Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 09, 1922, Image 1

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    BhgaskctBall Games at High School Friday and Saturday-Sec Page Six This Issue
Largest Crculation of Anv paper in Tillamook County
"Th Paper That
Doei Things"
Watch The Herald
In 1922
No. 25
On Saturday Ut Ut EI5u ot Tills.
imik ( vturil)' orcanhed with a charter
hit of J5 ntuiiilxif ,
lho now of flier of Uw lodgu ure
installed by llii ! Nonlon, District
Deputy Grsnd Kilted RuVr of Port
land, aUlcd by W, F. MeKcnney,
Kvaltcl Ruler of Portland IMite No.
The fidlowyn- tffkej uotv Uu
J 0 Turner- Exalted Ruler, j
WlMr Holme Elc?m-d leading
David Ktxralll
John A Carroll! Esteemed lxturtn
Howard l-amarKsqulns.
Ren Joy Tllr.
I)r Gnder-- Inner Guard.
Frank Fitupatriek Chaplain.
John I-nnnr Trustee, 3 yearn,
Clark HmllnyTtuiil, 2 year.
P J Worrnl- Trute, I y-ar.
The at ictt wrro Installed In tint
nftermion ami in tl evening a ban
quet wan attended liy 50 from McMin-'
nvillo. and snveral from Portland. It,
was also attended by 100 candidate ,
who will takn the legreo work rt a '
Inter day t
Several good speeches were deliver, j
od at tho banquet Dr. Nortlrn, W. F.
M-Kcnnoy and Mr. Kr(( of Portland
gnvo imo good talk, These address
es wero responded ti by Judge Hol
me on behalf or Tillamook UMge
No 1 137, and by H. T. nott on bo
half of thi! now candidate.
Tlioao present report a mot en
joyable time.
Tim Charter Member fol'nw: J. G.
Tumor, J. E, Shearer, Welntor B.
Holmes, Chan, F. PankoW, Wm. II,
Hoslcy, Harry Hmmersou, J. C. Mc
Cluro, Jco Over, K. L. Jolinnon, Martin
Koonlg, II. S.I.amnr, .Natli M. Chamb
less, V A Leonard, David Kurnlll,
John It. Patterson, Chas. K. Mnwro-y,
Pari C Lnmnr, C. T. McKlnloy. F. I, j
Rbormnn, F. I). Allen, O, M. Cook.j
II K. McKlnleyl, F, D, Small, I.. A.
Mounton, 8, A. MouKon, F. O. Moul
ton, U, L, Heal, Jr., C. 11. Stanley,
B, W. Conovor, Ira M. Whlto, C. A.
Malum, J. Morrll Smith, I.. V. fiber-
n Sntuid.iy ,(f ntt week tin; Uncli.
f the rwu-ly tne.1 at tho Tela.
ftik Hluh f.-lKMil.
Itejrt of lb 8tnt Teacher In
Mlttito whkh waa held In I'ortlm.l
in l)4vromlr wre icad by Mr. Han
m and Mr. Vlllm of lny City.
Thnrc or talk by Pof. IIupII ,(f
'loverdale, Pmf. Tuntbull and C.i
ty SehfKil KuHrintcnd'nt Lamb.
'tV le(-herii pledifrd tbeii)nS(v u,
Upprt the Cwinty Pair and lnJuv
Hal nub Work, a! mi plant).! to hold
rrb' o fUark meeU mnl lowl rhHil
fair In varlotii localltlo durlnj t.
A onmmlttea m appdntcil to lit-
rant themt.
l.unrboii wa emsl by the !om
ettlc Scirnro Depattmenl of tho Tllla
imjok lllth S-04l.
i IS
ED i
On Kebruary lfltb. tta deirrc1 team
of the TMamk ImIk No. 04, J. O.
n r. rri vWt Star llce t Port
UihI ml (nit mi ! SMnd Dopreo
HiU it the tninv ti-sw tliat put on the
(teeond decrei) at the flrand !.tidi:e
ntin at Albany.
ppMowlns ar' lh tncfflwrn f the
ttn: Jfh nAehlw. Dolph Tlnnorntct,
U. W Wittann. J. W. Wllmm. I. Mat-
htvn, K. Ileufinpr, Mix S htUli, A.
Ktrml UyaL Jt,n.Hn l.wan, V. SntHlk'uidn,
I K Savat-e. Owi. Ilanlmalr, A. T.
Dolati, F. F. Conwrf, Itnn Kkkc W.A.
Church. A. F. Andemon. O. A. Gilbert
Hon. & I. Myrre, John f-arroll. It. C.
Pltern. 9. IT. Moon, L HunhWk.
f, Wftuj-y. M. Wallini;. II. C. O'Do'l.
The Sur Irfwltte of Portland I com.
po?w mostly of po'l'emen.
J Siwntrr vth wn ht by hi
urn iri 'aw Wu. finriHirni at Itvk
iay rt fow wiik ago, dfed al tn
Hhwart-r-Morrlclo llMpttal WcJiici-
i day morning-
It will bo remcrnbfrcd that Swlor
bortr and n oon of Vjic dwvaied tit
into n dlxpulo ver money ma.tcr
and In tho rnlx-up Spncer wa hot
In tho arm by mistake, Slorborir,
thinkinfr It wag the t.in and hootln(t
through tho dwor. The arm amput-
atd nnd for a tlmo it waa thought
that full rawory w rertain, but
complication let In wbirh Dr. Shearer
was unUe to rombat, and which
rosultud In death.
ciucun: couut notes
Tlio Paront Tachor Aaeiation
met at tho Hlirh .School Audllurinui
on Frlilny oveninc of lat wook.
The meetinK wat upttnn) by tw date wa tet fit February 30lh.
tnuilcal numbom by an orvhoftra e .- Following are tho membors of the
Circuit Court courwied on Mon
day monifnx lost for ,Ump rcKwlar Fob
nmry term, but adjourned two dayj
lttr on acount of the illnwui of Dis
trict Attorney Goyno. The adjourned
(Contlnuti on pnm 7)
To eieIUe matlrf in our
rompiuli: and preH room "The
llrrald rriUel thai all ader
tlicr Hre flint "chance of copy"
for "ulnndlnit aiU" be in the hauiU
of the printer not later than Tur
day rienltiR of each erk..Copy
for "Xr" adi idmuld reach u by
WrdneKday noon, utile other
wine arraiiRid for. "Want Ada'
copy and lej;al notice received
up until time of colnc to pre
Thttrwlny noon.
Country cnrrcKpcndeul hould
nee I hut their enrreapnndence .
rrache u FAIIl.V in the week
and not later than Wednesday,
Church notice numt be In by
Ttieday evenlnir.
Notice Intended for Society
Column hmild reach thl office
not laler than Wednesday nl;ht
and for convenience nKe nhnuld
be forwarded to u the day fol
lowing that the event tnke place.
Ue. our telephone Mutual
Hell 17. If not convenient for you
to call, we nhall be k'lad to send
a reporter or udvertllnu- man
a the cne may warrant.
A JKit-loBothor dlnnor. nttendod by ordor number 71 of tho Intoratnto com
hluh offlela'i of tho Southern Pneiflc inlnoinn. nnd ndvlHOd tho ehambor that
.company, wn given by tho Tillamook it would no ntinj; tno monoy it. was
Chamber of Commorco at tho Tilla- pMposlnp to rnino to ittiaiu xno
mook hotel Thuradnv oveninir. About rluht of Tillnmok to tormlnnt rates.
100 member woro prosont. H, T.j Hen 0. Dey, ijenoral ntlornoy of tho
Hottn, local nttornoy for tho Southern Southern Pacific for Oregon, followed
Pacific, nrealted as UmHt-mnstor. wtlh n Intk on taxation and jitney
F. C, linker, prealdont of tho Cham1 ronretltlon.
her, read letters of roret from Gen- , Tim o'ohIhk talk was by A. C. Ileal?,
oral Pflumjiitfor Atjent Scott and othor niiwmiU owner, who said that tho
railroad official.1. R. H. Mlllor spoko j Tillamook county mills woro' barred
on advortlslni? Tillamook by nutomo- from competition for Jnpnneflo nnd
hlloslKnst a J, Kdwnrds, ntnto Bonn, oilier trnnH-Pivlfie trndo by the
tor on community alplrtj JikIko Well-, f rolBht nito to Portland, nnd made a
Rtor Holmes on co-operation, A. 0.plen for water trnnpoi-ltillon nnd liv
AndorBon of Nuhalem on huatnussfl ' provoments of the" Tlllnnv ok buy
conditions, j harbor fn-illt'oH. The president wmh
The ivnln addiesa of thn ovenlmt ItiHlructOil to appoint a committee of
was by General FrelKht AKont Mulkoy tlueo to consist of one lumberman
of tho Southern Pacific on rates. Uu nin rhooso man and ono merchant to
blamed tho Inability of tho railroad confer with the Southern Panclfio
wmfw Www rt to w pnttioCffclnk itgrdlnv vtw.
Let's Get "Home Town" idea In Our Heads
Why buy in Tillamook, if vus livrf in Tillamook?
Would you like to c this a better twn, with moru life, vntorpme
and bumneM? Would you iifc to uwrv arcirk koiok hero? nd
would you llko it bottr if you i onUi Inio i ii utiiiQk stores and
find in them bijrgcr and frenher and morv vantM iois tK cveryihit.KT
All thi couiil be f the bulk u the tn- my tliat trot U Hie wail
order eKii,.ini taycl In Ttltamw'tir yti rinn'trKrleV6 Tt; look into
the matter and ceo how many dol ors lrvo Tillamoak In ono month for
the so-called bJirira'nii that Ui mnil-oroVr puph picture in their cataloj;.
And thn ItnaRtnt what thai much roontry int hum at homo would add
to the town' business!
Of roure, you have n perwl rlht to buy whero you please. You
don't have Jo buy in Tillamook, You atv a free man, ia a frw countrj'
AP f ,lch U tme In a sonno. Hut it la wjuaPy true Uiat we are mut
ually i'e endent onn upon annthun That huh nuty be lel, per e,
ny not be necessarily: vxponiont. It may be within your rijibt, but at
the aiv time not b for tho host interest of alb concerned, yoursolfi in
rlude.1 in the number.
When your houm burn ami you m-d help, does any one. over hoar
of Sawbuck & Co. makinc; a contribution? Or Hlla. la & Co.? You
may cnnvnan the mere luinU in Tit'nmook ami et rtwulu, but tho catalog
house wouldn't kivo you as much barb wiro as yon. ?ould oat.
The same way aliout your churches and schools. Who keeps tliom
up? The Philamayork Hartrnin House? Not so you can toll It.
And when you havo somethinj; to sell, do any of tHce "golden
pheasants" ever buy it of you?
You have a right to do as you please, but adherence to the doctrine
of "buy ii at home" means profit in the lontf run, not only to the man
,'ou may buy from, hue to you.
Wo .don't have, to stand together and pull together if we don't care
(o. Nobody run make us do it Hut nl' tho sor e it will be a t bettor
for us If we do, anil wo aro bound to loso somethinr; if we don't.
Let's nil get thei "home town" idea in our heads, and as long as wo
live in Tillamook, lot's be of, for and by Tillamook. And don't lets
waste energy and money in building up some other place where you don't
live and probably never will live.
nosed of Miss Aitnnttn Jenkins at thsi Grand Jury:
niano. Mrs. Hetty Lantz-Myors on tne- Schnppl, R.
Stranhnn on the
Hnr'ey Davidson
violin, Carlisle
aixaphono and
Mr. I- W. Turnbull ncted as chair
man, J. W Hcyd, tompornry secretary.
Mr. Turnbull gave n talk on the
legitimate rs-tlvilliw of the Patron
Association, and Rev. Harry E. Tue','
or stoke of some things that the Pot
ent Teachers Association did not In
tend to tnke pnrt In.
After these talks n tentative on
stltution and by laws were adapted
nnd officers elected. Mrs. F H, Str.t:;
nhnn, president. Professor Hnnntt
vice-president, Mrs. King 2nd. viee-
prostden', J. W. Heyd secretary and
Carl llaberlach treasurer,
linrt t"lks were given by various
n't-on nnd parents present and all
extend heartily in favor of trying to
work together to get best results
when home and school wero cp-op jrnt
A committeo was appointed to pro
pare tho .by laws meeting tho require.
ments of this association. They wore
Rov. A. Mellon, Mr. McGrath, Miss
Horry, Miss Lobaro and Mr. Hrlmhall.
The Corinth Relief Corp presented
i beautiful silken fng to bo used
n reward of merit, nnd given to the
room for tho ensuing month that has
iMio best attendance of parents or .n -
(ins for that room.
The presentation speech wnc made
by Mrs. Huolnh Thayer, patriotic m-
nvtov of tho Corp, which was grwi
1 hv '"tv heartily npplnuso of ,p-
Mls.i Mtutr.. of the. donfestv art iv
partment and somo of tho girls vvo.k
ing In tho cafeteria section snvei'
'-'' ' mmch and wafors and in
formal roeoptlon hold for pnranji to
meet tvacltOM.
V. S. Etivvnrds, Knsper
O. Allen, A. J. Heater,
John J. Perry, C, E. Wnrd and August
The fol'owing naturalization ensos
were disposed of:
Robt. Cnrls n Paul Werner, Herman
Thiesscr, Fnxl Kebbo Jr. and Gott
Hob Wyss were admitted to full citi-nsblp.
Cass icontimiel until May 29 were:
Mnpolcnn Legnult, Martin Rlnser.
Frank Von Euw, Nels Erickson nnd
Chas. Vogler.
Chris Wyss wns denied naturaliza
tion at this time.
Kmllio Hnumann's petition m- v be
considered at the ndjuirned session
The fo'lowhur divorces were grant
ed: Clam Mills vs. Chessel 'Mills,
verdict for plaintiff.
Vnnro Pollock va Ethel Pollock, de
cree for plaintiff.
Orllo Gotchell vs. Robt. Getchell,
plaintiff given and custody of child
nnd ?.10 per month.
Cecil W -klmid vs, Alvin Wleklund.
decreo granted plaintiff.
Tho ladle-i of Silver Wave Chapter
of the Eastern ftn.r aro making ex
tensive preparations for tho enter
tainment oC their friends, at n Vnl-
ontlno Patly to bo given in the Mason
ic Hnll on Saturday, February 1 4
Curds, refreshmenfs, musio included
in tho ono prlco of admission 35o.
Tho publlo is invited. Heinombor the
ate THIS Saturday nlfiht.
Ow M'snday last th TQlamook
CuuiUy Omcm Maker's Aasocintiun
ga its Fourth Aaatui iianquet- This
important ovoot tock at the
liungiilow Caft, and was under the
management of A. C. Vogler, the pro
prietor of that popular resort. The
. ban juct consisted of six courous of
well selected focds.
Chester McGhec's oii'bestm fur
nished music for the occasion which
j was mitth appreciated.
i fter the inmir man had been satie
j fied, W. D. Pino, our county agrlcul-
irahst, ncting ns tonstniastcr, took
charge of the remainder of the pro
gram. .
Uftcar Wermhkui, an ohi Ume
rhewe maker of Ui county and wlo
ha always stood for protrress and
advancement, was on the program for
h opening aiklress whhh we give in
full below.
( Address ny Oscar Werschfcu')
"Tho privilege of addressing you
tM evening is mine not for th reason
that I have rr-ertt as a speaker for I
can claim no such honor but because
our president Mr. Culberson, juissel
ud n task that should have been his.
Thn binr the rase for what ever of
warlney comes to you as you listen
to my romnrks, ploaso blame Mr. Cul
'It is I assure you a pleasure to me
to be present this evening at this the
fl-Hirth annual banquet in whkh the
cheese makers of our association have
had n part cither as hosts or guests.
"It Is I think altogether fitting that
wo should meet at least ono a year
to surround the banquet tab'e where
- may en.ioy the association of wives,
fe'ends nnd fellow workers while snt
isying tho wants of the inner man or
vnnn as the ,ase may be.
As we approach the fourth anniver
sary of the birth of our association it
might provo of interest and profit to
Uke n retrosprectivo view of our
lves nnd ask if we as an organiza
tion havo justified our existence.
"As we look backwards to the timo
"h- n the cheesemnkers of this county
renlizing their need of an organization
'it would have ns its objective the
ttermont of conditions tor tne
hcese maker, met and formed this
association, and compare the condi
t'nns, then existing with thoso of tho
presont time. I th'nk wo can givo an
nffirmntivo answer
"In support of this contention I
would like to state that working con
ditions nre better and that a more fatr
nd uniform wage for cheesemnkors
Is than would have obtained
without organization.
To show thnt tho cheesemokc" nro
not the only ones who havo profited
would Ilka to call your attontiai to the
steady riso in quality of both woik
mil product that has been not'ceah'.o
'i tho nast three or fou years. Teh
year 1021 has tho 'owo p.-ow.ttnge
of second grado cheese on re oil
The fact that Tillamook ehctiso
rwjfht n price considerably nm.voj
th tt paid for any of the brands with
which it canto in competition even un
t'er tho bad market eondithnu of tho
nast. year is pretty good evidence tbut
tho interests of the dairymen havo not
been neglected by tho cbeesopuikor.
'That this upward turn will contin-
Gales Creek & Wilson River Road Is Sold to
N. P. and G. N. Interests and Early
Extension Likely.
Tillamook boosters saw visions of a new railroad, with a conveniently
oealed depot in the heart of the city, new sawmills, a pulp mill and numer-
on other ne enterpriser with the announcement this week of the purchase
of the Gales Creek & Wilson River Railroad by the Great Northern and)
Northern Pacific interests.
The conumation of this deal ha revired the talk of the road's early
extension to thi city's confines, consqucntly local folk are considerably elat
ed. The following despatch from l'rrtland-gives further details.
Purchase cf the Gales Croek & Wi'- -ftemoon by W. F. Turner, nresidont
ton River railroad, extending from
WilkesUoro, at the terminus of the
United Railway line, to Aagaard, a
distance of 14 miles, has been made by
Grvat Northern and Northern Pacific
railway interests.
This advice was received Monday
of the S. P. & S. and afiilioied-lincs,
from -trials of tho Northern lines at
St. Paul. The road will be operated
by the S. P. & S.
During tho visit of Ralph Budd,
president of the Northern Pacific, in
Port'and last fall, announcement was
made that an option had been taken
on the Gales Creek line, which extends
int- vast timber tracts in the north
western corner of Oregon. This op
Ion expired last week and local of
ficails of tho Northern railways had
Tillamook was favored Fridav bv a' " " "Siting advice of what action
visit from Col. May, tho grand oId,bI been taken. Tumor was adyised
man of the famou-ThirdOriron-No- MonJay that theojtIon had bccnjsx
Uonal Guard. The colonel is train f erciscd. No further details of "tho
master tor me tooutr.ern t'aeiiK? a
Dosition he has ably filled for years
b. th before and since the war, and
wris here on an official inspection, it
being said that ho was investigating
he derailment at Miami. Col. May
beloved of the whole 162nd infantr-
that did such valiant service in the
World War, is still a strong advocate
of the formation of National Guard
'"nits in various part of. the state
and exprossed himself as in th ehope
that Tillamook would soon muster ir
a unit of tho new National defense
Volume 1, number 1 of the Bay City
Examiner has reached our desk. M.
D.O'Connel is the editor and publisher,
and from tho appearance of tho first
issue wo judge him to bo a live-wire
newspaperman of tho first water.
This newest county weekly is very
nent typographically, is clearly print
ed and very ably edited. Here's suc
cess, to you brother and a hearty wel
come to the county nowspaper fraternity.
Tho post-office at Rockaway has
been raised from fourth to third class.
With this o'evation the postmistress,
Mrs. F. P. Miller, is now placed on a
salary. As a result of this. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller and Uttie son, who havo
been making their homo m Portland
erch winter, nre ow making their
permanent residence in Roeknway,
transaction have been received, but it
!s known that the road cost between
?700.000 and $SOO,000 to build.
Connected with this purhe-sc is a
-ovival of the report that the Northern
'nterests plan ultimately to construct
he line through Tillamook via the
Washburn survey mute, thus tapping
iir.mftnse stands of timber a'ong Wil
son River.
This is the secodn railway ncquisi
!nn made by the two Northern sy-
''nter announcement w-as made that
'he two lines had taken over the Port
,Wnria jfe Pacific line extending
f-om Wilkesbiro into tho Eccles tim
ber tract Portland Journal.
thus relieving Mrs. Gray, who has
been acting as assistant postmistress.' gates arc being put in now,
Robert Carlson, prominent business
man of Wheeler, was in town Monday
and took occassjon to add his name to
the rapidly growing Herald subscrip
tion list.
"A neighbor showed me tho paper
last week; it's a fino newsy paper
now and I want it to come regularly,"
said Mr. Carlson.
Prospects arc bright at Wheeler,
now, says Mr. Carlson. The Wheeler
mi'l will resume operations March 1
md will employ in the neighborhood
of 200 men. The big dyking project
is an especially meritorious project.
reclaiming many acres of valuable
farming land, besides providing tho
way for construction of n bridge over
tho slough and tide flats direct to
Nehalem. This will mean added busi
ness to Wheeler and will bo a direct
nefit to tho entiru county. In ono
day over two hundreds yards wero
dyked ono day last week. Tho flood
C. A. Johnsrn, county assessor, has ated cities of the county is 60.4 mlllS
prepared a summary showing valua- for tho town of Nohnlem, 51.2 milla
tions and amount of tax lovicd against' for Bay City, C'5.2 mills for the city
all property in Tillamook country for of Wheeler and 62.9 mills for Tllla
1921. Tho total valuntlon U $23,01-1,-, mook city.
u Invitation is, extended to all in-
tnrwtnil. Thn tnnio of tho nrotrv.im
will bo "Plav recreation and tauao Ve through tho coming niontns anu
- - . . .
roent," - - ,
IT (ConUnviQ on pngo 7)
725, of which $2,580,770 is personal
nnd $790,340 public service. The state
and county tax is $500,392.17 and tho
speci.d tax $SG0,J33.2G,n total of $920,
825.43. Tho taxes for the ports of Neh'a'otn
nnd Hay City aggregate. $91,542. City
taxes ntrgregrato $10,887.45, of which
$.11,788 M goes to Tillamook city. Tin
tax for road districts amounts to $38,
707.38: for union high schools. $7,122,
00 and for school districts $13,973.90
Tho state and county levy for f02'
j SiS mills, the !vy n the Incorpor
A (comparison of valuations and
taxes levied fur tho last 10 years
shows un following: 1912 valuation,
15,12 '"J. tax $110,701.80; 1913 va
luatlon $15,343,580, tax fl45,725.B4f '
1914 vr.Jimtion $20,851,047, tax $41?.
721.10: HUn valuation $21,119,204, tax
$412,729.09; 1010 valuation $2T,270
957, tax $458,300.77; 1018 valuation
$21 083,025, tax $185,284.29; ll)lj va
luation $22,057,080 tax $017, 4844;
1020 vuluation $22,808,015, taVM
304,08 1021 valtutloii f33,44.TMMC;. V
$920..4j, ' L " '
r- - ,..j,-
. .:. ' -mi Ci
r aw- m