'S .1 ISSUED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAY AND FRIDAY iIC?E:3"r OjROUL-ATION OF ANY PAPER, I N TILLAMOOK COUNTY JU ..., Tillamook, Okijgon, Dkckmjiku 14. 1915. if The Fst National Bank Capital and Surplus $30,000 Member Federal Reserve Bank omcisKs U t" Uliub, IVwtilent4 V. J, Klwljcrjt, Dtihirr I c Hol.lcn, Vfuc IVg?. J. 15. Kclilnon, Ait, CaJiicr C J KdwnnliT J . . Iloltlcn IJIKHCTOKS l-'otcr Molncl W.J. Kfahcn A. W. Ilium JH. C. I.ituib Careful attention yiven to nil Hanking business placed iu our hands. ODD WJJ.OW HUILDI.NM. TILLAMOOK. ORK ALEX- M'NAIR & CO. II A KI H AKE KITCHEN RANGES an HEATING STOVES See Ua for Price Before Ordering Elsewhere THE PRUDENT MAN' IS H NEVER OUT OF A JOB AND WITHOUT MONEY IN THE BANK RcprotR wrin't hrlnn- h.nA tha monoy you have oxtrava- . - i, - ... II.. r . i . . Imn n ic mniinu '"V 'UIIL. VJI1U OUI u II IUIIU wv lho bank. But tho man who banks his monoy is tho man who gains 6 confulonco of his omployor and holds his job. Monoy in the bank also moans CREUI I ana uunri- follow mon. . . Make OUR bank YOUK banK. Wo pay 4 por cent intorost on Savings Dopsits. Tillamook County Bank Subscribe For The Tillamook Herald. Issued Tuesday and Friday. Civic Improvement Club Entertains i A Coolly Nt-aber of Our Pceplt Calagr. j inJ Enjoy a Few Hoar AW Mwte.- Wit, Haaw aM StcUkititr Last evening about three hundred of! .our people gathered the Prebylrl , (Ulkl Hull Ntii) thorp, under Ik 'pice of tha Civic Improvement Club njuved m splendid program and a fow ( hour of ocIahllity. Ihc first number on tho program .consisted of selection by tho McGhee orchestra which were well received. The rrccril nutaber wu a reading bf i John LeUmi Henderson, from Marfa ; Twain Innocence Abroad, entitled "The Kuropean Guide." We alwaye look for something good when Mr. Hen derson takri the platform and were not disappointed In Oil case. Mr. lien-: derton's efforts were much approclat-j The next number 'm a vocal aolo by Mlii Mabel Coyne. Minn Coyne has a ect votco which I gradually Im proving. We bespeak for her a bright future ni a vocallkt. Her number was murh enjoyed. i nv fourth number on the program was a nrlccllon by thu HIkIi School Clfc Club, which wi appreciated and encored. I'rpf. I. C. Crockatt of the Tllla mook Ilkh School kvo ome Interest Ink' and amusing reading In tho Scotch dialect which wore well received by tho audlunci'. A mate chorus by members of the club rendered two very kikmI and ap propriate numbers. Mrs. Fred IVonnun rendered In htr usual pIcnBlnK style a very nice vocal solo, which was well rcreiyed. AfUr the program those present formed in line nndmjrhrUaround the hall and each one received a piece of pic and some other eatables, after which some limo was spent In a social way. The olllctTh of the club wish to sin cerely thuiik the dllfercnt committees for Ihu elllclent work performed in makinc tho ntTnir a success. THE SCHOOL TO GIVE ENTER- TAINMENT FRIDAY NIGHT 1 n 11 m The Public .School ami Parent Tea Cher'a Association will ve a Christ mat entertainment, Kridiv nluht at r ' - - - .,' ..v.iw. iiuv.imii.uiii. Thm will be fiumLtri on the rros?frp fPltff AVarv rrvatilva t,t lU.. -t.- ..I I Wiveral from the High School. Third, fourth and Fifth gradca have rirenared apeclal Christ maa plays, he primary grades havo little playlets and dialog ues. The upper grades, recitations and special musical number ami the lilxh JJchool music class is working up some pedal music In connection wlth..Mc- 'Cbee'a orchestra. In addition to this. It Is expected that there will be spclul lumbers by talented members of the J'arciil Tencher's Association Including Mr. and Mrs. Koch. There will In- a harge of 10c and 2Sc to go towards raising a School Beautiful fund from men rnoney will bo taken to purchase mo additional art material for the chool rooms and especially at this time to go toward the purchase of a ylctmla for tho use of the school. A Pnc program Is promised. Everyone ahould attend. Industrial Review Of Oregon New Item about Statewide Indattries laipreTemcati aad Building on The Increase FIRE BOYS BENEFITS ZADDACH-STEPHENS WEDDING Miss and MUST STAY AT HOME. YET THEY GET AN EDUCATION University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. ').- Times that In some localities arn not so good as they might bo are swell ing the enrollment in the corresKii)d enco'study department of the State University. Most of those who enroll seek university credits toward u de gree, and since October tho enrollment hss been l&C. High School students who cannot yet come to the University because of finances often enroll, as do school tenchurs who win t to prepare for ex aminations for higher certificates. Many n human interest touch is con tained in tho letters received: "We havo a boy who would like some more education but can't bo spared from homo just nt present." writes mi Oregon woman. "I'leiiso pardon my envelope. I would havo to ride ten miles to get another, I ntn so glad you didn't soul yours ho 1 could usejit," writes n Crook County girl. A man who holds down a homestead near Sheriduy, Oregon, wishes to utilize his spnro time in the best pos slide mniiner. and usks for courses ami prices, "which aro nn important item," he says, not knowing no correspond- once study foes are charged, beyond ul postage fee. Housewives' sometimes enroll, "to avoid Btngniition," as nno of them put it, and one young farmer enrolled in an ''Introduction to Philosophy" course SURPRISE PARTY AT BEAVER Lust Thursday evening twenty-two friends of Mr. and Mrs F. H. McKlnley surprised tiioin at their homo In Hea ver. Dancing, music and games caused thu evening to pass all too quickly. A doliclous luncheon waa served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Joe KoHtlo, Misses Annio and Ruby Johr. son, Miss Koxio Woods, Miss Delhi Ilollmeyer, Miss Lir.rlo Erdt, Mr. Hob ort Furknei, Mr. Oscar Johnson, Mr. Olllu Woods, Mr. Kdw. Ureeey, Mr, Albeit t Ki.K, Mi. Letter Forkuor, Air Cliria Erdt, Mr. Clinton King mid Mr.. Wiuroii Johnson, On Sunday last at High noon Agnes Zaddach, daughter of Mr. Mra. Fred Zaddach of Mohlcr. was fnarried to Chas. Stephens at the Ne balem church by Itev. Ernest Smith. gilbert Zaddach acted as best man and Is Ellen McKlmens acted as bride's laid. The services at the church were ttended by about 'AK) friends. After the wedding some 20 friends of the tontractlng parties gathered at the borne of the bride where a splendid eddlng dinner was much enjoved. The bride Is a well known and highly rWpected Tillamook County girl while fife'' groom Jrn-'aweeesafiH' bridge con tractor. They havo the best wishes of host of friends. THE LIGHTHOUSE TRAIL Salem, Dec. 13. Eugene will have Caterpillar cars on streets, fiig shipbuilding Is proposed at St Helena capable of building steel boats bumpier- Hig merger plan for de velopment of mining on gigantic scale proposed. Final announcement is made that total tax Itry will be $562,000 less than last Tear. Burns promises J125.000 ir Strahorn will include that city. City auditor of Portland refuses to approve claims of city officials for seats In observation car. Smoker or chair ears are good enough for anybody. If they want something better, they can pay for it. Contract let to build Florence water sytem. Hawley paper mills at Oregon City plan $500,000 addition increasing capac ity GO per cent and employing 1000 hands. Hood River has new industry, a rol ler mill. rortianu trains now run on raw Oregon City line from Baker's bridge to Milwaukee. Bay City Oregon Box & Lumber Co. Bcgtnnlng Wednesday and Thursday of this week the fire boys will be given the proceeds of the ticket office at the Star Theatre on those evenings and for every alternate Wednesday and Thurs day evenings thereafter for sometime. The proceeds are to be used to purchase bath room fixtures for the fire boys, the same to be installed at the new city hall. "The Spenders" will be shown next Wednesday and Thursday. at Roaeburg under way. Woodmen of the World planning $100,000 building in Portland. Roaeburg Catholic Church will be re modeled at cost of $6,000. Southern Pacific Co. employs 1400 men In Portland with annual payroll of $1,400,000. Vale Ben Matthiesen in six weeka took $2200 in gold from Placer mining on upper Willow Creek. Planing mill in Eugene will nana facturc baseball bat. Powers has new school with 259 pupils enrolled. Roseburg Review states that county officials elected on economy program have broken faith. Remedy, compare promises and results and vote accord ingly at next election. Pendleton post office shows increase of 30 per cent. Eugene cannery is shipping 15,000 cases of beets, cabbage and carrots to U. S. Army. San Francisco. SL Helens creamery now in opera- is estimated that Oregon will tion. j spend $4,000,000 on roads In 1916. Echo has let contract for $10,000 city . Warren Construction Co. is paving hall. Riverside Drive at Pendleton. i l elegrapb cable la being laid acroee The Light-housu Trail which leads over the cape to the Cape Mears Light House, is being kept in shape this winter by attorney John Lcland Hen derson, and is now in good passable condition. This trail is now wide enough Hourly all the way for a team and wagon, but the bridges are weak. However, Mr. Henderson hits made trails around these bridges so that horsemen can take a single horse around without any trouble. The trail proper is about 4$ miles long. The trip from Tillamook to tho light house is rstiniNted to be about it miles and is a very pleasant and popular one for hikers. Since last May Mr. Henderson has worked at least 35 days on this trail, and except for u few days work now and then by others has done the most of the work on it. The trail should really be named Henderson' trail in honor of Mr. Henderson and hereafter the Herald will designate it as such. Mr. Henderson is a public spirited man and likes to see things go ahead and done right. By a vote of 970 to 233 voters of Salem defeated an experimental pave ment lien law against property. Booth-Kelly Co. is building new burner at Springfield. Tian are tinder way ' ioufJ,,new" road cutting out Pioneer Hill on road to Newport Removal of old building prepatory to erection of new $100,000 post office Coos Bar. Growers Association may build can nery at Scio thia winter. ' A I though"! n"e rattrb'acSare' prceper ing they are not offering'prizes to the pedestrians who tresspass on the right of way and thus get tbemselvea man gled. Mt. Scott Herald. BURGLARS SENTENCED CHIT Nicholson and Ed. Omar who were tried before Judge Bagley last week for burglary were found guilty and sentenced to two to tivo years in thu stat? penitentiary. These young men with Carl Dennis who plead guilty to the charge of forgery were taken to Salem on Sunday by Deputy Shcritl'ii Campbell and Swenson. LARD AT REDUCED PRICES 10 lb. pails Tillamook Meat Co'b. pure lard for $1.25 cash. 5 lb. pnilsC5c. 3 lb. pails 40c. 50 lb, cans for 12c per pound. Variety Store TilUmik, Ore. "DROP IN AMD LOUK AROUND if Land For Sale 40, SO, 120 or 160 acres of the Dr. Brooks' rauch, 3 miles south sine! Ys mile west of Tilla mook on old Netarts road. Three ot the 40 acre tracts have one half or o'er good bottom land which the tide, backing up through a creek from the Tillamook River VI mile east, overflows. There is a barn 40xS0 on one 40 acre tract which is 3-5 bottom. There is a very good house on one 40 acre which is V bottom, and a school house is also located on this 40. One 40 acre which has no buildings is Vi bottom land. The remainder is bench pasture lands (some plowed) but mostly set to red clover. One 40 bench timber land, some grazing. Price Will Be Right. Part Trade. Will Give Terms. Will sell 40, 80, 120, 160 acres or all. See Owner, C. B. COLLINS, At Ramsey Hotel. oOOOOBOOO0OOOO0OCOOOOOOOO0 000OO0OO0OO00O0O000000O K you want to buy a good watch cheap j'ou can do it of me. lam going to close out one half my regular stock of watches. The sale will last U0 days. I also have a beautiful stock of Jewel ry and Silverware. Prices Away Down We Grind Agates to Order Right Here in Tillamook A. H. HARRIS Jeweler and Optician In Tillamook Drug Store o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o o o o o g o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO