Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 09, 1922, Image 2

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The Herald's UveWie Page of Local News Items of the We
The Week's Round-Up of City and
County Happenings and Personals
Mm. Cnrrignn hs bus b, . - , day afternoon for Portland cn hi
5nc nt lh- homo nf her cousin l.r-n way to Memphis. Tenn. lie u iri-kc
Partridge- for n veofc, returned t" lift j the trip from PortUuid by auto g.ung
lama In Portlnnl Thurlnv morning . thrrotph California, Mktt, New Mux
M. H. Holt went to tho rattroiwlis ix 'Nw Orleans, U, and then tn
Thursday of la.t week. j M""!4- .v end W ''
itoort iutk arm a nte irip.
Mr. Lydia C. Dkkmcn. who has
Mrs. Clnrvn..- Holm of N .- IV .. lKr VK i .
I L . . 1 I- . . 4ktt lth U ..AW.k. I H-l
in nt the homo of hor Muter Mr i SoJ r,r! St K
K. Trwmblev. Mr. Hettla was foi- If i mad ef an auclwnswr give
morly Miss Mihircd Ford of thu irtnl-twaMj ytnrs etrtVhv It.
city. . ill. Usw01towV,,,',n-
Kcvtvnl !ervka will bo hold in the ' PlwlKiral u '
liny City ehuifh from Ttttarfay. IVo- M. TQbm "' ,r
nmry 7th to February lSth. cvt ! A WhftKl-t" iAm.M-hiw ,
night etonut Monday. TTw n.V wrfwt MMdlt oh, at m1'
wil llw assisted by Its, nnd Mt A mook MtUk (V
P. Gwr, xtll Vmnh ojI inirf . f fitmm f th iy v -htno tha worM. TUI! MHi
i (r ix ', M-nth'r i '"
,h i- i'' lrr' for )M
It tt H. V!WOt-
Th twt www wWl ol W Iwh4 w
Mm (MM,
--v AtkHf Miller far imftMlw
, ti 0 mi b Mtitf i tmtil yw
VkUiO, vndtirwit hy tW ift
Anonp those rcRi5toml nt tho Tjl- j
liraooto Ilotri Thursday were ilr. j
lkytan ml Mr. Mulkay. !
A. C. AmJerson of Xohnlem wis I
twn on otir utroets FrWav. '
C S. Gravos, who couv fro"t (
Woodborn, -as in this city Thmlay.
IMan CriR of South Piri wis a 1
r tnjTB puMcnRir Friday.
I-acy Daniel? went to Portland to ,
isit reltixs ?atwrdny.
K. G. Wooley clft for Portlaml Snt
ua5y to transm't business. '
Georpe K. Story, who travels for
the. Orrpon Jotimal, w-a a busiaoys
Alitor Friday. He also saW th
afternoon edition of tho Orepon Jour
nal will bo in Tillamook at 5:30 the
same day soon.
H. K. Faulk of the Faulk Lumber
been irwtinc her daughter. Mi. I. M.' city last week.
Th public Is Invited. !eJdd U Wl Hir r.wnml laU o
SWney Johnson a former ITitth- February tit ! "
nooker now of Portland, win in our htmr made i. " '-
Snith for Lhe last month returned to
her home in lort!aitd Wednemiay.
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Kuk left for
Portland to visit Mr. ltttak's folks for
a few days.
Mrs. U and Mrs. K. lkMUr pasted
' throuirh this city Wednoaday morning
on their way to I-ake Uytle.
Mr. Sherman of Portland wa a
I business visitor Tuesday.
I G. N. Hkkok went to llay City
, Wednesday morning.
I Mrs. AndreAv- Stim returned to her
I home in Brighton Wednesday mom
: injr after spending a few days visitintr
1 her daufrhter Mrs. Lrlie Harrison.
I I. Ijibowitoh returned to his home
r'OR SAUK- V-t! too-mr oar. A
.Iwlire Van Zauter of Portland was ' n. 8w K. A Mvlunn MU T!
in Tilamook on businm Saturday. ph. ne 'o
"Mrs. Stiearer rih! Mrs. McNair wer -t MJISSSMAKIM.
xtare pasaenirers Monday. ' drnt wwtnjt
F. A. Row and Louis Koebcn went 1 Wi Firtt St K
to the metropolis Sunday. ; HK SAl.K- Huli alr. Jt.-y
Hob Carlson of Wbelcr trn brel: elKiW fi" riritrilon
oactimr busineo in the count seat from twKsl damn, t OH WITH
Go. was in our city visiting friends ' ,n veaneaay. Me nas oeen
Monday. I vlsi,'nR hi. brother L. Ijibowiteh.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mapiason of! 11 B- LockWlod' a former IMla
Rristhton returnci to their home Sat- : mookr w"s in tl hakinjr hands
urday mominp after spending a short j vith o!d friends th ton Prt of
time visitinp Mr. I,onp. ! wk- He Wt for lutu Grooml Wn-
Frank Readen went to Bav Cite on ! " ednwday mornm.
n business trip Saturday.
If you wnnt c nr pi-.iltiy 'd
to the wetcM climate we ha.c '?
vartes that wm an.l Icy. JllSj
HOFFMAN, Tillam.Hk Ore x.W
E. HJckerson wns ia our city tran
sBCtinp business Friday.
Mr. Boll left for Hilbboro Saturday
Ora Hinkle, J. II. Plank and R. F.
Montpomery were stapo passnptfrs
Saturday for Portland.
Mrs. Edmunds and Mrs. Envin went
to the metropolis Friday.
J. W. Hester of Hebo, was a Tila
mook -isitor Sxiturday.
Llojil Johnson of 'WTieeler, was
seen on our streets Saturday.
Prof. Buell of the Cloverdale Hiph
School was in our city Saturday.
The followinp were repistored at
the Tillamook Hotel Saturday: Ben
I N'ordon, W. F. McKenney,. S. G.
Penlnnd, F. M. Garrison, T. H. Bach
anan, Ralph Wartman, P. Holdridpe,
Wm. Do Haven, H. 0. Wiiken, B. F.
Stephenson. R. G. Berp, John Venable,
and T. B. Satterwhitc.
R. J. Watkins went to Rockaway
Thursday morninp to visit his mother.
Mrs. Joseph Gallant left for Port
land Thursday where she will make
her home.
F. F. Smith, a representative of
The Bradstreet Compaqy went to
Mahatran Beach Thursday to transact
C. S. Bennett of Portland was here
on business a few days this week.
James X. Davies from the metro
polis was a business visitor Wednes
day. Mrs. Ceila Wapner went to Rocka
way to visit Thursday.
Community Club of Miami held a
meetinp Saturday night at the school
house at Miami. They had a pleasant
propani and luncheon was served. Mr.
W. D. Pine, County Agriculturist, Mr.
J. N. Shaw, County Veterinary, and
Mr. Georpo Lamb, County School sup
erintendent of Tillamook were present
II.- C. Seymour, Boys and Girls
Club leader, was in our city this we?!:.
Dr. Boals reports the birth of a
son to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark on
January 19th.
Dr. Smith reports the foHo.7ir.fr
births: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hodman,
n pirl the 8th; Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Jonninps, a boy, the 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Gooch arc tho
proud parents of a baby pirl born the
Dr. Robinson repoit3 the L'rih of
a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash.
Rudy Kunz of Arco, Idaho was a
Tillamook visitor Monday.
Mrs. C. Nelson of Wheeler was in
this city transacting business Monday.
Mrs. L. Piko and Mrs. Jolilffe re
turned to their home in homes in Bay
City Tuesday morninp after spending
n few days visitinp Mrs. Burrows of
this city.
Mr. Burr Reals Sr. left Tuerday
morninp to spend a few days in Port
land nn business.
Tom Ni?hols wet to Beldinp Tues
day morninp.
James E. Wright of Bay City Michi
gan, left for Walupa. fnear Portland)
to visit his dnuphU-r. Mr. Wr'pht
who is enpaged in the Wood Hoop
industry was here looking for n lo
cation, but couldn't find a suitablo
place because the bay is nnt navi cable
so that ships could be loaded for
eastern shipment.
A. Jas. Ballentinu loft for Portland
Tuesday morning.
Robe rtCarlson who hns bepn tran
sacting business in the county suit for
n few days returned to nis .nunc in
Whoe'er Tuesday.
J. W. Bosqui and dauehtor Miss
Margaret returned to tliei homo in
Albany.Thcy have been visitirg Mrs.
Bosqui who is in a .local hospitil.
C. E. Runyon returned '.o !iii home
in Portland Tuesday.
Judge Georpo R. Bngla Jev TutM
clay morning for his homo In Hills
'Fred Robrbach, plumber, left T icj
Forest Grove, where she will visit
for a fow days.
E. F. Harden, was a stage paasen
per to Sheridan Tuesday.
Alvin D. Wv?k, traveling paiaenw
agent for the Southern I'acific Com
pany was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Holgate and daughter
May of Hemlock, were Til'amook
shoppers Saturday of last week.
G. A. Reeher has bought the Dr.
Glaisyer residence -property which ,
he will use as a home. i
O. A. Schulti and C. Faulkner were !
Closinp out everything at price out
to the bone. lHanos, violins, phone-
graphs, needles, oil. sewing machimrs,
belt. Victor records, strings, .rase,
etc. You will have to hurry to vtt
good selection. TILLAMOOK MUSK
Household furniture at private sals
, on Goyne ranch on South Prairie, any
day but Saturdays.
, Fine cedar pests, 15 cents each; 20
rents delivered. Cedar shakes tea dol
lars per thousand. Terms cash 0. M.
Pearson, Pleasant Valley.
phone. St Pit.
Wanted to get work in town. Can
do almost anything. Can give good
rcferencM, in clerical and mechanical
work- Call Alfred Smith, Mutual
Phonograph records, closing out S
BKR on Wm. Wtllumi ranch, fail
mutual nh ne. t
FOR SALsVTwo brvwxl w. farrow
this month E. M t.eontg, Mutu!
phone. U
Mtl'MI S.tm- aut.' !ip curtains Ap-
lly at the Hrraid ffwe.
vvoRtr n'A.vrKo k t
anr kind in sftermwfl. KS ,
Reading. H
FOR !tAl-B--40 are of eleanxl land
that can be pkwd very vairMy. 3
miles fXm TUUinttnh, near gvvnl
water system and wrtlc ight sy
stem. Vtis.fi 19.000. Easy pay
ments. Address the Herald.
WANTJBls Clean w ng rag at
Qtar Garage 6 cnts per pound.
FOR SALE A good wth.1 pinOvTUa.
,ok Muak Co. tf.
FOR SALE few c et etty
n easy payment In.iuifif of W 4I
hal, SOI First St Ti!UMWKk. t I
A nd VMrola, plays ltk th
18 W TUIamook Mosie Co. U
Psifbank Motss t wr pm
t n nt for sal GoKi as new nil
1st St.
I A3I ALWAYS taw w?kt ff
your baby srs. Call m SMy Oiws
you on for saK IMsi nkwlsea,
Smith, "TW CaH Man".
Fr th nest ami mast punsly iim-
al Lift iRsnnme in Us) 0. & IN
irsMtr yr autnf-hib ks tV
fireman's Fund lnuraM CesaawM
it A Cku-h. (oral agent
If you want te ssH ftmr Mrf mnk
list it -eitn r. R. McKhsksv.
(r ttrM rsn arwnys Ws ntrtalfMil nl tt HaUsfa t.
t ehsu at tavtote tkws.
Wf wfl) aastt jNat aiassBiml Ryrt Ut tiw liW .
Ite. Usvsa JkaV Ma4 Ryrtip ifitts. HM, ,
Otwkt Kmrkwt Ctt rfUr it wjw tv tir .
mm Wsartawtng i t. niu rBUr mq lu
ttM t sattr tt Hfc
a, tat lo; l'ms KuHoth i
! ttd IVtil J )!(,) n,M
tm rt.fi
I We hsm ssUy bsMtaal asjpps 4sf a V., c .1
'II ofti
T Kmc Heart tgtn mting held
in Wheekr ijall on Fsbruary Sru, was
attended by fifty tgiMi msmbemOr.
S?iW iHMikr nf tW essnlftg
'V a strenaoa argument ta fn-
nt f the '(f-Wier bms and gttmit
i rtwirs nrrtcrvnee tn emplosmenf, i j
Thr littk mat with fsvnr frvxn moil nf ! I
E. G. Anderson
thar w a .Unca gtwi by tss Lssri ! . ,
'with WUku mhestr. ftmialUng ihe." ' '
Messrs. mmsman. tlattat and ( Th ssrt. A Key '
t..k ... t.ii a.. . irnce fn WWk" tlrfc-tU.l
Mutual , rloa to .lcvit f ir bnsifUMM
h'tmne amfwtt all Iwn -
On Sway Mr and .Mrs ft. M. Rt ! far tMMr wrll Tb
pW trantwf m
Portland business visitors last week. ,mw i-wta eacn. niwmooa Jtus
They were accompanied by Mr. Mc- ( k Cfc tf.
Collouph of Minnesota who has been The Great Northern Transportation
vftiting at the Faulkner home. j ' "o. will calf at your residence or place
Geo. R. McKinens, ex-county com- of business for out going freight,
missioner. who has been residing at Household poods, packages etc. Call
Corvalis for some time has decided
to become a Tillamooker again and
A pair f milk iroat fr at.
quire at Herald of(c.
Light weight Vaughn drag saw fu
sale. See E. ti. keb.
W. A. Church wrtto 'nsuranee in
tll its branches
Dr. Allttn and Shame, dentists At
Nitiaanl HUk. Ttltsaik (hv
Brunswick phonOK:'5. 1 1 . t un' y
n-'w, I5(J00 tanda d i- a
has bouph tho Fred Kebbe. Sr. place
on the Nehalera. where he will make
his home. Mr. McKimens is a pood
citixen and we are pleased to have
him with us apain.
Clarence Tildcn of Hermiston, Ore.
has been in the city this week, taking
orders for alfalfa hay shipments. Mr.
TL'den states that several of the
Hermiston hay farmers are huy.rp
dairy herdd and will feed their hay
instead of shipping it
Mrs. W. J. Hill underwent a vor;
serious and complicated operation at
the Boals hospital the first of
week. At last report the patient w.
getting along nicely, which fact ,n
deed remarkable in view of the nature
of the operation.
Geo. Winslow and famiiv n- ' 1
on Thursday of last week - . :.n
auto trip into southern '.! f. rr
whero they visited a sutir Mr
Winsiow at I Angck. a-d ',
Arizona where they vi:u-d a i-t.r
of Mr .Winslow.
J. W. Wall, a piano tum r .f Port
land, will be in Uwn sonn r ai
ders at the Tillamook Drup .S. .'p.
Frank Plinsky and fa-.ilv '!'"vi
in car to Albany on P.t' irl. y 'i
Frank returning on 0'jn'iay. M-.'
Plinsky and children wi'l rc-rr.a'.n . n '
Albany for an exU-nI-d viait.
N. P. Hanson of Hebo, ':. ''a
city on busines lajst Saturd-.y. I
C. W. McLerory of B.avcr, -..a' .
town on business Tuesday. I
E. G. Krebi, is having en.'.1 r.r f
his brick and tile work. a f i-y
building 18 x 04 ftft whi h will be
u.-ed for making drain tile :ir
dry shed. Geo. Krebs, a f,r.i.. ,r ;
of Sandy, Oregon, and a br.i'r cf
E. G. wil have charge of the v ' . j
Mr. and M--s. J. J. B-.-r :.r 'K
proud parents of a fin- ).;',, ,,rn
last Saturday night.
Valphan Drag Saws, jiricc i : ; d
tho 1st of February. Drag h,w. v. ith
and without Hutch, l.'-i.vy ar.J light '
weights. E. G. KREBS. J
Tho Hotel Nethorland. fthe old
Ramsey) will be open to the public
on February ISth. 1
A. M. Standish, the n--thit-, who
has been ill for ome ti'r.e A-ith nnr j
monia, took anothr serious n'apse
last week at his home at Netan-.
J. E. McKecn of Illaine, v.l.' was
ill for only a few days, died at the
Vidito hospital on Wednesday ipht.
A paralytic stroke wan the ca j e of
his death. Deceased was CO years
A. N. Davies of Netarls found a
barrel of white substance on Imo
beach last Tuesday. None of our,
local people scorn to know what it is
See Dr. Girder for denial
I. 0. 0. F. BuikHnc.
work at !
A Judiclons Inuinrt.
A Wll Irtuvwn lrnva(fl.L- f . k y ,
John Mather, Agent. 6U or Mutual v.,ju
often heard dmppitji ak a rut
omer, who wish. ! t . !uy -...uwh n -d.
Wlm sshelhrr it ua t .r n 1.4 .,-
n uy pnonograpn, regiuar pnw Bo4 ,f f
13o.W, now $75.00.
auio top ami Harness repair slwpj berlain C. 'iph R.-.-.dy Th.- i.-i-.n
-losing out all tools, and material for this i that they know there is
including 'eathor, canvas, top mat.T- r.i danrr 'mm tt and "hn' it alwHvn
ia! bu.-Me. tp dr"iing, clectr' nt". T1' r.. ). 1
'.r. F-rd nr..i t p ro-. w rs, - .,T; .. , t , ; j
fr a ch id, thvy !
ntfl ini-nr.iK.' I..... ,m.,i..nj. 1 , w
fu'.con ami -n RodiH viitd with
Mrs Hnwi' ir in Wh If
W ar vmy glad to refMtrt that
M!- !i tril t mo-s better.
Mrs Wstin wrt to Tillamook
Hi!"i-u !ii'tMay.
!r wa a dUlspfct'! S-aking bunvh
iitt' stirfil hire (rivm the Elks
'.!!at.n in TIUameMnk. hoi Ussy l
-rt. ' um(P time "
Mr- Pt Italy a quit sfc 1
' -'ivi ..t h much tg.rM'4
i' pft-'it writing.
ri Vi. ftiwn bv the Odd Fl
' -1 Rvlssecsis-Wsdiwadiiv 9fnve(
t b the beat nf Its nature tr give
( Wh-!. It tartad out w-.tK a snan-
ov f'ou'ar .ng n4 eenttmind wit-
, :ht nvh'ut the MrfirjitiK,.
!n !.- drt part w saw a mlnsirsl
nnd h. a- i .... able spHtorri&f Jnhs
ttcsldes thin w heard m .f th n-
Rrvthctt It L Ur "
pM T R. A. IWwi
t lrtle4 imM u
tMfntly tf
i p -l iww fmr in It .
k i Hn, nf hWh r t
imtitg jiwu l
(tonal "Moving nf M trantwr
silssf," Was sots ft"! mpf rt4
Ml that cannw. h n anrstbr "l
In tfc U. 8 . tkf I Jsrhinaky Bwuy
Isty nt tfcw tUach. fumisluNi emsv t'hshln'. Tablet. I
mtsMt restnd af hugSur. A a IS? W ' t p
tWr w u tMftf by tkw anttr m- Tf -4 nn.t pi
pMy. Kin I -f Ul for
i , rtntjftStsHi U Cha
Os Monday, February tBtfe, w snfl
ut a ssstMtnr est th mad la tk
yotrr ofsssts for (Srmwri, fbsttf J
Fssjd. ll wftl kav prkw r
yu Usst wil bs rtgr IU : k.
rthr ttf yr proJi . rtf hasea and
W jrnaranio to sav yu mnev
"n y(r grCry itrdrr
1 h'
ttflf by fi.M.w
f nip ffH" ih
thing if yU
i o. o. r soti
yrtl nlstlhg
f i nl lhr-
a- . r I- -,
lot-. ' HlKdj Molnnl I
. V. Th-y w
t- ,la 4t Btlpf r lf
Thi-J Apwal to Our
T UHtm r.d J -.tint
r.ftir r.t
t Mhy
Klx Wen VMMpltr'
Tl ! ti Tw Uhlr i
vmaH, lrVifi.rti tKc
ptnr the dgilft T
M (frtil'r mVpfnfnl t
I ,
(One of America's greatest producer.)
In making "Way Down Enst" David Wark Griffith hat again
emonstratec his genius and for that genius and tho imm I have
tiie highest admiration.
on, thir Z'Y, D0VC! Ka6t" ta.anotnw bH1"nt achievement anil
Zient if Z S? U7 amiTeaU'r the foremost ex
ponent ol the motion picture art.
Fiu l'hf 4tWentJ7eaw. in which 1 Panted "Wnv Down
athouiand Umcl Americn' 1 probnb,y aw thc lxi ,eMfc
lonf'n lvat I.knew1a" there waB t0 know a,)0uL ts that I hatl
long ago experienced every emotion and thrill the play poaieasocl.
thrill e,"B T Mr Sriff,h, l'!y "Way Down LCat" and I waH
tniilled as I have seldom been in a theatre. Mr. Griffith has
achieved the apparently impossible.
P'Vf Ul'Kcr i.l j... n , '
I fcrc you linvo somclliiiic more tlinu n motion
picture it i ft tury 0f humnn licarls, un
folded in n simple, mul.f cncliinn wny, under
thr. rnnslsr cuiiJniicc of Mr. Crtriittt n pro.
duction that will i:o ihtintlerine tlowii tho es
just because it i.i to httmnn.
(Original producer of "Way Down East")
hut it ha
s every appearance of beinjr
prouuet 01 the cocoanut. It is of
f Krcnsy nature and burns vnrv rnr.,1.
i!y. '
Corporation Commisnioner Tom
Hundley was in the city this week
looking after some mattcre in con
nection with his office
A. Q, Beah ls.pn tho icick Us,
Down East"
The Greatest Picture Even Shown in Tillamook County
Three Nicrhts
w -rwwi uaiui uay
ernoon Matinee FK Ifi 17 iq
Two shows on Thursday & Friday evenings 1st. at 0 30 2nd
at 8:30. '
On Saturday After-noon at 2:30 the 8how will .tart and.run con-
tinouoly untd eleven o'clock.
m i
!1 U a
J ,
l, M(
T t