Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 28, 1915, Image 1

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Tillamook County
Largest Circu
Tillamook, Okhoun, Duukmjiuk 8. 1915.
NO. 08
" ""
The First National Bank
Capital and Stupi $30,000
Member Federal Reserve Bank
B 0 Uuiih. President V. J. KiccltcrVi' Cashier
v Itnlifou; ViccPfw.. U IS. Kcltion,'At. Cashier
C I liilwnnU Peter llciwl
J. C. Hohlcn ; . v y: J. Rfecfier-s
A. AY. Himn
I. C. Lamb
Careful attention gjvea-tp all Banking business
placed it) our hands. ,
S.e Ua for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
wa,! mass.
hava extrava-
ktiy spent. One sure friend to a man in trouble is money
the bank.
But tho man who banks his money is the man who gains
confidence of his employer and holds his job.
Money in the bank also means GRED1T and GONFI-
tNGE. No man cafn afford not to have the nfidence ot
Mellow men.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
Wo pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank
- i
SubicriU F Tbe TiUamok Herald.
Jsnsd fuesfcy and Friday.
Michigan Auto
Party Arrives
The Little Ford Makes 3,400 Milts
Since Oct. 21st. Travelers Will U
cats Here.
!.... If... .. i .
m iiuggcu ami wire sni con
Qrly aged 1(1. mm Floyd aged B. daugh-
ter hv ngrd (I nnd sun Willie aged 4,
accompanied by nephew Alva Lnlnndr,
aged 20 recently arrived hcri on n trl)
across Hu continent from Saginaw,
Mich., leaving Saginaw mt Oct. 21st.
ti. - .I... .. .
ma nine reins nrnviti nor tin
ChrUtmna Evp, after trawling h total
ilUtanco of 3100 mile. Tho illttaiira
by the ruiitc which tHoy travnlml from
Snitimiw tu Tlllainnok U 2,772 Milieu.
The altlo trlfw which they took from
illircrutit tiiilni; plme inatltt thn en
tire tlltanca Irnvrlnl 3.400 mll. Tho
Lincoln lllifliwny rotnu wm uncil from
limrt, InJ., to Grander, Wyomlinf.
From CraiiKwr ?h Orison Short Una
rout wtu, followed to i'ortlai.tt,
M Vale, Oreuon. lh Mlcbtan party
met Mnthew Travu and party, of Al
bany. N. Y who urero Irnvellmr nc
cru tho continent In an F M, F, car,
iind tboy trnvttlod together an far at
Th entire coat of the journey In
cluding every u'xpnnne uf the ItUcKett
party wen covered py a)0. Three of
Vhe Oiwxlyunr tlrea on the Font had to
be replaced. A few other broken part
were replaced by thu Ford Auto com
pany. Thu machine had traveled 600
mllca before sturtlnn on Uiu weatern
trip. Thu machine I in row condition.
The trip wm kii intcrcitliiK one. At
oqe place the party kH Info deep water
and Mr. lilunds found It ncccaiiary t
wutlo n water wnte deep J u U Kct
to where he could nccure help.
lltrMilo the uven pakkenuera the
Ford curried one lent 12x10, camp
wide. All neeeary bedding and cook-
inn uteunil. haeh .member of tin)
purlv alio had three changca uf cloth
ing. -Thu tent wm put up and tim car'
wu put Under It every nluht.
Tfie'imrty ) now ataytii); at thu
Finch hoti.o. Tnuy expeel to locate
UNIttll f XTt!H.NIflUTt414EETINfl
The tiMMnberahlp of all the lroteat
and ChUr'chea of the city will gather
at the Carlatlan Church on Friday eve
ning and watch tho old year out and
the new Jreur In. A cordial Invitation
la exUirtiwI to the general public.
On Mrlday, Dca. ZllU, Mlm Lydia
It. Crane and Kmery It, Alvord of the
Miami, wero nmrrird at the Chrialiau
Church (LmonnKC by Itev. Van Winkle.
MUi Cratte'a uncle ti. W. Wllka we
roent; g-The young couple Khvh tl.e
bet wwiu of many friend. They
will matltf their home on the Miami.
The l wo upcrdrcndnauKlil.t utuhor-
cd by the last coiiKrcs will lie buiH
at the Hrooklyn und Mitre Uluinl
navy yard.
I lie annum report oi secrewry
n.micN recommend a half-billion-
dolar naval ntograut for the next five
1 he Kcpuhiiciin nauonui coiuiuiiicc
met on lucoduyaiul noie unicaRO
.i tlu pl.ice ifT the muiou.il conven
tion, time, Jimc 7. I9ib.
At Kra, I'm., iJecctiiDcr io, jiouie
o.cxx) hinhcl of Kf'!1'" coniilgncd lo
lie amil'4 were nurncii. w ciucr nv
li'cnidiitrlMii or spontmicpini combus-
uou in uncertain.'
1 lu- i roinliltion uiucndiiiciit lo the
litiional roiistiliitioii has nre:idy nccu
introduced In both houses of congress
It ii Ihc s.uiic as the Hobson ainend
nnnt of Inst session,
Kmperor William has complied with
the request of the Uhilcd Stilted pnd
recalled Captains Hoy-d and von
f'npcn, the niilitiiry and naval ntmch
cs to tlic Cicrauin embassy at Wash
ington. Harou Gcmge Wilhclin von Hrinckr
en, an attache of the German consu
late at San I;rii!Sco; has been in
dicted with others', in the federal
courts, charged 'with conspiracy ''to
destroy commerce and use the mails
to incite arson, assassination and
murder," A widespread conspiracy on
the Pacific coast, resulting In forty
explosions, Is alleged.
The inushroon town of'Hopwell,
Va., of 25,000 people, which grew up
last summer when the Du J'opt Pow
der Company established a big explo
sive plant there, was nlmosUwijicd dtit
liv n fin- nf Thnrsdav of last' week.
The factory was outside tlipu setflc-J
incut, mid escaped, i lie loss ts piacca
at f 1,000,000, Only one life waslw;
that of a, negro caught looting, 'Who
was lynched, A t ,
Secretary of war Garrison 1jt'ljjs
annual rcfiort submits thcrscemnlen
dution of the "War College," ",(11
board of experts) for thc arniyrt as
follows! Aittiobilc nrniy of ;l,seo;obO
men to he divided as follows ; 121,000.
regulars with the cOlprs I'o.ojqo
standing army rescrvants" who, have1
finished clirht-vear enlistment i 00-'
000 cliizens of a contlncnt&lvrmy
under training 500,040 pf WMneptlaU
army 011 luriougn; wj,m,jwf swe
first year 'and $3 1 0,47 ouex. yearly
afterwards for ,inaiitepance. ? f
The. I' rcuch-llritUli foiccs have
evactiattl Serbian tcniloty ami arc
fulling linck on Salonika with a view
of mr.kliLr that Grrrk port a base for
future1 oiieiatlons. 'Ihc icpons Tues
day morning say that .'0,000 Teuton
and lliililirl.in troops arc punuiiig
thu lUiiUli-l'rcucli forces into Grrrk
Macedonia, The (ormrr assert that
the rciriat ia a route, with .o,oih
llrltislflsiM, but (he latter affirm thai
the wltudrawl was made in good
Order atfd without serious loss.
According to indirect news form,
Constaritinoiilc. Ciermauv ha aban
doned liVr idea of an expedition into
1'Kypt in favor of a great Turko
(.lemutn 'expedition against India. Ihc
German project Is to organize an
fanny tiHjoo.ooo lurks with oo,ioo
cliriuan coiniiiaiuku ly i'lclu Mar
shal von Dcr Golu and an immense
iiiiiuhcf fof guns for nn cxiicdiiluu in
the spriug.
1 ho United Slate ha sent to the
iUKlrOHuugariaii guvcrutiicnt a note
of pc,rciup(ory chaiactci in rcgaid 1j
the sinking of the Italian liner An-
coiia by an Austrian submarine and
the l6s;of American life It demand
disavowal of the attack, full repara
tion to relatives of Americans who
lost thffr lives, assurance that micIi
atiwckjWllI not be repeated, and pun-
Ulmi4taMA&oWitaw4UViU.tuir,iM ,
marine .(ml others rcsiotisihlc lor the
Act, A btcnk in diplomatic relations is
hinted if Austria does not. comply.
The cutlni staff of a German army
division was captured by Ktuxau
mouuled acouis and brotielil as nrls-
Hoy 1 oners into the Ktissiau line, as the re
sult of a ilariug night rani recently
From llcrlin comes a report thai in
Tnpilti, Africa, the Italian troop
have been defeated with n.ooo killed
aiM woiAided.
The crowds seeking enrollment in
Great llritaiii, under I.oid Oerby's
lIan of voluntary enlistment, were so
great Jin ihc Inst day set. Saturday,
that time was" extended. It is yet too
soon la 'say how large the total h
but it U estimated as high as ;j,ooo,ooo
and it Is expected that a conscription
will be, unnecessary.
Some ioo Uritlsh peers have been
killed in battle or died of wounds.
Industrial Review. ;;f
Of Oregon
Newt (teats akeat Statewide Industries
laspreveawats ami Bailtag or
The Increase
Masons and
Stars Install
A Good Gathering of Meseaii Stars
And Their Friends Celebrate
St. John's Day.
Halem, Ore., Dec. 27. -Work will bu
started at onru on new road down the
Umatilla Itlvur fr)m I'endluton to Pilot
Hock Junction. Cost IZO.OOO.
It la planned to oil roads around
Steam and uloetrlc ronda In Oregon 1
In 10 1 5 pnid n,W0,rl.il taxes and
operating revenues fell olf $1,177,430.
Oregon corn acreage) nearly doubled
during year, largely duu to educational
campaign uf 0. W. It. & N. Co
On Monday evening Dec. 27th, tit.
John's Day, the Msronlc and Star
Lodge of this city met and celebrated
the occasion by 11 Joint Installation of
the Koyal Arch, lllno Inlge Masons,
and Star Ixlgo ollieers for the ensuing
Tho Itoynl Arch olflcer, the first to
bu Installed, were installed by Compan
ion II. T. liotls assisted by Marshal
Walllno and weru as follows:
it. 1, II. T. Ilotti; King, John Lc-
laml Henderson; Scribe, Kay Walls;
Standard Oil Co. will Guild tank at f 3-Hfnn ,S '
mamwieid. it-:"; m 11 , "hor " ,;
kib.., t, 1. viiuukii i iiiiru run i. n,
Kugono sends dried loganberries east ' I'cnnlngton; Second, A. II. Gay lord;
fur Christmas gifts. ' First. J, B. Reedy.
Hcedsport give lumber company 70
Tho foil
brn.1 nf Inrul r,ir f.ilnpi; Mttrl unt. ' WtrO moil
Hlua Inlgu officers
tailed by It. T. Uoals as-
. r frontage ol condition It will build ! "XM wamno:
n ill of 125,000 feet capacity and oper- I W- M- J- Clauason; S. W-.. Frank
lite for 15 tears. lleyd;J. W., Y. It. CardlfT; Tress.,
1 . i 11 , 11 .n An, irvle Koldsou; Secy., A. U. Gavlonl;
I. G. Itoynolda will build 110,000 u ,, ,1 .', . ,,,'
nhlugle mill on lower Siuslaw.
Cargo of tie soon to bo sent from
lower Columbia lo Great Britain.
$100,000 recommondoJ to Improve
Crater t.ike read.
Oregon railroads expanded $2,822,0t8
In extensions and improvements pnsl
year while public utilities expanded
$2,723,1)72 for aamupurjKise.
O. W. It. & N. Co. will spend ItOO,
000 lining S. Johns tunnel with con
crete. Cortland's tax is $25.40 on tho $1000.
limns; S. S,, A. A- I'cnnlngton; J. S.,
Morris Schnal; Tyler, M. V. Stlllwell.
After the Installation of the Blue
Ixxlge officers, Installing officer Mrs.
Carl Jlaberlach asnisted by Marshal
Mrs. C. I. Clough installed the ofllccrs
of the Star Iodgo. Tlia work was
carried out In full form, the above
mentioned ladles carrying it out in a
manner very credible to themselves.
Following Is tho list of Star ollieers:
W. M Theresa Gavlonl; W. P., A.
It. Gaytonl; Aso. M., Mrs. It. T.
Newport Signal-itevlow plant sold j Ibmls Con.. Kthul Gaylord : Asso. Con.,
to II. G. Guild, owner Tledo Sentinel. , Mrs. Albert Plank; Chap., Mrs. U. G.
7W t)oaitr-nrf y-4ntf-ontacJttm.; Marshal, Hrt Janarost; .
crs S1A.CO0. Organist, Mrs. O. h. ShroUo; Ada.
Columbia Klver und Nehalem t.og- M"s. Knthryn Franklin; Ruth, Mrs.
King It. It. running t capacity. ul'n Con',it; Kstlwr. Mia. Louise
M . . . .1 . Iteichers; Martha, Pearl Coats;Klecta,
Newport defeated an occupation tax. ud,l,gJ.S(.ri.. M. lAnnn
Pendleton building a country club nl. TrcBf E J cianssen; Warden,
for 100 members. ! Mrs. J. B. Keedy; Sentinel, U. G.
Tne nnrvgulnted. untaxed and un-IJuekson.
Ilcnnscd, jltuny continues lo kill peopio Afler t, ,lrtaton services tho
Sutlierlln RoaeK Timber tp., 1
Muscatine, Iowa, raise J0I00
build first section of logging-Tread,
Fight In Congress over FerrPa
WaUrPowr Bill wage while tha Na
Hons largest sssot wastes an-ay
in Portland,
Thu busy Sellwood Ueo had a line
Christmas piipur.
Pendleton will pavo two inoruatreets
with bltulitl.ie.
Sutherliu Sun had pretty 20 page
Christmas paper.
company sat down to a fine banquet
and the evening was spent in different
State tax levy on 1D15 valuation is
reduced $fG2,000.
3 Ci linens of North liend voted to
Under post olllctt department rulings mnuml charter extending franchise of
Rnuland is coinu to send J.OOO.OOO
Christmas pul inbuddiugs to her sol-j
dim in the trenches,
A dispatch from the Hague says
that thehVethcrlands' government will
give neither recognition, encourage
ment nor support in any way to the
l-'ord pelicc plans,
Advices by way of Switzerland re
port peace riots in llcrlin and other
Grrumil'cities, in llcrlin soldiers took
active part in the disturbances and
the police were obliged to charge the
crowds,, '
A dispatch from Pckiu. says that
Viiao Suih-gai, president of the Chi
nese republic, has accepted the throne
of China tendered him by the conn
cil of state. This, tender followed a
canvass of the recent so-called vote
of the, provincial assemblies, showing
I.093 votes out of 3,043 in favor of the
change, 'The council of state mime
diatoly.ient to Yuan Shl-Kal si peti
tion urging him. to accept the throne,
fie declined at 4first. but when the
petition,1 .wife forwarded'to him a sec
ond time he accepted, wM,tlic pro
vision that, he -would continue to act
as president until convenient time
'for ,tlip;cbronatlon. Meanwhile the
.Chinese' .societies' In America nnd
pthcroun'trics are raising a large
sum and 'seeking to ormcnt p. revolu
tion ngmVet; the change. They dc
nounccYuan Shl-Kai as a traitor,
' 'Wfs? 1 ! 1 " " " J tr
,-f'V 7.
A.V "Hi,
K 1" 2
-. J TdUmk, pre.
you can suml 3 imunds of printed mat
ter from hero to Philomath foe 21
cents, but you send 4 pounds for 8
cents. If a private corporation did
business that way It would be fined
$2,000,000 for discrimination or some
tl.lng, and all tho oflicials sent to thu
penitentiary. (Uazutto-Timus, Corvnl
lis.) Portland's new Franklin High school
will cost $t00,000. Iiavu soven buildings
nnd 2,000 students. It will have a com
plete agricultural college course.
t'oonty road to bo built from New-
port to Yaquina.
Tax commission announces that
taxes for l'.tlli will bo about lo per
cent lowurr
Southern Pacific Co., from 35 to 60
Union Pacific System to spend f 1,
M',0,000 on Oregon lines in 1910.
Tho demand of 40,030 railroad em
ployes for 10 hour pav for an eight
hour day. and uay und a half for over
tlmn is another cloud on the business
horlxen. It. will prevent investments
in railroads, and with business men
demanding reduced freight rates, will
force tho railroads ultimately into
public ownerahip.
Portland Chamber of Commerce mak
ing light to have nil Douglas . Fir and
Oregon Stone used on new million
dollar post ofllce.
Land For Sale
40, 80, 120 or 1C0 acres of the Dr, Brooks'
ranch, 3 miles south ami Yj mile west of Tilla
mook on old Netarts road. Three ot the ,40
acre tracts have one half or over good bottom
laud which the tide, backing up through a creek
from the Tillamook River Va mile enst.overflows,
There is a barn 40x80 on one 40 acre tract
which is 3-5 bottom There is a very good
houseon one 40 acre which is H bottom, and a
school house is also located on this 40. One 40
(tere vhich has no buildings is M bottom land.
The remainder is "bench pasture lands (some
plowed) but mostly set to red clover. One 40
bench timber land, some grazing.
Price Will Be Right. Part Trade. Will
Give Terms. 1
Will atll 40, SO, 120, 160 acrts or all. .
Write Owner, C. B. COLLINS,
McMlnnvllk, Ore.
! v
s.i -
j m