Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 16, 1915, Image 2

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Cbe Cillamook herald
C. 6. Cromblcy, editor
Kauri Ctvlcc .i Ulcck c s Cucsiiav and Frliloy
""t-Jnterrd Ktvotvt-ofcw wUr May l. UH. at the jvt oltlce at Tillamook,
Orvpnn, under tfu act of Marvh U, 1st'."
si HswRin tos si an a yik
real AiivcrtiwMftU
Tirst lnsrtKn, per line 5 .10
Karh sub?(miont inwrtton, line .05
ll.mstu1 otic - 5. IX)
Timber Ctaim 10.00
Notices, per linr .08
Curd of thanki, per line - .08
Loento, r line. rlrt insertion .7
Bneh MitKK'tnient insertion, lino
Itt-aoluUoMs of i ondolointt and
Uoipo witlro.t, per litio
limine t Profiwional card, mo.
Display Advert'semont. per Inch
At.L Dianlnv Ada tnu.it be in thi
fko on Monday and Thursday Morn
Inies to insure publication tit follow
inj; Taen.lay ami Friday iMUoa.
Kastu an imperative.
Notice Ol A.!.i"mmH
Tt'liSl.UY XOVK.MUKR 10. 101 ".
TilSnmooIi cheoae hat n up an- bohind Wilm is beeauje the Uird ha
other cvnt and is now filing for 16c. gotten bohind him ami endorsed him.
Never mmd Um. Baker. w know it i ami l.wrklnt with him. ami nut with
n.rv rmfui affair, but cher up Kmperor William, Kinvr Oeorw or tho
old man, if you can keen ihoeowadmd Ciar of Kttla. Whatovor the cause,
up j eu may still run a amali chant of this, prayinr president ia r-Koivinc sup
reif miM lh poat orfle. port fnt. morft unepetud mint tor.
Prhp prayer ia no I sue ft a bail thin
i ' aftw all, no matter what th aeoffer
41.3S6 proii paraded in amj scHmtinV skeptk may any. -Haiti
Chicago in prolt againa the enfory f taort Sun.
inc f the Sunday cloinff,law. TW- i.
the tirat tima have ever he Ml of
such abraten fal dafianoa of Jaw i"
thi c antry. Ctiieaffn now knij that
it ha at kat4l.S!6a!Jarht''wiaim
it- borJers V wonder how many an
arohista will make their appm.'( in
Tillamook when the new Prohibition
law coea into effect Jan. I, 191.
I'lwrerity is iii-ur.t In familiar
matturoffact tonua by Henrv Clew,
the jll Vnown New York banking
authority, in hi. current letter on fi
nancial ami trade (HiodititHi.t. .
"Tnoro i no doubt about buMncs
improvement In the United ijtatc,"
ays Air. Clew.
"It surpa,.inir all expectations.
.. . , Bvidonceis of thi urc multiplying in
Almost every convention that lis hew . . ,
. .. , u. , . vcr direction. The teol industry Is
these davs indorses i'reanknl ilon s ' 1
, unprecwdentodly active; our exports
foreicn policy and expreaae- eonndonce ' ' ,
. . , . ..... n are on a phenoiuena! c e; a serious
in his patriotism and ability. One day ... V . . ,
. . , , . . ship famine exijts; our farmci ari
it is a farmer s eonKres. another dav . , , .
, . . . reaptne a reeord-breuKini; harvest ; our
the Grand Army veterans, another - "
, . . , railroads arc h.ifKlluik' an enormous
wonder of wonder - a Hepubhcan . ...
. . , . . , , , and rapidlv incrousin tralllc ; our tex-
cubernntonnl nominee in the tate of "... , .
?. . , , . ,v :i.; t..w industry Is enjoying renewed ac-
benator Lndcc and the nhrrim rath- ' J
,. tivity; dry icoods merchants nr. on
ers, rormer Congreasman Metal!, in ,
, .. doavorms to avort an uiKlr.iu-le
accepting the liepuhlican nomination
, r . boom; buiMinc otKirutions are bein
for covernor from the state convention ' , , . .
... . . ... . reaumw on a larger scale; labor is
of hts party, jumped over all divMion , '
i.i- tl . omuloyeil, ami on every ham!
lences in deilarinir: The momentous t ' '
. , . .. there are sirm of a rutnni; activity
questions crowing oat of our relations t . , " . . .
... .. , .... ., which experienced leaders are already
with the warring nationa of bnrope
. . . . , ... . , endeavorinc to v.-Deck in order to uuld
make an appeal which obliterate', par ,
. ,. . . , te ciMisetjuencesl of unrestrained or
tv lines. The president is the appoint
. , .. .. , misdirocted energy,
ed spoKesman of the nation, tie knows
facts which we do not kmw. and upon iuostions arise which demand
any question atloctios: the honor of the atwfctorv answers: What are the
nation in the eyes of the world, and in roni for thi new boom, and tww
the ajsertion of the riehts of it eiti- J"K WH t last? The reasons for this
zens. he should have the whole nation n.wv.eud revival are clear and easily
behind him. regardless of party lines." underatood. First and foremol. a bii:
Such inereaaim; evidences of national harvisl with Pf"table price for tu
perverseness ami "Wiotcy" must be iarmar ha tccn 8fu'-
verv discouracins to thoe who have variouly estimate.1 that the niwiueta
been cnBaged in the effort to discredit of ih-' 90,1 this ear ' rt'ach a 8urn
the oresiaent. Instead of bhakinc pub PprochinK S10.W.WW.OOO. or 5 per
ii. . i ,-,,.tvi cent more than last year. Kvery intel
talking about insists on celling behind Unl business man appreciates the
him. What is the secrol of Wilson s effct of croBS ulK,n wmess. The
appeal? Few of us believe him to be , frn,ur '"variably spends more freely
infallible, but mot of as are .norc ; and the local roerchnt must fill empty
than willing to trust him. Perhaps the ; Solves ; thus infusing new life into
reason is to be found in the man's ab- trade- luAUy and transnation in
snlute ineeritv. his unnolhitwl honestv. I every dtrectioi. "d particularly in the
. -J T "
I have sonic choice voting
pijLis lor snlc. both sexes, the
kimi thtii nmtnrc vcrv y initio
One ol tny hortl hoars wci.uli
cil (iliil lbs. at KS momlis oll.
My hojjsliave won nl)lxn
at county anil state lairs.
Phone or write lor prices.
R. Y. I). No. I, niUmook
Miami Lumber Company, a oorpor ;
allot, havinn It olllco ami ptliK'tpal
place of bumea at No S30 lt Flt
Sirvel.li the t'ltv or U AKlo, ;
State of California;
N.itii-o i hptebv vivm that at
m eting lht Hoanl of l)ttti of
aald Miami I." mlH'r IVmpaiiy. loial on
mi. .Imi ..( V..vrtiiilier. IB 1. 1. an riK-
K.moxt ,.f Jl W por share wan Invlwl ,
oIhmi the I4u-hI vailtal lek of l1
...rivnui.m. mal'le linim-lia(oly to
I C tiaiial.l. Secrrlary of aald etiitior :
:l at No ! ttl Hril MtfMet
the City of Urn An!". SUt tJM- J
Any lock upn t .la aaMi
ntonrhall romai ni.it't tin tld
,lay of luior. II.V d. Hn ;
! tjutnl and ahrinl fr .i i 'die
auction, an.! in !r jwni. t
bwfirr. will ni't H" - m
ttr'lliU. nl'. " ffcw A W o
iald date. I" l th dllt)IMHl AMW
nient tiHsvtu r Mith lh tm of Mlwn
, twine ami r pna) of al
Moirjing Stor Y Family Blend Oicgon pio
I . I. Il l MANN, Mi .
In Coiunicreml IHiIk. Mutuul IMhii
plraloa hav a certain itrvi. hav
are deacrlbwl aa ptlehir Iheif !;
on '.ho bluit m Viiiwk iny the r of
lha wrwek with ptmu a . i f.-r
a lent and a Hf of drtfi ol
to en il.lr Ihrirt U Work at Ih.Mt ll
in that it wm4 n( itintnn.nii iirli.lt.
in a mow of h,v contalnlnL- , Wm by wh.at Uj -U ( -
tAtt llul itntl' In f.,i. lntMf,.. Ilm.V.!
Ilia rincr fj " ,...
whn th niutf ha i.i lm lu "H
.... .. .1. Ll'kH m- I ....L.
to bo carriei across n low awnmp bj
LP -Ta r x "
it ? .
. ...
out Into ftaiitot., which were promptly
C under control. The tiouroal hydrant
hand, as (t was impossible to take the t
carts through it. After fighting tn !
fire tor some time, this hydrant broke,
th.l If 1... . ... .. .... ,... ... tu t
U60 feet moro hose to the next hydrant j
making U000 feet of hoe In one line in
The barn also contained another h)
mow with about TO tons of hay, which
would have been a total lo had the
fire not b.'en kept under control. Th
respirator which the company boucht
some time ago were of great nnUt
ance, as without them it would
apart lby ar eatt't to Nn w.r k
in earn!
Man of ihete cmp ar Inl aid
ur half Utvvt ai4 th who r h.t.
i kwk tlw pari With rtd Imhh!
around lh head, a red llannvl inc.
and llh fwpe for a bell. Inoy c-iW
io for a painter or f-r a mm in
pietute film.
Have jroti uUcrtwd yet tor Tfce
outh's Lompanton lor lolo? Now it
lint-Hi 'he lime to d ll, l( tr n. at J
A k ....
been imKMisible for the lire lighters to
at a utcftir, iu vow win an
.11 L .- .k. .. UL.
withstand the fumes from the burning! l ioij lrc Irom the uwe yOMt .b-j
A statesman who has the moral cour
age to get down on hi knees and leau
his cabinet in prayer is a political phe
nomenon. Fancy the British prime
minister doing that, or the German
chancellor. Washington was not a
shamed to pray iluring great crises of
the Hevululiun, it is said, tUougii that
did r t kc-cp him from awearing vtiu-'
stn.ifc- words of exhortation semi' I
needed by his subordinates; but if Mr.
Wilson got his cabui-t to join hirn in
prayer over publi? questions, he has
done something new to modern states
manship. Tho old Jewish prophet and
leaders did not disdain to call upon the
Lord for help on all occasions, but the
custom as a feature of public adminis
tration has been honored in the breach
than in the observance in recent time.
Crornwell had a way of doing some
thing of this sort, ar:d he was a mighty
bad man to fool with.
I'ossibly the reason men :ire getting
grain e;
where nature has been moat
On Thursday evening, at the regular
meeting of the Hose Company, Mr. W.
l. Harrison presented the Company
with a check for 50.00 with his thanks
for ervices rendered at the fire on
his farm south of town a few weeks
ago. The gift was n surprise to the
boys, as they felt they had only done a
duty which they always stand ready
to do for anyone. A vote of thanks
was immediately voted unanimously,
and three cheers given for Mr. Harri
son. This was declared by the old mem
bers to be the most suhstantial recog
nition of the services of tho Company
from any one individual in its history.
The fire itself was somewhat unkjue,
London Process
For Moats, Nets, and Roofs
Special Prices ;on Quantities
Tho Gas Company
From Handon Record:
The live lost, the dead Unite re
covered, the persons missing have
taken a secondary Interest In the news
from the wreck of the Santa Clam on
Coot Hay. After waiting with ill v
concealed patiutice for tx:rmUIO(i frum
the boat owners to board the wreck
ami get their freight, merchants have
begun the work of salvage with tf.im
active assistance of land pirates. '
The law "Finders are Keeiairs"
under the lino of high tide at aea iaJ
ninny n'lnen'ni niong ine uay tmte
and merchants acknowledge that whim
they have stopped different people
from driving off with loads of plumlar
the act has been m.ore or less of a
There were liberal consignment of
whisky and --igars on Umrd the vosmI
ami these were free for tho time be
ing. Men soused, inside anil outside,
walked the beach with their pockets
filled with arnukes. with I'ebbleford In
plenty and hilarity abounding.
Saturday morning the merchant
found the ropes which held tho boat
to the shore cut and (he work of spoil
ation in progress.
tcripiion with f J Co u rccrttrd
The fifty -two loe ol 1016 t. ill
be crowded wilh kocmI rradtni for ihr
young and ultt Reading that is riitrr
taming, bul not 'Stishy. washy."
Kradtnjf thai lcvr hi. when you
lay ihr paper down, hrllcr lntoruia.1.
with keener atpiralion.. with a
btuader oniliMik on lllr Th Cotn
panion ia a good paper to tic to ll
you have 4 icrutttuvi familyand fur
urnrral rradintf. at lulicc Ihcwrr
oner aid. no other i ncccttary.
if .io wish lo know more of the
bntluni lul of conn tbutoti. (rum
mi r t'rridcnts down, who will
nii! ir the new volume in iijiti, and
if oo wish lo know omr thing of ihr
nrw .lories for loi lei lit tend you
irrr ihr (urtcast lor tl6.
Kvery new subscriber who nd
The piano houses all over the country arcovcrsuk'W
ft re nmkiiiK special itulnccinents to htners I tan
factory agency for the hijih-Kiatle Chute llutltf K
ami I'laycr Pianos, ana have recently stvnred the
It. Allen Co. line, which offers uuuiatchahle I'miio u
Their lisie comprises the following well known
Mason Sc Hamlin, liardman Conover. Ludwlg, Jl
Kingsbury, Kcmbrandt, Wellington and othcf.
tTuLrrt JtSeWtur' 'Th,,'cim, Thr!,c l'i,l,,W8 ,na" ,)c scared by the small $HM Of
panion Home Calendar 'for iori6.m' uuitiily easy payment contract. Von buy fortlicii
IHK YOtTM'S COMPAMIOK . cal price pai.l ly the "spot cash' iaiyer. lllr mil vdtW
lllds U'nii ted
llids will b rocive. until Kor. S7ih
1918, for 100 to ISO cord of dry soasim
ed wood to be delivered to iho school
h(HHM in Tillanaok City tmiwaon July
! lfth aral September 1st, fi. Illddors
must specify kind of wood offurud.
B. J. Claoascn, Clerk.
School J)t. Sn, ii.
em?; interest on the unpaid portion reui iminj; tii'ltfi
installment. Deduct the first payua-ut then n.k'art
How easy the small monthly payments will he for,
meet on ji two or three year contract.
At the time ol your purchase you receive tin agro
l exehnnire where!) v il for fine reason within ojx!
from date of sale you wish to change u iruioW
other inalte, yon receive full ourchasi' iinccintU
change. Could anything he more fan"
These pianos are received liy me on eonsijjiiiHcit
mj; fit no expense m selling, saves you the I irc,
Ilarrm nti.l farm l.nil tintr. of all '. i i V ?' . .
klnd.r,rHl.vra.H.ri...L.wi.l S,M1 tWtl'S IIWIlIc !V ll SM HIICI Sfl eSIUUII
either i.y r.i.itran r s. w,i. vihk'h See me lielorc huyiii elsewhere. It will p iv y".
,Wnr,lln,, .1... .....I.... - ' UJ .
people who have vlalted the wreck tho '"'I t'oono JwelaflC! B. EfWifl
ii ii mm IrTinn I
in the new Family Package
crisp and delicious Snowflake Sotl.-.s now
come packed in a sanitary tin cake and
cracker box.
Keeps your Snowflakca fresU and eriip. AcU as a
uacful kitchen help. '
At your dealer's. Per box 50c
also in 10c and 25c packages and in bulk
Vtok for thU Mm on evtry pucka go
We Will Wire Your House ab a
duced Price Until Dec. 4th.,
CI ose ofrEIectric Prosperity vveek.
Coast Power Co.
anon at llio dream city
lit Han Francisco, for the
DECEMBER 4, 1016
ou cannot afford to put off mty ' '
lonner your California trip. If
you aro Interested In aclmitlllc
farming. In mlnlnir. In lw.rllr.nl.
ture, In art; tho atmly of thoe
thlnifM in thla uxpoHltlon will aid
you In n flliiiiuclal way. , ';
Low Rates
urn mill lii effect onjho
Shasta Route
Write for our llliialralrd
Imuklct "WajriMt Noc"
John M. Scoll, Gtueral Pm, PorlUud, Orr:on