Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 17, 1915, Image 1

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?E,9l?LAT,ON OF Anv Paper in Tillamook County
T1M.AMOMK, Oimjoon. Disckmiiku 17. 1915.
NO. 95
The First National Bank
Capital And Surplus $30,000
Member Federal Reserve Bank
H l.u.uh, Prvelilwi V. J, Ulocluty, Collier
J C lloMrn. Vlot Pre?., I, It. JioUl.on, tm Cashier
C J IMwmiU
J v Hol.lcn
A. W. Hinm
Jit. C.
Careful nUcution iven to fill Miwilting business
ji rd tit our hit mis.
o. . fj.LOT.s' tt nuw tiuamook. oku
0k fli M
ROffrnlaunnMhrlnirhnrUlho monCV V0U IwVO OXtniVa-
Il'y spent. Ono suro friond to a man in trouble is money
But tho man who banks his monoy is the iimn who gains
confitionco of his omployor and holds his job.
Monoy in tho bank also moans CREDIT and GONFI-
CE. No man can afford not to have the nfldonca 01
Mlow men.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
Wo pay 4 por cent intorost on Savings Depsait.
Tillamook County Bank
Subscribe For The Tillamook Herald.
Issued Tni?y and Friday.
! I London dispatches say that tho re
Til I 1 TTm 1 1 n I It'll lift ' crultlnit stations are over lu-lined and i
I ILL Ar I hn HULIUA To 1 l',!,t tu, 11 lty ftaUr ov,r U n
j ruitli for enrollment, j
In tho malcrii war theater thero 1
u s; Wj mi. 11 a m i w a h k
Sec Ui for Pric Before Ordering Elsewhere:
10 be the dominant I don of her foes.
It would be folly for Germany to Lake
the Initiative n proposing terms of
peace. Germany, howover, la rialy
at nny time to ronaldnr a teace sug
gestion from the countries with which
Mi.' la at war, la tho nubstauco of tba
German Imperial chancellor's reply In
the Reichstag to the Socialist Inter
polation OH peace.
Proscnl War Tax to Bo Ex
tended Until New Revonue
Law is Enacted.
I Washington. - Tho first week of the
;alxl fourth i "tigress brought praetl
catty harmu.itoua organlxullou In both
houses und revuulatf a determination
, on thw part of tint administration lead
' ura to attempt no serious legls all vo
bu.lucas until tho holiday rocosa 1b
t'rrtlUrnt Wlhion's addroas, with its
MiKKufclluiiii for national proparodncas.
i denunciation ut lutruillosml conaplr
j atora aculnal the eovurmnont and
i warnitif uf thu uurtjadly for increased
I nivtrtiuci, atood out ni IIki moat tm
I portant rvmit of tho jV. unrly in
tho a Mslit ll.t . ,s!u l.i-.o mi
j barrard bollda) r.ci plain Mem-
vd iinuilunt. whim tt nua iiroioiJ
that an rffort la made to ton.-(.l luo
tmi'rr.eno)' war tax law ftltu u;uond
tnl brfur ndJourniuouL
IminedUU lv It waa dliirJuaod that
' thla ould b luilHUalbU und adliun
UKatloii trijvrn wuro couZrontod t.i.h
the dunt.r Mml thu Mar tax law would
lapat' on DeccmW 31 und n lull); per-'
i Itxl would follow tu n tilth no omor-
EPticy r'vrnilv could Ixi colloctod.
It aa llivruupou nurr -d by noiuy
leadrfc tbat a joint rvaolution uxtoiid
Inc I he prc.cnl wur lax v. Kh thu tli.i.-
. Ilmttati".-! cl minuted Hlr-u'd Ue aniuuu
ed. a bvw bill with provision tor li.
j created rutctiuci to bu uubmlltud aftor
I the Num V.ar Suitate lopuhllcan lund
j ura hatv aicrucd lo offer no opposition
I U.bata Ovar Wai .n Ssnata.
j I'realduut WUaon'a vlKorous refrr
I flu-lu hi adiUum to t'o.ihluii wltn.u
I the bordt-ra uf tho I' ull.nl .Stater, ir
I at! jatod burnaa of the IUin ;f:n t..u
I by of furulcu birth, si .'vcd ti-
Kte thu acnatv on enllvoned iluy of
di-liatn durlllK the paat cok. Sci.3
lor Smith of UuorKla. Introduced to
olutiou calling on the foreign rela
tloua commtltvo to lnveatlcatu. with
a uu to rucouuuendluK action on tue
llrltluh blockade agaluut muitral com
uteres. The UuorKla aauator made a atlrrlr.'
plua for bla ruaolutton, which nron.d
Senator l.oilxu, of Maaaachuaotts, to
ffor au nmoudinuni prow, Hug for in
veutlHAtlou alto of liitarnal couaplra
c!ea atalnut the gorerument und of
tho law und facta relating lo belllKer
unta' duatructlon or tho l.UHltanla and
other paaauiiKor ahlpa, TIiIh dobate
wui the flrat brush In a forensic bat
t.e or thu KureiMian wur alttutlnn.
Poatofflca Loaaa fl 1,000,000 Oy War.
1'ix.tuiuaUr Oauaral liurloson's an
mini report saya tba Kuropeau w.tf
li.u ookt the AaiaUaa Lcatul service
K'l.OUU.OUO. but that nuonoiuUti of ad
tutulaUallou haf rvduced tho uudlti'd
deficit to a llttla aaoru than U.oto.OOO
for tho flacal yr which ended lust
Juue Cousldaratloua of Horvlco, tlio
toport baya, wera olacad ubovo ull oth
cru. uud uotwithiUudtuc advurhe ra
nuui! L'oudltluua. MJipuiuUoit arul im
proi?munt of poatal fucllltlos contlii j 6lfe Conduct ,or Attaehaa Aaked.
UIH'- J WushliiKton Secretary Lwialiif;
l Utf Croaicai oxpauK.ou mo , hn. ..skod .. nrJh.,n ww..,..-.
through their embassies hert. for safe
condtict for Cuptnlns Doy-IM ud von
Papon, respectively navaJ aad military
attaches of tho German emaay her'
pursuant to tho request if tSmpM-or
William, who personally rall tht
No Military Training In Las Angela.
Loa AtiRClos. By a vote of 4 tu 3
tho Los Attfiolea city board of educa
tion dofeated a proposal to introduce
military trnlnlnn in tho high school.
Herald, iwues
Conftrene? Comm.',-",3 Proposal la
Neither Accepted Nor Rejected.
Salem. With thr members of the
Oregon and t'allfcrr.a land grant con-
fllllpttido In the nort
tlio Hun: Intia are aporailleally active.
Thy have attacked tho Austrian lines j
north of the railroad from ICovu! to i
flamy, but without result
Word cornea from Uerlln that there
aro indications of a hurried concentra
tion of Ilusslan troops alone tho Rou
manian bonier. The Uunalaus are re
ported , Le UrectlnK lar,;e munlUona lorj.( ,llvlnK rorcd ,nU Grt.cco N
ui'iMJin uiunk uie wn n ii ue. near me oei-
fires into Grocce In Good
la. .. Tho Temps publishes a dis
patch from Salonlkl corroly)ratlng tho
roporl that all Trench and Hritish
troops havj now quit Serbian torrl-
wlthsta.idlr.p tho difficulties of the rc-
..,.. ... . iuai unu mo oeiurminea aiiacxn ot
, u'r f7nco,,,P,;la rrom 1,10 ac (superior forces of Bular!an., the dls
Jit en for the most part are confined . pnlch lhf. 8avp(3 vlrtua
it 1 '"TKn0 WhCr" tU ' a ammunition and other sup-
hVenrh bnve been trlnK to reK.ln the )M corayarallvoly amall
ntlvanee.1 position near Soualn. which . ,0MM n MJ(jn
tony recently lost Paris has asserte.l .. . . ... , ,
T ... . i T ho assertion made In an official
Pfonroea In cJectlUK tho Germans, but ... ... .,
.,' ' , . .. , , ' . Dulgarlan communication that the
JhTlIn iteelurcs iho posit on atl 1 la ... . ... . ,
.,!,,..,, , , rancoIlrltlsh lino had b?n cut Is not
firmly In their hands ! . . , , . ,
j. , , .... , . bornu out h thu correspondent of tho
tBti Ions as uncontrolled hatred of . ...... ,
... ...... Tcrapn, who says "efforts to envelop
Germany and the hellof that Germany i , ,. ,. , ,
. , ,, ' ; or cut our lines altogether failed."
la approachlitK a collapse continues1 , , , ., . . . . ,
with huge transports leaded to the
gunwale with arriving troops.
Kruh;hlura aru dlsombarklnK muni
tions und stores. On land hrspltals
are being eiocted to supplement the
facilities ot the hospital ahipj in :w
c ut:unodatJri; tho wounded brought
from G'evgelL Transference of Greek
troops from tho neighborhood of Sa
lonlkl has begun.
Tho famouu battleship Orngou will
be turned over to the naval mllltla
of California as a training ship.
Hopewell, Va.. tUo boom town of
C5.000, founded by tho Uupont Powder
company, virtually was destroyed b
Tho Nutlonnl Amurlcau Wotcvi
Suffrage association besau Its .' 1
annua! ouinention In Washington on
About 170 square miles of laud
been withdrawn by thu r.otornmt::
on account of oil dUco.erlos wltliii.
40 miles Of IllllhiKH. MuiiU
U'prcaentntlves of wuturn railroad
engluemon rotcri to jolu eartoru and j
southurn englueors lu sweeping de j
mauds for higher pay uvd ahortor i
hours. ;
Lives of 49 munitions workers and
property v.-orth JC.OOO.OOa hare been
lost In 33 uyittorious tiro in Amur -can
munition factories aluo the out
break of the vrnr.
The National Council t Uoy Scouts
of America jay that Ernest Thompson
Sotou was dropped trout wffica am!
membership In the ornaulsatlon bo
cause he de lined to become aa Ameri
can citizen und that he did aet reaigu
as he has announced,
William Franklin Smith, a eak, was
arrested at Cheyenne, Wye., on sti!.
plclon of being Gerff ttartbvlomew,
wanted at Portland, Or., in foaaeotlou
with tho trunk tnurdr mystery of No
vember ID, In which a man supposed
to bo John I.lnnd was tho victim. The
prisoner denies that h is Bartholo
mew, or that he b,s auy knowledge
If the Oregon crime.
a definite proposition to the repreaen-
tatlves of the Southern Pacific and
the latter contending that they had
not, the committee adjourned slao die,
without having accomplished any
thing. Attorney Ralph Moody, who, wltk
Assistant Manager Campbell and Tax
Expert McAllister of Portland, repre
sented the company, mado'lt plain
during the conference that tho South-!
ern Pacific believed that the only In
terest the state of Oregon had In the
land grant waa to keep It on the tax
rolls; that the company proposed to
get the United States court decree In
the grant case modified and that It
would like to have the state aid it to
that extent.
The committee submitted a proposi
tion which was to the effect that tho
company should recoive $2.50 an acre
and the return of the amount of taxes
It had paid oa a valuation in excess ot
2.50 an acre and that the whole
amount should be deducted from the
surplus received from the sale of the
The action taken means as viewed
by the committee, that the resolution
adopted by the O. & C. conference
September 13-17, calling upon con
gress to enfo.-co the original terms of
the land grant, will be forwarded with
out delay. It also means that no fur
ther session of the conference will
probably he hold.
British and French Occld: to Insure ,
Security of Expedition at Salonlkl. j 63-0CO Orchard Fraud CharBed.
Paria.-France and Great Bntaln ; Portland-Charged with conducting
doolded to continue tho umpjJim in ! SEantlc fraud whereby he took In
the Balkan, and agroed on military : 'otal f "3.564 95 through the oper-
laoasuroa doItnod to asaure tho o-i.?uB, M '""v-"',-"''
.. ' Tf.i-Mt nrnMflpnt of thpt North wpt u
curlly of th( expeditionary forcos
which laudod at Siouikl.
Thy agreement, which has reference
to cuncertou military action lu oihr
zones, as well as tu tho Balkans, w:.
reached by Premier Brland and War
Minister Gallionl, the French repre
sentatives, and Foreign Socrtar
Grey and War Secretary Kltchonor,
acting for Great Britain.
office, the ruort shown, was in thu
parcel peat. Stutlftlca tethered from
60 principal posloltlcus show it to be
half of ull the pOJlal business, and
that more than 1,1)00,000 parcels are
being trausporU'd ovury year. Before
tho parcel post was established not
morn thun ouu fourlh that number wura
ImtidU'd. The amount of postngo col-
looted from that source approached
.OiiO.OO during thu first 16 days of
October thla year alone.
Strong Defenses In West Advised.
If congress in formulating ita na
tional dufeiisa Ivutslutiou follows the ( Subscribe for the
recotuaiendatlouB of Uie army war twlee each week.
college, ou fourth of ths raobllo army ,
lu continental UultBd Statea will bo WWHMlltl'MOW:
cuncoutralod lu tho Pacific uorUiwoat,
w. as tho war collcgu doslcuates It,
Uiu PuKt Sound areu, includlne all of ,
Wnshluctou roat ot tho Cascade
Buntulns frcAi tho Canadian bouu-!
iiur to and Including tho Columbia
Washington. Tho text of the Amer
ican note to Austna-lluugary regaiu
lug the sinking of the Italian steam
ship Ancouu reveals a formal demand
by the United States for prompt de
nouncement ot the "illegal and Inde
fensible" act, for the punishment of
the submarine commauder and for
reparation by the pajmonl of Indem
nity for the hilling and lujurlug of
innocent American citizens.
The demand follow a statement in
forming Austria-Hunjtary that "th
good relations of the two countriss
must rest upon a common regard fur
law and humanity."
The note arraigns the shelling and
torpedoing of the liner as "Inhuman."
"barbarous" and a "wanton daughter"
of "helpless men, women and chll-
soclation of Oreson City, was arrested
on a federal complaint sworn out by
Assistant United Statea District Attor
ney Rankin. He Is charged with us
ing the mails to defraud. The alleged
swindle was based on a plan of selling
land certificates whereby persona
were supposed to buy 5 and 10-acre
orchard tractB.
Pendleton Police Chief Arrested.
Pendleton. Chief of Polio Alex
Manning and Policeman Omar Ste
phens are under arrest on a charge
sworn out by E. W. McComaa of as
saulting htm with a dangerous weapon
last Monday night, when McCemajt
was hit over the head with the hUljr
club in ths hands of Manning.
Qlve Oregon lulldlng to Army.
Portland. At a meeting ot tht Ore
gon commission ot the EJanama-Paoltlo
international exposition it was resolv
ed to present the Oregon building oa
the exposition groun&i to the United
States government as an army club
house All bids rocontly made for its
purshasa wero ordonM rejected.
U ufic!al aud diplomatic circles the
oeauu::!caUou w regarded as being
ii eouth&Uo doclaration to come
aj t'ststl ates government
! lit- : if V.p Luropean
TJio war college recomtuenda that
lu thla urea should be pornmnonUy
staUouod ulito rettluitfuts of infantry,
Ui4.u .otiutfptif - cavalry, Hn.o and
u half roglnjeulti of field' artillery, two
uud a h)f biittallont) of tliunl corpa
irtd iuiu aero BQiiif!ro.
Variety Store
TiliuMok, Ore.
Land Fo Sale
40, SO, 120 or 160 acres of the Dr. Brooks'
rnuch, 3 miles south and Vi mile west of Tilla
mook on old Netarts road. Three of the 40
sure tracts hare one half or orer good bottom
land which the tide, backing up through a cre.k
from the Tillamook River Va mile east.oTerflows.
There is a barn 4-0x80 on one 4-0 crt tract
which is 3-5 bottom. There is a very good
house on one 40 acre which is Va bottom, and a
school house, is also located on this 40. One 40
acre which has no buildings is Va bottom laud.
The remainder is bench pasture lands (some
plowed) but mostly set to red clorcr. One 40
bunch timber laud, some grazing.
Price Will Be Right. Pari; Trade. Will
Give Terms.
Will scl! 40, 80, 120, 160 acres cr ail.
See Owner, f. C0UW?.
At Ramsey Hotel.
ir theater thero Is ' c n ... , .... , ...., ... ....-.. ,
h, but In Volhytila ' FranCO-BriilsIl Expedition RC- Irenes aiscrtlng that they had made