At High School Auditorium Saturday, Nov. 13, 8:15 P. M. ' BEVERLY ENTERTAINERS BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON THE Beverly Fntertalners Is on of themes a- f-"J tho s alr cotnpan 03 that hate t' .tered upon lycoum n r-v :n ? es-.t tears. They sins, read, p :r ' is ad puttars. Kiir riusjcr! sketch?? in attractive cestumes. and thu offer an AronltiR of most .-"'! pr'-'"rnt. The jrult.srslorues presented by Mtsc K'.i S".:it!-. have boon an fei.l-at-ii ous Int. T: musical numbers In Dutch ccs'uine hao proved to bo a unique and attrnctite fV-ture "A tnost ilt'Ucurul projram" In the ir, 0 ap wj, hear taut companv. Second tiri went lo Verne H. iackson, of Fen Arc-tie, Pa., and inird to Joseph Dv Cantillion, of Men-ten. Conn, the former covcriui: ,uS and the latter .(7-i utiles. . t of :hc (. unit, virtually all of vthiin were Maxwell dealers drivinc ew car to their home from Buffalo c tciI av( race of better than 30 :! -s per rHoit. sixteen scored hc ccn j and jo miles In fact, the .-erase oi the entire tour, including ichty ears, was ver close to inlet to the gallon a lesrrre of ef ficiency almost incredible to thoc GlU- DKlVEli WIHa RIG ECONQaif ;dW. lo the amacimM of the veteran r ..o dri . . . ' ; v;k part in the rc civ: M.-- .if'! .ificiencv run from But falo to iheir homes in Xew En t hi ml and ihe other .rth Atlantic state, the tirst prize winner turned out to lc i;ic only woman ntlot if the lour. Mi Eva Cunningham, daughter of F J. Cunningham, Maxwell dealer at H- Tnt'I. Mi.-.., drove from Buffalo In lfavrrKill 5fi7 tnilc rtn cyarllv IT Kall'-.ns of gasoline an average of ' not acquainted with recent carlmre-33-37 miles to the gallon. Her car was j '.ion development's in cars of the liht a ru Maxuul roadster. J popuior-prtceu tyre. Oil Economy Too. ' iiTe is no disputing Miss Cun ningham's record. Her drive was un der . i; cy. of several witnesses and t; ' '-.ils arc set forth in her own si . -.vit. :.. ss Cunningham's csr also went th - rn-tc without the addition of a dr of cylinder oil to the original suin 'o. This is really the fact which her the big slice for the Flanders prize, as her milage on fuel was ex cctlcd by two of the other cars in the liig tour those driven by her father and bv George D. Robinson, of Springfield. Mass. Mr. Cunningham's nc Maxwell touring car averaged 3685 miles per gallon, and Mr. Rob inson's roadster, 3.4.9. Each of the nialr pilots, however, added a quart of oil to the original supply. Climbs "Ladder" on High. The tourists who watched Miss Cunningham's driving praise her without reservation, she piloted her xt v.; "Jacob's Ladder" ? rolling -'i-nh of to miles n high gear, I showtd the most dishing sort of It on a number of detours where '"igh and difficult roads wore met with. A year ago a sensation was earned when a Maxwell, under observation at Yale University, made a record of 33 - miles to the gallon. This record was bettered by three of the cars in the recent tour, including the one driven by Miss Cunningham. Xor had the 1916 model Maxwells been given any preparation for the t-t; all were new cars getting their firt run after leavin" th factors JVCaxwEll ri 1 1 Tho third annual lleruitston and IVtlry show will be. hold Ninru. t and . Nearly JOO teachers and prospeotlv teachers of Polk county attended annual Instltuto lu Dallas, Marlon county's assessed valuation tor 191S as equalled by tho board of evaluation. Is )37.19,&tt5. Tho antiul eonvouttou of tho Dropou tutc anKiVlatlou U to b held In Salem Novombor 5 Thomas KoatlUR. a woll K0n llo noor. dloil at his homo near KoUtie. IS mile Trum llnkor, nod 91. (Ir.xpo shlpmontu from the Orantu Pass district hnu lHon much larerr this season than In an previous year Josephlno county w union have or ganlsud a leKlslattve club to protnoto Hood loKlslatluu throueh Intelllcotit votlnit. That tho government lutrmds to Im Kin actual work on ItoaoburK' now rderal buMdliu liitlmutml In a lottr rovotvml thoro. "Tho Ihuaors" Is tho natiu) of a ne profosslonal urKnnltattuu, coast wldr In o.ttnt. formed In 1:ukoiio Thurwlaj by 30 Paelfto coast travollnK num. A conforxMico of toachors viiRaKod 111 the dopartiuetits of Journalism lu th--stato universities of tho northwe.v was held at tho University of Grecri- Polk county farmer havo oponod a war 011 cophors. Already ttimisaiit) ; havo boon trapped. Tttity-llv ctn'i a head ts tho prlco pakf by all to tra pers. A of Shropshire sheep a- I l.imbit havo been whipped from V. Oregon asrlculturnl collo;o to the Panama-Pacific exposllluii fur oxhlbl tlon. Multnomah with 15S siudunta ranks second amotiK tho counties of Orogou lu tho number of representative at tho state university this year. Ium county ranks first. Tho Wostorn Walnut association will moot In Portland, Wednesday tnd Thursday, November 3 and 4. Till will bo tho first anuual convention of the orK.-wilzutlun, which was formed comparatively a r:iort time ao With a long and lively session, full of surprises for tho delei;nte, the IMh annual convoutlon of tho Oregon Kod eratlon of Woman's Clubs closed at Salem. Mrs. Charles II. Castnor, of Hood Hlver, was elected to the pros dency. Hlds will be opened by Co to Sells commissions of Indian affairs, Wash ItiKton, November 15. for tho constmo tlon of tho proposed two story nddl tlon to bo made to una of tho Rovorn ment Indian school buildings at Che mawa, near Salem Colonel II. K l.awson. former war d n of tho stato penltontlary. Is look r.g over the Wlllatnuttu valluy for a -yndtrato that has for Its purposo iho colonization of Belgian In this tio. Thu syndicate Is to purchase a larae tract of land and subdivide lt X port citizens uru lined up bo h .i l a movement lo ralso a bonus of Notice t,, H,lNHcr o, Atlmi Properly j - ' NDTint IS IIKItKllY UIVP.N that vnlit V K IIKIMMIY UIVCN. (lint 10 UllleiliH'' aimmiirni.r n i" Tllluimxik , wi'd oloek ' MIU nils. lse nett'iitil. Vall() Bank.ovrstH,..s.Hl It U . P-,, ..Id 1 1 "7 '-'l vi Ml 1 II1IWHI It. . . . . N tinsT 1 . ..I.... ..r ui 1, Miti Milt atui tiiici( in i s ! !' . .V.Li tV; T.t d.v f Novoiii. IhM Kt.vrmbo, .Uf.. LMftnt IU .. v """''I..'". .... i 1.. I'Ii.m A XI lm ni tt 1110 llll'e v httt. lvlt. In llio cauo wnriviii ,. 1. .,.. . . ... ...i 1 a vi i.. iiiu iiiiiei i'i in' iiiih''"' "o u, usury w Bm. .. .... -w- . ; ,. . .i.m Anna .nyer. V.V . , , ,i, ,lrtarlMtr ,.f .M llim fus..i xiritt .iiir. iiik nuv. iv"ms UMMUNf In Iht Llreitlt . . ... ,uun HI lirCMIIII IlirTIII.... . "'HIKM V. .Mffle. K.eti ,M J() .... Ski ... . n ' -' I.N Till. Sa flit. ..... . .. 1 . r muni iiit'iiL ciin iiiiiiiiiii wri"! ' 1 riui .sal u tsrts iiuiDiiiin )! ii -- iT . 1j i"ir iu . - --. 1 . - -.a ill llli i tho dln'hattfe uf said U ' .till (in tit ti n M,J 7, a itidiiuiei.t and deeteo tendered in uld Hi"0 l J. " r .i... is v f tu-tolwr. D R. objeetl.m In ,nf.,r MfMjd !"'ri,? "'H!. "rdember . iVlft. raU ileieininiHi mr 11 .v- VilinhiUtratiir .Trffi!a?'rri:.,i.M5 " , , juUkUMltl ami rioeiio. ii t?? m of Atlmllllslrrtlur K.AV 1 1 1 Kit Ml) UK. in nlr in ,tti..fy tbo HUl jusiumeiit Btxl dsrtoe k .. ihn eul. kiwi esret'ne i Ntdleo i herty len, Ut Mi fount. IVutt fur lllltll'imW U'Ultly w ,. n tho 4th it) oi i"'' , h dut M..tntrsl tl.o umletlh'lr. vh ?t 0 utUk a t... ..f mM J jT "J Aam.m.trs .r f lh luut of Clr liht I , 1 1 .I k 1 1 1 1 L mi at d 1 ll'tel'V te.Ulf .i pjr.ef.l t;.o nt 10 i,,terel the w rt defmlshU It ; -v ' M Wll..m ..I l. , 1 ?- tj.l Pr H, .Out .r, I M hU Allrir .t hi. ..Itlro N. Cfl .mk I mihlv. t'reeo. mole imrtlen. w- 1iUmik City, . .b urct vemnloclH e-t mi , iaw. within . I, from th- tUl 1 or itimoi hi wrii . ,i i M,,iiP . ... . a... , . II M . " WlL'ht. AJmliilrntnr of sstd fdlalo. Notice 01 I'orcvlustirv Slc NUTU'K US II Kit Kit Y OIVKN. th.l tuifth tut fret. Uitire mirth It west 11 feet. lhoiv rmtln S3 et U. , feet, thlwe nuulh 3 whs I tu tho center . ..( lhtec Uivers U to plseo o( bei.''!" ntpK, ctinlaihtng tu acto. ll 'H See Uiuia I; umt 13. otrtintliic ftvtll thl de.J a lot 10 frol by tfO fel heteluforo , by vit tun of a errt.iit judgnioni and lleehd to Wlllirtin Wilson. 1 deetre m.ile l ener on the Ith Datod at TlllalWMA. t'teson. thin Sd ' dl uf OetoUr. ltS. In the I'tl'Mlt day of Novombci, Ilt6. Coutt vi U StAto of Hrriftm. tut tm It Crenshaw, niwk ( uunly. wbcfrln ,Su. . 1 ,hari,( Sheritf of Tillamook County, Ofruoo. : Jooph It. DUb.n ml .rn. rf, - . plMtllT, leevtrrvd iuUiir. t tigal-l 1 defendant. H. WiUi. I.sur L. IWlher.. XfeliU..- Plrlp. H. W. ThotiHMtt ai! Kh d A Ss, In tho ; mm. of $W.t). M&O iJ f :w i w lib Ittlrrv! t the falo of A "cr tetlt ! ftom Jttlv ItWV. i.'.et with ihr. I evt o11 .ibfipinril. of tho artitin j ami W W ntlolhe..' trv. Vif- j tue of writ of eseeullott lUcd tllwtof I lr ..kt Jttl(ftiietit sb iltiTtPc lllfeet , l K th fel ptot'orl. horwInsflPf inel. No "Extras' To Buy The new Maxwell is complete in every detail. A famous make of high-grade speedometer is supplied. In addition to the equipment listed below, the price of the car includes : Front license bracket, ingenious combination rear license and tail-light bracket with spare tire carrier; dectric horn, robe rail, anti-skid rear tires, foot accelerator, full set of tools, etc., etc. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Cost" records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" records. 'OneMm'Mofiairlop Demountable Rims JinVision Windshield ' J SBB MSB ziecmcdtarter HectricLiqfits magneto Ignition 1 1 1 m -w l i v i si x. wv-t -a -r iz. 1 ii 1 Ml 'fvavPoadisaAlarjueUPu A. ri. HARRIS Pi I JIOO.000 to Induce tho Portland West Coast Navigation company to b i. ns'.ructlon work within the nxt C'i days f.n the proposed railroad llua conniictluB that city with Portland Utornuy ('uncrul Brown has rmler ed nn opinion to thu effect that It is no- longor tho duty of dlntrlct at iieys iu irrncioso tax lions, savo w n they are huld by tho counties. An art was passed by thu last legislature 1 ptalliu; a law Imposing such a dity on tln rn. ho H.-ild. Tv o futa'ltien wero Included In th" ISO accidents reported to tho state Industrial accident commission dur;,!-; tho wook ondliiK October 2S. 'I' y wero- i:ri ( arson, of Hvouhoii, who was kllloil In logging operations, tirnl Charles Bobbins, of Onston, klllud li; railroad operations, Salmon from tho flluslaw river nro being shipped from I'ukoiio to all pt'tti of the. Pacific coast. Thu extern1. on of tho train service on thu Willamette Pacific railroad to tho fishing grou uU on the river recently, enables tin; Psli ennen to ship their catch to Kkci' on tho samo day tho fish aro taken. The office of ConnresHmuri W. 1 Jfawley has announced that than wlh be held In Salem November fi ami n compctltlvo oxiirilnatlon for the pur poso of establlshliiK a register i.f young men who ure .eligible for n polnlment to tho United States nava academy from tho flst congressloii' district of Orogon, Tho famoun lava beds of northej California and Boiithorn Orugon havf been made accessible throuKh a High way to which Klamutb county, On, ;on, and Mf)doc county, Cullfornli have contributed. A stretch of '.'.(, miles of road counectinc the AJturas road with the glories of the Orator lake wonderland via tho lava beds ha beun Mulshed. That Hucrotary of fltate Olcott may porfoot the arrangomont 0 official ballots for the primary noBilnatln lections to b h04 May 19, 1916, r was made of tho aecreUrles of I.a rtju)dlcan, domocratta und pro- j .rasaivr natJoasJ oomrolttecH to cortl- j . fy "tc jiumho- of dolocatou to their '-". r ,n . v 1 ' :, 17 nasal Oreaoa will be untluod. 1 I DID NOT THINK. Hoc 1 nun with tritihl idea wt nrn invention which it jutt the IhiiiR nr.dtd We 4y. "Why in lh wwtht did not om..onc think uf that blur Now that the other Icllow, h tlu.ught of it. every one can c it. U i the simplest thins; In the world ou might hr urtalcd that idfj A . tul u. be tuUl to llv sld Imla ilosen Hint )ou haur hftn ow the , nirnt and deeter . in lh .ld Jmlfi' verge ut ihinking of it. but u 1 n,ni and deer piuvulrd. the uiilof' didn't ' sltrnrd nhrrilf f TllUtfnk Cvunty, Here it a iiinlile tittle thoMishtful deed oi kunlnctt which ouie n ht done possibly lor some one very near you i u had a thoutand cbAnct lu do (hat tlunp. and you wiahl like to have done it, too. Ittlt otehow 0tt did not think Vou have been doitiK your work in I he most inconvenient and awl y. and someone csisti atonti tnows yvu a simple chant; tliat mak- II it alt the easier and mote hands toa rub our eyes jnd say, ' didn't I rc that before?" Well that 11 the creates! dtffrrtiut between people in this world. Some pcoplr ct tbinitt and some do not oiuc people arc tciuitivc to little ihiiiKt, 4nd tome go throuxh life absent -minded, like tlet walker Some mind arc alwayt tliuikiiik' out new ways of dome ihin;;, and some j are eve habit and ttrCr. .- ' tutday lh 27th day of Ki'Vi a. at Id o'rnw' A, M KMft' tt,e Ktitirthnute utHirof Tlll.itKHik I 1 utint). Oregon, in th flly f Tllla. ! ., tl mtler ftr .lo nt tajldlc sue- lion f'-r rli to the highcit bUlder and will trll t public .union foi ratli to tho hlL'lir.t biildrr. thof following' drt'ribed real irotty, tl wit, altuatnl In TllmtiV Conty, I Ufecon, ami more psrtleularly crli t as follow : The NVrth h.if of the NVrthwrsl j nuHiur ef .Mrctluo ttvo (6) in townhtp T..... i'H e-,.it. ti. 'v-. .in. .f ! of Ur VVIllarnftltf .Mrt.llan. .vc t J ". Hfher ln. IUmsJhT, i r-iri'Tiiiiii" , .... n . wit I ... I mm.m... , . f .. . . ...... ... .... I t,. ... . . M.p.VMi.. w . . I'.ll MT Ms j,. n im iwiv iwiii ji 11 in iiiiiiki ,to. , I . . " ... ,. , i..i by natrumcnt rreordol 111 ll.rfik "P". Jtiim lo m non, w w. iu,.,. 'U1 fill.. ..v ! IHNtl-U. County. Oi kmi. ! In Ko A. Knott, tww hit A. . r . . . ! ..... 1....1 I,. I... l- VVull.ji ut aio ifcr rniptr at a iMitnt nn 'lie u. .- -.. i .. . . t S. Mugful, llr.rt At Ihn Kj..i.l.M... I pafKI , .j ineroi Q 'i 101 01 MvriKid i. int in' " ..... if imii'iii 1... . ... .""l II. e Unit; b( Ut eallt n of ll.i. .uiIIMU 7.T7 .11 til Bill-,., .,..1 V. ' Ml U'erwif the id.i 1 rt Lu1' r Court r..r 11.- .-1 " frj enin dal IhL it J ZIZT" ( let! Ksrui U umtL f- lfl WMIll I I naJ l. a 1 . . a ... . v V..: s iwii yi ticctia ui T1M. ineieoiii teerthcr ulik 11. idallttlff etrrulH .l.ts.... pnmne.i m i.m uuir j i. tn.t an runt 1 1 . C.t lit UlC t'cfl afcl. . ..1 IwirHl fur ttsr el l UVUitnjo, m iMimi ii-r ucci ien,(i,b ia 1. w vino nrH mi r.t c( Ittl toj .11. .il . .1.1 " . - . . ,(v tlif,l.lif. lit IH.f iV ... . I .K... . I.....I..II ... ..t ...1 -1. .... . . .IrlHlillnl. IU It.. ..1.1 I-...I ... 1 . t.r the lHl IhetP'U dtrrtM,IMl tUrtrvd 10 t lh iiw I fn tif eald l.lvd. l J sH tner, ur tiiii.ier.t ritf Mts ..i.V BKrlrl IKrpI ii.KI k.J 1 he latult uei ld la tail .1 I - . - - . . I ,u II ... 1. I ...I ... . I. . l . J . iw wlt "th" i:jf MtlPSr. t.. 'u If nit. . 1 If 1 1 t . This sumtM-i t it putoM H nf the Hon A l llm. Ctetl. def bulHi d.l the 5tt it il a suae s ' 1. thereof to ti mdo e wt .( UCftVP xrckt, t-i tlb 111! lill I IM iltlvrt I. M.JI M .l.u f L I ,. I . . Ull" f wn..-ti ,1.,. T, II t.ojM, In the Circuit Court of las of OrcKun. lor the CttMj Tillamook t.T-i t ui nriiiuu 11 iTsi 111- ! . . I h. .ri..i i.....i.oi. t i.... in towruiiip iw tsi MtMjin itanue tt-n ' '- -k - a . invivt W I HIIIHII . . ..... t. . 1. .... -., - . t. I ra ttZLZ itv i. the man who can make rU ' ""V01 "? MriMlan, "' -vi. . -'- mUK. ...'..'-.."" ,U M'K- f-...l .... li.- r.ffkLat'. il-nr people live live, of n-dr '"I"1 w ' 'u";',w " i . at ,., U-b . 1 V. .ft drudgery . thev never ri.e nt of the At" ' ';'"'. ' ' " ! ? ! t b.l , " I . . sU, comwonpuce. they never l 'iX " . . ' V!" J'V" v; i f Y. f.H to .. Bi .r srd 1 1,. . . .: ---- i..,i..i . ..I.... 1 .,r i,.. .ui untv . 1 ,rfti 1 mi eiL'hlv hutulrr.ltl.t i"i,i""" im-- - tl. tl North .1 ' Of , pUltltllf W..I , , , .r ree lourlh. dee. HV.l rn"1' r.l eijhl out of life half that there is in It. just because thev do nmjhink The world is mciltally hwy. And mental hwmcst is ihi worst Mini laziness If ywi ihink. you uittti hold your attention upon tgmethiiiff for a while; ami thai takes effort you miv have to change your mind about some lh'nt. and that meant no end of ex . riion And so people shrink from new ideat, they oficn mist their fineM o portunities. thev liccomr ihr i.l.i.Ui,,,. Slaves of ihitiK as they are; they 011 stoicauy ctultirtut: unnecessary misery and itiakmir a il ii iiui much trouble 10 use their brains. If you dp not think, aomr our ..I. must do your thinking for you, and he will be your master. A little thinkiiti' would world half us suffcriiiK. All ar.jun.l us vc sre lerrihlc accidents iha: could have been prevented if sotn. uuc had only thoiiKlit a little at tin rimit t tine. And we i?o livim. 1.1,1 1..... killinc our loves and ..ur iil..iU 1.., slow torturw, misjiulKinK one anoilitr stupidly creatiiiK and then lorluriuft criminals, donine iln Ks, repealing word out platitude inflictniK terrible injusiicc, inthioii " les, sloniiiK prophets, all for want of little menial exercise r-veu in our 1 etire In .i,-.l... .1.. world better we do urn ..........1 mind partisauism, pomilar passion :itwl linir..l .'.. ........ :. .1 v,,' : ""'' iinpMjvc iniui's vvc nave to become a thinki fltr Hit-).!,, or we shall never lake a siiiKle step of prOKresg. 1 Il is not the cmmliur w.ICjI. ....... .., exploiters, nor superstition, nor tvr amiy imposed from without thai holds he world hack. I) 9 j8t 1 lal laziness, The world Indav I. I.l....i I . . . " "Vft ,..! , 1. Ill wake up and think about a tot of tlllUKS that it used tn arrom ter of course. And how miicli bonesl OriKltial t I Ilk llir havn vn,i .1,.... .!...: the day you were born? that Is the whole nurtilm. nr Kress so far as yon arc concerned, r,....n.. huh .1... 11. .. i llifc rHllMi nr.Vril . K.. ..ui .1.... 1.... .1. 1.1 ,.... .' In.u II Knf toilet, e t it teI 1 III .VIX IIU' lll .--' 1 f ulna, thence north 4!) ileu. Wt tu,,. 1 tho sum ut SIX lluMlJ Wfr (il rhain., the fnreL'ulnif helm.' tho ileumfrr t. of hlRh water, Uielie West tei. (0) clmln lo low water mark, thenee hIi ih: the meander line uf low water as follow. : South fi? dew Ka.t ntevcii (II) chain., theiieo South il deu' Kast tdirht 1.41 chsliit, thetten South : dmt. Weil eludit ' niwi iventv.otm hi rxlrcOlha (M.'Jl) eiiaip., innniv uth 7 def r.s.t nineteen and llfly I un are,!,,,. ehnli.a. tS.onee .Si.ulli Si deifre.Ti Cast Uv und thirty htiii dredlh. chums, thonco Mouth 7 oj-crees ivasi tour (I) chain., thtif.rrj r."'.11.1 ?"-' 'lKhiy huiidrrilihs li.owj enain. to thp place nf be ilnnlnu. rontnininir foiiricen and thlr'y llvo Also Ut. four (1), fv. (:,,, six (). sovoii () mil iht (K) m Jllock three (3), In Netiirts Hay I'nrk. Pitted October ll. 1015. II flip Kiun a xr Shenir of Tillarnonk County, Oregon. Ruropoan KoverumentH aro mak Inn Inqulrlun of thu Unltud Mutes as to what uBBurtnces buyo Uon Klven by tho uuwly reco5iil.ud Moxlcaa Koveru muut wUharimuect to rorolmi claims. riireo American troopora vuta kill. ed find t!li;ht wounded In a 0-mlnuln hatfii) with Xlfrleitu raSdors at OJo dol Ajtu", n . il .1 iroor'oan yltJo of the Illo ' ' l'I,i tiom UrowuiivMio. T(- r " Verln.n. wiao. 1 O. I. C. SWINE I have some choice young pigs for sale, both scxea. the kind that mature very young One of my herd ho urn weigh cd 020 lbs. at 18 months old, My hog have won ribbona at county and state fairs. Phone or write for prices. JOE DONALDSON R. P. D. No. I, TllUniuok 1 mi iii.lUr.. iiLTihir 1 iiifrviin nt ii ii.' . , , iiAir antuini iroin iitr .1 m .11111 01 won IIHIKIHU i Dollar., atlt rnev S fc. M . ... f t.j eo.t anil iii.oursei r. --. . . , .1 . IU tor till' li.rvnu- i' .-.1..1I...I llm rrifllldltnl. im-rlMBKe I. e l ' Pi. hTi, In U ri..,L 1,1 Tlilbiirk (ountr ,. 1 h-i; v " " 1. U ulilnli .lilll li.lit Il'DL'O S K"'" V euro ih ti met 1 in '""y'r . of mOM ami air rfiey UllUI, .Mill ll.l.t iL'.tfl! Il f"". f,i llntwliii. ilftrrilin rt'SI etui, r . V. .. ... ., O tl .rul tll .1) and Tour (tl or iri,..,... ri .t 11111 11 ra. M. ;,v:r '.'wr. f..univ. w ..-huitn.L...a mi tit rii.ri miv int r Msiiii in 1 1 it! rtv irv f"'-. i--rta-i.i-.tai tiSi111 fltri'UKiauiv - , to thu saiistnemm 1 ......I... 1. ..r Im forro""1 mm tnat imi.ii - , ttAi any rlifht, tltlo ortilty lnrdH iirniiii.w., , 11 .."5"....rr,&i. in . . n Wfimj I IIIIIM1IHIK IIUIM Mi ...1,11 .mmr nf irnnera rlrCllinHO". s--- iii aalil Tillamook Comity. v"f,- onlnr nf Ihn llononHHn liwr ...... . ,mnm y 7th .l.u nr ciftinixir. iiu."v. ,ik . . I III .... .u . n 1 1 1 . I . 11 1'l I lu, - tlltl inn WW pH" live weeks lucrum. ,,M . A. Johnson. ...,1 a. K iw.". Date of first iniblication ik 101 r. Date of last pblitlon 19 1016. BMttau iii iii.nderion. rim 1 Hurvayor .1 gecy. Trsw ... ...... Mnl.rf TtfUm-aok in- Akatract Co Law. AbstracU, Kesl gtimylnr. !nwJ Uoiii PhsnMi TILLAMOOK,