Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 09, 1922, Image 7

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Notion Values
Thrifty phnppcm find an umuual oppoilunity
to save offered them by the many uwful items
that may ho had at thh.1. C. Penney Co. store
at our regular low prices. Tho vnlueH lintoci
lure aro hut a few of thu scores of items on
which wo eaiuwo you money. .
HkM lnlUmf . .10r yd.
I itt:n'r(ili lliald,
,, , J rutiwt ufit,
in.. u tiud nrmdty tl
mi. . . . ? . r
( (Units, At Vtmli iut'
l r Itukrfd,
Knelt it
l.mWm Jer
Olovw, ft Mir
Italltt, relIut.tJ, nf"
mrtd tyl .ind col
or. 1J xh ... . I
( out' MrlfrrllrJ Cn
rlut Cotton
Spool f
S"tl Collar I'lti
fo'l finish, NiMorUwi
Hfwtgria. Itch . . 10c
Silk TrU, vmfnty
)( color and palturn.
Military HrrtM. IM'
a , w i h ami ealar.
)tr.. MilrliU, vvltlta
tui nwx'U. regular or
iliirtKil tyt,
t flj.4 I, Pair .... 2c
'llrr l'uf, all
m JW h
La'h ,....." I Oc
SIuk- I'olUh, " In "
ulark ir Un. U ..tc
Lather Mru.hr., (ttack
br iir. HlSr hn
dir. Harh - . 2c
Sen. Carter, (or chit
It, i otiMl fulor and
kt l'nlr ll
Iodine Slm'.Uiv,
JtlnltiL". Ml.
l.a.'lt ..... . - ir
Cud t'.uttiin., snap
tjd Pair VJc
Middy Kmliu'mi. tlx
lm tt, anchor, i4sk,
ffcwvii nml t, tit
Mt, navy, rod and
CttHl. 12c
.More nil color
boil urvof 0 (or 10c
Ann HttniL, 'i'lxo"
Uk fiiMi ht Aid, witin
ribbon bow. p,r . VU
Supptrturs, "Lalu-
Pair 13c
Kick lUrk Hiald
plain or mn tritwi,
plr. (if
laKif rh. I'Ulll
ind mvm'rued hir.
uiUM in.. ynl . .!)c
UU 'rar.,tU (nc
iruiditr Uwn.t! widllis,
0 ytird rdcw. I'uieo . .no
I'nnrll Tablfi.
Nobby Style For
Pleated models
with line satin lin
ux, non-breakable
itmrs and genuine
leather .sweatbaiub
Urey, brown and
green mixed pat
terns jn tweeds and
98, $1.49, $1.98
Boys' Suits
Two Pnirj of Pants
For ''jx.nif w,i h' !
nmbhxl tin (j.rtiptxirjilly
'.n liiu- .f Uuj' T
I'rtiH Suit, tn trw inn-
M Urh .1. MiJH-4l' to li
tmy ntul tutrenU IU;ii
ptwtl Norfolk
inclti and dubt brnitu
vd imnlo'n in (wpuUt
prinn nhadi's of brunn.
i;r.'i, Kr nnd bluo.
Irfirup inmntlty buyinw
fur fill llntm rllltlllivil 111
to offvr tho nulla t low.
$G.90 $9.90
Others from $5.90
lo $16.90
Inrludod nro "I'l'miey
tunlr" nnd "Armun-CInd'
Suits, with iloiiblo n'-ntri,
double knees nnd dotitdu
olbowji. Mndu of fino nli
wool rnlmcn. Kxccp
tlnnnl vaIum.
"Tigers and Deer Do Not
Stroll Together"
is a famous old proverb, the net good it sug
gests being that a btninoss policy of ever
changing procedure does not wear well
with a public that has a right to expect thu
iftmo square deal today, tomonow nnd
every day.
Many yoars ago, tho J. C. Penney Co.
adapted an irrevocable policy of never con
ducting a "sale" giving their patrons the
same square deal every day in tho year.
A price hero unalterably applies to one
and all alike alway s.
Higher prices are not asked when you
need the goods most in order to quote you
lower prices when you need tho goods least.
Tuxedo Stylet
in tho many new
vvoavos and fascin
ating shiutas. Sizes
for misso and wo
men. Smart, chie
and very service
able sweaters at
For Men
Mn'n Cuff l.liika,
aorti'd htylos 'i'le t HHo
Mi-ii'm Scurf IMiih. ntono
nut nml fiucy jdotvi'd
pnltcnm Mc tu U8c
Mi-ii'h Tio IIoIiUth,
Imiul oiiirnivwl Ko.id util
ity 2;ic In I0i!
Othor Hlmllur Vnhun
Society Notes
MAZKI, nV.Sl) I White, Hurry Gllham, Hownnl Umir,
A. 1. Bchmnlrer nnd wlfo worn In . Vlnrcnco Stanley, 3m MuKinnln.
'TiOO'1 purty wi i;!vf n lnl KtMjr J
t tho homo of Mr, II, II. Jloin-nWi:,
hy Mff4, II. If. ItonwiborKt Mr Mil
Ki-ilih. nnd Mrn. I.. W. Turnhiill, wdk
n dcllithtful nt(nr.
I'rlr.cK wrii won by Mr. Mllly Ix-wJu
ond Mr. Itcrhor.
TIiojio lnvlti.il wrt! Mrdnmc An
dcrHon, tJonovor, Sluillr., llnrrltlc, Ci'.
roll, Cnn (wiiKh, HchiitU, (Jnylonl,
(Jront, (iildcr, llollom, Krh. Iiinor,
lontrd. Mniiort, I'nrtrldKO, Pine, IIc.
fir, Ucnbcrir, Kchntlr, Wlnslnv,
Ilrltx. (Jrtibor. Itoblnun, Aldonnnn.f
I'nnrmnii, Ituric, llnberlnch, Hnll, '
Ortllcy, kcrl.-y, Vnrmim, II d'oy. lliii.j
I'rr-nrli. Knetmnn McOrnth, Olllimi
lllivhcr, Andrrson, linker, Kurilll,
I'lnnk. Arnwntrmit, llnlw, l'ntiiknor,
('ndlt. Ilnnnwlmnlr, SUdnbiuk, Moi
rln, Kwh, AlVn, Iwl, Ttmmr, l ord
IVlly. Jjinco, OirlKtt'tni-n, U-1'
Iloal. I,mb, Willlnmt, Mrnklc, utt
niimlyor, Krnnklln, Mrtone, Mll'er.
Olfbortxon, nnd Mcfllnn i.
Mr nml Mr. J. J. KrWib, pro
prietor of the Klnioro holfl nt Itoek
wy, cnUtrHifnoil nJnunry Sfl pvcnliur
nt "600" n number of friend, novm
tbtci bidnif At II o'clock the
h lfMi n-rvnl n d-ou luncheon.
Th flrnt prl.c wn won by Mr. nnd
Mn Tnrl llnberlach, It hlnsr a ple
turo of Twfnjtocksi, a. very beautiful
f'n'W of work from Ihf ertirlic brunh
Mr W. Wood, of Ito kway. Tho
'n.olntinn prlri'n werti n by Mr.
I -ler 5i.hrnU nnd Coptnin Farley.
Thee In nts-ndnnce wero: Mr. nnd
Mf Carl HnbeHnrh, Mr. no I Mr.
Invid Kiirnttl. and d.viuotT Kuth of
TilUrerHik; Mr. nnd Mr. ,T. Ahb.
Mr. nnd Mr. Arthur M. Why to, of
Uy City: ('nptaln nnd Mr. Fnrfey
of llorveiw; Mr. nml M. I'v'tr
SrlirnnU, Mr. nnd Mr. Windier. Mr
nnd Mr.. I!. Wood, Mr. and Mr.- IVx
Menard, Mr. nml Mr. Win. Mnn.
Mr. nnd Mr. It. Peyton, Mr. nnd Mm
lllinj:er, Mr nml Mr. J. H. Cnmr.
Mr, nnd Mr J. O. Jnsmnn nnd Mr.
ltuett, of Ilockawny.
Tillamook Monday to ic:l n lond of
Beveml "fnM from our neljthbor
hood took In tho Ncwlmrtf-Tlltnmook
lmkct hnll tf'im" Molt !ny evrnlns.
II. A. Chojinrd I nltcndlnir court
lhl week. Ho vm drnwn on tho
Km nd Jury.
lA'.irh McKeo enme home from the
InjrirlriK enmp Hnturdny,
Ml Kiln ninb-k, jent Frldny
nlk'ht with tho Vrrry kM.
Mntor Mruco Opperthnuer hn
1een Inld up for a few dny with n
prnlned nnkle.
M. T. Chnnce, wife nnd on Cnrroll,
wero Sunday visitor t H. A. Ch.
A number nf pwple In our neighbor
hood nre complInln(f of bad fold,
.ore thront. etc., nnd there I talk
nf clo.lntf tho Hrown rhool on nc
eount of tho nberi'o of moit of the
Word ha rcrvhed here that Mr.
Turrh, a former re.ldinl of thl nelch.
Imrhood, died In Portland recently.
The Ixwly wan taken to the old home
in Knnrm City for burial.
J. n. Perry butchered n beef 'nt
John IJorbn hn relumed from Til
lamook where he ha been taking
trealmet for rhcumalim. He tat
that ho i trreatly Improved.
The following U a copy of tho ori
ginal document Krantl authority for
the Institution of Tllamooik txlgi
Wft Tolelo, Ohio Dec. I I, 1021.
Mr. J. C. Turner, SecrcUry
Tillamook, Oro.
Dear Urother Turners
I am today ifrantlnjr dlpenatlon
No, H.17 for the Institution of Til
lamook ami have cnt all pa
per to tho Grand Secretary, Fred
C. IlobInon, Conjfre Hotel, Chfca.
Ito, with Instruction U Iun the
dlpenatIon. I am writing the Dis
trict Deputy, Urother Men L. Nor
den of Portland and the Secretary
of McMlnnvlUe Lodge, that tho dls
penxatlon has been Krantel.
Sincerely nnd fraternally yours,
Grand Exalted Ituler.
Actual work on orjcnnlzatlor, of the
Tillamook IxIkc commenced about
September 1C, 1020. On that day a
first meetinn of thirteen Klks was
held nt the K. P. hall. The Charter
list was drculntcd In May, Itrei, at
the first reeoifnlUon from the Grand
IxkIko, when an application for
charter b'ank was sent The Chart
er List and the recognition of the
President of the State Association,
George T. Collins, and also the rec
ognition of the McMinnvillc l-clgc.)
was sent December 2, 1921, to Grand
Kxatled Ituler W. W. Mountain, West
Toledo, Ohio. The authority for tho
lodge wa granted December 14, 1021.
We Sell Milk Juit As It Cemei From
The Cow. It I On Ice For Your
Benefit. It Comes From Dr. Sharp's
Herd and Will Test Better Than 4
Per Cent All The Time.
Fine For The Babies
Sunday rhool at 10 A M. Morning
-hip nt 11 A. M. 5ibJ:t "Mn.
coin: The Mnn." Tills will be our
Vnnunl Lincoln Memorial Service, We
especially Invite the Grand Army of
he Hepublle, Tho Womnn' Hellef
Corps. The American I-ecion and all
Hov Scout. The center of the church
will be reserved for these patriotic yean I have no doubt,
orpanliations. j "T" futuro ot thc ehcesemakers
?:venlng worship at 7:30 P. M. Sub- acrocintion roots with Its member
(Continued from page one.)
Jet: "Joyous Commandments."
Everybody Invited.
ALLAN A. McllKA, Minister.
The Mmday Muslcnl Club met '"
Vnlny at 2 o'clork nt the hom.' (
Mr. K. K. Kiwh Tho study ..f S'.v-.
len wa finished nnd n Swinllsh i t
ong ttsu trlven by n rn-onl.
The next bxrturo will be on Nor.viy.
hlp. The problems coming before
from time to time must be solved byj
the fair and unprejudiced minds of the
majority of Its members. Each mem
TILLAMOOK NOW UOASTS v her should strive to secure the great.
OF LIVE OUDEIt OF ELKS' est number and do all he can to pro
mote harmony.
(Continued from page one.)
hrTrdC Itollle W. Watson, Leslie Harri
son. L. E. -Partridge. A. C. Crank. E.
H. Stark, I). J. Harnett. Ben 1L Joy,
Henry A. Plnsker. J. P Mnginnis, H
I. Giihnm, A. M. Estnbrook, G. W
"It has been ofte n said, "where
mion there is strength.' but this Is
true in it broadest sense only when
harmony prevails.
"In conclusion let me say that it
is my bie'f that this association will
l.'h, E. I- MeCabe. Chas. Ray, F.;in thc future, as in thc past, continue
Tillamook Post No. 47 American
t -on will meet nt the City Hnll on
Friday evening. February 10th. All!
-sendee men nnd nil young menj
"Hve 18 year of age are urged to
nro.ent for the consideration of
Mr of Importance.
rM-runry 17th, thrro Avill be a
etig at the I. O. O F. Hal' nt
K-fr'nle All American wr.
- who can are requested to tt
tend this meeting. If thero aro tho
who have no nveyancc they will oe
accommodated If they will bo at the
Sunet Garnge at fi:30 P. M .
Tho drnmattc club hnvo divided to
glvo their next program March 31,
1022. Thi i to be n benefit program
for the purcluiso of a school piano.
The initlntlon of new member of
the 7.etn Gethlnns was held Friday,
February 3, before tljo Stmk'nt bmly.
Those initiated were: Ruth Gould,
Kmmett Grey, nnd Jim Tone. Ruth
was dressed Hko n little girl In n pinn
foro. The boyn had their hair done
up In ribbon. Emmett hnd on Miss
HniTvrt'a hot.
Rilth was compelled to sing nnd
Emmett to givo "A Tribute to Miss
ltrnkel" n'l of whfch was onjoyed lm
mensoly by tho Student body.
Tho people of Tillnmook aro indeed
fortunnto in having the advantage of
hearing tho strong Vermonln High
School debate team which opposes tho
Tillamook High School debaters on
February 21, on a question as Import
ant as Tariff. Tho Tariff Issuo Is
before Congress at tho present time,
wljoro tho fight I moro bitter than
over In tho nation's history. It should
bo of spornll interest to tho people of
Tillnmook County nnd tho stnto of
Oregon, because they nre directly of
c ted by tho tax on agricultural pro
ducts which m o .tho source of liveli
hood for our dairymen nnd farmer.
Aro European Countries, to bo allow
ed to send thoir products into tho
United Stntei tnx frco so that thoy
may undersell tho American whoso
standards of living and lnbor nro
much highor than thoso of foreign
countries? This question and many
others that directly effect you will bo
taken up on February 24 nt tho High
School bul'dlntf. If you wish to In
vest in an hour of learning nnd enjoy
went bo there, Glonn Andorson.
W. Talbott, A. Hudson, H. Nordstrom,
Frank Fitipatrlck, John A. Carroll,
Ray Grate. IL M. Shearer, Thos. A
Cathers, Wm. Huffman. Chas. Reich
tor, Walter Fisher, Rcnnctt J. Cooper,
O. F. Tney. Otto Shearer, Harry DU
trr, E. J. McGhaucy. W. GlenUng, F.
It. McKinley. S. A. Brodhcad. P. 3.
Worrall, C. S. Itarnes. P. J. Sharp, J.
S. Iimar, Chas. A. Brown, C. H.
Woolfe, C. E. Had'ey.
The Reception Committee consisted
to Justify its existence
Other short talks were given by
Ed. Fogg. Carl Haberla?h, Dolph
jTinnemtct, E. J. Claussen nnd Guy
Ford, and Fred Christcnsen.
Thc next number on thc program
as a recitation by F. B. Culberson.
Tbis was followed by a monologue by
Marion Doty; a piano solo by Oliver
Mathers and a recitation by H. H.
Hogan. Mrs. G. H. Ward and John
Zumstein rendered two beautiful vocal
of Dr. J. G. Turner, Chairman; Ira duets which were much appreciate.
This constituted tho set program
which wa followed by remarks
from several other.
F. Wilson read a poem on tho sub
ject of "Longhoms, whfch wa com
posed by Robt Stillwcll. Wo givi
it in full below:
O! you longhorn in the self,
Drred In suit of wax,
You no doubt, admire yourself
But I could bust you with an ax.
You arc innocent no doubt longhorn.
And guiltless of our woes,
But by our labor you were born,
And we have classed our with oat
As off we've labored ore the long
horn press,
The circles smoothed, the bandage
To Carl we prayed, the God of
That he relent our labor ease.
To him we prayed, that God devinc,
That ruler o'er Tillamook on tht
In suppliant posture fill,
And asked on bended knee
That he remove the longhoms fr-jm
our sight.
O! let us from their presence flee
That he remove the cause of our
And save our souls from more trans,
For our lips aro blasted with what
our tongue did say
As wo gazed where the wrinkled
longhoms lay.
Our prayer arose and sought to please
The God who sits among tho cheese.
He sits on bags of grain and bales of
While rats and mice around him
He drained thc sector from his cry
his foot to wake the
Proclaimed his mandate and our doom
tnd with a voice like a thunder boom
Yoa make those longhoms tall and
You get busy and don't you kick.
Tho cheese is good, tho people cat It,
So If you don't Hko it, you just bent
Thin was followed by .a recitation
ty . Thomas, tho verses of which
were alo composed by Robt, Stillwcll,
and aro given below.
0! Henry your glory's gono
And you have lost your goat
For Lizzie's fame has past
To Freddies mud stained boat.
I toll you boys she's traveled far,
She's a grand old boat this mud
strained car.
Like ships at seat who fought tho
She's comaflauged with colors dun.
She's streaked and daubed on every
Surpassing any painter's art.
Bneath the skies of summer
And blown by winter's brcczo
She made the rounds for Freddie
So he can plug thc ehec3c.
Upon her sides she's gathered day by
Soil from Nehalem's roaring waters
To Neistucea's placid bay.
Soon thc star ip heaven's glowing
WIP rall the wise men from afar.
To vw thc sparks a growing
On Freddies mud stained car.
F. W. Christcnsen, the Tillamook
County cheese inspector mado
lome appropriate remarks, srjit'ig;
that during 1921, the checsomakcrs o
the county made only 1250 seconds,
which was one half tho number mado
in 1920, which fa.:t proved that our
cheese makers were making marked
progress as regards quality. At the
conclusion of his remarks he named
the three cheese makers of thc coun
ty who wore entitled to first, second
and third przie money for showing
made during 1921. The prize winners
were: cRcd Ferris, of the Aldervalo
factory; Hugh Barber, of thc Holstein
factory; Guy Ford of tho Tillamook
The evening's entertainment was
brought to a close with a few re
marks by F. B. Culberson.
Berry sugar, cane cwt $6.35
15 lbs. for $1.00
Very best creamery butter per lb 40c
Portland or Tillamook bread a loaf 8c
Bordens or Carnation milk a can 11c
10 lb. sacks rolled oats mush for 55c
10 lb. sacks corn meal for 29c
85c pkgs. Tru Blu craekeits for 80c
Citrus washing pjowder a package 25c
Star, Climax or Horseshoe per plug 75c
Scratch feed per cwt . $2.50
All highest grades of coffees per tin .... 40c
5 lb. cans Royal Club Coffee $1.85
3 lb. carrG chocolate for 85c
10 lb. sacks Farina for 60c
10 lb. sacks pancake flour, each 65c
Mother's Oats per package . 35c
Fels Naptha soap per package 85c
Picket Hard wheat flour per sack $1.75
Fishers Blend flour per sack $2.15
Crown Flour per sack $2.10
25 lb. sacks Blatchfords calf meal $1.85
3 lb. Crisco 70c
9 lb. cans, each $2.00
Tomatoes and Puree 2 canu for 25c
3 bars Ivory soap 25c
4 lb. bulk macaroni for $1.00
Table peaches and apricots per can ...... 20c
8 pkgs. Magic yealst for 25c
Chnmberlnln'n Cough Remedy Aldn
Medicines Hint old nature nre al
ways niiKt effectual, Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It
allays tho coiih, relieves tho lum?s,
aids o:qioctorntion, opens tho Rccro-
tlona and nids nntuio In restoring tho
Hystom to n'henlthy condition. Thou
tmds hnvo estified to Its good qual
ities, Try It whorv you hovo a cough
or cold. !
On Monday, February 31th, we will put a solicitor
on the road to take your orders for groceries flour
and Feed. Ha will have prices to offer you that will
be right . He will also gather tip your produce, calf hides and sacks. We guarantee to save
you money on your grocery orders. t ttllDiMlHix
Tillamook Mercantile Co.