni;ft(n.M , , Thr tal I ia irnwSnt only far toek. W II. S ilth, of JWnhton, vthn l i n dir"!r or tn i.ovni wirnn ox T ' ttppm ami Lurabom'fn. ny that In -vtatiiHr on thi the WhceU'r, - wnany viabited tbt r (trrccmcat h Ui orKftniwU)n of wh'ch he h' Kollowine ae the indictments re--n officer, both n to hours and to' urnwj; . n! surf In censeriupn- must forfeit i s,rlM,rtr intiiet,i on ,h.rlre ,. l"T " ... " : . ,v"u'",v - . , . ... . . ' VT'V i" T w m f L 1. L U disw -d their ride of i he question tho utrceti wrre revert ni to when it waa'-jwiiid ,thnt' nohal' wan obtainable. BiS Garibaldi Mill WjiLUS ilircn xO' r The Herald iearna from an ap-' narent reliable source thirt the Whit- ney mill nt Garibaldi. is to reopen. Mnn-h 16 in n light manner. Full uration, is however, expected in tho i season. A. W. O. L. SlaU, our boy humorist is away without leave thia week. Sick at home with the grippe Mko the reft of the ntechnnira! furce. Miss Goodspevd was ill the first parttf the week, and tho other members, remaining at their work by sheer grit. PUREBRED COMPLETES 10-MONTBS' RECORD CANARY The Ilolstein cow pictured nbovo la ported credits this cow with a total n "typical duiiy animal" nnd is one milk production In tho 305 day dlvis f ii fi ... thm ... I,.,!,,., do. io of 15'S01,4 ,bs-with 3-46 "Verage veloped by "J innnie" Wntson, tlw sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. RolHo Wataon, of thin anility. "May" as thn cow is Unawn, has made in thp past two of- (Wnl t ononis itualifylng in nilvnnccd rogistry in tho herd book of the Hoi- iUin i'ielsinn Association of Amori- L.a Dur'tj tho pnst your frosWnir on Feb, 3, .021 tho official record ro- CIRCUIT COURT CONVENES; JURY INDICTS SEVERAL1 KKDKKHKUG INDICTED FOR MANSLA L'CFITEK; TRIAL MARCH 14 CIVIL CASES TRIED FIRST SEVERAL CHARGED WITH CON. TRII1UTING TO DE L1NQUENCY Judee Uaglcy convened court on Xontiuy eveninc and heard the report! of tho Grand Jury which returned eleven indictments. 'at murder in isccond deuree- I for I William li. Johnson indicted forgery, havinR forjted three checks' w i - r 5U' and wa" Mntcnfcd to 9 . . ... , lead , years ,-vnd coKti. He was paroled in regard to the priwm sentence and is allowed to ( pay the 117.00 and costs in monthly! inntallmcntn of 415.00 Grace Chtldcrs wn indicted on the I charge of contributing to the delin quency of a minor. Plead guilty and foweij to nay by paying month- ly instaa'lments of $26 00 each. Robert H. Getchell was indicted on ehnrRe of unlawful failure to support child. He was paroled and ordered to op-;Py 200 Tcr ,nontn 10r support 01 child. Geo.Childers was mulcted on charge of lewd co-habitation and was sen tenced to 3 months in the county jail. l.uren Whitney, was indicted on the charge of 'ewd co-habitation.Plea guilty and was fined $300. He was naroled on payment of $100 and re mainder ut rate of $20 per month. Wesley Kaney and Grace Childers (Continued on Page 0) FOBES MAY DE KOL, NO.33007. .t Kiut-lmr r.'tX C.Or. nf l.ntt..r fnt. ' iuiva,en't to C47 ,bs of ,?omemrcinl ' butter. Tho foregoing tost was com-l monied with n scvea day official roc- onl of 530,0 lb8 of milk, testing 3.894 per cent fat, making 20.895 butter fut "May" freshened again on Feb. 17, 1 1022, dropping n fine heifer calf with. ; In one year ami fourteen days from her last calving; sho was again put on ( eeven (lay tt which h just bwo Baskctccrs Finally Win Recognition Hurrah for Turnbullt Turnbult turned the trtek ami now Tillamook hifth school has ben rccognizel by the State Athletic Hoard ami given a chance to win the hii;htJt basket ball honors in the state. Turnbull journeyed to Forwt Grov0 with blrxxl in his ey Tue day night end met with th other two members of the alblrtk council of thici district with the net result that afber Turnbull had "talked Turkey" Newberg was forced to come to terms and las finally agreed to play Tilla mook a third and deciding gara for the championship o thi dis trict, providing Tillamk defeats V.-Minnville here Saturday night The game is scheduled to ls p'ayed Monday, March 13, on the McMinnville floor, which is neu tral territory, although before the meeting of the board it was Ncwberg's contention that it was not but that the Newberg Col lege floor was. Tumbull, natural ly, couldn't acrce, and hung out for McMinnville. Special disper sation has been received from state headquarters to J)lay tho came at Mac, and so all is !ove!y" and the- gcKiso. hangs, high gh,-. vided wo beat McMinnville If ever ther Tvas. a crowd at the" high achoo' gynin there should b one Saturday. Stores suoulc! close, the band should turn vut and every red corpusled . woman and child rtiould be on hand for the Karae. Tillpi" k never before had such n twrn Let's show our civic pride Knd a preciation in this instance in a manner that cannot bir-rnisnndjjr- . stood. Sports Editor of -the Herald. Dr. Boals report's the ifo'lowing Sirths: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Curl, a gir' February 17th; Mr. and Mrs. M. r Kit'n, a girl, Februarj- 21st; Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, a boy, March 1st; Mr and Mrs. George Morris a girl, March 4th. HFIIB completod with u credit of 081.0 lb. of milk- averaging 83 lbs per da over 10 gul'ons- testing 3.77 pei t.itt. fi!. j,mm,,.. is vcry proud oJ his C0Wk ind nlso two very fine heifer calves and hopes some day to havu a very fine heul of pur0 bred hulstoins nnd be a "real dairyman" in TillniQObk ty. When ho finishes high school ho wnnts to go to collcgu and get n deto course, in anlmul huebumir chemlsti-y and soli fortuity, Koop your cyo on Jim WaUon. 3wi Lili I MANUFACTURING PLANT LOOMS LOCAL MKN OFF FOR TUB EAST IN INTEREST OF PLAN M m ADDED PAYROLL OIL COMPANIES TO HE IN TERESTED IN LANTZ OIL IJL'RNER TILLAMOOK Tillomock may soon become the nona of one of tbe itatc's great man-. afndfor,ing entarpriflif tlic plans of' some orotic most responsible citizens matorfa'ize as they bid fair to do at this writing, " Saturday E. T. Haltom, E. G. Lantz nd Jack Cronin left Tillamook on a su-wceks trip to Eastern and South ern cities in the interests "of this very enterprise the new and enlarged Lsntz Oil Burner Co., a company formed to promote, and manufacture the patent of a local man whi-h Her ald rcadirare, oTcourse, very fam "Uar.'mthv . . -t It is planned to interest the large otKnaniesiofjTbe Atlantic j," sea bord, middle wcVtTtxasand Califor nia and to establish factories in the art and in Tillamook. The gentlemen named went from h r- direct to Chicago and will go from "there Jo Toledo, Cleveland, Yi'ungstoun, Pittsburg; make a' side trip to Detroit, returning to St Louis, '-hen to Co'umbus, Cincinnati and In lianapolis, then to New Orleans, via Memphis and then to Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas arid making nnothe. . de trip to Oklahoma City and Tulsa and then homo via .California. 7 Mr. Haltom, who ha3 lately become affiliated with the company is of the "'n that the Lantz Burner is the rfreatost domestic and commercial J patent of recent years. tHo. is not a wtld-catter nor prone to invdrt where there is the least possibility cjPtjoubti ' eM-e the stability of he project ia as. ured lie says that in the iast kcr- ti is a drug on the ronrkc, selling r fnni I to S cents jjiir gallon. This . 'trong argument In faVc;;of tho irnor, for it is absolutely on.of the t economical anl, best ever manu- ''.'t'Jred. It is adopted to household ! commercial usesj1 Tw are in use in commercial work hereone nt the Sanitary Market where it is used in cooking meats for nusage nnd another t the Louvre '-r candy manufacture. Their suc cess lends Mr. Haltom to'assert that there is a great field.for the burner in hose- and kindreHHines. It is planned to fornr associations with the larger .companies of, tho dls; ricts to be vfsitod and to establish p'ctorics where freight rn to s will not be prohibitive Tho Til'nmook factory dans for whicJi nre, under considern t'on, will care for tho Northwest dis- ' trict I A complcto demonstrating .outfit vi's .carried east by tho Tillamookers, a burner of mlnaMfVo size being set " in a specially constructed trunk. hot water tank, radiators, rango d all nre connected up in tho dls- nv. which by tin way is ono of the atest pieces- of work wo have, seer; ' n a long' time. Tho outfit was on Jisplay n"V the Portland hotel Sunday night nml n trotted consldorablo ai tentir h was constructed by My. Lant ' h- inventor of the burpjehl Wh" na,t Mo Ilnltom aso leima n icv i; over inn eastern mat. kct's with n view o making iii'bf:ji;K ior niH,uig uuparuncnt srorc now I). Robinson "reports tbe frfollp,lf Mi'tha; Mr. and Mrs, Vogref 'MeWW, i girl, March h.;wrS4 Mr.. Vrcnnlo KeUow, or II.mm, a ptL .s- Murch 7th, "1 i it tiff