TILLAMOOK HERALD since mo C. E. TROMBLEY Eilitor and Pub! toner MKWrlHIwi IIM far Year In Advanr A4ftHMf RatM Ma Known Upon, Application, KiUwwIm i-cmd Claw MaR at th Post Officii at Tillamook, Oregon. EDITORIAL COMMENT Buy it at home. Spak a good won! for thu local indmtncH. o Send your attorn friumlH a Tillamook eiiecje. o Paw the paper to your neighbor. He might like it. o Decide to buy more in Tillamook thm year. It will help build up the community. o Springtime i checHctimo in Tillamook. Hobin Hed brewfi haa returned nud I ,e PutwywiJIowH are bursting forth. It must be that Spring is near, cheese and all. -o- Some Aspects of the Farmers' Problems By BERNARD M. BARUCII (Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly) Illiterate Boys and Giris forced to Study, in Now Hint Hit' farmer nro ntlrrlnif. thinking, mill uniting n never before In crndlenie. these IiM'fjtitilftlfw. tbe nre subjected In morn eriinniulc lec tures, Mint nre met Mllli Hip jiiTitsallnti Ii ttu injtJ"if in the other Mil", which" U In c"- repair. We Jm Irn.'-i"!) n lone way from tin1 iilil fiitici'i'M ti t gnneriimcnt a merely n defctnue and pollrtiig agency ; and reguliilhe, corrective, or etliinll- lluit (lie): tire item tins, imil Hti I lie iris iFglalnlliw, which apparently In of recipient of, apt-ilnt prltllefcs, I A ll (if.- what privilege Hie K"emmcnt has conferred mi Hie fnnnem Much has been iimili! of Kef (Inn I) of Die CliDlmi ,ii.'l'rniil Ait, which pur Mirllil In permit Ilieiii tu combine with Immunity, under tertnln conditions. Admitting lllllt, IIIHItlflllll), this riuptb'li win In llie nature Of n special privilege.- -though think was so In apiieariitire mtlier llinii In fart, -we And Hint the courts tuive miUlfled It by Judicial Interpretation, Why should tin! Hie farmer lie permitted to ne. riimpllKh by cooperative method what It special nature I i.fteti of fbe roost general benefit l.ii i-nusefiiienceii. I5ven Hie llml Congress ,iiiel n tariff nrl Hint was n'veii) t-r lite protection nf manufacturers tint n protective tnrlfT nlway bn heen defended as a moons of priori. nn the gem-ml shh1 through n jwrtl' ulsr ttpinirh ; and the statute In k urn llld with net for Hie benefit f shipping, commerce, unit liilnr. fienemer flimnce. '.In rolling mill. !t prilTniirr t-n Ani.nk lul.e mill nn.l ollmr rnnniifaurlnir bENTENOED TO SCHOOL prore(K Hint nrit rnrrlnl to Hie IiIkIi- ct ilesrri ot flnlhiil prtKlnrijon com pMtlMe with the Inrgn trmlr It ha built tip. All thin U generally conceil ol to Ii; to the nilvnittnxo of the ron timer. Nor ile the utrel rorporntlon liiconildrrnteljr iliimp ltt proiliictn on tlii murker On the contrnry, It no net Hint It In freipirntljr n stnlilllrlnic Infliienie, a In often tin; rat with oth er large urgnrilxntlmx. It In mmtur of Itn i1ltrtiijt!ort im well ni of llx pro 1 iltietl-n. If prlre are not natlufnctory J the proltKU nn' held hnrk or prixlnc , tlon n redueeij or (JperiiJil. It In not compiled to neml a yeiir'n nrk to Hio mnrkel at one time and take whatever It ran j:ct under mjeh ty-wanrer It ha oni) nHllne pillrjr and Itn own export department. Neither are the crude and qnnlltlei of uteri dtfermln ed at the raprltc of the huyer. nr d'K-n the latter hold the nle. In (hh aln Kle lnte;ratlon of th uteel rorporatlon In represented ahout 10 ;t-r cent of lh uteel prMliKtlun f America. The rent la miMtl In the hands of t, few Inrce companies. In unlliinrr tlmei the II. T. HolU Gm. r. WtaMhA BU1IS& W1NSL0W lIlLantonk, IV Advcrtifllntr DOVh: it isn't necownrv tn rln -i u-Jinln lot I """"r U",M;'' mnwm that U 1111 I i V . MIOie 101 1 cM.p..rti(li.n In the form of lne..nirn ,tmiHi W i,,,,, , or it dui wnai is (tone must op made clear and undemijind-. uui it it he proper r.)r men to ronn. iMiMllll Ihtff iilHtr i lira) able. AdvcrtiHC in a newspaper f irat. then vou can trv l ""l"" "f '"lU,,,":1 nitoii or ,,rov.ni ,tt i. diirii,t:n2 ami HOmethlncr 1m t vnt. ulih i )u Ulll U. . ,llrwl,r, lturn,Utn that controls KHInsr.dnlloti. ma, In, .iimmnrlx BOTTlCining BIRO II. JOU V, im. Hm entire prductloii of a eommodltr. f.,iow: Non. lttit l ih fanner asVInc? U'lOiotti Lrftrnc (a rMtalirtte tlio re. hare Iwn u- the prlnHpat pn- Mrtctly ou Hit? luv inar inmnrlziij as -)- Growing old gnivioiwly, ia the finest thing wc know ; or a larec purt or It. wiiy Is It not ; nm: lflrBw warbute for cot- proer for n Crmip ..f farmem to tmlte ' ,,,, wwti ntM ii w, .nu elevntor f..r the tmulietlun t ther common i tar smln. vt num. lent mp.vltj- to uwet or. It intipiring to nee men aged in veai-s but young in i,r,-,u'-t- '" '"'' r in rCrai i tb mnimum demand 0n them at the spirit To feel Bomethinc of the buovnAv of vm.th niinu--1 !T'l!.nl .""."r,"?l .. J! ! ,"" pl The f,- ..M 111 ... nV. , . " " ' ' . " . 1. " T. l"ln" ! 'r tWnfc. that ..Jther prtv.te cnpL shareholders to dlroet a or SO or 40 w, ,, furtt,., thne facilities, or Hk per ceni i an muusirj. a' n njE jor ita,e WIM ,w . own .,, eI,,,.,. V V ni.b.l t:h i. mi i ,,..,") "n'mJ tlmuwimi nM.mtive , ml f.-j,., . n. uiavnaiiui wj i MiiuiHHJH, KJIV., Will DCglll OlllCiai i mrmem tu n.iitroi it no iiirjrw pr"Ir- sflti: wiAtb njc and UMJng in February. Mr. Blackador has only three pure-' "" "f c",, or col,on- or U-J T i...t- i. i ......... ' ' any other pro-luet I any otner pro The DeiMirtiiieiit of AcrleuHore Is if 1 I'll (token of as a wNral eomilofl to the farmiTN hut Hi Its wmimrrrlat rvtil. )t of n iech benefit to the Iiiijith ami roiiMimer of asrlcoltural pnwiucts n to the proddf-em, or evoti I I. U ut. I ill mure, i uo noi iitjKse iuai niiyone i ivivauiuy it uenujiy aim cuniinenuauie winier 81)011 ' pH.te the benefits thut the rram both from the nlaver S nnrl KtHcL'itnr,ii el'iiulnninf ,' ilrrhe from the educational and re- 0 bred Jerneys, though he has a good herd. He wantr. to! know junt what hia cow.i arc doing. Oregon Fanner. o : City and country communities alike all take to basket ball for relaxation thoje fag day of winter. Basket ball; search work of the department, or the hrln (hat It sires them In working ont Secretary of tho Treasury Mellon has made work improved euitumi methods awi pmc more difficult for the jokesmithv-.he has simplified the 1 income tax forms so that the ordinary citizen can make! in intr.Hiueinc new vartnie. from re. out hia report without help.Thc jokostcra will have to find j rl a new SUbjeCt dlUon. nml In deUsins prortlcnl mens- q tires for the elimination ''f wntrol of mt. I i j i . ilanseroui and destructive nntinot nnd The lumber industry is again neanng normalcy. ,dm,t du.-nes. insm Pets. ami the Astoria mills are running! full blast, Willape Harbor mills m- a" "'"'f "wnnvaii, tend are operating at capacity! Brighton mills nmning; Wheel-1 iV!KJS XJSTri cr mm planning to rommc cutting; Tillamook nulls all ninning'and Bay City mill has pust purchased 10,000,000 feet of timber on the Nehalcm. o We have all been good-road"? boosters from Maine to California and hundreds of dollars of the taxpayers mon ey have been spent to build what would have been consul ercd perfect road' five years ago. Today our hardsurfaced roads are being torn up by truck traffic just about as rapidly as our macadam road were torn up by automoblio traffic from 7 to 10 years ago. It is a question of how far the state is going to go; in providing permanent highways to be destroyed by over loaded commercial vehicles long before the bond issues which built the roads, have been paid off. o Lumber is today the cheapest building material. The recent reduction in freight rateis helps west coast timber products in reaching the eastern market In order to hold the nrice of lumber at tho lowest do? sible profitable level- progeusive sawmills, such aj he VT-ll ?l W 1 i -S C TT muionai Lumoer ae aianuuiaciuring uo. oi noquuwi', Washington, are urcring lumber dealers to point out to lumber consumers the advantagas of buying and using ine shorter and cheaper grades of lumber whero possible. The National Lumber Co. poinuj out that selling lum ber is like selling meat There is a certain amount of ma terial in a log and thern is a certain amount; of meat in a steer. If the public refuses to buy any but tho choicest cuts of the beef or anything but the clear timben out of a log, the coit must be proportionately higher to cover the waste which Is not used. Due to the varied diameter and lengths of logs, there is of necessity many short pieces, side cuts and knotty wood, all of which is perfectly satisfactory for many build ing purposes. Sawmills re urging lumber dealers over the country to pointy this out to. customers and show them that by using these cheaper grades of lumber, great savings can be made In construction cost' at no detriment to the build ing. Thus by using every scrap of the log we will accom plish true forest conservation, equalize lumber prices and encourage home building. WHY? Wliv Day the nrice of n new. car, when yo can buy a cor in perfect condition for 1-3 the money AT A BARGAIN Chevrolet Delivery Chevrolet 490-1918 Touring Overland Delivery And many more to choose from. Drop in and- seo for yourself At iVUf tlny's Garage obvious. ! It Is complained that, wberen the law restricts I'edcml ltoene bank. . to three months' tlnm fur commercial piiT, the fanner Is allowed six months on his notes This Is not a special prhllece. but merely such a recognition of ImMiuwn condition? a makes It possible for country tinnka to t hneliiefin with country people The rrup farmer hns only one turn over it year, wiiiie lite merchant nnd iimniifrtrliirer ham ninny, tncbteiitnl ly, I ti.ite that tho reiloral Hiwrve Itimrd tins Just authorlmt tho Tod ernl deserve bnnka to discount export paper for a period of Mx mouth, to conform to the nature of the btil ness. The I'nnn Iinn bunks re pointed to n nn Instance of upcclnl cn em inent favor for farmers. Are they not rather the outcome of laudable effort to ispmllre rurnl tun! urunn condl (IniH? And about all the Koverument does there In to help .et up nn ml mlulstrntlve .Tk'nlilinllnii mid lend n little credit at the Mart. Kvcntunlly tlie fiirmers will provhle nil the capi tal nnd curry nil tho liabilities them selves. It Is true (but Turin 1 .0:111 bonds are tnx exempt; but no 11 re bonds nf municipal light and traction p!nuts. ami new liutislny U to bo ex empt from tnxtttlon, In New York, for ten yenrs. rradlnc of aartctilinrnl pr!ncts. and ewtlflcntlon tberimf. I be d- ne by Impartial and dislntcreM! pu IK In aped on (lids Is irmdy actHrtnj. wio-i i.. ..hic extern by the fedi-ra! II eniltijc of wishers ih! cradrrs). t- elliiilnate underpay. IttK. overchaixlne. and unfair sradlnjr, and to facilitate the ulllUntlcii of the torel products as the bHs of cri-llt. Third: a certa n. f credit sutTlrient I to enable the markellus ot protlucts In an onierty mm n-r Poorth: the H-pnrtment of Acrlctil uro shimld c- lleri !a!uil!e, ummn ie. and roenlarir and froquen(l pul Hh anC dlatrttiute to the fanners, full Infortntitlon front all the markets of the world. m that ther aball be as well Infonnetl of their nellins pMltlnn as 1 ituycrs now nre of tbelr buying posl- i ln. ' I'lfth: freednut to tntesratc the bnsl ne of aarlcoll ure by means of con otldateil udllnc asende., civ-onllnnt-tns ami co-operatlns In such way a to put the farmer on ho equal footing with Hie inrge buycru of his nnHlurts. ' nnd wit It commercial relations In other mdutrli. Whfa n business nijulres spwlallied Wen pJlrn Oejeh DJ(j Children Vfll Be Sent to Sebol of Oppariunlty Instead of Jjnto pro. vide Clothing. VM I'alia) M-h. rim. llllierar hoy nd eirla umjer Hie twenty w wb art. i,m Intn Alitrilcipal rrt l,ie to rmni win he ntrfwd o m 4 of ,.),,,. tunity lirstrnd f jail u tl.r reit t a mntfHMtit Miunt-tii l Menlelptil Juil?e Jj I triii.u. former ne IapJr paWKIier and .Ju..r, nnd Ui k.-i by Hu Itoin dob und ther dsit orBrilzaiiona. The X-hMrf (rf rprinurilt)r hns k onranlterl aii tl line. ,.r ibe asiuil public mInkJ. with a bmnl of tlirm tmnlKta. CAAlstUir of Juov,. Jj.ri.Mn tel conxiratlon. by example. t4NjEx Clt Mattaci r faH Kiddle ,i,d (;), ,lf an siet-i jinces. 1; inn is ienmnn rn-o rtaitk Matt hewn (It Is even delraMc, becaqse .(able ( itiwlntiw nnw r.v offerr.1 to torn an1 fair prices are tse;,tlal to solid vh; .srUublo cothin stud-nt. who and eoutlnucl prn.i-rlty) why would oiherwl,.. mlsht frel .,,,.,,. It Im wrmig for the farmer, t ntl , ,-Tnltt, o( -n central agencies that would have alnil. ' l:,r,nn l. ,Lin 1. : ' . - . l " n uiin.f ... lar effects on agricultural products? .Something like that U what tbejr are aiming 111. Site farmers favored by reglnitnl compactnos nnd contiguity, such as the rltrus frult raisers of Callfomln. al ready have found a way legally to merge and sell their products lnte. grail)- nnd In accordance with neannnnl provide trxi hook hnvaig plai-rd an ortler for $.Vi worth nf reaoVrt. arlth metlc. spvllirM: and writing booits, to which vijecia U.v crur- rf titJy will he cuiUi.ed. Tlie yountrstera w-fi'eml to the school will beti-ra nmnbni of rpecU! dasiw ami will bt luitroctcsl by a Robert H. McGrath Counsellor at haw TILLAMOOK. - OKKGON Comploto lens crmdlnt: factory on pruuiUea. Any Icn tluplicutod. DK. J. G. TURNER HYU Si'HCIAI.IST I'erman-ntly Located in Tillamook I'rtvato offlco in Jenkirw Juwuly Storo LattMt up-to-dnto injtruinwnU anil equipment DR. I. M. SMITH 'logician and Surijcon Ollice In HiUottil h'.iit- flLUAIOOK. ORKCON I'lLLAHOOK UNDUK I AKINO CO Funeral Dirctor and Ucn(l Einbalmer R. N. IIKNKI.H, Mifr. Lady AnHiUnt when duaircd T. H. GOYNh Altorney-at-Uw and Land Office Business. OPPOSITE CX)URT HOUSK and local demand, thus Improving 'c,'r emniwjw try the city -chool their position and rendering thn con- lM,ra- u,a " b hld In the sumer a reliable servlco of ensuriMj c',Jr hool oitlldln? at h)rs which iuallty. certain aupply, and reawmable ',," DOt nlct with the regular nd relatively steady prlr-. They "a AM thf ichool, thu slria aa1 have not found It necessary to resort 'nwZ women to attend from 3:93 to to any special privilege, or to claim any exempli- n ' under the a.-.'i-truM legliilatlon of the state or nation. With out remtjvlng local control, they have built up a very edelent marketing agency. The grain, cotton, and to- 0:80 p. m. and the boys from 030 to 030 p. a. In order Uiat the students may ha liHllvidiml Inntnii-tlon. .inn. win r limited to twfity mernlM-r. and wIxb ine nanus hae wocke." ihlr bacco fanners, nnd the producers f through a duiple xiwlil.-it; book way hides and wool, twratlse of their ntim hers ami the vnstness of their regions, and for other reasons, bare found Integration a more dlfilcutt task ; though there are now gome thousands of farmer's co-operative elevators, warehouses, creameries, nnd other en terprises of one .sort and anther, with a turn-over of a billion dollcr a year They are giving the farmers business experience and training, and. so fur as they go, they meet the need i-f honest weighing and fair grading: bu they do not meet the requirements nf rationally adjusted marketing In any large nml fundamental way. The next step, which will be a pat tern for other groups. Is now belr.g prepared by the graln-ralsers through the establishment of sales media which shall handle grain iiopnrHtely or col lectively, ns the Individual farmer may elect. It Is this step the plan of the Committee of Seventeen which hns created so much opposltb n nnd Is thought by some to be In conlilct with second reader ..d fr. il-ni. they will be given dlplofnu. with all tlie cere mony lti.li-iit to a huh'schuol cotii-m-iiei-nieiit. Dr. 0. L. Ilohlfcld Veterinarian AT Bell Phone Sf-2 Mutual Phone David Fobinsor?. VLD Pbys ician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. Wendt I LODGE DIRECTORY K TILLAMOOK LOPGB .NO. 1260 j L. 0. O. M. I Meets every Fri- j day eveninz at K, P. 1 Hall. S-. Urodhead, S L. L. HOY, M. D. IMt'siciiii and Surgeon Bell I'hot.e V.tiico 6, Kuidenew S M Alutuel I'nor.t - Otlice and Residence TILLAMOOK. BLOCK latent It I... tn tmv It ..-Ill .(, mu.-.tust i"'. ii.ou.u mere IS fdrmers: and perlm,,, the M way for I Tv rr"r? concro" " Mnre de tben, to g.H It would be to utllUe some ! ",lRnU " elnJ "P d"Ubt lh .IM'ln'- of the t.resenl niaehlnerv of fl... Inr,-. ' Si..-i.r.HiU.-vrs rc not raving on est otablshel ngeneles dealing In farm products Of course, tf he wishes, , Ibe rurmer mny go further nnd etignge In ibur milling nml other manufactures i.f fd prulucts. In m opinion. 1 any Immunity from nntl-trut legisla tion. They delre. nnd they are en titled, to nvordinnie their efforts Inst ns effectively ns the large tmsl-. ess terests nf the country have d- ne In i - . 1 i.t. .1. . ...... i.........r Ii.. 1.1 l. .i, . . eoniieruoii n me selling orgat U3 short of that. Public Interest mnv bo ,hp ,l "U,,M n'S (,ml!! ?Tuv opposed to nil grvnt Integrations; 'but. ! ncorpornted Is draft Ins a scheme of in Justice, should they be forbidden to ancln nstnimentnlltles and auxll, the farmer ami permitted to others? "ry. d" "l.lch are Indlspens., ,le The cortonite form of aoc!ntlon enn- ' '.hc """'l1 utlHzailon of modern not now be wholly adapted to his ob- , ,,u,f mCt !. ,ha, ,h . Jews and conditions. Tho looser cn. ' . U , lnl that the farmers operntlve form seems more generally I ouW fTttin y ,w,,h ",ew aultnMa Therefore, be wishes to be ' ,lnn'- ,nml ,a,m T f vold U',e "f free. If he fluds it desirable and fens- j fPP'"S ' n uiarketlng mn- , ihln tn mrt in o,vo,r,.iinn ,.-ii. 1.1. cliln-ry. which has been so lalHirlously fellows and neighbors, without run- i ,J"nt .up by 1 .ns, "W- before nlng af-utl of the law. To urge that the farmers should have the same lib erty to consolidate and co-ordinate their pecnllnr economic functions. .vhleh tber Industries In .their fields . enjoy, Is not, however, to concede that i nny business Integrntlon should have legislative siinrtlon to exercise monop. ollstlc power. The American people are ns firmly -ppnsed to Industrial us On the other hniul, the farmer rends t, political nutocrncy, whether at- of plnns for munlclpnl bousing proj ects Hint run Into the billions, of hun dreds of millions iinnunlly spent on the inerrbnnt marine ; ho rends that the railways nre being favored with Increased rates atid virtual guuruntles of earnings by the government, with the result to him of nil 'nerensed toll on till that he sells nnd nil Hint ho Iiii.ns. lie hears of many maulfestii Hons of governmental concern for par ticular Industries nnd Interests, lies cuing th railways from Insolvency Is undoubtedly for the behutlt of the country ns n whole, but whnt can be of more general benefit than eneoiir ngeiuent of ample production of the prlnrlpnl necessaries of life and their even Unw from contented producers to satlMled coiisniners? While It may be cnneeiled Hint special governmental nld may be nee- oHsary In the Reneral Interest, wo must all agree Hint It Is dllllcult to nee why agriculture ami Hie production and din trlhutlou of fnrm products ure m t ac corded Hie Hiimo opportunities Hint nre provided for other businesses; espe cially as. the enjoyment by the fnrtner of such opportunities would appear to ha even more contributory to tho cen rrnt Rood than In tho enso nf other Industries, Tho spirit nf Amurleuit einocrnry Ii unalterably opposed, nllko to enacted special prlvllegu and lo tlie ipoll privilcaa of unequal op portunity that arises automatically from tha failure to correct glaring conomlo Ineqiulltlca. I inn opposed to tlio Inject Ion of government Into business, hut I tin believe that It Is nn essential fuiietlnii of democratic, gov ernment to I'uunll.o opportunity so far as It Is within Its power to do so, whether !)' thu repeal of nreltnlc statutes or the enactment of modern ones. If the mill-trust Inws keep tho farmers from endeiuoilng scientifically to Integrate, their industry while oilier industries llml a way to meet modern conditions without violating xucli Hint- Hies, then It would seem reasonable lo llml a way for tho farmers to meet them uiiilor the same, conditions. Tho law should operate equally lu fact. Ie it rT" r.-1l- - tempted by rural or by urban Indiistrv. For lack of united effort the farmers ns n whole are still marketing thelr crops by antiquated methods, or by no methods at all. but they are surrounded by n business w rid that has been modernized to thu Inst minute and Is tirelessly striving for eillclency. This ettlcleney Is due In large measure to big InHnes. to unit est business, to In tegrated bu-lness. ' The farmers now seek the benefits of such Inrgeuess, un ion nnd Integrntlon they hnve n tried and proved substi tute or supplementary meehnulsm. They must bo careful not to become enmeshed In their own reforms nnd loso the perspective of their place In the national system. They must guard agnlnst fanatical devotion to new- doc- ; trlnes, and should seek articulation with tho general economic system rnther than Its reckless destruction as It relates to them. (Continued to next week) Garden Spot tcr Bear. Knmchutka lias more bears than all the rest of east Stlierln. It probably litis more bears than nny other place In the world. They are ns plentiful here, I believe, as buffaloes once were on the western plains. The main ren sou which 1 found for thU Is the fact that bears do not eat during half tho year. They are like grasshoppers or . .... ...i... .... . .ii.... i - ii.. I. Tho American farmer is n modern of : " the moderns In the use of labor saving lu im"le''- e-v hllnrnntc for machinery, nml he has made vnst " x ,mon h m,d are nc,lve lwru w,1' strides In recent years In scIiMitlflc t u,rin tl,e salmon senson ; nmi salmon Ullage and eillcieiu farm m.iiiiiL-..t,...nt "-' 80 plentiful that bruin enn live but ns n business In contact with other I tl,rolK '"-' ''"'"u Siberian year on businesses nglrculture Is a "one horse shay" In competition with high power automobiles. The Amertenn farmer Is tho greatest and most Intractable of Individualists. While Imlustrlnl pro duct!! n and all phases of the huge com mercliil mechanism nnd Its myriad ac cessories have articulated nnd co-ordinated themselves nil the way from tint oral raw materials to retail sales, Hie business of agriculture bus gone on in much the one man fashion of the back- the. salmon he cutches In summer, to gether with other wu food brought ashore In htrunded seaweed, and ber ries found everywhere else. And It Is because Kamchatka province has such a ong coast nnd so tunny snliuon streams. Nearly tho whole east Si berian const of tho Okhotsk mni, Pn cltlc ocean, Herlng sen and Arctic ocean Is Included tn thla province, with a tlsli supply as great as that ot our American qnnst opposite, or greater. woods of the first part of the nine-' Frederick McCormlck In the Los An leentli centurv, when the farmer was gejes Times, self sulllclent and did not depend upo or rare very much, what tho greut world was doing, Tho result Is that the agricultural group is utmost us much nt a disadvantage lu dealing with other economic groups as the Jay farm er of tho funny pares In tho liniula ot sleek urban contldenco men, who sell him nereago lu Central I'arUsor tho Chicago city hall. Tlio leaders of tho farmers thoroughly understund this, and they are Intelligently sti'llu' to Integrate their Industry so that It will be on mi equal footing with other busl. nesses, As nn esnmplo of Integration, take tlio steel Industry, In whleh tho model Is tho I'nltoil Stntea Steel Corporation, with Its Iron mines, Its coal mines, jts Inko and rail transportation, Its ocean vessels, Its by-product coke ovens, Its Bird Lore. Tho color of birds can bo changed within llvo generations by keeping them tn a white room, with white sur roundings nud attended by persons wearing white. Scientists say It Is ) nature's way ot taking cure of tho turns so tnnt tney win Harmonize with tho tmekgrouiiil in which they live, lints, It has been discovered by no Italian naturalist, have a small sense organ situated on the middle wall ot tho tympanic cavity of their ears. Tho removal of thU organ destroys their sense of balance. The scientist concludes that It Is by means of this orgun thut the bird Is nblo to deter mine the density ot the air through G. A. R. Corinth Post, No. 35, Dept. of Ore gon, meets on Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month, at 1:30 p m. in the W. O. W. haU. Visitors wc!. came. GEO. T. WILT H. W. SPEAR Commander Adj. TILLAMOOK ENCAMPMENT NO. 57 I. O. O. F. Meetd 2nd and tth Thursday ol each month. S. A, Brodheso Sec I. O. O. F. Lodge Nc. 91 meets every Tues day eve. S p. m. UEHEKAHS, Wed nesday eve. 8 p. ra. SILVER WAVE CHAPTER NO. 18 O. E. S. Stated communications first and third Thursday of each month in Masonic ilull. Visitors welcome. LELIA D. DOTY. Sec. SHOES Repaired While You Wait I5Y SHOEMAKERS One trial will conrine superior workmanship. Parcel post given prompt attention. RALPH U. EDWARDS J 1 When you think of Lifei Insurance' Think I MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL 1 See W. A. Church, local! representative ' GO TO CHURCH FOR INSURANCE v JOHNSON CHAPTER NO. 21 ROYAL ARCH MASOlNS Regular meeting nights first and third Fridays of each mouth. MARATHON LODGE NO. 89 Meeting Every Monday Evening. Visiting Bro thers Welcome. Alderman ISldg. W. R. liould, C. C. C. U. Coe, K. R. ei S. $ H. T. Doits, Pres. Attorney at Law : John Leland Henderson, Secy. Trcas, ! Attorney-at-Lsw. Notary Public Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts, Keal Estate, Insurance. Both hones TILLAMOOK, OREGON t IILLAMOOK LODGE NO. 57 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Second Wednesday month. Visiting Brethren welcome. By order W. M. Lcslio Hurrison Sec. which It moves and regulates Its wing blust furpn.ee". Us open hearth uad tPiovimeotjiecordUigly, W. R. C. Corinth Relief Corps, No. G4 Dept. of Oregon, meefi on First und. Third Friday evcnin;:s ot each month, at 8 p. m. in the W. O. W. hull. Visitor welcome. MARY WILT, President. ELIZABETH CONOVER. Secy. MIRIAM TEMPLE NO. 30 Pythinn Sisters meet cary so:oud and fourth Tuesday of each month nt the Knights of Pythias HaU, at 8 o'clock P. M. INE15 CARROLL Excellent Chief. ELIZABETH OAT1IOHT M. of It. and C. Tho PythUn Sistera Club meets every r-'"J"v-Mi-ssss 1 1 . . Shoe Repairing!: Laces, Oil, Polish,:: ' Grease etc., CaK: t :: on. i: SNODGRASS ii The Shoe Doctor. Todd Hotel Bldg. h sssss Professional I Photography Ipth in portrait and I commercial work. Alio the lest of framing may be found at the Ovo Studio a i " 1 MMIMMIMIIMMMMMMfMMMtHMMtHMMH