Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 05, 1915, Image 2

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MV Striking of Amorlca'a Hour,"!
tht lumber Induilry. An KKWrcgalo of
the tillamook herald
C. G. Crcm&lcv, Editor
.fsucrt Culct .1 Week c c CueU.iV and nrlday
Enured -umaUM- May 17. 110. at th p,m ortlco At llllamook,
ttvr, dr th "ft f March S. 17V.
SCP-KirllOS SlflO V VmK IN At VN-R
7t! morn oara vir loaded wllh lumber
In Soplembcr UH&. than In Jl..ilMur,
mil Ti.n inrr.m.,1 111 flll'l wml was
ami in th cv.mlng at 7:iW, Uo pastor's
tiii'sagJ will bo 'Wmnoii of th King'
I Highway." Thl lalter will bo Special
Udii' NiRht Service, ami an oxetd-!
' lent program of tmiU' l.a boon pru I
Moirjiny Sloi Y Pomilij Blend Oiogon Flown
I. I. I lLMANN, Mqr.
hi CoiuuitMcinl HIiIk Mutual Phone
SOU eat, of hrtrV W oat, of hay !U
.,f innral imircliMtdU 2l
oara! of jmrlhat.l frt W f
' vblod ly thi ladle as follow: Mr.
' Ktod Poorman will lng "Oiw Sweetly,
llvetok 17 wr ami of wma u cni..
Soiti cinmmmte awiwi.! lltfhl l
ami olhur ahwht im"cao.
Th Uatlon I" Onurun l n Imlloa
t ..n only of what t UlnK pl "
othar rl of th- outhrii I'ailfle ay,
tarn. Tin total lnraa lh Vyttftn
for tur month of Sn.Umlwr wa fe'SO
oar U PIrr t. thawfora. that
Orison with tl inor. m of lll r.
' Bach subsequent luwrtion, Hno .05
Uuoolutioti of omkdonoo ami
UhIr notlcf. jHr Hi.e .0
HI U.l.u. f. lnraul..iml.nN.lllU. LOO
jidvcrfUltig Kates
Bk-'. Adverti-in-nt
tirl lnoorli i ncr line 5
Solemn Thought, violin ami organ
selection Mr. ami Mm. Koch, violin
selection !' Mr. Otu?tor MoUhec, tin1
choir with ohltgato by Ml Kuly Mc
'ithoo ami accompaniment ly Ml (lav
lord, organ, ami Mr. MrlJco violin.
Mauy will wish to l- present In thl
service which will Ik In the haml of
' tin l. lio. ami there i nothing to' fear
Each Miharquor.t i) wrtion. Hn
llnriifUa1 oticv
Tinker Claim
Notices. pr lim -
Cards of thank. pr line
Local, 'r line, first maertion
.06 nilnv Advrtomnt. m'r Inch .f
.MS A LI. Diaplay Ada must t In. this of
,VW'1 dee on Monday a.d Thursday Morn-
' inr to irwur raiblicatfwt in follow
ins Tiwaday and Friday Iksuo.
.7, Raaona ar imporaliv.
We do iwt har ti.o calamity Kilr
av!tif much aNxtt rl r hit
iV(! thr dV Th Republican
tnol to mk a eampaiirn tau out of
thoo 'wo eommoilittea but faiW
ili5tna!ly. as ool ami eirff ar now
brmcinsc top mtoh price. Dairy pro
.ucts arv atao brimiinf pneva.
Of o iiree th lumlier situation has
bvon taJ and in Prir.o(Uno the UraJ-
attors hap madu much of this fact,
Huwovir, it mu't b
shii'Pir.C faciliti
well n".t?rald and Rv. mkI i llni
inn warm plaw " tl hart of hi
(vaopk Hnd our citinHW in eoral.
Th wiotr Lyceum wurti oovn!
It Friday r,ntrir with the liKturo of
lUIph rarfett. Th kvtur itolf.
wttih Mr. !arhtt ealM a coitfun.
wa a treat. Not only had Mr. Par
admitted that tl0 $0ithin to y. hut hi dmll.
fw lumber havo iBmjcaL lc mannor of cxpr.ion ki
boon very poor ami now tftat the Pana- i audienc'eonvttbed with laua"nU'r.
ina Canal if clod and tirt i a.hort-, nr)tte'.'i humor of the optimttu
at;c of frosirht c the lumbermen will j fcjmj awj poimg to NHon-i to be teamed
tii-d it still more dilficult to arrr n j an, pnts t U pained in the I'niver
oivrafonj. Of eourae t!w Dtojocrats 1 nf Knock? in which all man
arc to blame for all the dilikttlti. ! )tnt j, enrolkd.
At least one wouM tmnk o if the talk j The Borerlr Kntertnlner is the h -
of some people is to be taken into eon-
A move i on foot throucbout the
state to orpnniie in th ditlerent
count;e. tax trnyer leafpio or oc-
etie. It i a state wide move ami J.
I. Stephen of Portland, represontiny
the state organization, has been in
this county during the paat few weoki
orc.miiinu' ?ocietie5 in the dilleront
farming localities. He baa just re
turned from a trip to the south part of
the county.
The Taxpayers League idea seems
to us to be a good one. The betit re
suits aloni: any line of endeavor are
best brought about tbroun organiza
tion and co-operation. The question of
high ta.T-s has reacht-d .in acute tas;e
In Oremin and there i only one wav
to handle it intelligently and with ef
fect, ami that is through co-operation.
Notwithstanointr the opinion of Mr.
Baker of the Headlight, we fail to see
where anv harm can come from a tax-
pavers league in this county. Surely
ond number anmxmeod tor the course
and tb' company will render a pro
gram at the Hkh School Auditorium
on Saturday evening. Nov. 13. The
company consists of four charming
yountr women. Tiw program will con
sist of mandolin ami guitar numbers,
vocal selections ami readings in cos
tume. The guitarolosue of Miss llita
Smith are said to be a hit wherever
hoard. The compan; a a whole is
rated as one of the best engaged in
lyeeum work. Each member is an artist.
A New Supply of
D. M. C.
Embroidery and
Crochet Cotton on
Second Special Inducement
All New Id
Patterns JOc
No Illghr
J. l.eutsinger has bought the
i Zcrlluh place consisting of 165
He intends to take possession the last
of thi week.
Henry Zurtluh is moving to near
Garibaldi on the Miami rier where
he purchased a 72 acre stocked dairy
Fr.ii Huel of Long Prairie i circu-
our people are intelligent enough to i luting a petition to be presentwl to the
look out for their own interests, and county court, asking that body to ere
act accordingly.
Honors were about evtmly divided in
the elections held in the eaU-rn states
last Tuesday. Man land elected a
Democratic governor i- taiie the place
of a Republican ir.cumbent ; MiMiwstp
pi elected a Democratic governor, and
Kentucky elected a Demncratic gover
nor. Gov. Walsh, democrat, wa de
feated by McCall, rpublicar., by the
narrow margin of COO) votf-f. While
the Democratic candidate in Ma ach'i
setts was defeated, il is a fart that n
received 22.?,912 votes compared with
210.442 in the 1914 election an . 1S3.267
in the 1913 election The Deino :ratic.
gain for the past 12 months IS. 500.
Gov. Walsh's vote this yeur 'wai 28.
942 compared to President WiUj"'
vote in that state of 178, 10-s i.i W
Thus it will be seen thst t'. ; D;m )
crau have made is gain of 55, 1.1! vote
in three years. If this percfntane of
increase is kept up for a.iother year,
it is not difficult to foretell a to what
will happen in Mas.-achuietis r:ext
yeur. Ir. the state of Nsw i'irk the
honors were about evenly dividmj the
Democrats carrying the city whi'e the
Repj licans carried the rural '!:-trirU.
Te republicans gained one eat in
corgress last Tuesday which indeed
was not much of a landslide.
ate a new voting precinct, in which the
Long Prairie school would probably be
the new voting place. It is hoped thi
request will be grnnted as the Ssuth
Prairie school is at too great a distance
for many and when they get there
they are obliged to wait for the crowd
ahead of them from 2 to 4 hours in
some instances to get a chance to cast
their ballot.
Alex Walker is erecting a tool house
on his place. II? intends to put a lock
unit in order to save those tools
the raiders did not get away with.
Krebs Bros, finished burning a
of brick and tile last Monday.
Mrs. Elmer Hoplcin.i was taken to
the Tillamook Sanatarium Thursday
to undergo an operation.
Marion Hopkins is under Dr. Wendt's
are concerning his eyes.
Methodist Church Notes.
Rev. Youel was formally installed as
pastor of the Presbyterian Church of
this city on Thursday evening. Rep.
resentativea of the Portland Presby.
tery. Drs. J. V. Milligan, W. G Moore
and (Jhas. W. Hayes, the committee
on installation had charge of the in
atallation which was very impressive.
At the conclusion of the services at
the church a public reception was giv
en at the Guild Hall.
Sunday.Nov. 7
Sunday School hour 10 o'clock, W, E.
Noyes Supt.
Children's five minute sermon 10:1.1.
Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Theme
of sermon: "Bright and Brave." Kind
hearts are more than coronets, and
simple Faith than Sorman blood.
Class meeting 12 M. W. M. Heaaton.
Evening service 7'iO. Theme
of sermon: "The Dead Line." Good
music. Come and welcome.
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Next Sunday will be dosing day of
the special church missionary and be
nevolence week, with emphasia in all
the services upon the work of the
Church in America and her territory.
The services and wthe reception were The pastor's morning aubject will be
j:i:n vi, habvwabe
Se Ui for Price Before OrderingElsewhere
Grand Leader
All Sill; Hair Uihliotts fancy iintl
plain, ami in. wide, regular
price Ufe ?t yd. Special J 5c per yd
II you df irc the above barjiJiln brio tW coopon
to thr !off.
Grand Leader
Men's Sweaters in ray only
S'J.f.U tpiality. Special - $J.25
If you dhf lh 4bovr b-ircilu brlni thb Wiiftu
to the itofr.
Grand Leader
Ladies Bnnnlo Aprons in jinir
hains ami percales, regular lOc
value, special - - 39c each
II you dlrt the jbovr bargain brlnj lhl coopon
to the itore.
Grand Leader
Children's Silk Kuhhcrued Kaiu
Coats, sizes s, It) ami 12 years,
cgttlnr $fl garment, Special 1.95
i ywl de Ihe jve ba4la bltC hl tuupm
l I be iliwt.
Grand Leader
Undies Yhite Handkerchiefs lOe i
kind, Special - 5c ft.tch ;-
If jtHioWrf lbe4fcJve bif f ilrfln thl onipv0 '
tb ". "j
Grand Leader
Dress (Vmglutms, 'ill over 11! -c
and lrjcperytl. Special ll yds.
for - $t.00
It yM dlr' th aSve b-iffjln blrif lhl ttj-tm
to Ihr iluir.
Grand Leader
A largcjot of ladien white nntl II
colored W'uiHtx, regular ti '.'.fiojl
Special ... 25c i
II tv .(( b iUni biff itn Uiat hU im 'I
U I be tit,
Grand Leader
A large lot id KtnbroHcno from
. t to 10 in. witlc rcgul.ir up to
2rlc yd. Special . 9cy4 j
II fOM d'tlff llx Urtr b4f-;tlit tU I bit (ctjj
It) lit
, . , c .
Grand Leader
LatliCii llotitic DreTi uluIc of
good quality percale mil inj;.
ham value up to "'), -.jkcwI
ttt 95cfidi
II fio drlr Iti-r bw bjrjilfi diinf tKnft4
II tlx
Foil Stock of
Ask For Premium Card
Complete Liocof
Ladies' Mem' ui
Children' Sbo
but instead the asaurnnce that It will
be a good one. Men aro advised to ob
serve and enjoy tbi women's way in
thi servece. All invited.
Mr. James L. Lawrettcuand Mrs. Ella
Sherwood, both of Cloverdale, wore
united in marriago by Ruv. J.E. Youel, j
pastor of the Presbyterian Chundi at
his residence Wcdncsduy evening, Nov. '
3. nt 3:30. After the ceremony the
happy couple departed at once for the
Nestucca Vulley where they will be at
home on the groom'a ranch. They havu
the best wishes of many Tillamook
County friends.
From Oregonian
Despite the best efforts of Southern
Pacific officials to obtain equipment to
handle thi.-immense volume of traffic
originating on their line in Oregon,
the car shortage at aomu point in the
Willamette Valley continues and little
immediate relief is in night.
The shortage is duo directly to In
creasing business, A few other factors
contribute to thu situation, but it Is up.
parent that if Western Oregon had not
been hit a few months ago by a wave
of unexpected prosperity the railroad
would be amply able to handle Its
Records just compiled by tho South
ern Pacific triUHc department show
that for the month of September tho
number of freight cars loaded at points
on the PortlunddiyUlon- between Port
land and Ashland increased nearly 20
per cent over September, 1914.
The total number of cars handled In
September, 1914, wan 0)69, compared
to7313caruln 1915.
Figuera fo October aro not yet avail
able, but the Southern Pacific peoplo
estimate that u similar Increase was
experienced In that month. Tho new
business la apparent at 'nil pointu on
thu line.
The statistics of the railroad do not
include the tonnage on the subsidiary
lines that were consolidated with the
Southern Pacific a few months ago,
such as the Oorvallls and Eastern, the
Portland, Eugene & Eastern, the Sal-
em, Falls City & Western, .the Tllla
mook line and others. The records
bIiow that a proportionate Incrcaso has
been maintained on all (hose roads,
Most of this improvement Is duo to
produced approximately 10 por rent of
all the enmiuty' now huMncit.
Tralflc ollltiaU of tho Southern Paci
fic In Portland aru innklntr ovry ifort
to provide rum for tne shippar. Thoy
havu mnt the situation partially bv ar
ranging with tho U.-W. R. .t N. Co.
to handle their cnttbound biulm
through Portland, hor this movement
tho O.-W. It. & N. Co. will furniih the
cars, but the Southern Pacific i com
pelled to short-haul Itself
The main cry for cars comes from
the shipper handling California limi
tless, for which the Southern Pacific la
required to use its own cars. Eastern
roads and middle Western mud handl
ing grain tralllc hold- a large number
of Southern Pacific earn and aro not in
haslo about giving them up. They iird
willing to pay the per diem charges on
them for tho privilege of using ilium.
Many of thu middle Woatern roads
themselves aro reporting car Hhortagiu,
ll In aald Unit some shippura In the
valley are taking advantage of the car
stuatfon to "pass thu buck" for fail
ureto deliver lumber orders on time
to thu railroad.
Investigations yesterday revealed
that one firm has an order for a largo
number of ties and other material
for a middle Western railroad and has
Informed ita customer that Its inability
to deliver la tho failure to secure cars,
when, in fact, thl mill had ears offered
to it tw'oi but did not havu lis ship
ment ready.
Southern Pacific cars aro now begin
ning to arrive in Oregon and Califor
nia from the Easturu lines, and It la
expected that their early use will aid
materially in relieving tho situation,
President Wilson
htm tli-aiunntcil
Thursday, November 25, 191S
Thanksgiving Day
K'ohihI trip tick el t will be
m mil tit rfiliuvil rule on
Nov . 1M null 'Tilt,lvi?oii till
SonlluMti I'm-1 lie nlnlionn
in !Ori!on. Return limit
Moinlny, November Irtllh,
Aluo hut ween Onmoii nml
Ciilifnrtiin poiittt.
Here is an Opportunity
lo viit yuiirfrlemlH forn week
'ml. A fnt ronnt turkey niiil
pumpkin pie iiwiiUh you,
GO !
Information . i., ,t,.,, Hfl em t ttblloJ (wllx Mfnil
JolmM. Hcott, flcncrnl lHMcni(er Agent, Vnrl land, Off.
Wlient Club, HHo; blur-atom, 'Mm;
red ItUHHlan, 8Gu; forty-fold, 8'Joj red
II f, 85c.
Hay EnHtcrii Oregon timothy, 1C;
.Ifalfn, S14.no,
lltitter Creamory, 28c.
UKI'.h Hnnch, 40c,
WoollOuHtom OruKon, 2fic; vallny,
Whcul--llluoHtcin, 03c; club, 8!jc;
red Iluaslan, 87c; forty-fold, 'J2o; fife,
IJarley I20.C0 per ton.
HayTlmolhy, 110 per ton; alfalfa,
$14 per ton,
Jjuttor Creamery, 28c
iJSCU 40o.
rurnisnctj.or uniurms"" "r . a
for rent at tho Tllco:AprtBVJ
th MttsonlcRbulldintf. I All i"!
convonlences, at huslni'S" nw"
Knuulro at. Herald Olllf.
Merchant Tllo
IvA Vast Avflii'
Try one of our Fupcy I)f4,edJ3
en 'ror your minuiiy
mjaik Moat; (Jompnnv,