57 1 ISSUED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAY AND FRIDAY l at ion of Any Paper in Tillamook county Largest Circu xii. Tilla.mook, Okkcon. Octojikk 20, 1915. NO. L JfeftJfc The First National Bank Capital and Surplus $30,000 Member Federal Reserve Bank II Ji I.Hinb, IVrtjJejii W J. Hhwheifij Cnslticr j f HwMcn, Vice IVw. I. U. Kcltlsri,,ist.Ciiliier C J lihvm!n ). k . Holdru I.UIiKCTOKS Vcxtt W.J, KJcCherU A, W. Ilium H. C. I.amb Cmful attcuthm vcn to nil l!ttilcini busmcsK pi i.t! in out IiiumIh. ODD l I'XLOVS' MJIUOING. TILLAMOOK. ORE Stationery Stationery Just received a full complete new line PRICES FROM 25c to S75c Come in and look at them GOOD QUALITY FOR THE PRICE The Tillamook Drag Store THE PRUDENT MAhf" a NEVER OUTUh A,fDR Akin WITHnilT MONEY IN THE BANK a it m k - havo oxtrava- , '5rui3 worn orinfi . titi. i r in i i hi Li uliuiu w w . to bank. iv , .. . . . !o Ihn mnn who Pa. hS ut the man who banks ms mauy - - ;onfidonooof his omployor and holds his Job. 'Money in the bank also moans CREDIT and GONF - . - i i u a rt t in nn rn 1 1 1 1 W III w II Mako OUR bank YOUinank. TiUamodfc Cotfafy Bank HAGE TO TURKEY IN EXCITING STAGES Uilgarians Hold Railroad From Nisli to Salonika, Cutting Off Reinforcements for Serbs. London. Tim nice for tin) road to CoiutiftiiUiiople has reached nn exclt Iiik tinge. Tlti Ilulffirluim tiro within ii low milttft of formliit? Junction with Hi ill r AtmtrtMierumii nllli.ii, white tlio I'rmch In miiitll forco already havo Jolmtd Sorliliiim. With linkup In tholr ponui-nitlnn tho Dulgsrtitus now hold with strow? forco llio NUli Hfilonlkl railroad bvtwooii Vrntiya uml Unktip. n distance of about 60 mlli. Thoy havo Uium nil Jlrocl ctimunlatloii 1mIwmiI N'lub nnil Sn tonlkl, lit.ivtiiK opvu to tho hIIIoh only tho uncrulri iminn of tmuilt over the Mutmst(plrltlim Hnin rammuntrnfloii liolwutin the Auiitro niTiunn nut) Ilulgarlnii iiniilun In on lh( jnt of ItoliiK talillnliwl. oml (hit illipnltli of munllloiiB to CoiinLnntlno pin Ik ixtwtmt to IxjRln within n few days. nccortMiiK to Infariuatlon from lliirn SovitIii. Ilouiimiiln. Thl communlentlon U holiiK effect 1 In th imrtln'OHtrrii oornur of Sor bin Tho ilttiKtteh iloncrllum the Aub Irian occupation of Ti-kln. which wan w-ooinjilldliwl nftcr n homtmnlnicul limllliK many hnurx, Auxtrl.-in troops crotnltit; the Dniiulio In .Si bontR. It In nvmiofflclntly niinounccil In llcrlln, ny a illnpalch from Hotter ilam to tho Dally ToluRrnph, that all thn Important harliorit on the Daiiubo art? In ponnrak):i of tlu IlnlKitrlami, nnil thai fttrthor ncco for tlu 8i-r-lilanx hy way of Itoumaula la tliorofore etoppoil.. . - IUtIIii. via l.omlon. Direct connec tion betwi'iin tho Auittrotlormnn force In Sorbin and the Unitarian army of (Jenernl lloyndjluff hr.3 boon eitabllnhi8 on the Danube river to tho i' nt of lirr.ii 1'alitnka. according to the official announcement eh en out by the Oerma! army headquarters itnff. DRY QUERIES ANSWERED Attorney Oeneral Drown Bayi Phytl- elan May Qlve Liquor. Balein In nwcr to an Jituulry jfrom a illnirlct attorney of OroRon ru parillni; novum) pl.aM- of the prohibi tion law effclv January 1, 1'JIC, At torney finnornl Drown holds that In n ao wherein tho owner of a ilruK '(ore In not a dniKlt but omptoya rcicUtereil pharmuclftt to Hell drun ipA illt!p!tjs nnil compound prencrlp tiouM, tho pharmacist mucit ezeouto HjiiI file. tho bond reipilred by unc tion 2 of chapter HI, KOiieral lawn of Oregon of 1S16. before Intoxicating II 1W can lawfully ho old at the dnis (.re. Other rullns aro us followB: l33oranei of ntfmoruto httbltn of pernon would bo no defeimo in a cm wheruln n eao l issdc upon nn affidavit by a pharmaclut V'rom and niter January I. I016. a i rdkletored pharmachit cannot fill n plperlptloii for Intoxicating liijuor Othfrr than alcohol. prei-rlptlon iitntlnK that tho u! r,vtol if. required for medlciuai me Is Mftl niifflclont, and inch preicrlpUr-a lOtpil thotv on it face tho purpono for ')ij0h;lio alcohol In proaorlbod. A pliyolciau enn admlulstur Iritqxl can liquor to a patient when tho mi in R in netually necocaary its a modi clnt In the treatment of dlsenso. Dory to Take Uonu Trip. Mbr.ny.--ln n bnt which thoy ox 1cT to ue In tho halibut flshlne Inn iWiw of Yaqulna bay, Captain L. A. Wwid and oa, Oia'tea Wool. of Uiia tltyf loft Albuny to &a to Newport by , v;i.'.(r. They will tuvol down the wil l .notto fo tho Columbia and thence u ha ceor.n and dswii the ccnat to Ya-(.- xt bay. Thulr beat- Is a dory G iitiitaonK with a nine foot beam. , .S.CrantCorttcreoAi Sat.... Salem.- Thursc y, Novcmbor IS. -aa s?t bv (loventor Wlthycombo the tentative .time for holding the mooting between the committ;" iminod by tho roccnt Oreaou-Callforuii (and snint conforutice and rcprcBDiitn tlvoj of the Southern Pacific company. Tho executive hai written to tho mam tarn named by tho conferonco to an cerU'.'n If tho date sclctod will bo vat-Isfnetory. TRUST IS ORGANIZED TO HANDLE EXPORTS Company, Recognized by U.S., Will Supervise Shipments to Europe. WanbliiKton. Formation of an American Trust company, similar In organization to Tho Netherlands Over nous trust, to handle American pro duel abroad with ansurances that they will not roach the belligerent, was announced by Secretary Itc-dfleld of the department of commerce. This fffli regarded as meanlns that the American OverxeaM Truat com pany will asiiuro the European govern iMonta with which It dualu that no goods exported under, Its supervision will reach opponlnjg belligerents. "Tho object of the scheme," Secre tary Hodfleld said, "is to secure tho movement of neutral commerce under such authoritative auspices as to as sure that It v. Ill not bo interrupted. That part of tho plan to be undertaken by the department of commerce, under tho arrangements discussed, would be the ascertaining, by commercial at taches, commercial agents and other officers, that the operations of tho plan were strictly Impartial and neu tral. "The now company would bo open to assist all truly neutral American commcrco to all countries with which It Is to operate. The machinery would not bo officially a part of the govern ment and It would not bo a money making scheme." NON-PARTISAN PLAN LOST IN 'CALIFORNIA San Francisco. Tho proposition to make all state officers non-partisan was rejected at a state-wide election by more than lD.QOO majority. There went to defeat with it all of the pro posals submitted. Tho vote on the rural credits amend ment, under which state banks would lend money to ranchcrK on crop secur ity, was: Yes, 2S.334; no, 52,819. Eight other amendments also wcro voted on. The result of tho election. It was generally agreed, will necessitate a. special session of the legislature lit order to readjust the prftnary election law. The referendum was Invoked against only part of the amendments to this law, and the defeat of this part leaves the measure In a hopeless tan gle. The non-partisan plan was the main Issue of the election. It was advocated as a progressive party measure, haT Ing the support of Governor Johnson and the state administration. The governor and seme of the state of ficers campaigned vigorously for them and the sinad total available at a la'c hour left tic possibility that the tide might be turned. REPORTED SUICIDE RCILED i GERMAN LIEUTENANT 1000 BULBARS DIE BOMBARDMENT London.- The bombardment of De ilcniuKh caused the death of ten civil. Inns and mow than a thousand sol dier, and a large number of soldiers wmo wounded, says a dispatch from Allien. A largo proportion of the military CBHiialtli's. lht correspondent adds, wore in tho barracks which housed tha l-'ortleth llulsiirlan regiment. The barracks woro crowded with soldiers, who woro preparing for their menl. when the bombardment was openod with accurately aimed ahutli. which demolished the barracks, burying the occupants In tho ruins. TrooiiK engaged In digging trenches around the town nlso sustulned heavy losBtm, Fires caused by tho exploding shells destroyed tho railway station and sur rounding buildings, doing enormous damage. It Is said that tho untlro loss from tho bombardment, which lnHted four hours, will bo several million pounds. I Baker Plant Disappoints. ' linker. The official tests of tho i Jlakor municipal power plant, follow ! lut; tho cump'.otlon of a new 24 Inch f steel line, from the top of tho hill to 1 tho penstock at the plant, a distance I fit 1200 feet, proved a disappointment. Tho englucra estimated that 100 kilo watts r-otild bu dovolopod at the plant, but CU,S wan the best recorded. Cement Mixer Kills Man. Uofioburg.--Charles 1.. Kobblns. for merly of Milton, was Instantly killed tit Table Crock, about 40 miles south of Itoseburg, wnen he fcU Into the mouth of n content mixer which ho was operating. Wo havo closed out tho pfano bus -ness unit will sell what music rolls we J have on hand Ht one half price. Jones- Kntulson Fur. Co. NEW ITALIAN CAMPAIGN ON Ocneral Attack Along Entire Front Hat Been Inaugurated. Ildlno. Italy, via Paris. Tho Italian army Is making a generol attack along tho whole lino from Swttiorlnnd to tho Adriatic. In tho preceding flvo months of tho Austro-Ituliim war, tho efforts of tho Italians havo boon directed at tho pen titration of Austrian territory And cap turo of strategic points for tho pur pose of securing Italy against tho pos nihility of Austrian Invasion. In tho opinion of tho Italian Ronoral staff, this lias boon accomplished, and tho war la now entering Us second phase. Germany Defends Shooting of Nuraa. nnrlln, via Tho Hague -and London. Dr, Alfred K, M. JCImmennann,- Gor man undor-Becrotury for foreign af fairs, has IdsuciI' an official oxplnna. tlon of tho recont oxctutlon tn Coli?l urn of M'a i t''1'1 r'1 ' 1 ' V' I'lirae, ' i"'u- " l ' ''' '''' i w (ioc,; ! l.e hikJ 'Nt 'I'U' ' ovory Jot and tlttlo of tho ovldonco with tho greatest caro and finds tho verdict, though regrettable, to bo Just. 10 Bandits Rob Train. Oklahomn City, Qkla. A baud of 10 rohburs held up Missouri. Kansas Texan passouger train No. 9. south bound from Chicago to San Anton. , near Onnpn, tied up tho crow with ropes, placed a guard uvor tho pas sont'ors nnd loot- d three express cars. The holdup was ono of tho most despernto and bo3t planned over at tempted In this section. Tho rohbors aro hcllovcd lo have necurod about $9000 from tha ono express safo thoy succeeded in opening. 1 liAJKAK'S ! ,1 v !! . Variety Store I $ Tillamook, Ore. . "DROP in Mm ! KRRESTEO FOR PLOT Now York In the arrest of Albert Kay, u lieutenant In the German army, and Walter Scholz. his brother-in-law, polico and federal secret service agents believe they have detained loadors In a plot'to wreck American munition plants and sUip-j carrying munitions. Fay, who is ono of tho five men charged with conspiracy to -delay or provent the sailing of war munitions ihips from this country, gave a dotall cd confession to William J. Flynn, chief of tho secret service. In It, according to the fedoral au thorities, ho repeated his former con fession made to the polico at Wee ituwkon, N. J., but said, in addition, that his mission, besides placing bombs on tho propellers or rudders of ships, was to endeavor to bribe the commanders of Russian vessels. He nald tho plan ho was to endeavor to carry through was to luduce a Rus sian commander to run u cargo of copper into a German port, nt v.h,ch placo a largo sum of money was to be paid to tho Russian. Government officials said they were inclined to givo little credence to this phase of Fny's story, but it was mado a part of the ovldonco on which tho men were held over for further hearing. Lloyd Chick, Alleged Dead Man, In sists He is Libeled. Portland, Ore. After four persons, including the the Spokane fiancee of Lloyd W. Chick, of Oakland, Cat., had Identified as his the body of a suicide nt the morgue here. Chick In the flesh appeared with an Indignant demand that .the police and- cpron advertise him as a suicide. Tho suicide was found hanging In the men's rest room In a plaza block and two women friends and one man Identified tho body as Chick's. Ono of the women said Chick had quarrel ed with Miss Florence Alexander of Spokane, his fiancee, and had threat ened suicide. Chick himself, while at Amity. Ore., read In Portland papers of his sup posed suicide, and after telephoning to the coroner came here. Postmasters Are Warned. Washington. Postofflce burglaries have been so numerous of late that 'an order has gone forth to all post masters except of the first class throughout the country to keep on hand a smaller number of stamps and other papers of commercial value and to guard them raoro carefully. LEAGUE CONTRADICTS BRYAN Ex-Secretary Invited to See for Him self Charges He Made Untrue. Washington. Tho Navy Leuguo of tho United States, through Its secre tary, Arthur H. Dadmun, sent a letter to William J. Hryan, ox-secretary of state, Inviting him to call at the of flees of tho league In tho Southern building, Washington, and make a thorough inspection of tho league's ac counts uml subscription lists. Tho navy league's letter was sent as a result of frequont charges which M-. CiiJ'i has nmdo .bpth In the Qom mu:ior and in his publicly spokou ut tqru:icostlw U-0 navy league was aup portci) by n body of malefactors of great wealth allied with tho alleged armor plate ring for tho purpose of maintaining a clamor of war.aud so Improving business lu armor plate. According to Mr. Dadmun, the navy loaguo has nover at any tlmo reuolvod any contribution from any. armor. plate ring nnd does not know of the exist ence of any such bqdy. Bench Post Filled by Gov. Lister. Olympla, Wash. Governor Lister gave politicians a complete surprise by appointing Frederick Bausnian, of Seattle, to tho supreme bench to suc ceed Jndgo Herman D. Crow, who died last week. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club. 90c; bluestem, 92c; red Russian, 87c; forty-fold, 92c; red fife, 87c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16; alfalfa, $13.50. Butter Creamery, 28c. Eggs Ranch, 36c Wool Eastern Oregon, 28o; valley, 31c - , Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 91c; club, 87c: red Russian, 85o; forty-fold, 90c; fife. S6c. Barley S26 por ton. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton: alfalfa, $1-1 per ton. Buttfr Creamery, 2Sc. Eggs 37o. Railroads to Aid Embargo. Washington. Tho state department Is asking Amorlcan railroads to cut off suppllrn of fuel to tho enemies of tho c facto government tn M.tjjjcv, as a supplementary proceeding t0"i embargo on arms and ammunition, j Bryan Fighting Ohio Liquor Trattl Lancaster, O. William J. Bryan kM gan his campaign for statewide proU Wtlon lu Ohta hero with u s4-v-ch (aw orlng the proposed prohibition amen ment which will be submitted to OhU Voters in tho election of November JU 33 000 March In Suffrage Parade. tfov Yorf Upwards of :.0,000 me .1 n -)T-j ! marched up Fifth avenue) ... 4 . ti.o c " T 'smoai oman stttfrn;e evorhol lu tho Uuitcu States. . 1- r 4 .