aiaia. si ' 11 - t Why Pay Rent? We arc prepared to build houses in Tillamook to suit the buyer. Payments can be arranged on easv tonus. If you want a home of your own come in and see us. MAGINNIS GILHAM " Liberty Temple X tt i X -e X X X $ To Prevent Winter Ills And to more quickly recover from coughs and grippe. USE A yiNTER TONIC We recommend these as the best blood building and system strengthening tonics sold. Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion S1.00 Rexall Syrup Hypophosphites comp. $1.00 Rexall Peptonized Iron Tonic $1.00 C. I. Clough THE REXALL STORE t t J Tillamook h - r WHY? Whv pay the price c .r, when vou can buy a car in perfect condition for 1-3 the" money AT A BARGAIN Chevrolet Delivery Chevrolet 430-1918 Touring Overland Delivery And many more to choose from. Drop in and see for yourself At Matiny's Garage s 1- WHY PAY 10c When you can 5c Jas. G. Blaine Cigar J Ask your Dealer for it. t. , TTrt...H..4.AJ.AJ.J.Jt.J.J , uuuu MEALS AT REASONABLE PRICES AT THE BULGALOW A. C. VOGLER We serve Weatherly Ice Cream & '5 1 , t , v Oregon - W - H - - l - - H - t x X get one for t ........ ,rrvTTTif'rrttt'l-'i"M-i mm ' MAN HE WAS LOOKING FOR Old Qolthttln Ispurea Had Good Job 1 fee Bur-alar Who Had Bun Boyhood Chunv "Who's thcrci" Thla snappy question shot fori, from tbe Hi of lloldstcln Hlcpnr, oucr of one of tbe tlittst ouWe-a ntar tho Maimon houe. "Onlj me." came the iowm, and the bin Kinr turned his lantern upon almv-If at once and on each side of him to ahow that tit no tolling the tmth, "You?" cried tbe niultl-mlUloiialr. "TouJ Why, no tt 1st Villi Mill Ulurftm. my school rlium. my faith ful companion I all .vhoorbodj rrnnk. ttrvat Scott I Ami fallen to uch depths!" "Well:" ctclnlmed Rurclnr Mill. "If It ain't lloldle mo ol.l pall I know a!l about '! Vou'r ,:oMdeiit of oi uf the Unseat rtnnn:.ii aklnd Icatcs tn this country, anil 1 ain't nothln' but a ccntaon, ordinary bor s;ar Hootioo' if jou Itt me ko tn uunst. 1 promise noter to !t jo catch mo uwpiin! Will yr?" "Ha ha "' lauithed the flusncter "Let ko? Well. I should ny not. Not Never' Tor I'm tolUf to iiuk on a trtttir In the illndlcate. For your I have boon looMne for a nun with tho proper tralnlur." So avtii. tlio tiw puis embraced eucti ether fondly. Houston Pom. SNAGS IN LIFE'S CURRENT Art Somethlrrg That It U the Part of Wlwlom fcr All el Ut to Avoid. A Fount womnri In f rss with .he Canor" for icwo appnroutly ln-cumMf OTl):rit. iolalneJ: "J liner can for j him rfff " Hr eraiulmotbor. tttlnjr nrar. looXM up from hr knlt tlnc "J Mt tho came ny "no ) nearly JO years apo." ah IJ aniotly "Toilsy I canno! ncall what U 1 could not forjlT, but tlr cmptlnfit of Ilf that nultd If UU In my mlnJ cot ham op n ana In th (jvam. aj doar. Snaft nlona arc not m i4.nt.irou lt' the dohrl that ' cjlngj ta thorn that rcafciM th treublo Pnll yoirflf leo and re on " I In our Jodmfnt 1 nnt Orst rm ! rid of thj tterual lf; rr nin-'t loarr ! to le."t at th faalt wholly In !t rvM I tloa tn the person to whtn It bloie not in tt rvitf en ts ourattv. V'W of ns U crsitd perfect, and fiw-lf any atta'a pivfeetlon. Th'- mot ne can attain ll a perfect un.1artamtlnr of this fact and a aolf-control 'hat irtl! erible ci to pall lt.. from the and go na irlth the main tr-am f the Ufa which In other reapeota Is In har mosy with onra; not ty hnnc up em phairtilc th .iai and elfins It mr ire!fht thn th atreara ltlf. To able t Ijnare U often the mrt ar lnc of irnca. Anne Shannon Monro In Qood noyaekaeplny Natlen Without LanjuJgo. On of tb wrancejt thlnji ti b fountf araonx the oatlona of tSe r.-orb la tta fact that Switzerland bai n Lancnac of Iti own Tb effieial n cuairei af Switzerland nre Kren- h. 1 1 sa Ian and Gcraiaa. all thrre belnc re.- o;nlrd ai th "me-her ton;xie'' of tbi' majority of the Inhabitants. A rsnjorlty of the pjle speak Oer man, while the otbars on French and Italian. Tarylae ai a rale, arcordlnc t tbe prorlm'ty of the r",ile to each country whoip tonrje they -ir'Hlc. Public demmenta and notleei nre ices. In he 5i'ls na'lonfil purltatnent th! aemtra mak their apei-chei either In Franrh or dirmiin, th nienibHrs belnit x familiar with one lanzun?" a th other. Statements from the President el Switzerland ar farnlhd to the newi. papers In both lari;cnacei. Panama 8prlng Geographic Joka. Panama perpetratna one of thi createt of ceotrrapblc Jokes on thom . who Tlilt it. It convincingly miiUet east e$t. From Panama City thi ! sun rliei out of the I'arlflc. which to tnoiit Arcerlcan mlnda In the proper place only for witting mris. And he : who halls throuib the ennal from ; the Atlur.tic to tlie Pacinc trnreU n noi irom ezn ro west, aa tie natural ,rt.nP a victory by Wellington over IT expect, to do, but from Rest let ,h Kr,.nrn ,n jhi . fatlonAl Gi-o-east, or, mora accurately, from north- rmnhie Soclerv Hnlleiin. 10 ttoauieanx. ine geti, tne im prewlon, kh cno writer hai phranwl It. that, "there Is something crooked about this." The crookedncus In found to be In th liithmun, whlcli runs pre domlnantly en.t nnd west. Iiikteml oi north and nouth, and In Hddnioi maliea a double curve like the letter H, no that at one placi- the AtliuHlc wateri are acnwlly wcat of those uf the Pacific. National Oeofc'rphlc So ciety Bulletin. Liner Aqultaila Staytd at Htr Dock Until Lout Younnater Had Been Discovered. Her wiilgtlo had ifronned Hovcrnl wnrnins and the tnr.n call Kong had ben sounded up nnd down the com punlorwny to drive wvural hundred pw-fioris jisboro. Tlie stnnKplnitk of the Aqultanlu was about to bo drawn upon tiie pier aa u woman rushed up It cry Jng: "My baby I I've lost my bnby!" iter eijnrdH ollcia-d from her that lic had '" w board tlie chip with hei child to fay" sooij-hy to relatives arid wlKtii tibu went baA tin tlio pier Hhe thought the tot bad toddli-d tiov.d the Kiuijfpliink ufn-r her. Tlie child had been uwallowod In tit . excitement on l lie fillip's deck, liownver, A seuri-h for tlio mlmltii,' child wbs Inflltuie.l while the ut.r WU(j j,eld. Mother and volunteer fi-archers went from deck to deck. Up on the liner's brh jfe Copt. Sir Jainen C'liarled paced back and forth Impatiently. Fifteen minutes elapsed. Tho nob or a htnall choked volco was heard In n stateroom. There one of the volunteer btewardesses, nn KiikIIhIi nurw, was en deavorim,' to comfort n lliti kn ,,r . Kjrl who was too frightened to upeak. i.c luiiiuiT nan canea ana aim picked Dli the child nml liii.,.t .i... - Tiiojj thv itlant liner imiit .,' I Maw Vorlf Wnrlit 1 AMERICAN GIRLS NOT SO DAD Our Flapi'tra May SnioU, but Tbay Did Not Start the "Fad," It th 0fem. tt noiild bo drplorablo If all Amort i-nn plrK or tbo nwin.o Aiuorlnui slrl. or n majority of AniorliKii vtrK or it iMiKlilorablo pmpurtloii of Amor lonn Ktrl. oinld bi iIcitUkhI truth fxijly na nn ltttsllsli lioirllsl ilo-.rlbo tlio Auiorlraii till: "t'nbnlonl. otcnrrlto ttoMe. dlolpllniil tnowta f ox. lurlns "'on to riml now Hi" to tx Miil." Ttirtr ari "uitlilpHiioi imr,'il of ox." lliori' iifrf l',it Salmiio lancotl bofnrv llorml ami ThiiM imipolilnl Axnilr tbf niont Mn Ida Atan man-bo. imiiiot tbo ,.uilvlllo t'l i tl.T Journal On rv mwubora Sn!-me " TliU lth 'it hlii(t Iien1 of tN mllltnw f thrlr iMtitfHirH'rirli-a '' a"1"' unw ,l knin.l nixl teHe and awnop anil wake awmblllnu the (Iih- i'n.ti'lMnoil worwj nf wi" tle ler t In JlndtoHl eti. Hi tninlinc. Uy ho -i."ptl.'n. nftwi ottiirwtso. la prvrd tbo typo tlwt nilo. WtiMIHlntl'n aiv ietlm ervi tbo emit of publlolt t OKttatB fl of wrltur lmt whll lU-ncwnftnc tlw AtnerUnn rW fwwaril llanh chick how cld any "Of rtwrw tho Anwriinn tH pcltrly with woktiiK c1r,t,? Whit wvnm- tUi bad the hab it liin- Avrtcn wn d'-rtrr.l -tint aumVcl tob.v.i tn Knu'an.l and lmnco When tb'a onmtry w n wlldmiieM. nith the whtto iettln backlns wtUi tlr at lt tslo'i. London wmmtn f fashion ' lnc plpi In placi" of pubUe enter- talnmont. The mWrn mw ef moktns by wotrtn hiin American wno are airiHi. in - as' th a'ot'ire! Amert'in enrre ipn iw.t eaMe-t 'bo rewi that llrt'h debtttnotei nnoVe.1 .ttNrwttfi "iH',iil" at tho A."t rue. TELLS ALL ABOUT AIRPLAN'E Explanatleni cf th Myitery of Fly ing. Made for t' Otncflt of tht Uninitiated. Tho airplane ! bel 'S nl mi'i iml more today for trarr! i. If y'i want to kumv abflt the latit mMini of tranportailHi. yt want to know wimetiilnir ab-'iit th airplane and tly !n rnirk a writer la th rhrlfltan S' l nee Miwltor. Imteatl of a dr!er, yott call the -iiiin who tMtmltei th plane a pilot When the pilot rnf to trt the r cine or motor In th plane, be pull' n the propvllT In front Jut m you would pull to crank an automo Ml. and when he ceta tho prnpel'er iplnnlnk-. tbn the motor N ready for rtlcht. Tho pilot alwuy rtlei .erernl hum dri feet on the s round tfnr li C.k op In the air. Me alwayi trl- to start ilylnt In the face of the !nl tr.tead of with It. I you Scnow what It meant when a !t kldi In the alr7 Th pilot bna n..t tl(lwd hUBlrplaiie oiKHJsh tn mk nt a turn or Circle and Hi" plnm c"' -Ions level of followins the torn Sllpplnj U Jut the oppoalte of j nklddtnc for then tho ortiitor bai tlppod his plan trxi much t one lde and It actually allpa or falls a dU- ; ibiicm bofuri- hv can rtcht It. A mnirjHaiie I' an alrT'ane t tint haa one plane r wins, n Mplnnrt ha lW and n trlplane hn thr .Veil tlm It l. and nee whiit elie you ran leurn about It Lacki Architectural Treaaurta. Tarbei, blrtbplace of Mnmhnl Foch, lackn the architectural treaiurei of the towni of north-'rn Franc. Iti uti clont cathedral iu(Teri from heniliieia and n nilxturi of atyle. Tlie mily r mulnln;; part of the cnitlo of the conntu of IHjtorre l a tower wblrb latterly ha boon converted Into a prlon. Turbn, aome mllca awny from the prejient-dny Tarln'9. waa cnpltal of a Ilnmnn atat. nnd the btnhoprtc of TnrtieH appenra ni early ai the Fifth cvntnry. It ajipenra In IntiT hlatory ai a nufTerer from the relljfioua wnra the Sixteenth rontury, nnd tho On on. the Pareon, A eoutlnrii clerKymiu: tells of an occasion when a friend of his had obtained ii Jub for a colored mull who bod been for a long time out of work. The clergyman thought that the man must be KetUnK prelty shabby, so he looked up u suit they wero much of a sire and took It around to the man'a house. The man's wife took it, nnd tlx clerKymnn waited tn the room, aa be says, "ready to be overwhelmed with thankv." Hut ulien the Human re turned she Mild : "My htiabauil thurika yi', tfah, but be says that ho don't hold with pinion', clothes, but If you've got iinythlfig as Mould suit n mnii he'll be glud to have look at it." "You-AII." I'rnf. Anni'tle U. Hopkins, of the F.tiKllsh department at (Joiirher collOKe, suys that the only uny lo Iron out sectional accent and (-oIIo'IuIiiIIhiiih la lu yet 'em youn and train 'em, If a student la not made aware of her lecullarllles of speech before she 1 UdveiJIfun or elKhtec-n, I'memor Hop. klnw ilnil.i, It h usually too late for effeclliiK peniiancnt cifrni(;tons. "to achieve A HjienkliiK vocuhuiur ))!) polluted by locnllsms," she sold re cently, "reoylroH more than four year of college." Tims, at Uoucher, "you. all" la u firmly established Institution. New Vork KvenliiK Tost, Too Dangerous. Vlrar, you miihln'l neglect their I'diiiutlon, Mia, C'ruddoek, WJiy, 1 had lo pllieb seveiely to send my boya to school, Mrn, Craddock All, air, but Crad dock l too feared o' the law lo do any thluif like that ! Tit-lilt. "-rt r.r.m. COKIUiSrONDKNTS WANTKUI The llnaU lclr lit-'' now a coitatMdcM In J I"' Illy hi th counlyl h "'N fithfu1y thtonlclo tho aoclal. ilciclopmcnl. achool and fralcf nut no" a of Ihclr communlly and roinatil to thla pnpci each iek. Thla t a chancr to do your mm munlty a tooil turn ami earn er Uillnt ittatltliile. W fwrwlnh utampi ami stallonety ami "Ifl Ih ld to el'c jou any Infotma. tlon autcl upin application. Drop In and talk It o'er, or bet ter .till, alt r'Kht ili" ami -rll" ii. brltht ncy letter tight off. rvnowritera all makes bought, sold, rented, ex changed and repair. Tore tho Kioycle Doctor. NO I K K TO JKKSTY MI'.N Notice of meotintr of Joraey fttlc ub mombcra of the Jersey Cattl. flub Mill mt at I'ninleiv HaM Jan unry Silth, U'2. All numbers rop.imt .( to to proaont. MlK the annua eloctlon. anil uuailtc of ImiHirtaiK to be transacted. t iifiscii or nn: nazauknk Suhvt aahlmlh tuornltnc "Alnmd ant Oraco " Kyetunc auboct i -Sfliuhtp Hnum of ervwo aabbath nchiH)' 10 OO A M IW'hlnc at tt.di A M Santr sonlee nt 7 SO 1' M. PrmfHn t S:00 P. M. IHble tudy claw Tuo day 7 30 IV M. T1 j bfrn a itxuy fnk, . . ,r,i,,,lV, lm., bb, iluj to whlcU uI ,BVrr at tho bible are Invttnl. Come an . apoml a pletnant hour tluilme CnI ' NAZAItKM-: CHUIICH Acco'diinr to ar atlKCinetit made tail Juno with the "Smith Family" thv Htll rvturn to TttUmook for the month if February to lioUl a revival cnlti nntett in tW new N'.inrfne church utt will becln February' 6th. and i-ntmuc the rit of the month. Rev Smith nnil family made many frietlHn when here last June, who a'r a'rity looWlns; forward with tfroot anticipation to th-lr return. Tho new church unP be completed by Umt time, and a cradoua timv of jaUoiion la cxpcctiMl. at Tin: aii'itnt Sunday School At 10 o'clik. Th mornintr aorrnon at 11 o'clock The subject of the murnlni; adilrcn will "Not Aahnmol of the Ooupcl of rhriaf'The Kw II. A tJallry, I'a.tor of Tibbott Mwmurial MelhoiiUt (Thurch of Seattle, Wnah. will preach. The paitof will praach the vnlne sermon at 7 30. HU subject will tw "Man ami Slit." Mr. nn-l Mra. A. t). Ccrpc. ulnciiij ovnnjrellita will be priient mornlnc ami ovenlnp and will IaVc char;- of the muitc Thia U tho birlnrlnt; f nur revival mctmca ami we cnnliilly In ito a'l to attcml tho ervirei o.' Pah bnUi dny nml throuchout tho week.1 he ,OV(J u, wj, joy ,h, earnest mviani;u.i of Ilrotber fieori:' from this pulpit- I'aator and peopi invite your prrsence nnil co-operation CHARLES L DAltK. I'aator. THK WAY 1 VKKU AliOL'T IT I1V WJLIUrit K. SUTTON In N'nt onal ItcpublVnn Automobiles ,hive kinnthnr bene fit they have decreased oip. It is difficult to talk much and drive n car. Clothes may not mnko thu man, hut sometimes his wifo's clothca break him. r'mX a- 9 The U3picIous man In ulwnya nun- pccted' . hSS? If you haven't learned that a dol lar put awny today iy worth n dollar md nix cents a year from today, you are morally certain to end your day n th poor-houso or ns a penniless lependent upon somebody that doesn't want you around but ha to koep you for fear tho neighbor will talk. I'eoplo can ko to tho devil lota fast- r nowaday bocauio they ?an travel 'alitor in an nutomobllo than In a bug. K7. The love of nioiiy may be (he root ' all evil, but money Itaolf la tho oil of much Joy. t There is a tlmo for all thing except hate. If you can got fun out of Ufa you can prevent llfe'a making fun of you. Glrla more and moro arc exposing their enra, but thoro 1 nothing to Indicate that thoy havo mlsstd much by keeping thorn covered. A "aocjety !cader"vs so called he. cuuHo Hhe leadu her huubaud around by thu none, Tim one wf)t Is fond, of repeat'ng mt "all foolu uro not dead ywt'l. that known of one that isn't. w ! Ofcourse you "hain't believe all you Kl,r." Inilf mnt nk.J. J. . 'wwm'f Ittvwy IVWfl IAV, I Profettional Photography Doth in portrait and X commorcial work. Also tho best of framluK J may bo found at tho 0vo Studio tUt ytm over nutko llm ItUabaml uf iho MvHltati who Uiaala that ho ll i mlml of her nvtnt tiKr ACHUAINTMI) HAl.t! ,vkIVj at Ilia nw ptlco lc in 'ct i. lit, ul caul ttlbuill at Iwlf ttv .StnUonaiy at half prlcr AH BlM l :i p?r cvtit off. W'p i' m full .'"o vf tally cotiU ami pbec etnl, o'ao birth day ami coiitialulltmi cril for all IHVtt'ilOllV Don't foret that ilu fUl ta" VixIrV flitlniiintfa nml hotiCtl'll- iik of all klmti JU't n tlleltitxT that thtuuehout the year lht our Ko.Uk finiihitif n tho me, WotV that m by A V. M. la for you th nct aftarnoon at 3 o'clock. HULL'S KODAK 31101'. .Snappy Snap Hhota. KKFOHMKD CHUKCM Sumlay achool at 10 A M niorninc wur'hlp at It o'clock vbecl "A" Appeal to Jitcadfaattle.. At tl l cr vtco the Olillnatiutl nf the tiewly plcct eil officer, will Uke place. Spn.ial tnualc by tho chol' ami male ijuattelto. You arc conllally invitnl to wutahtp with ut. V. (S. L1KNKAKMTKH Paatot I' ItltS It VT Hit! AN nifltl Sunday ichool at 10 A. M morn inc wurhip at it A. M SubJivl "I'to ducal Parent " Hy rcjuct this cr man wtll b Ktvm in the momtne, In ilcml of the cTcnine It atuwofi the HUolllon. who U to blame for rtoletn moral conditions. Kvonlni; worship at 30 !' M .Sub ject "Huildtnc New Jcrunalcm " All are wekomo. At.t-N A. SIcItKA. Minister. CbrUtlan Kclte Church. Th Christian Scionce & ty hold tervlcea in the Woodmen Hall, na :(onal building every Sunday nt I) m. Hun.iay pVI0o) at 10 ''veryboiiy welcome. OBKGON WKKKLY INDrSltlAI. ItKVIKW Outlook fr bulnca stability hi tW2 is imptovinj; wntte stilt fjolnc lijunwanl and Imililinc opctntom in-cn-naitur. Ilallfid buytiu lumber and freight rales reduced cast and Clackamas County reduce laics hy cuttiug buJk'vt, abollbUk' (wo depijty rlirks and luwerini: aalnrcs of" 'luan officers, Warronton I'otlory plant opana.t hern fii first kiln. Toledo City raised $15,000 at honu to start big timber industry that w Jl nmploy 900 men at soon as housing ' provjded. Astod HIk lApayor meeting cut budget 1160,000, Three, bridges to be bu'Jt in Marlon County. Indications are nil salmon cannor lea will operate next year full capa city. Gold HID targe body gold qilatu re hit In Danlclson mine. Monmouth to build new residence. I'cndelton packing- company am nloys 21 men. Ifcilem 'laa coinplcto for 2RO,()0Q boya trnmlnc school. I'rcaeiit boys in dustrlnl achtml tn bo used for Institu tion to cur drug fiends. The Ifrtrald worth it. $2.00 pr yar and Fairbank Mo.lls 2 home power L'ks engine for Good a nw. 61G lit. St 0m Dr. Olrder for dtaUl work at 1. O. O. F. Ilnlldlnar. Complete Ion grinding factory oa premlaei, Any lens duplicated. DR. J. a TURNER EYE SPECIALIST PtrmaiKtstly Ucatetl h THlasaoek ItIvbU office In Jenklrw Jewehy Store i-aiuwv up-w-aaio iniirumenu and equipment ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDWARE KITOHEH HAMOES ao Murium Toyn Se Ua for Pricut Boforc Ordering Elwhr Shoe Repairing Laces. Oil. Polish, Grease, etc., Call on. SN0DGRASS The Shot Doctor. Todd Hotel E!dg ll, I ii-itts, rrot Attorney at r John llaixl JUiklcnnn, rncy. Trpn f Atturtioy-at' Not.t; u TilUfHook Title and AWtract Co. Uw, AUtrarta, Ut Ftat. ItKUlatie. (loth hotle TIl.l.AUOUK, . tlHIIl.O Whon you think of Uft; In.suntncc Think MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL 1 JSeo W. A. Church, Iocr); representative ; 00' TO CHURCH FOR INSURANCE SIIOKS KrpatrfU WMfa Xou Wall 11 r K II O KM A K KltS On trial l conrltM aupr(f nrkmnlilp, 'arc poat glr prompt atlrntitm. HAI.I'H ll. M WARDS Dr. 0. L. Hohlfcld Vrtcrlnatian AT Hell Thnnc HV'J Mtittml Pit r Ddivid Robinsop. fvl D Phys icion nnd Suigc.' SucccsROf to Dr Wcndt L. L. H0Y, . p. IMiyMicinn tiitl Surucon Hell I'honB-Cmco 6, ftfeidnnre I Mutual J'nont -Officr ami Itcalilmi DR. I. M. SMITH I'liysician and Suricon Ollic. la Nidoatl M4i. TILLAMOOK. . OREfiON TIU.AHOOK UNOHRI AKINO CO Funeral Olrctor and Ucnit Embabuat U, NH, Mgi. I.a.y Astlttant whandaalrcd T. H.GOYNH AllwtMyat-Uw Mtl Land Office Buifnru. OPIWI'K POUKT H0USK a. t. Uotu a. p. wiiuUti B0HS & WINSL0W LAWYKM Orvget TUUi Robert H. McGrath Coumellur at Law TILUM00K. . 0IRG0N L, U. ALBERT TILING AND DITCHING Urge pd email Job. Uany year experieetee I'Olt flALIt Kurd touring ear. A bnrjraln. See R. A. Mclnnl Bell Tell phone Co. Dr. Allen ai ikari. 4etatU. Hi National HUg. TlUaaiafc. Ore.