Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 02, 1922, Image 1

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Largest Crculation of any Paper in Tillamook County
T t. - l-- 'ft 4
'Watch ThHcnM
In 1922
Do ThliifiV
No. 4
io mm new
B. P. 0. i LQfliih
1 1 K8 t OMINi; TO II 7I.t
ROOMS AT 10 I'. M.
j' in; ultbii rwl'tviur day
ij nututU of teval l.ladoni. for
,ny iilUtruuok lnJtfw H37,
I . ; ami rivltt?v Otrfw jI
Y . a to tnUlnUl hi'fe with promt
h ,r atl rurrtmmld
nth in reality OregW baby
t will b by m uwnx a won VI
si.o new ontnr Mart with
i - i i itntni;al rotr of the
,- a i luu.l Influntittnl citieaim uf
' i nny other county.
I'.ri a d and MtfMiimvlIU Klk will
r n mimW. AcmMni; to
v ri rtfcicil by Dr. Tumor, eim of
t j rittiv itiuvrr In ririg a pvlal
dtp?tiort for the MUblihmiM of
a lge her, thart will bp somowher
I o viitln Elk in ih elty
i' t d.ltc.
I'. lim Nurdcn district ItpUly
(. ni KnaHd RuWr, will Install the
' tho ' Mfio, who will
id by ballot of tho lnltiu'
o lift
1b tlnrtr roll.
j . spread h to bo at
t , l.r Hilar ami local ttlk At
( r ' Saturday In tho IwIbo nxim
r nt .. -n will take plnr In the
lie hi..ehta of I'ythloa ami other
;ii fra( mnl folk ate Joining wUt
i . l members In bidding tho visit-
i) Itli-OUCAM.i: I'AltHNT-
i KAt.ll l'.it'S ASSOCIATION
'tho intnnu, narvnta and tcnchoA)
Uio ( ublu; mIiuoU ale nivitvd to
Itvnd n nuctiiiu' In tho hi wh ;hool
uliior.iiin tomortuw nijihl citiod for
jiuriioio of nffwuni: nHirt'ntw
tn of thu rarcnt-lVachors' A0t!ln
n Kufri'uhmonU ill bo orvvd
it a short inii;ram romlorod. Tho
ivtiiit; hu bwn ctttlvd for 7;UU I'.M.
i Monday tun of tho M rhuoao
loriiM in tho county will hoid on-
Hid kholtlor'a incotmun, tit which
uiocliou of directors mul uffitor
Itiio fiikiniiK your will (M'tirr. 'llui
riiia which hnvo uniiouiuud incut-
for thu tlntu mo: CIivt Ia'Ui,
rlo l.i'nf. l'loiiHiiiit Vn.lov. Ihrco
tcntiul, illaino, Sand i-n K o,
h, lloavur, i;:dt llcavor.
Ii IllyaOnv thu Uullth l'nilrlu
khohior will moot for tho mttuo
alondiiy hmt. tho l-'alrvlovv Uuliy
huld Un mooting, Witiliini
vrll wiih ro-ulwtt'd n dltoctor,
factory, Othor nioinbom ,of tho
II aro S. V, AiulutHOii a ml Gcorvo
At tho inmmir of tho Uyiuil
roctora which followed, Mr. Max.
Avim a I no ru-olcctod jucbuloiit and
lnviiUitlvo of thu coiiijmny at tho
SiiL'a of tho Cruiunory Anvil. Thu,
nooU County l'fuiK will con-
to liniullo tho fumlii,
Hupi), John Schlld and II. W.
Ion hivo liucit oloctod dlroctorM
no Holstolu Crouinoiy and tho
butlonnl Dank .cuutodlun of
Ahiiliumln, OoUliob Wynu taul
li?illlvi'l worn ro-oU'ctod nu tho
of dnoetorn of tho Kod Clovor
piory Compnny nnd tho .uounty
m. ... i.. ...til'
irinsu oil mi'i jvopiniuiip i i
uu, pi-sldont of tho company I
H vivji' ii i-(!nit have !mi in jmu
cm lur ttoc jwt ln ilayn nt tlw
' vi. -t I'hurvh. Tha )titiu tfKf
i-t-4, Wi n4 I na. (iaorjta lmv
I'd an.i rttHHl (lin cHjHtl wHh
rinm jtowor ami over ntxty have
krM4 (tnw-tii). i
j ilw ottta jireyjr nu-vtlnij lultl
. It moriiinc at tan o'clwk hvc Iwwijany m!h duktr U unlUi with thu
. aouiee Innjilrntlon to nil wlio chuwh, alUwr by li4tr or on onfvn.
' alteiwll. slot) of faith.
Tho mi-Mlntr for women only, holtlj Tlia "llooilar" clwlr of over 40
a( i ;10 lnt HuiKlny nftmiMxin. hililrtM. votcaa tmv thalc nmnnw at On.
-l by Mrs. A. I). (Wk?, ww largely
ili4e. ami Silonillil rnuttf have
lrrily iHiwt intinifft.trl. Tho moat-
tff aro till in jireroi.
AHotbar wvio In the Jjumlay
..hool wil U rumluctd by the fvn-
roIUu at lha Sunday School hour naxt
Sunday jnumint;, j
In tlu aftrtrtoon nt S..10 llov. (iir
a.;.itp ft innn. moctinu' fori
n . :dy n tho ubjpct "l-'roni Hr- I
lb board of ctintrol of tho Urocon
aita Bt'hool aMwciaOoii, met at 1'orl
u tintuniiiy, and votod to atvcpv tho
.,. aUon uf Culuinbin unnurniy of
. ulUalul fur admlttancit to tlu
kir linn.
tho adntttUnco of Columbia n
vutt ono of ovi-ral lniortani divi
Mm rwnchud by thu board uf control,
' .wh la .ximiHMvM of II. M. Dubou,
uinntwlciit of imblic iwrhooH al
toiKwrfimu; OiKtrtfo Uuirrsuvrtntcn
of xhooU at Sa mn, and v. J.
-luhtfrr, sutirliit4iidi-itit of tthooU at
urtiuu I'atu and noctctnry of the a
I ho other mijHirtaui action tnken
linker hluh chool of llakur was
ilndid (rum tho Orocon Ulk'h
k,nool niMxialiou.
Tho dato for a atato nmocutiuit
oaakotUnll chamilonnhl woro Mt for
March 10, 17, and IS al Saloin.
A votnmttU'o oil Uitfo ui'onntcn
iim to or inn.ialit wa naincil lor
we otntrtct, thU conunittoo to have
uio itnal ruling; in any diiuto us to
nat ncttool is tho chamiuon In ath
ulica in .u dlctrlct.
.t ma iter Atand, tho l'ortlnnd hli;h
i-noolii haroattur will havo to confiiio
.nOir athltftu activities to l'orlland
Ma amonc thonuclvc. Mcnibcn ot
tho Wmiuntiuii tUto asiociatlon
.iaVo 'deciaiiHl that they will abido
jy tho Urot'on ai:iation'ii diciii.-.i
.nd piny only mcmbor of statu ii.kIi
uiooI nsuciaiion,
'thu Orvirun HIkIi S:hool asuociittion
oaskulball ihaniilonhl will bo de
cided at Sa o.ii, under tho ausnices
of illaiuetie university, March 10,
i, lt. With the Ktiito divided Into
nine dutrlcts theru will bo nine dm
... I chaiiiinoiu. Those nine diU ict
chnniilons will journey to Salum to
nuht it out for the title.
Kach district will hold its elimina
tion contest until u champion is (lo
aded. Should there bo a tie raco or
.my tlUimtr, tho commlttoo of three
, n iiiiointeil In ouch district wi I
niako tho final dcciMon an to what
tviim in clumuilon of tho district and
tntltliil to rciircBi'iit it t tho atato
Tillamook In placed In dovUlon No,
H, conslstim; of Tiramook, Ynmhlll
nnd WnshiiiKton comUIoh. Committeo
men nunu-d.nro; John Depp, Forest
flrovot A C. Striiboroufh, Nowborg:
nm L. 9, Turnbull of Tlllnmook.
WJio nyn buiinosH I dull?
Ilnlbin'K, Tillnmook's melropolltiin
iltip.irtnu'iik atoro proves oJi.rwbui
by u conipnrlfc'"n of tho busliicM tlous
In .Jaminry of lnrl year anil that dont
during tho month just past. In fact
tho Incronso wn vory lubitimli't!.
snyn Mi Hnltom.
IliiMineHH, lncnlly, Is on tho up tor
on.l, mul Ilitltoin'K oxp.rlonco vu iu
li.ubt liiiiK'U'uled ly otho -u. Novortho
i.... .oimtilorulilo of this Mahuus in.
. .... i..
cionso cihi y,
tho utorc' propor uso of lleruld ml-
. ....nii.ii.iu im r. trinuieii in
i. iiti l.i.n(U'lit-" A cotdifil
iUUon u nu ul-. to nil men. Tt.v
uimHiaU will hv ritaiK ff tin.
nni(t wit. nt 7 30, an-l apodal
it.uK: will luinuhtHj nt, nil mw-
inu by tlmm.
M lv.n ti k wat Jfcnilay inorn-
ln- an b.iKrtunity will lo jrli'ei for
ai-UudUt Oturh on Wlnday
i- enotk; to a vry on;.H -.mU au-
itiwir. of arnU aiu! U do. Ths
t'r,'Kr!tii a uitWfUu In many way,
conauiins of aunt;, eltoraaaa, yalla.
alna autl lntrrrl with roilta.
Mr and Mm. A. D. Coorga. th
mtartnir cvanxvliata, .laaarro jjtrwit
rmllt for their effort In drillinK the
"Way Down HaatT, ono of tho
Krontwit dramaa fvor fllmwl alio
U;o liHrapUofl of tho motion phriurv
I to b ahnwn at tho Gem thoattc
Fob. 10-17- ami 18, announce Part
rid;o ami Morrison, tha prOKroasIvo
proprietors of lliift popular sIkivi
lionno. Thu Gam ha boon running some
truly romarkablo plcturtt plays of Into,
of which fact, Tillamookor should be
Justly proud. "MoUy-O", Tha Silwit
Call", "The Iron Trail", "Tho Homo
Civil" arc just a fow that wo rooa'l,
but all ware thown hors within J-t
, . .. . . .
fnv dnya niter their first run in
"ortlnml and larger clUoa.
It eosU gtKHl tnouo.v to Hit on pro
grams like theaa but Parlridg and
Morrison say it If wortli tha effort
and pr-a for ihoy Imvo she fu.l
knowladgif Out thoir offarUi are moot
I .,T tha pablle's approval. Full housis
nttwt to this.
Mr. Oscar Klfslroni who livoc near
Tilnmook, t."d Ims' a lot of fins dairy
cows, will soli all his ntnck soon nnd
retire. Mr. Klfatwm has lived here
for thu last nix. ywi.s, Sea ad in this
Issue. ;
Do Women Read Ads?
We'll Say They Do!
Two Tilnmook women wort dis
russmg newepapor nd ei titantr.
"When I turn to the lul.ertfsing
columns in Tho Ilornld," said
Mrs. A., "1 read them ju t as
c.Hofully as 1 would u dose: pt ion
of bomo p'neo where by i' .igent
tuuihing I might find n v :m of
nioiuy thu cold ensh. lu,ther
moro, I nm nut guided by hat I
rend at tho uiomunt. If I see
ftomotlnng off cnod at n price
which I know means money sav
ing, I go to that store with tho
purpose of buyini; it and putting
it away until my present stook
of it is worn out or exhausted.
A good bargain Is a good bargain
nny time. I buy ahead when tho
saving warrant it,"
Mrs. H. confi.sosd that sho was
not so forward-looking. "My
rending of tho nda," sho said, "is
for tho purpoo of finding whoro
I enn jret with tho greatest ccon
ony what I nocd right now.
SomohoNv I hnvo n feolini? that
, n fhowhimtjs nlwnys trying to
' iioll mo aomethlng whothor I wnnt
it or not, I always mnko up my
mind to buy only what I need
nnd not to yield to tlu blandish
montn of tho bulletins t bar
gains. I rend mul tdiop for tho
drty only."
In effect, Mrs, II. regarded nd
vortismontB ns tomptatlon. Mrs.
. 'ookcil upon them ns oppov
tuiiitloa. Of tho two, Mia. A. Is
tho h'oro efficient housekeeper.
Hor u. o of tho nds In tho mimo
Hint t' nnniiKOc of nny Ul(f busl
nesB i i ';oi of his knowledge ami
informu ' n concerning conditlohs '
Hint tmiy t' will ifffa-t his un
ilortttkltiB i in tho future. Sho
mnkos her ineney go furthor than
' Orio of the most impor.T.r t'jlr.?ftt
tmniictlon,thi wook was a contract
by Dr. and Mrs. McGce for the pur
chase of the Itarnscy hotel un l-'lnt
strvvt, wln:h was vscuiNl about a
year ai;o on account of a bad a'-ite of
ropalr. A force of moraines on-Jir
(he direction of Messrs. I nil and
Kraitc havo bvgan opcra'.i .i. to plaro
tha buuduic in a condition tiu. ;no
nniu will become an asset to the ;il
of Tlllnmook, and will meet the cry
trie ncixi of housing transieiiU aim
.uenr. In the past during the u;i-
; season, many of our visitors ar; ! ing his first game at forward. Thom
of necessity forced to go to near-by 1 as was injured, turning his ankle,
towns as it has been impossible to and a sforced to retire after about
prv.ure nccoiiiinixlutn.ui in tnis Tit.fivc minutes of play.
AH old sdieds and lean-to have bfli The Garibaldi ball is one of the
torn down, the old chimneys removed j
, ' . . , . ,
..... ,
and arc to bo replaced by other in j
strict conformance to all city ordin-
antes. i
Tillamook .is today tho watchword of the entire cheese industry of
tho United States. Although by no means thc greatest producer of
cneiuo in the country, thc Orogon section; today is looked upon as thc
most successful in thu Unite.) States, if not in the world.
in a word, "lilnmook u lOUuy commanding thc greatest premiums
tor cnevsc in, the entire country Not only is tho Tillamook Creamery
association able to socuro more for cheese than any- other section, of the
Lnitrd Males, but the bcramb.e for its product' has bcei4 such that to
day lie premier cheese maufacturmg section has practically nothing to
oi for.
In the, faco oil free offering of cheese from & to 7 cents a pound
below Us product, Tillamook hair notified local selling interests that no
adouioiia Mippiiisf, aro likeiy. to bo sent them until at least March 1.
Whila such a condition could scarcely bebclieved under normal conditions
tins is not tho firm lime that Tillamook nus not only been able to secure
n premium over the rest of the United States, but has been able to
bell ull its products prior to the time of its being ready for delivery
Oregon Daily Journal
A complete survey of tho buildinc
's been made by Fire Marshall, eloct
ricians nnd plumbing inspectors and
tho building wi'l be remodelled to
.ueet with nil of their requiremcnt.i
Tho building will bo raised u foot and
a half nnd placed upon un entire new
foundation of concrete. Tho cnterior
will bo rcr i nted and pnpsred and
dnced in n r.ost sanitary conJ'iion.
The hotel will bo ready for occupancy
on February 15 and will bo under
tho management of Mrs, M. Medcalf.
"'Ira M. Mr Vnlf has mndo a host
of friends thr. ush hor services in the
Icoil hospitals by her untiring offorts
in caring for humanity and wo bo
.spenk for her tho greatest sucess in
her now undertaking.
On $nturdny afternoon Inst, Dan
Mnhnn, son of Mr nnd Mrs.' Chas,
'ihnn vna stiti:k ly un auto driven
by Ted Ford, on Third St. noar tho
County Hank, nnd camo very nearly
being soriously hurt.
Dan, who la only 7 years old, start
ed to cross tho street nnd slipped
from behind another nuto, which fact
did not nllow Mr. Ford time, to atop
his car, ns tho boy was in front, of it
boforo ho wns seen. Tho little follow
had the presence of mind to clutch
one of thu lumps nnd kept iilnelf ,
J . 1 1 1 ... 1 .1... A - ii.
iron inning iiiiucr win cur, vin ic wns j
ho was bnilly shaken up,but not uer
iously injured. Mr, Ford was in Jio
way to b'nme, as ho was driving Slow
and carafuUt tH MM. '
Tillamook boasta n juvenile boy surprise whtn arriviny at the Loontf;
I hero that for feats accomplished ut-
flea any of the youthful heroes of
ileratio AJjccr. Particularly Is this
so in point of agp. He is none other j
than the four-ycar-uld son of Dr.
Oloisyer, the vcrtcrinarian. !
The other day OUlsycr received a '
hurry-up call from K. N. U-onig, who j
resides about one and one-half miles i
from town. He was told to lets no
time In getting there as the life or
death of a prized cow depended upan'
utm. He hastily donned coat and hat,
nnd made for his garage. Hilly was
playing about the building at the time '
and his father warned him to ktepi
away from the :ar while he was
backing and turning around. So bent '
on keeping his appointment was Glais- j
ycr that ho gave the lad no rrorcj
thought at thc time. Imagine his
Manager O'Dcll sent hi Odd Fcl
low's team against tho Garibaldi quin
tet at Garibaldi Monday night and suc
ceeded in adding another scalp to his
belt. Score 30 to 20.
The Garibaldi lads put up a great
battle, playing clean, but aggressive.
Score at end of first half was 12 to
U in the winner's favor. Hansclmair
nd Wilson performed nicely at guard
for Tillamook, as did also, Reed, play
best, outside of Tillamook, in tho
' , , . . , . ,
;ounty and the local boys arc loud in
their praiseof the sportsmanship and
conduct of thc beach five.
F. W. Nichols, an oxporienced bank
er who formerly resided in Polk,
county, has purchased au interest in
tho Tillamook County Bank ond ha?
been elected to the office ot So onJ
Vico President of that Institute.
Mr. Nichols has been engaged in
the banking business in Fntii Ci'V
and Sheridan and comes hero witt n
most enviablo reputation both ar a
man of finance and as a citiier He
casts his lot with tho local bank with
tho full knowledge of tho wonderful
resouncos of the county and has every
confluence in the futuro of tho con
corn he has affiliated with.
We welcome him to tho cimmunity
and bespeak for him oven a larger
success than ho has had in his othp
associations n tho banking elsewhere
In this atate.
Hereafter there will be three sche
dules a day on the Portland-Tillamook
Cadillac atago line unless wo notify
you to the contrary. The 7:30 A. M.
stogo will arrive in Portland In timp
for ono to tlo throo hours business
and return tho same day, We shall
have each car equipped with two
hentors so that no one need fear of
. - . il
uoillg com
Schedules for Portland bound: 7:30
A. M.; 1-iOO noon; and 3:00 P. M,
Tillamook bound; 8:15 A, M. 12:10
f. Ml M4 llM f. tfty"
farmnUjad to sea Billy tone frcm
around behind tho tar ail covered wi in
mud ami road-splattered watt-r and to
hear him cry in childish glee: "Oh,
daddy, that was awful fast ride."
Leonij;, who has there at that time,
that it must have been some feat,
tr Glaisyer made the trip from town
to the farm in recorking breaking
time. The road he says, was frosted
hard and was extremely rough,
Where did Billy ride? Why behiro
on the spare tire carrier! He curled
P within thc tiro and clung on with
all his little might,
In the meantime his mother and
folks at home were terrified, and
frantically searching the neighbor-
hood for him. They were certainly
worried until the father telephone of
j Billy's whereabouts.
Individual taxpayers must file their
income tax returns for 1921 not later J
than March 15, 1D22, or suffer heavy
penalties, and to show who are liable
the following may be used as a guide:
Every individual who had a net in
come of $1,000 or more, if single, or
if married and r.ot living with hus
band or wife;
Every individual who had a net
ln:ome of $2,000 or more, if married
ind living with husband or wife.
Every head of a family who had a
net income of $1,000 or more.
Every individual who had a gross
income of $5,000 or more, regardless
of whether or not that sum netted
htm a cent of profit.
Exemptions arc allowed as follows:
Single person, $1,000; Head of a
family, or raarired person living with
husband or wife, $2,500, unless the
net income is in excess of! $5,000, in
which case the exemption is only
2,000: for each dependent under IS
years of age, $400.
Do not confuse these exemptions
with the necessity of filing returns if
the net income of a married person
;s $2,000 of the head of a familyfnot
married) is $1,000.
In other words, a single person
claiming exemption as the head of a
family must file a return if his net
income is $1,000 or more, notwith
standing the f;t that as head of a
family he is entitled to an exemption
-f $2,000 as well as $400 for each
dependent minor.
To help fill out their income tax
reports, Mr. Turner, from the internal
revenue offirp, will be in Tillamook
February 1 to 4. Those wishing help
in this matter should .consult Mr.
Turner during this time.
It was n regular spring day last
Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Rosen
berg. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbertson, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Rosenberg, Mr. I. Kel
son nnd Mr. Conover spent the day at
Ocoanviow. Mr. Kelson and Gilbert
son took advantage of the beautiful
day and secured some fine views uf
tho rocks, light house and the new
site of Ocean View. The Mrs. Rosop
bergs' served a delicious lunch ut
Poor 'Frisco Is Blamed
for Oregon Quake. Too
Considerable excitement prevailed
hero Tuesday over a false report,
orignating as all falso rumors do to
i effect that Sim Francisco h is suf
fered another terijblo carthquTco.
Tho report gained circulation early
in tho morning and by noon had sprend
to the four corners of the, county.
Telephones and telegraph wires
to Je outstdo points were kept busy
in an endeavor to learn just how
serious the "catstrophe" was and Tho
Herald was busy all tiny answerinir
calls from anxious friends who had eare and unfortunately some are very
rolntives in California. destructive. Tho financial queeiioa
In tho evening tho'truo stuto of nf-j will nce l some careful considerate
fairs woro learned -Instead of Call-by citizens this year as tha un
fomin. 'twas Oregon that, experienced . expended balance in treasury is ahottt
tho "ehock." A light qunko being exhausted and the puirpoaed ef, a
prevalent along the Oregon i?oast,ibnry will be defeated If lajjfsav
several people, reporting noticing it i not be kept to repair Hi.'Wf
One man in dead and six were in
jured, one perhaps fatally, when a log
ging tram near Cochran plunges from
uie rails to the ravine 40 feet below
lueauay afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The Dead: R. B. Parker, Cochran.
The Injured: Francis Weist, Port
land manager of tho Francis Wcist
.ompany, arm amputated and broken
.eg, injured internally, fatally per
haps. John Weist, Portland, foreman,
oroken leg and cut about head; con
dition serious.
Amos Nelson, fractured leg, suf
fering from shock, condition serious.
Clifford Weist, Portland, son .of
Jonn Weist, fireman scolded and both
legs broken; recovering. '
James Thomas, brakeman, Portland,
.njured about chest.
Alfred Buckman, engineer, fractur
ed right arm, bruised about head.
All of thc men were in the engine
except Thomas, the brakeman, who
was on the flatcar. The seven men
in the list of dead and injured were
;ne only persons on tho train.
The train left the trestle on a curve.
Subsequent investigation showed that
for some unknown reason the ties and
rails of the track had slipped bodily
from tha trcst!e work, throwing first
the engine and then the car into tho
anyon. The engine fell partly in the
vater, where the fire caused steam
which scalded the men imprisoned un- f
dcr the wreckage.
The scene of the accident waa with
in seeing distance of the camp and
nen there were able to assist in tha
rescue. One difficult part of thoir task
was jacking up the locomotive so that
those of the crew caught beneath
might be reached.
Tho last of the men held prisoners
under the wrecked train were not re
leased until almost 6 o'clock, when
they woro started to Reliance.
The Weist Camp hi located near
the divide above Reliance.
At tho last Board meeting the re
ports for 1921 as given by Librarian
and treasurer were carefully ovamined
and bhow that tho circulation for
1921 is moro than twijeo that of
1920. The largest dally being 134
vol,; largest monthly 1338 vol. and
total for year 1250 vol. Number of
volumes added to library 395; 76 be
ing gifts.
Receipts for 1921; city appropria
tion, ?529.00; received from librarlaa
5191.24; total J720.24.
Disbursements; books 1369.00; per
iodicals, $79.01; furnituro, lineoleea,
ote; $232,90; $54.03 for desk supplier
etc; librarian f 360.00; janitor, 2.00;
total $1121.00.
The increased usefulness of ike
library had necessitated IncMaaed
penditurcs which will further increase
in proportion to the use of library aa
books will wear out with the beet of