Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 16, 1915, Image 4

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Ill .it' ll ill
. .1
II" I"
Why those Pains?
Here la a testimonial unsolicited
' If I had HIV W.'l ! n n'J
l-e adrrrtned on every Kin (
comer Ihe insn or wi- na t
that hut rhrumttum and tsi'i
lo keep nd me Sloan's Lini
ment i 'ike a drownm,; nsn
refuting ( rope. " J I at
JM, airwa, A", A
1 L
.f.mvmr or in
urjirt than too fort of any building,
tow creeled, unless the written con
Mm t the owner or owner of suih
building be first ohtnlucd In writing,
trli ricil hv tltr Common Council ot
liU.iimx'k City. Oregon, to the legal
i.irr thereof, be eMnctctlr
iNotkp id Appointment SUMMONS
. mimrn ,un.,r U
Nolle U lififliy given, that h ' H
County Court for Tillamook, ('minly
has duly appointed the iiiHleislgnid
Ailiiiitiuirutiir in n iii' oi '"
Kennedy, deceased, i'd all persona
win tnrjrui, ov v-m.viVM. I livoionji i - r.- "i , - -
Mntk X between the number ami FvnnU firciirrlnn TlirOlKlllOllI bavin claims cii"it .aid estate two
.ui.wer voter for. tVOnlS UCCIIfTimj I III immjiiuiii (irra,v ,rt(U,rr, ,,, ,,t,,tU ltl mh, ,,,
u. ei niir iim Pact inm. Hi in pirt'-f
lllll OIUIU iuiiiiy u.u i
In ordinance cover the ground
sine. I in tltr question a submitted
i'. vc li .tiller from tlto provision.
i xkIiimmcc Xv jua here-iii net wit
mi id tt it permit the building and
mmi iun(r of iltc structure and
m i iieiel ly the ordlitftttee
v.iii't iiv leet of thr hHllUliti oi
i wntit-ti jierimioii of the owtiei
wMi ihrtvot be obtniueil In
tt it"'t
Wi uii ctrction Mill he held til S
.'.'ik ) ihe wotnlnit U will con
i-M r wtuil o'cloek In the evtitttiK of
u.l i In
Muni thi tftth ilny f N'oveitibei.
John AjcMiii.
City RetortleT f TUh
moaW City. OrK6n.
y Sprainsi
Ni ti.c ci C. hlea. 'r (or Tillamook
C:fy Orecon.
'cri ! kMcn, that oa
tun iu of December,
M i i.i-..
-. .it ' ic City Mn n iiiwmoQN
Iil imook County. Oregon, a
rix'J..ir icciion will be held in sid
ci i'. lot :hc elettion of the foUowhtK
! li-, o erve for one year;
I iu luncilmcti. one front each
;o ervc for one year;
Wut Commissioner from FUth
.iri! t" serre fie year;
c is 1 rcaturer to cre for one
hirrtlur there will be submitted to
the at said election for their
.i.ultt. n or rejection, the folloiwn);
nri:naticc. to-wit:
Ordinance No. 303.
An 1 riiaucc granting to the Stan
dar i il Company, a corporation,
ptr .111 -.-ion to locate, erect, operate
anu iminuin any warehouse, :anknce
or botii. and other necessary butkl
ing on a certain tract of land des
cribed as follows.
Water Lots. No. t, No. 2, So. 3.
and No 4, W. D. Stillwell's Ailditiou,
to tit of Tillamook, Tillamook
Count. tor the storage and distribu
tion t j otroleum ana n products
.-m l other kinds of merchandise hand
led lv .-aui company.
The rcujtle of Tillamook City do
Ordain as lollcvt
bvctwn 1. ihe Mandard Oil Com
liat. i. corporation, having asked
pcrinissio'.i to locate, erect, operate
am! maintain a warehouse, tankage or
both and other nvecisary buildinc,
on a certain trv-ct 01 ground described
as follows.
a;cr Lots N'o. 1, No. 2, So. 3.
ami No. .j, V. D. Stillwell's Addition,
Cit of Tillamook, Tillamook County,
for the storage and distribution of
petroleum and its products and other
kinds of merchandise handled by said
co:::pany, and the same having been
considered by the City Council, it is
hereby ordained and permission is
licrrhy gien and granted to the
bta..Iard ' Ml Company, a corporation
to ..catr. rrvit, operate and maintain
,i i arehoiiiC, tankage, or both and
other necessary buildings upon that
cerium tract of ground described as
follow s
Water Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3,
and No 4 y 1). Stillwell's Addition,
l'it 01 Tillamook, Tillamook County,
for :he storage and distribution of
pci-oleum and its products and other
ki i 's of merchandise handled by said
1'r' vided, however, that no ware
hoi i or storage tank shall be erect
to it inain'runid on said property,
ui.'N r the provisions hereof, nearer
that: 100 frrt to any building now
ore'-rd m lillamook City, and,
1- ). ided lurihi r, that if the said
Stardird ' Ml ompany shall at anv
tun. in conduct its said business on
sai.' property that the same shall be
co .1 menace to the lives or prop
trt. f tin- p"opb- of Tillamook City,
tl. ;! is ordinance shall thereupon
beio in- null arid void.
Ni'im 2. 'I his ordinance shall be
bul ': 1 rd in tie "J illamook H.adlight
a v kly nrvspupcr published in
'J ill 4 nook Cnv, Oregon, and shall
tak- .fact am! he in force imtned-iatel.-
upon the expiration of thirty
day - .ftr its pa -.sage and approval.
V.. i'h Ordinance was adopted by
thf oinmon Council of Tillamook
Cit. . Oregon, on the iStli day of Oc
tob. ioi, and was thereafter order-
. r r Icrred to Im- m l riairook
City, Cregon, bo petuimi sh- 'rgal
voter thereoi. a-u! a!o .'ir lol!owm
propised ordinance, lo vni
Ordumnc: N'o. .
An Ordinance granting to Standard
il Company, a eorporntion. per:nt
lon to locate, erect, operate and
maintain wareliouses. tanks, or both,
and other necessary buildings, on a
certain tract oi tend decrhcd
Water lo?s numbered t. 3. d 4.
in W. D. Still wells Addition to the
City of Tillamook. Tillamook County.
Oregon, for the storage and distribu
tion of petroleum and it products,
rsnd other kinds of merchandise hand
led by said company, and repealing
Ordinance X o. ioj of the ordinance
of the City of TilUmook
The people ot Tillamook Citv do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Standard Oil Company
j a corporation, having requested per
! mission to locate, erect, operate and
maintain warehouses, tanks, or both,
and other necessary buildings on a
, certain tract of and described at fol
lows: Water lots numbered 1. A 3.
and 4, in V. D. Stillwetl Addition
to the City of Tillamook. Tillamook
County, Oregon, ior the storage and
distribution of pctroWru and its pro
ducts, and other kinds of mcuhandiic
handled by said company, :nd the
said request having been considered
by the Mayor and Council of said
city, it is hereby ordained and per
mission is hereby given and granted
to said Standard Oil Company, a cor
poration, to loc.i;e, erect, operate and
.naintain warehouses, tanks, or both,
rnd other necessary buildings upon
that certain tract of ground described
os follows Water Lots 1, 3, c and 4.
n W'. I). Slillwclls Addition to the
uy of Tillamook. Tillamook County,
Oregon, for the storage and distribu
tion of petrolcum and its products,
.mil other kinds of merchandise hand
led by said Standard Oil Company
' Provided, however, that no storage
tank or tanks, or gasoline in cases,
shall be erected, maintained, tored
or kept on said property, under the
provisions of this ordinance, nearer
than one hundred f 100) feet to anv
building (not including unroofed
platforms) now erected or existing
in Tillamook City, unlca the written
consent of the owner or owners of
any such building or buildings be first
obtained in writing.
f'rovided further, thai if the said
Standard Oil Company shall at any
time so conduct its said busincs.s or
said property tha: the same shall be
I come a tnt nace to the lives or prop
Crty of the people of Tillamook Citv,
' then this ordinance shall 0 rretipott
become null and viod.
. Section j This ordinance shall be
J publish! d in the Tillamook Hcad
1 light, a sikl newspaper published
j m Tillamook City, Oregon, and shall
I take effect and be in force immediat
I cly upon the expiration of thirty days
'after its passage and approval.
! Section a Ordinance Kn wt nf
Tillamook City is hereby repealed.
Submit iml to the people of Tilla
mook City, Oregon, for their adon
tion or rejection by the Common
' ouncil of Tillamook City, Oregon,
by resolution adopted November .jib,
1 9 1 5.
The ballot title to he tised at said
election for voting upon the adoption
ir rejection of said Ordinance shall
at as follows:
For the first ordinance set out
(No. 303 )
Kefercnduro ordered by petition of the legal voters of Tillamook City:
Shall Ordinance No. 303 passed by
the Common Council of Tillamook
City, October 18, 1015, and referred,
by petition, to the voters of said City,
be enacted?
-Mark X between the Number and
answer voted for.
is Ordinance gives the Standard storage and distribution of petroleum
' ompany a right to maintain and its products, provided the same
01.se aod tanks on water lots shall not be erected or maintained
.r'(l 'fn?:. 3. and 4, Stillwells nearer than 100 feet of any building
irn to Tillamook City, for the now erected in Tillamook City.
l-'or sr -ond ordinance set out herein
amc k City by the Common Council.
Referred to the legal voters of Till-
Shall an ordinance granting to the
Standard Oil Company permission to
locate, erect, operate and maintain
warehouses, tanks, or both, and other
necessary buildings 011 water lots
numbered J, z, 3, and 4, W, D. Still
wcll'3 Addition to Tillamook City,
for the slortige and distribution of
ivctroltutn and its tirodnrta nn,l .il...
Winds of merchandise handl'' by aid
"pa-.. and providing that nr, utor-
nk O" lanks, or gasothe in
' " ' r I'cr. 1 j.if(l ,..'
Clnreru-o Msllett nml family Imv
moved to taing l'rtilrln where tlmy
have- rented a place'.
Mr. Ktmer llopkitu who has boon
a patient nt the Tillitmook Santtnrium.
was brottcht Ihhiio ngniii Thiiminy
much impruvcil. Miss Joneis the inline,
aecotnpanlng hor on the trip. Mn
lUipkins is full of pnti.no of tho excel
lent earu received nt thu Sanllrlttn.
Miss Jonos alio paid a vift to Onesr
Krvtu her erstwhile patlont at th
Sanitarium, who was very glad to e
Mrs. Kbbcrly of Hunks, Oregon, is
a( the Miner Hopkins home, utirlnr
her sick daughter. Mr. llnpVtn. who
is now convalescing.
Mr. Cox und family of llo.ivur wnr
of Oruin fur t ill
lltt W. Ph.i. MhI ltlria Ik .
(.nUfflrd hHtftf J(lh
IlklltM I Mf. t.s " fe
IN Till: ,NA 'Pop Till' ...
Thr Oovrrners CntUIr Ory L
PartlAHil. - Thre rmr
meet on th we ptnUwrtii Ini-smsMn
i-owprrattv Joint aHm In -nfrefn
dr laws, Uomor J .!
don at hi nUip I'f luf lhr
miM'K t it v. i'i.-Bn. or in ,",u,'jTii tloltftlrd Kitrg
Man. hit AttttriieV Ml III" tllll N tt'H iihhimI .lf-. t.
Ciiiiiineteial li.tg TlllniitiM.k l ItV,
trvgtH. prt'ril MUltltd ht'eotdlitg to
lw. within nix inwutb frsuii the dotoi
01 till lleiuer. niill l ytn,. .
......... -'OT:, 1 -fOTi
i to aiiimar n B ir
' ll.nr.ir ll, i.l . . . .. ' i?r
, ., , . I'll .Irt.l. I.
klB I.M..L.
Notice (H IWcvloniio Solo
to. w 1... .UtMM llovarHtSr ...i.v, .1 .lloiirt for lint I ...
?,'.ort l.lstw of WsMflo ' ( sv virtue of rtuin judgii.pnt ami jf f fdni.,h
Mo.es A W earner of Idaho at th open aew mad lil P 'M fr 11 1 & U . ' ' H1 t
ik contention da of iieig-i. ivia. in iwe v. ""' ,,. 7. "U
th- Anti Saloon of Oregon ' ' " ' ' . ", ' . 1 .,.,v ' (h fMt" of 11 ir t -f ."'V
ft - WHM temple Nowmiiwf it Joeei U IMImw ral Willteiii IV. egur. "' '-. V (
. . - , , ,....4 ....... , .i 1...1 .....ai ,..l.i I IHr III H rrrtalu I I r.li..
l . ... h..Mw Th, di.f.Hi a tint, 11. wiw.. uittH u rv i,:."::.r"",' ilc
" ' t . . 1 . . . . . u IN.. iu M l I " - -'
iiniliw runs tkrough atl t th
st day tvnd eloeee with a masni-ri
1 00 th national pMhibmon am nml
'IlkuMiMott and r laid A ."iHiatv. In lh
,unn of -. ti. lm b ami JTWt, W.
, tth lfilrnl at the rste "f pr roni
i from Jul . II. I srtl.r.r with the
Sosember IT. ddreal W Itirhmont iuf(ev.- ItH.
iVarson Hohson. longntesHiati tro-i ivv j n Hrjt ( , n,w uurl tnpr
latssma. an4 father of tta pdudtns He ! )ute ft wl Ofctj Uiieet
.uvtionut dry am..ut. ' tB tee n-l wsu-rtj MH',r
' lift ed to Iw l t eslUlv ") JOMg'
"r' " '" ' tt out sel deervr lt the d judg
Tlmbfr Deal Is Meportrd, , n t and i!wfr prnVHMI. th u.alo-
I'Hnevllle --The dovhtwBl of the ; ai;0 .1' ft I T11U ..! minly,
lumber Lduatry , ctm, OrOBun I. .tC H&Ww', V
expected to cause n tmaiii In u ftun th -nrtlwue Jo.r .f TilliiwV
ire lu tbe busloeea nud population CouHty. (tfetntn. In the flty tf TtMii
in llnavitl RallrtMH lntnrHt linn monk . W 111 e tl nt tut sale a t Irtlblte He-
OMionr en I
onfirm the rumor tbnt tin Itocer
Youmane Lumber eompuur ha erwn1
colly rompleted its tmdn Vlth th
tinned Htatei oirriment. by wkien
ih.' lumber company will truant;" a
lars;e amount of acatlured bind a ad
visiting nt thu Gravm humo Inst week. ' ' "M b,or! atit,ttt ,9'9
. . . ! M I H. t.l. llM., 1. 1... , I - tft-hH
.Mrs. cox It a slstor of .Mr. (.ravon.
Notices are up iinnouncing it apciat
school meeting to bo hold Snturduy. I
Nov. 27, 1 p. m. at the school house. I
lino far eth to the bfehiHit
Will ll ill lieibllr auelton I' I
rii lo tbe hbl bidder, the
MCiwtng dexeribi !! prptlt.
tl. aiiuated in IiIUihd-A t oufty,
tr-vsri, and irairo p.r l-iUtl d
Kfii 'd as follow
The NVtlh half of too aftbscll
ty. Oiegon, at pK. . 1 j?
UM.W tt.rv fr. .M .!
ami tlltblll.f hict'U f Ihu ...
mil -wolo imp 11 . 0 m I j
iim ii uav ni 1,1 1 in,
utMt aurti imvn i, (s4,
plaintiff rvrodr. 1 cUitfut,
inn'iii'ii in -ni'i 1 i-i 1 if u,
Ujan a laiiHlr I. a, mj j1M
iiw.ipr 111 nrenrua1 11, .
that all I Mil. title . I.I. .1 ,
-l Of III! lletcr.irl. f4 K4
Uiu ur iIcfiJ l lU'titri UfJ IM
I ml rtit lift I xi lie- Krd to (4 bit
void alttl of ivurffF. 1 Ikal ..ilj
sut. and all ! rUitrf,t
Wir.lUn, 111 Ulttlrf V ttr tf ,jow
tria-lll. IKI KOInMtr hil'i. I.-.'
01 anv ltl all tigi '. ij (ipltr
dcmtition In the ' J ftf iri
l ,M I-TIII III f lrH. Jtffl
the plaintiff. A"e(l W lb
HUBIir I S 1 ssrt- IIBU II I n t vei w s-wi ae , . . t .
of Tsluable tlmcer In what I I. no 11
at the Ot'hoco forrat rtwnrvo. Th-i-orapany
ill bare in tho nntgttbor
hood tkf Seo.OOO.OOO rel. which will
have to be milled ulthln 10 year nl. t ' page 819. Ied Reeords.of Tlllolmol
1 t . 1 ..
will nu-M!tntn Immettiate eonstrur ! . , ,K ,,
i Al bcgiwtirig at a uuint on the I
turn of a sawmill and railroad jj MVHntfr lrw t K. Suth.i r.f.
her of lot Sti ti of .wtioti .1 (6) In
fore eonvevest to bebwl lUtll N
tiy iratrumenl reeiidel in I took "P
IfK- larelii dmr.. ti4 hJ
.1 . 1 . .11 ... 1 .. t 1 ...
u.tii u . v . . u u . . ' 1 . .nun. . ei
I W..I..U k.,1 m Iha , A kl l.n
l.lt ' rbe 1 t f M r-f S
T, TH. K tW i f M tH,m
I bit iWMM'i it 1
of the Mot A M I1
r"urnisht.il or unfurnished aMrtmoiitai COTTON GROWN
for rent at tho Tilco Apartment in
tbo Masonic building, All mtalorn
cotiver.ionccs. nt business center.
Knoulre at ller-M Ollieo.
I1T1 IM .'I I ."'IIWII SK 1 "f 1 a'tJ,l a
. In Township T f.'i .W kaoge te n"m-K t - v
Amurlcau cotton valued nV appruxb
mntely JSo.ooo.OOO. consigned to Gur
tunny. Is held by Italy.
Mrs. Hnluy Shetard. formerly Heln
Oould. mid bur huab.tnd. h.iv.i adopttNl
a $ year old orphan boy.
All clubs nt Ynln cotlrKii havo boon
served wltlt notlco by the faculty that
uo liquor most be sorvod hcrmitler.
Arlington. Va.. tJilk.xl by wlreleiss
telephone with Paris. FVanee. Mono
lulu also heard tho operator talk ins
from Arlington.
Photos ot the I'nuuum ennui block
nde show that the extreino pressun '
on the high sldM forced tho bottom of
It np, making It dry land
Almost every railroad ontortng Nes
York or with terminals on the .Nov
Jersey shore across the Hudson re
ports n general revival of freight trot
ue un qualed since 1907
Aft r ruttlrg telephone- nml powe
wires to prevent aid being culled, fin
bugs started four tiros til Hornt Br' u
brewr hop ranch, east of Hiicrnmer
to. causing damage of 3S,0(m.
Report Kitchener Smt to Pacify Incd
Washington Karl Kitchener's nit:
ir.nlc m.ssion during his myntsrlr 1
ubsc!:c- tro:n tho JJrltlrtt war offleo .
said 1j c i!.':don:..al Information ri.
coived here, to bo India. whi;."o, uc
cording to tho name Information, Ilrti
tsh rule is confronted Willi a morn ser
lous stgto of uurost than has generally
ben known outside nf Ilrltish offtclui
Member of State experiment Sjtjtien
Qet Plant 30 Inehrt Tall.
Hood Hlvpr Probably the flrsi et
ton er to be grown to maturity trs
Uregon tins been raited this 9 ear nt'
tbe J. P. McLean place by l,Uu
r'hllds, a member of tho staff of the
local brnoeti of tbe Oregon stale ri
pertinent ntiuion. While the eoito:
was not planted until lu June. ;t 1-noA-
30 tnehea toll and tbe hrncti
lire londed wtUi bo! It two luehee tn
length. Tun boll, filled with fber
probably will burst open when touch
ed by the ftrsi heavy frost.
"In year with normal weethrr'
says Sir cvpi. " do not think the
cotton idanu would liato thrived so
well The long continued dry. watn
weather of natufwn hua allowed It t
attain Its growth."
(Itn W
M ft.
v WillBM-lti Meridian,
.l .. iai a- .Iter. l!t. ahl trn
SISB U MIWI"i 1' Y. . . s . k
1 ..v.. -1 ,k.,.w ina,-4iiinf to b m.i
,1 sn'i ii.- .'.., si ll tueelVK. 114
. . fhililttt( rilt lliatru,r
1 ' vi M v
' 'eon, lot
" ity
1 1 e Wsl
IV... .,... i...-.4. iKioiieation irier.i "MMW
th. IH.H7I rhama. lhei.ee Notlii t ate f Oeiuber. 191
kal ovtiniwn and p'btj bundredtht
tl'Hli) f'aiiva. lbx-e N'orth eighteen
and lhrr fourth lf' ir, Vt
I .. - . .-I .IHSM I... 1. Ilk.. .JHtl
mr,,W HI1 'fBw 1 1 I . . ... ...
e n nw, iTi in wnn ir ufg ,,iww
r. ii t.
AttOfOr, t t ",f4 ",
ol Oregon, lor the loUBiysl
I illnmook
(21 ehelrtr, tbe fHKfoig botng tbe
Ittoutider llre of high ter. lhMr
Wt ten (III) rhairw Ui lew wator
leers. meiH-e a fang ttio mttr Wnejj K jUtK)f ,., i l.eu
of low wate a fellow' '. j v
eiii.lrw, tbenrv Sowtl. t de Wast eight
and twenlv one hundredth ixtl)
chains, tnenee Aoulh 7
Kati nlnetoen aral fifty
John 1W Walton, hrt Iwhsl
Japan Crowns the Mikado.
Kioto, Japan. A churclillko hush
envulopud Kioto, tho unelont capital
of the omplro, when ICmporor Yosln
hlto and a gorgeous cortege in id
thulr Htatn entry Into tho city, whor
on Wodiiesday tho first great corona
lion ceremony was hold.
Merchant Tailor
2nd East Avenue
Putnam to Study Prison Manarjmn'
Salem fJeorge Palmer Pitnv
socretary to fiovernor With; row'
has left for tbe east on a visit eon
neatod with family buslneso, hit fath
or, J. Iltshop Putmm. of the publish
lug firm of 0 P Putnam Sons, harlm.
died Oetober i. At tho refjuest of ih.
governor he will visit Hlng Sing prl
on In Now York nnd Htlllwnier prison
In Mlnmunt; to t first hand Infor
mttilou eoneernlng rertuln phnsos of
prison admlrdstratlou He Is nl.o ti,
moot with a roproeenUtlve of tin ot
tensive flx manufacturing firm It.
Now York which Is eonxldorlng the
possibility of ostiiblUiblnis n itiunufnc
turlug plant lu Orogon.
Sunday Closing Summons Issued,
Portland llletr'.et nttornoya und
shorlffM nf 25 counties In Orogon worn
served by t'nlttxl atat. H Miirshal Mm;
tag's office with copied of fodnral
court ordtts to appear In Portland
November 16 nnd show onuno why nti
Injunction against Oregon's Sunday
clotting Jaw should not bo grunted to
tho UrunHwIok-flulko-Oollmidor com
pany, of Chicago. Suit was brought on
tho ground that tho Sunday law con.
filets with both Htato und fedoral eon-
8unday Law Held Invalid.
Portland Jtidgo Onntittihuln held
tho Sunday-cloning law of Jgij) imrori
Htltutlonnl, on thu ground that In di n
Ignatlng Siindny an tho Lord's da - it
makon n roIlglouM dlncrlmlnatlon, The
ruling wun mitdn In thu cuso of din
tato ngalnnt Dan Kollnhor, an appeal
Irom a conviction lu tho district court
Tho declnlon of Judge fJaiitimheln
meiuiH that Judgu Outeim' tiinipontry
Injunction roMtrulnlng tho unforco
riiont or tho law will be inudo pormu
7J.. ' ". "iwr uwmi INTIIK NAM r t TIIC Jl
nitvrt n f.ai m t nkai nsui iiiitiu I . t a . i . .........-.
, .. ... . . ' l".P.'M, W.f M ' - '
oner res naat lour III ClialO. invnen . ...... mi
M0,l'? ort .wn'l" (Court ot. the7th'.l. Kfti4.f.
rop.a.n ng lourieen ami mir' iHibl.cotl..- l I s saW.
all1:? ' If you fall to to ' a-st
sevirti (71 aitl e.ehl ( In 1 1 lor a Hue: . , i.tK-lacrt
. . . ... !! IVIII'l III I , I T
waieu ewiutwr iw. luir. .. ir .. ..... , ...,im
.. k. ii. v.i: i or iuiii-o v""w"
; iH.iir r Tin. .i. i-.... ni ..."."--
i ..-it-
, .... I . rfhl tt
. ',. , I .. . , .(., - , ... .1 H'1 , IM M - . ,
I..MII.V III 11)1.1 Ml .S '11 I' II HCill ....... It.. ' I . . I
3 in' I nil mi III I I'm -r ' .
TI1lli.PI I . .. Il.hj ...... I . i I . il IK I
- nun. in mm un n r.n. v
. iu 1 11 is IS lllvlirillY liIVKN. that! liollara. ftiiirnevs c ri W
oy VtrlUO of nil l-.tncutiun ami tlr.l, I I .O.I.,,....,. . 1. i,( ILH
of the Mliitn of O t 1 1 !.... I. i i ... .i. .. t (.kbi
v -- ... . ,iri i iii.-ii iii i.n- - i fi i
i-iiilllll, UIIU'U WIO lat I1UI Of .-.nvi.lli. .,,r. I. ,..ri.r 'r.l loot-
i, ii", iii imu ciiuti' wii.iii-in ' in i,ii hr.' l,, if... , m I ii vm
, . .. '. . in e-irm o. tin n ii n1 .
. . : nl , iilllllKRl'li IV H"i .
,, ,, --- -. .. .... -nv, t'l-.iucca wnicn sum tiiiiriun-u - e
IVi u , ruts i ip mi ii i i' ' ' 'I"""-
antnti, I rusteo, were dofindiwiU, uimn of oJ(.()0 und nti n
II lllik'lio-1,1 nml iU. ,.,.. ...... ... -....i . i .lul
,.f lY.t s
said dufendanta fur tint sum of Zi till. . I u..... llrm .'nrlli A 1. B I
, ' ' oi i (oi nnu I'tinr (ij ni 'V x
cmiiso on tbo ir.th day of October. PJlf.. J following tleaeilbd f. - e I
In favor of snbfe pIsintllT and ncainst I Tbo l-'ast Omi llfclf I ff ,k
j. ouieiiiianis i.ir ll.o Slim Of fcMOb. . w,,at One I'Otirlh ( A I- "
30, mil it tereal tl..ir.-,.i. in tbo rite of I (3) nml Pour I U of - IW"
Hlx per r.-nl per itiinum, and dlrertlng I (31) Township ri- ) f"
, ,, . : ' ii"-i-r' li Bin; ii iiiiiliui, n i
of the iieftfi.iiii.iis to suti.fy ii, said i Meridian, TiIIniiiiuk t mty.
jildgmcnl iiihI dnereo.
NOW 'HlRltKI'OUK. In order to
satisfy tho said judgment und dicreo
nun me in is mm eXpoiiscH nt nu ... I
sir i I I ..... 1. . . S.I.I 'a. a .
ciintaliiiiiL' ir.U.7i". iiert s more "
sum judgment, mm i" a -y
lb... of Iim tir.icec.U of till Ml"'
... . , , I tlllll III II U IIIU1 VIH '
will, l.n lint tl titty of hieumhe.r. I!lir. ,il, mre N
-. in. m mim uny, in ino . lo tile Mill afuellOII 01 ' iwr
nn.l ilmi ..Hi.l, .if wit. Ik lurrcs""
" ' ' . .n l
anyiigiu, tiiiu nrequn-
fn.i.t door nf tlm county eoiirthnuso In
illll.K.ook City, (Jrrgon s,. llt ,m,P
mir-tlon lo tho hlgheat bidder, for rush
in hijnd, nil of the right, title, ostiitu
nnd Interest of tho -i.ld defoniliints In
nml to iho ri al properly situate In T
umook (ouniy, Omgoii. more imrtlcu
liirly described as fohovvs, to wll;
Hi.'lllimliigH.ISfoot omi a,id!IOrif('oi smith
oi thoeornor to seetionh II, 12, l!l, and
I I, lowiis Ii n.t Smith of Kimgn 10 West
of the Wilh.inetlo Morldlim, thence
north :ir,,.Ht 2li feet, thenc. north 1
' t J... fct-t, thoii.e north 33 west lie
reo , thoneo smith Ilf. west to thu .enter
of Ihroo Hlvers to tlm .lnco.of begin.
w."nt" "'."iF lWo ,,cr"'. "H In Mo
tions 12 ami Ui, excepting fr,,,,,' Un
deeded o Wllllnm Wilson,
a1,1 'V-''' nt,rlhhio!. Oregon, this 2nd
day of Novuiiihei, IMG.
Hhoriir of Tillamook CounYOro'gon.
Bid Wanted.
Insurance Agents Held Liable,
Balern.-IJocao.iio many Iniiuranuo
agents lu Oregon have coutendr-.i iw
were not ruspounlble for thu payment 1 . 0n l,laV ,loo In school district Mr.
1 ! of tho premium on a policy Issued at : V'un' n1 peclllentlons will be
Df6A(Sfua wqttegt of another-agunt who de- '0Und ,n County .Superintendent's of
llrers the pulley to tha Insured, Itar-
' (!a'U ,ntcrl, w11 1,8 furnished by
yey WIU, statu Insurance commln. f ,"tr,ct 0,1 tho K'ound. All bids to
nr-rf i t um..r . ,rr. ,loner' nl ,MUM ull'n declaring f" 'V ' . m Nov 27. Hoard re.
5U .AmV AKF.P Y ' lhat hl" ivn'n,lttt WOUId 'W uu-nt f"VM the ''t to reject any and all
UiimuL... ..r tit ! sttii mi one i . - .
11 ruin vi in rii. iiiiiiMruLiuii ! -
in snui iiiamouK . oioiyi "
ortiiir oi tile iiounrnuie invito-
I... ... ..t .u..l I nlirt tl.SUt ou-
7ti. iinv or i ii-iiiiu-r. rji'i. on
j - - - - - v , . ...
slvo weeks therein. , . .
r a l. ,l,.i. mi IllfnnM
III HininiM.i
ja inviiiiua ifir liiu s t--- i.
Onto of first puhlleutlon
st fm r
Dutu of lust piiblieHllon
i. hlio
ilia p.K. ' fayi.iont
Will Maxwell, Chairman.
. C. Trowbridge, Clerk,
Sidney li. Henderson, Prrt.
Jehu Loland llciiderton,
Secy. Trese
Attorwey-at-haw. Notsry
TilUmook Title W
AWtract Co.
Uw, AlMtracU, heal
iurvaylnr. Inuriin0
Both Phenei
n... , . .r . OrSr.""