r. Si r A, M., of Pgr Special Extension for Seven Days. Beginning Saturday, JanuaryjlstaHO Phenomenal!"-Unprecedented! IN FULL FORCE THROUGHOUT ALL PARTS OF THE STORE Hourly Specials 10 to 11 A. M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st For one hour only, positively no more and no lesi'. We will of er the following 4 extra specials beginning at 10 A. M. Be on time if you would avoid disappointment. Bleached Muslin, 10c 1000 yards of high-p-ade bleached muj'fn, yard wide nnd actual 22c value. Children's and Misses' Outing Flannel Gowns, 39c Ltmwue sleepers. Made of soft fleecy crating flannel in all white or fancy. Sires 2 to 14. Actual 75: and 51.00 vsluw. Women's Black Silk Hosiery, 98c The well known Burlington, new fashioned line. Extra long silk boot. Actual $1.75 values. Entire Stock of Women's Suits Group 1 Suits To tSS.GO Regular ?29.90 ! 313-95 Digging for dollars U w hat wen body is doing Below is but an e.api-.'. -f underfill buys awaiting you. There art- many unadvertised at tractions Upaee will not permit disclosing) equa'ly as attractive a. those listed. Extra! Your $50 Liberty llond Will Buy $52.50 Worth of Mcrchniulisc n( Sale Ibices. Or $1f". i worth of in- ' .t ! pmv for your 1100.00 bond. If the t.Ul vn uc if ' not tr.lM out wtthtn the cevon rtny (he bslsnfu iray ' in. ' irv !!m Hunntf th yoar. .' Announcing The Continuation Of The 1-2 Price Reduction On Pes rable Merchandise Which Is On Diaay On Bali-ony, Men's Section And Under The Balcony Table Of Men's And Boy's Wear A Table Fu l Of Dry Goods, Entjro Suclc Of Silk Dresses, Entire Stock Of Dross Starts And A Group Of Women's Corv-ts Siik Waists And Wool And Cotton MiddeZ Jo Hourly Specials 1 to 2 P. M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21L -For one hour only, positively no moro and no lew. Wo will of. for tho following four extra special beginning at I I'. M. Be on time if you would avoid disappointment Hrvy Weight Il!ch.l Outinsi Flannel, l()c Yd. ThU U an exceptional offering beyuml a dbl. Wunderful )uo st IP. Urgw Siti MNhu" Double Blankets, $1.49 She iNtTf, , heavy wlcht and flfat sdc WhH er Ercy In ti"jxl Iwtdert. Actut 12.75 'Uf. Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits, 75c Sold the country over at 11.26. Kern color. Sun 31 to 14. Entiic Stock of Millinery, $1.98 Your unfetricted choice of any women', mtea or child's bl t this pno p'U. ThU noAjyn'n Kiock, including pattern hts that formerly ld to f 17,00. EXCEPTIONAL! Another Special Attraction Entire Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Footwear 20 to 25 per cent. Cheaper Than A Year Ago. This Likewise Applies To The Shipment Of New Spring Shoe; Just Received. In Addition Several Hundred More New Remnants added at 1-2 Price Shake Hands With Opportunity While It Is Here! 450 YARDS FANCY SCRIM CUR TAINING, 30 INCHES WIDE, YARD J?. 17C 650 YARDS FANCY HAUiBOW RIBBONS, REGULARLY G9c AND 75c CHOICE YARD 49c YARD WIDE ALL WOOL NAVY BLUE SERGE AT, YARD 88c CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CELE BRATED . "M u NSING WEAR" WIN TER WEIGHT BLEACHED AND FLEECED VESTS, SIZES 3 TO 18, VALUES TO 1.00,JANLARY CLEAR ANCE -WOMEN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT BLEACHED UNION SUITS, SIZES .34 TO 42, TO CLOSE OUT AT 1-2 RE GULAR PRICE 59C 72x90 INCH BLEACHED SHEETS, "MARATHON" BRAND, EXCEPT IONAL AT 69c Creating Another New Sensation In The r. i i vi -w r.. w . SUIT and OVERCOAT SALE That Is Renlly Creating A Sensation ACTUAL $45.00, $50.00 AND $55.00 SELLERS, NOW All Go At One Price $ 33 .OO An Average Saving Of ? 17.00 How'h this for starting something? Never before have we offered such comprehensive atocks of new, and high-grade c'othing practically an unlimited range of selections and to fit all men-regular models-stub for tho short follows tails, for the man over G fceU-Gtout for tho fat man. America's formost brands. "HART SCAEFNER AND MARX" OR F1TFORM MODEUS AND WE GUARANTEE EVERY GAR MENT. Bargain Table (Oinplaytd Under Th Halccay) SOLD REGULARLY TO 50c -So popular wore the bargain tabk-a Just htld that we've decided to jo one otlJl better in point of vuluo Kivinp. Including the balance of the artie'es that were 9c in addition to a number of other urticke being added. Cambric L'ninfe, Wool Soutache Braid, Farwy Trimming Braid, Velvet Kibbon, Lacea and Insertions, Straw Ticking, IternnantB of i'.ccc Goods, Iarge Embroidery Hoops, Hand iterchiefa, Ribbons, Rattles, Dainty Laco Col lure, Pleating, Trimming Bead, Cbildren'n Underwear, S.Tvkc Flags, Cotton Fringe Men' Socka, Boy's Caps, Lingerie Tape, Buttons assorted, Chilrfrcn'n HoH(. Supporters, Crochet Thread, Knitting Cotton, Children's Hose, Ha r Nutw, Infants Bonnets, BnrretU, Powder Puffs, B'a Binllng, Trimming Tas bo's, Towels, Dye Soap, Infant's Bibs. PITFORM This ! The Other Sensation (39 Women?, Misses' And Children's All-wool Sweaters Bargain Table At Astounding Reductions All this season's styles. Women's and Mines' Our Regular $6.00, Sale, $4.29 Misses' Our Regular $4.00, Sale $3.29 Children's Our Regular $3.00, Sale, $2.19 TIM,AM00, OHIJfJON (Dlxplayt-d On The Balcony) SOLD REGULARY TO 85c Including the balanc of the Articles that were 10c in uddition to a number of othsr srt iclea bolng added. Men's Socka, Men's Suspondtrs, Boy's Shirts, Boy's Cloth Hats, Buttons Aasortwl, Children' Hone, Women's Hose, Handkorchlefs, Slip-on Veils, Infant's Bonm.U, Windsor Bilk Ties, Powder Puffs, Children's Undsrwsar, WomsnV Nursing Vests, Shol'and Floss, Womm's Wool Gloves, Infant's Bibs, Children's Waist Hose Supporters, Infant's Cashmora JIse, Wool Scarfs, Velvet Ribbons, Children's Coveralls, Laces and In oUlons, Children's Play Suits, Children's Rompers, Corset Covers, Printed Volk-B, R'bbons, AdJusUiblo Skirt Belts, Wo- en's Neckwear, Trimming Tasso's .Brassieres Cretonnes, Slandnitl Oruila Powulc.i, Ruffling, Infant's Boolt-H, Towels, Yd Wldo Sateen. It Is our regular stock, none bought for ' nurpokes. Wu nnt taking this drastic action of sel'ltf WM' .' , V VVM I Undoubtedly tho greatest valuta ovor offfj by thin institution. AND ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S Mallory Hats at Clearance Prices If thoro wore bsttsr hats than ours wo wouUl have them. But tUro are nono bcttsr, That's why l huvo the largrst nnd most popular hat dcpartiiiiwi in iiiiamook. Tho January Clearance prlco Dlbcontinuing Men's "Kingibury" $5.00 Felt Hats $2.65 To effect a quick clsaranc or disposal of h 100 dress hats wuv ufflxsd an sxcspUonslly ' price. This ssason's sccsptsd stylts too, Black m colors. . MIT.M'fl C7 AA ATI urri VTTTfJ. SINGWEAR WINTER WEIGHT uiniuw HU1TS, CLEARANCE PKI $4. MEN'S $4.50 WOOL MIXED "MUtf SINGWEAU" UNION SUITS, JAN UARY CLEARANCE $34 MEN'S $6.00 HEAVY. WEIGHT ALL WOOL MUNSINGWBAR UN- iuin ouiits, ULKAKANCE, . . . . 3.P, 1 &: En