1 ' h Tlii r That (loea Into The Home '1 ' t V ............. - rTT ,,r,,,-Trrr..r,.....,rrr rYTTTTTTTTTT T ' V' A A . I " T A v X X X X X X X . 4 of Ownership ON AND AFTER MARCH 1, 1922 Sunset Garage WILL BE OPERATED BY R. B. Miller G. A. Martin All bills qwg1 by or owed to cither Sim?ut or Tillamook Garage will be takon caro of at tho Sunset Garngo. X X X X X X X Change of Ownership x X ON AND AFTER MARCH 1, 1922 Tillamook Garage WILL BE OPERATED BY Me D. Ackley E. M. Condit X X r ' I All bills owed by or owed to either Sunset or Tillamook Garage will be taken care of at the Sunset Garage. 1 X X X fr t LjSIiNESS locals 1 1 It 1 1 weaned pin in mm . i.avi, rollle fur -rail l ull l.rI Hnrfrtl HutiV. far M.W ht ctUii: htiitt hrns mntcil ui mfiliiK ci?Korrl t lilnlw ("nil MUS. MOllHIfi itiml 1'iioiH!. No. 37 ytntru ciw romtnn n JOHN IIOJ'I'MAN, H'1 I i. fux fur ntnni'whpro In I tlmml rvwwnl. I'ltnlor i' Ilrrnlil offlrn. 1 1 ''MI. t yonr old bull muMr. SwiK, nUn nix month Mo brown HwUt bull 'MIS ZUMHTIilN. 1 " r pin. dllvnr with o( I t llrrnld offlro. t' pvnrylhlnt! nt prlri'n out I'lunon, violins, ilmno- ' tU-ji, oil, nowlntf mnrhlitr, ' 'f nforiU, ntiliiK'K, cnr, i vwll bnvo to hurry to Kft I TILLAMOOK MUSIC 'VNY. MaI (avo Atltiittan MiitUtliic of uver 10 it now uKn to homo buitilM on the luiUliHoiit &n, S V. II. McKlnloy. lv(tr! Jurrn! WilnMta! Stop Ml The NrUiDilaml tlurins court wrV. Adv. l'lwnai.'raiih rocuril.i. clolni: nut 3 linn nt 40 rnt.n rach. THUntooV Mus ic Co. 'f Tim Omcwilnn Trtick Company cll nt ywur roii!mr or p'nro f omiiiou for out guine frli;ht. t u'hold KOodn, pnrkaRn-i o'.c. Cull John Mnthvta Atfcnt. CU or Mutunl rillamook. 8co Dr. Olrtlrr for dental work t I. 0. 0. I Hullilln. Court convctie net wrrk. Stop at Tim M llicrland Old Itamaoy umdo new. Adr Auto top and lininpM repair nho) cUialuK 't H I001' n'"' '"nlcrml mdndlui; batbor, ctinvan, top mator nlit burklna, top tlroaalnir, rlt-ctrk mo- tor. Fotd nnd 0l tl,l recovers. Pt Opp. I 'ot office, aidn entrance. If In need of an auctioneer kivc mr n trial twenty yeara expedience. Ira t). Unce, Tillamook, Orvcyn. l'honoh'rapha up to J 1 (10.00 now $37.KO. Tillamook Mualc Co. tf. Dr. Allen and Sharp. drntlaU. At National Illilff. Tlllan.mia. rr,. Both Phones City TransferCo. We Haul Anything Anywhere It ! 1 WOOD STORAGE COAL 1. O. 0. F. Building Tillamook Tile Your Farm IT PAYS Tilamook Clay Works ' Make a Fine Grade of Tile Sold at Reasonable Prices E. G. KREBS, Prop. Sxv Aekle.v & Miller for lmr):im in ibenp .uhuiuI hand uuto. I' or t).c tx-'jt and moat purely Mut a ijft lnaurunco in tho U. S. Sc W. A. Church. Imture your automrbil in the fireman'i FuikI Itiauraiicj Coiupjuv W. A. Church, local acent, A new phunotrraph, regular price J136 00, now $75.00. tf Scu W. A. Church lor Hay Insur ances. When it comes to bniKnina in phonographs, wc have them all beat. Tillamook Music Co. If The Netherland for comfort a hotel "just Itko home." Adv. A used Viclrola, playa like new. iV2.M. Tillamook Music Co. tl V. A. (Hiurch writt insurance iu ll iu brAiichrs. If you want to sell your dairy ranch, list it with K. U. McKlnlejr. Ms. Oracc Chopard spent last Thursday with Mrs. Laura Kllis. A. J. Schmelzer .nnd wife and Mias (ienevn Chopard went to tho county seat Saturday. Wc arc Klad to note that all the grippe patients in our neighborhood are on tho mend. i COrilT HOUSE NEWS ! Action for divorce, Ada M. Miller i vs Wa'ton Miller. Action for money, N. C. Hanson vs. Andrew archer and Mary Zurcher. WIIKELKK The Sunday Shool Convention has bent pjstponcd indefinitely because .if ko much sickness. Mr. and Mra. Jolllffe. have been very sick iwth tha flu. Tho Tannlefoot Club rjivo a party Friday nt Clms. Voslmrics home. Mrs. Sohler and son Iao nave been sick with the flu. A card party wns Riven Wednesday evening in honor of Washington' birthday by Miss Dammon, Miss Mor teuaen nnd Miss Daniel nt their home A very IntciestiiiB progr-urn ai Riven at tho shcool Wednesday morn iiiR in honor of Washington's birthday. Mls- D .irel went to Portland Sat ii it.iv reports har sister, Alice, lix iriprovirtR. The (unity Club iA-ader, Mr. Ken nedy, visited tho school Tuesday. Mis Mntt'ey went to Tillnmook Friday to n?t ns judge for the debnte. Mr. Dixon of tho Tillnmook gnrnRo gavo n lecturo on batteries nt the school Friday. Mr. Vnn Gorden and son from Port land and Vnncouvcr nro visiting nt tho Pnrnoll home. HAZEL HEN!) Hoy Wmi!h, cur new cheese mnkor is moved nnd Is ready for business. John Horba Jr. the retiring genuls f tho vnt mode bin hial batch Tues day. A few friends met nt the K. T. nor bn home Sunday evening to spend n silnl h'ur nnd Hay "goodhyo" to Chest or Joiren, Mra. norbn's brother who riOtrneil to work nt Boldlng, Monday. A. J. Si hmeUor nnd wko each hnui. e n load of feed from Heaver, Mon-llny. Drunim and Frost hnve opened new auto repair shop in th" rear of the Tillnmook Transfer Co.s p'aco c'. business and are now entering to aut oists' wants. They are specialising cn brake, repair work. Mr. Drunim is vey well known here and is held in high esteem. Mr. Fost is a new-comer, but is nn experienced mechanic and is here to stay. We wish these young men every success. Messrs. E. W. Ilutton and D. Bur for have re-opened the service station opposite the Com Thentro under the name of Central Service StationThey' are carrying a general line of gns-! oline, oils, etc. nnd have tnkou on the . !RCH?y for the Lee Tire. They have installed a new pump, thoroughly re-' novated the station nnd have it in i ship-shape and ready for business. They should prosper; -we bespeak it for them. Cute Sayings of Our Youngsters Cecil Harris, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and grand, son of I. G. Lance Asst Postmaster, saya: "Grandpa worka on paper, dadd? works on lumber, that is the reason daddy is too tired to play with me and baby plays with grandpa, Little Cecil's papa a on the grand jury. Tho morning before he started to Tillamook the little boy missed him nnd asked whore he was. Big broth. u answered, "nt the bar.i " "0, said, Cecil, "I 'sposp he went to kiss th cows good bye. ' If you have chapped lips, get thorn cured and bo ready fto SMILE FREE CONCERT Mr. Loren Lepper, Trombone Soloist Mr. F. L. McLean, Saxaphone Soloist. Mr. McDougal, Cornet Soloist. Mr. L. Patton, Pianist AT High School Auditorium MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, AT 8 Demonstrating The World Famous C. G. CONN Band Instruments Anttker Page tf this paper which was printed before fill facts wert ascertained contains Announcement of this concert. This announcement, however, is final and complete. Look for a rare treat next Monday nifht. E. E. KOCH 14.1 ""V