.y.(l I IT.. iy -il l , , ,,,, M.iUlMH1' "u' l"""n '""1 l iviied State ,d.ud the totat at There ate twelve lhMiaud inile ol ,u,vijahle watet l the NUe d H "tl,V'rt,ifr: i. .. i.to, cr price, thry limit the ntmuiiil ol I output thev ell ?.,,.Vtt,lf?; ',lc. : ,n iIiaI ;hr wat wlH be followed bv , .i htlc dumping of bflligrieilt IU no.' ptoduet ui ticuntl tu.uk.ru tilt' ft lut-l nuicli uvdlt or caut alarm , rmUir Ihe r.plAn.ulou given. that the railroad afc "ihe mot Iwst.iit bidder lr tr ami that ituir prosperity b not chiefly due to the w.ti. alio that nevitrul countries ull! bu Uel what they Wit borrow eh. .if money, which will he In the 1'iwted States, not In Knglaml or Oerumin Domestic huyen alio lll want tc'.. void fatmrr In particular hve tooocv to ty for It. PrmAtnl Ibr otfel atnottK rtulroadt tiwy he antrlhed to tlirir tratflc boom ' hi has ijinrd a shorhiKc of ear tu ictrrt the .it hulk ef cxjKt (jralrt Cbe Cillamook Rcrald C. G. Cromblcy, editor .ucdCuccalUcen, Z"eaS YAMHILL MIHLINGCOMPANV Moiling SUr V Frfmily Olnd Ofgo plotw, E. t. I1LMANN, Mgr. lit Cottittictviat Ultlg, Mutuul Vm l he joure ,,,, .h,r ohTeTl ler eent oi tne .,..,! nt riu r. .... :. l.Avr iimllttl the adject Wmut tU Hlh !. Kaoh subsequent liwortTon. line ttoebluUonn 6t t ondolcnce ami fi!.... ni.lii-os. tvr line It "jllnwiW thai 0 itoiitol) le ... Il United State fottMiine tt hll- Srw pci.au KS th h; Uith i thottRht to he tl in tl.e h the .em..ut arm, llu hM4r.. thoind letter ae v n wr Uy lrw hutUad t the , -l.lier I the front on the footmen t the rUee nhe the K,r l!w out of UW "'I Jldecrflfhtfl Rales rest Advertisement .10 , Hu4ns ProfcMkmat canU.mo, l.QO I insertion, por tte , iiusineps v i ivivvui.i P F.ach suWoownt tnwKa&wr. Una .OB DlspUy Advertisement, per Inch Homestead 1 otiee .R-W; ,U. lipmy Ad nut he m tl ii n;. .!.. .ia mutt ho tit thl. Ut v ami Thursday Morn- Notice. per Km? - -J - I- (Uani iur lino .IB inn lu liwuto publication In follow- tlx Tll.W.lttV UIHI Local:., -vr line. trt irurriion - .Ti Rww are imperative Trrs!.uv xoviiMiu-R i. The cost of tho war to Oreat Britain, to say nothlne of her allies slttlc. The editor of the KdmbtrKh Uvtvv ejttmatc that hy th time the war end Ktiplnnd's :tatinl debt will bo increased by S10.0M.O0O.00a. With the jvensions involved this aill make an an nual interval oharcc of SaS0.000.000 Yet Great Britain spa wis $$00,000,000 every year for drink. "Cut it oot." and he would be able to pay her war eharcw ami have a eooJ sum loft. Bo sides her people, wouhl be every way better oil. Tillamook. We blfv that the euro uwrvl.nl ami fnrwont organisation of this locality ouht to tret busy riK'ht now and deviso way ao.1 mana where- j by the dmljto Or winch is row at work on the hay can tm kot at work ' unttl the chanmsl i cotnoh't.-d to Tilla ttHvuk. W umlerntand that the cunt , woukl only be aboot $M.0t. ami that amount in freiRht rate vmiuHI Ih saf etl in a very few year, l et us all et busy on this proposition. THE LYCEUM COURSE The Corn Show was indeeu a doeidod. 5ue.-es. Few epeetl to se the sli ire that moe lt Saturday. If we can secure rd that will rtia turv every year in this county it will mean much added wealth to this lo calitS as a siloce crop. There is no doubt tut tha' thew are many local ities in oar county where corn can be Brown, and that experiments and in vestigations will increase the quulity and yield. Last Saturday's show dem onstrated that the effort was at least well worth trying. At the conclusion of the corn h W the farmers present orcaniiitl what will be known as the filmmoook Co operative Stock Mark eL This market is fnr the purpose of securing for the seller and buyer the hvst possible re sults. It outfht to be able to secure for the seller as much as he ever se cured for the ordinary c.tlf, and at the same time secure for the better bred calves a larger price. It whs pointed out that throuch the ornanir Jtion the trade can be better cared for and buy ers can more easily secure what they want. The organization starts out under very eneourairinj; prosoecta. If 'be report that has come to the department of the interior from a spec ial agent of the geological survey is true and the UnitM States has discov ered a way of producing commercial notash. it is of vast importance to this country. The report is that a simp!e process potash had been produced from ' alunite. found in a great vein in Piute . county. Utah. A3 alunite is known to j exist in large quantities in Utah, Col orado, Nevada, California and Arizona, Secretary Lane believes the discovery assures the country of an adequate ', supply of potash for agricultural pur- ' poses and for us in the manufacture of explosives. Gftrmany has hitherto possessed the only available supply of i potash in the woriu. A scried of entertainmer.ta that shoukl have the support of every mem ber of the community is tno Icuum course planned for the winter months. It is not oftoo that entertainments of higher class are available in a city of the sire of Tillamook. The first number has already been given. The Bcverlv Entertainers, a company of youn ladies who aro to bo here next Saturday, have wo.i a repu tation throughout the country for their cleverness. They play the tn.iHlolin and guitar, give piano and vocal num bers ami readings in costume. The Apollo Concert Cotapany, which will follow on November 27th. has been engaged In lyceum wwr for ny years and is still in great demand. The Wells entertainers give n de lightful evening's entertainment, largely musical. Ye OlUe lj..viiw Quar tette is a male organiiation co,uit to any. Totter, rs a magician and illusion ist widely known. Fourteen business men of the citv are backing the lyceum venture and they should bo commended fi.r their elTorts in giving Tillamook entertain ments that are worth while. The course is not a money making scheme. Shoutd tnere be a profit, it will be used in extending the work. For the present, the lyceum rYumbera are being given at the high school, no other auditorium being available. Fu ture numbers will be given ut the Christian Church or at ihe new Citv Hall. Get out and boost for the lyceum course. PROSPERITY BECOMES GENERAL. (From Oregonian.) Reports from every branch of busi ness show a L.w.i.oung ui the basis of prosperity iv cover all industries. ttiv improvement uctfsn witn large tops sold at high prices and then cx tfiulnl in ih.Kr init.Ktrics which i) re duce war material. It is now ctiibrac rrr-r We are pleased to note that the sentiment in favor of deepening the! rhannel to Tillamook ii on the increase, among the people of Tillamook awl vi cinity. We are sure that if the propo sition was brought before the farmers cf this locality on a reasonable prac ticable basis many of our farmer friends who have heretofore been op posed to assisting in deepening the channel would now be willing to assist. The deepening of the channel to Tilla mook would mean the saving of thou sands of dollars annually in freight rates to the farmers of this locality. We have already had a practical dem onstration of what competition will do. First the railroad caused a reduction in freight rates, then the boat reduced lis rates, and this rate cutting has been going on until the boat has been run at a loss at times, and unless we can get accommodations for larger boats the railroad will have it all its own way which of course means higher freight rates. As some of our farmers are now engaged in shipping in their own feed and other goods, the matter of freight rates ought to appeal directly to them, and we believe it would oe to their direct interest to lend their in fluence in securing a deep channel to other industries not connected with the war. The money realized from sales of agricultural products nd livcMock at war prices and from .le of war munitions is being spent ways from which the nervous lack v: confidence prevailing a year ago ,,..) it li:.rt: Corxk arc bcine absorb- ...i in larger quantities in purely do j:Ktic trade, activity among manu- t..cturcrs increases, and, as a iiucago writer for the New York Evening l'r.t tnv. ilirrr tpcn.i in be a centr al desire to move ahead and forget lite doubts and misgivings oi tnc past. ranncrs have been holding wheat in the hope of obtaining last year's high prices, for they arc well equip lcd financially to wait. This policy has held wheat shipments for Octob er below the usual figures, but it will spread the movement over a longer period, to the great convenience of the railroads. The cotton growers, who were calling for government help a year ago, have produced a sinall-r i-rni. nt lrsi cost throtitfh enforced t-conomy and arc receiving a price so offset the reduction in quantity. The ri ci.1l ia r.it.iil t-xnnn&ion of business activity in the South and the announ cement that "the South has now fairly joined in the movement of American industrial revival." Tl.e !! trade is so nrosncroUS that prices are now level with the top of the upward movement in 1012 and the mills have contracted for their output .... ... i a i.:i. six monins unciiu. niuinj'iuiK " Wc arc agents for the celebrated Thompsons g 1 o vc fitting Corsets. Third Special Inducement Week NOVEMBER 11, to NOVEMBER 18 VISIT OUR Pre (itlutn Department Grand Leader The real I). M. C. Strnmletl Km broidery Cotton, the hind that don't fade. - - 2 skeins 5c Grand Leader New arrivals ol Ladies and Mis ses Blue Wool Flannel Middy Blouses trimmed with While Braid on collar and culls 3.95 ca Grand Leader The fatuous Thompsons Glove tktin.n Corsets the kind. Special - - - - 1.50 If you desire the ibove barg-tln fcflng thtl ciHiron to the itorc. Grand Lrader Ladies? heavy outing llauuelcltc Night town m )lo,vtl mu' white the kind Special at 9fic j) ymi ddf t! Kr tuff lti tl" thh cwrl to the itr. Grand Leader New crochet and tnttiufj Cotton in all colors and sues at 10c bail Grand Leader Ladies Black Wool and Cash tnere hose at Special - 25c pr Grand Leader A laic assortment o( huiey n&l plaid ribbons tor CnriHtnins (V. cy work regular il."e tj 30c yd.;! .. .. r. i . ; li ytnl lUtltl lU lbuv l'fll 1(hj (Ui Grand Leader Good durable llanuellettc nialit 1 j4owus for children incoiorcilnn! white at 5oJt4e Grand'Leader J2!55!S Cotton Batting Fur t. aitfortui These baits are math horn Ik purest whiteeotton. Thevopca up for full size comlortvrs. ; l lb. cotton batts spvtndg 75c li lb. All New Idea Patterns iOc No Higher GRAND LEADER Ask For Premium Card Htttcbctl MWil Thanksgivtog U cnSa!e. OerEn stock of.Tflbkll cas reduced. ALEX. M'NAIR & CO, ;i:i:ni. hardwabe KITCHEN RANGES an HE AT I NO STOVES See Us for Prices Before OrderingQElsewhere .nd merchandise to the Atlantic ca .Jard. I he tastcrn trunk lines have uiicred "the worst congestion of .rtiKlit that has existed since the tic jp n ihe Autumn of lyoo," ay the .,tw otk I'ost, and "one Kastcrn . jtnpany refused to handle any more tApurt business until llut on hand w cleaned up." The tralfic boom cjc iciids throuch the West and hotilh- mcsI, all the lines in that, section be-, mg short ol cars. I raiitc promises to remain active, now that it has started. mil the railroads realize the neetl ol nurc cars, engines, terminal facilities :..d track iniprovciiiciits. 1 his railroad revival shows its rc- uits in gams in earning, l or juiis in August showed a gam oi tarty 2 ptr cent in gross and 11 per . nt tn net earning. Koads which nakc weekly reports showed a gain i iitr cent in gross earnings for k.ie urst two weeks in October. I'ollowing upon these favorable re ports came activity in railroad slocks in .Wall street. A slump in war stoeks due to peace rumors turned attention to railroads. I he latter hold their value, although every upward move causes a flood of. foreign selling, which is said to he at the rate of $1,000,000 a day and to have aggregat ed $000,000,000 tins year. Die market is thus favorable for sale of' new securities for the purchase of new i.-'iuiimcnt and for the construction of new lines and improvements. With farm, rs and munition manufacturers piling up money in the banks, and vutli money in Chicago going beg ging for j to .( per cent interest, coa litions arc favorable for new security issues, The abundance of capital promises to continue, for the favorable trade balance grows so fast that the Anglo French loan has failed to utiffcA ex change more than temporarily . Ex ports from New York on October 2S were $21,000,000, though for the en tire tourth week of October in the years 1910, 101 1, 1912 and 1013 they ranged only Iroin $10,000,600 to $22, 000,000. The total tur lite third week in October from the country's twelve greatest ports was $98,7000,000, or 525,000,000 more than any previous week. At this rate James j. Hill's prediction of a $2,000,000,000 balance for 1915 will easily he reajjzed. This increase in export' trade is by no means due to sales of war muni tions. Industries which produce other cotnomdities have benefited by the withdrawal of skilled workmen to the armies of Europe and several new in dustries have been created in this country by the war. Revival of railroad activity wjll surely he felt by the lumber industry, and building will take a spurt and consume much of Oregon's chief pro duct jn the Spring. The revival will reach the Pacific Coast last, but it will surely get here. leti Ircl wide and ciKhleeti wchrt deep. 1 lir American report of motor ear ha dottblrd bccaur ol l he war, The tnul for the calendar year will prob ably rrutli Jl.W.dv Thr tiftnun wir.lri cpfft have succeeded n rmli"K meage throtiKh thr ufili (('.in mine 1,000 feet deep, and a mile and a naif apart. (span i irtirn; to introduce tilk raisinK niio Kurd, purchasing i.Cjoo.- 000 rr.i. n in China and engaging the nrrx'tr ol I limrt rxpetts In icrirulltire. The fossil remain of a tryranno laur'i forty-ven feet Ions; and over eighteen high, hirh lived In Mon tana .i'c ago have been set up at the llmjiiin of Natural History in !ew Yoik City. The United States Inirrau of chem istry ha tiKccisfully luted rn , I made from chcilntiix, luiana, pra- nut. pr-s, bean, ami other tub Unrcs, for me in roiiihiuntion uith v.h'-ui flour in making bread. SCIENCE AND PROGRESS The latest census ol Indian? In pic, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (Continued from Firr.t f'ugn) wiik not accepted by the atudent bculy at thiN time. A hoy and a girl are wanting plnces wnero limy can worK lor ooaril and 1 attend lllzh School or work which 1 will pay hoard whllu thoy ru attend- j ing school. Any onu who can wupply either of them with u aiiitahlu pmcu Im asked Ut notify Mr, Onthiink, Itemi From Seventh and Eighth Grade William Munroe linn -been absent from tfchnot the past few day. The Seventh and Kighth grade Ath letic Club held a meeting November 2, and elected (leolfrey O'Donnull, Hob Myers and Iviin Knight for Captalna of their basket-ball tcama. The first nut ofpapera nont to the l'ultncr penmunslilp hcIioo have been returned and the following pupils show proficiency in writing: Hvolyn iloag, PruoreH Shrode, H.;slo l.autz, Mury Ulmniiif. I,oIb Wfile, Geoffrey O'Don noil, Doris Sumtrlin, Laura Dodgo, Oruco Jolliffo, Thomas Keys and Kay mond De Vroy, The Kighth prudo Itunding Circla met at Mary Uruughton'H homo tula week, and all enjoyed u ploanant even In. PPf HlncHB ban kept I'ercy Thayer from attending ncliooi lately. ludiTwinted. Uldi will be received until Novem ber 27th, Win, for 100 to 1C0 cord of dry, seasoned wood to bo delivered to thoHctmoi iiounfH in Tillamook city ......,.,.... i,.i.. 1r.11. ..n.i 1. UL'.nuu.t uuij. .t.M rii..j 3VJt.lllfU- 1, 1910. Illddera must upcclfy kind of wood oliereu, U. J. OPAUS3EN. Clerk, -School JJlst, No, 0, LIGHTS GO OUT oor dMhoilroAm city In 8tt Krncieo, for the- Panama.Paclfic Exposition does DECEMBER 4, 1915. Vou cannot affoni to put off any longer your California trip. If you ore Iniefcted n nclentlllc farming, In mining, in ImrtletiN lure, In art ; the atudy of these 1 thing at thU exposition will aid ) you In a fllnnncial way. Low Rates nro ktlll In effect 011 the ' Shasta Route ! Wili'fur our u,ifi tirivisltt yity,U Nines" SOUTHERN PACIFIC John.fl. Scoll, Grnml Put. Agt, Porthiui, Ofcoii 1 Eat Btead Af ARTjKENTS F0-tW hi 1.. I .nlllsWl r urnianeu.ur u.n . j twrisr fill' th Maaonle bpllilinjr' rfjj conyninci, at lMalnf"ff TILUM00K BAKERY AT ALL GROCUKS PETER BEdS mtt i TAmm 2nd Kl Awaai.S ORY CLEANING . REI'AJWNG Try one of ourlKuncy Vf em for voui" Suiuh'y mook Meat Company. -