, LIJ " 1L - ; Monday, to teachers ml pupil of the fount) We give, hi speech in lull, lor 'Urn something that Concern every school district tn the county, lie saliU i t he neoide ol the State o( Oregon . ... . i-taisanj jbii iniiH abatis - ti iirii iiini 1 1 1 it i iitiin i i i t m vJEL.1 .. ..vt:.! ..,tr M.v 17. luio.al the iKt wince at'TtlUmouki ?W so'lid i,nMv. under the ad of Marvh . WW."' I" C.Hamtpk herald 0. . Crottitouy, fcdttor - - aWMMBa IIMI1U T it 1 1 uk 1:1111 WLrfjn SytiCKi Jldvcrtlsina Uotc Si SO VJ?Ak tN .t AjSI-Iv, siifiidcnt importance to become a I f.n.inriit iiutitthm. IVv Iceis'aliYe 1 iMijr tn.ritt Sit iuii. thev antirftiiriatcd ' 1v'i r,niw "'" wnt,' Ul ue i)au' ' .OS' oitl each year to the people who e- j exhibit at tlie county urns, a pre ecal Advertisement I"int Insertion, per lir 1 OftNutum on artCHUural nnd huttlcul- I Bach subsequent Insertion. Htw j Resolution. of omKdcnce and ICnuMnetProf.onalenrvU.mo. Mm i.,v Bach subsequent liwortton. line ' Ulaplay Advert scmont, per Inch ..5 . .; , f , wfh , . sttiu tn tnt "'U,u,wn as the county fair board. Homesloaa .'"alien Timber Claims Notices, per Hue Cards of thanks, per Km Uvls. er line, first inwtkKi At. I- Display Ads must bo in thl of lo.Wl fjCtf ol, ,tonday aral Thursday Morn .to: .osf M ines to Insure publication In follow inir Tuesdnv ami rriday Reasons are imperative. issues. FKU.UY OCTOHIaR 2U. 11)15. The teachers' Institute closed on' No. o. Tillamook, lltwel McKown. Wednesday, and the teachers have all) N. g, T,lltuook. t-icorgene Cacc, returned to thoir school work proper, kth grde. During the institute they heard many . Ko. o, TilUiook. Chvra M. Ttuehv lectures an-i talk that were not nly a j Seventh grade source of much valuable information, j JJ Ra je but were an inspiration U them, all of, No J'tflomoofc. A. Hcatriee which will base its etKet! dunni: tliei Chanea). Fifth srade. days to come. There is no quostion. No. 9, l illatnoak, Mabel Goync. but that the annu... eouuty iit utej 'adc: has been ft Kreat factor tct.ilinR Uv Third grade. wards the advneeoient of our schools, j yrt TUtattiook. Mamie Sande s. Any of the up-to-date and teutons edu-j .vcond grade. mtoisof the stale, we uru sure, will, Nx o, I'lllainoo.. Mrs. Clara Hurc. bear with us in regard to this point. "'? X:,.U,M, spcctl, rami. No. to. Titlainook. K. D, Mrs Har iKtt l ord, principal No. 10, Tillainook. K. Sylvia .-(, atsiiant. No. ti, ven, Mr. Elle trvin. No, 1 1." Nehalent. May Smith. No. a THhmooU-, 2cla Sumcrlin. So. i Hebo. Lois Lauehlm. So, 14. UanbnWi, H. S. Urimhall. principal. So 14. liaribadi. Eva Wheeler, tianl. No. 15, CarlbaWi. Tear I Grabauu No. Woods. Mamie Sutton. No. iS. Nesfcowin, Mrs. Hazel Com mons. No. to, Mcda, Lcola Dunham, priu cipaL No. 19, Meda, Esther Miller, assis' No. jt. Sandlake. Claudia ' "own No jj. Cloverdalc, J. K. Hu.kckxI. principal. N . iA Cloverdale, Gcorpiana Sow ers, advanced crades. No. 22. Cloverdale, Helen Heals, rri:nary Rradei. No. jj. Tillamook, K. D. Mrs. Km ,ni (ioerts. N 2. Moliler. Frances Totter. nrincipaL No. 24. Mohter, Cynthia Scovcll, as sistant. No. 2J. Tilninook, Mrs. Emily Mit chell. "-. y, Hnlock. Florence Smilli. No. n. Hlainc,.C. S. Arnold. . 3. Mohlcr. Ethel K. Gtiucs. No. 31. Ilay City, Harold D. Aten, Dri'iciul. No. 3. oy City. Harold D. Aten, assistant. No. 31. Bar City, Ruth W. Clark. advanced grades. No. 31, Bay City, Edith Watt, in cermcdiate crades. No. 3, Ilay City, Violet Laufman, primary grade. No. 12. Beaver. Myrtle Wallin. No. 33, Hemlock, Jennie Blanchard. No. 34, Neskowin, Mrs Jessie Ta- TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. o Successful Gathering and a Large Number of Teachers Present. lhc annual Inornate ot the Tilla hiook County leacturs came to a succ-ssml close on ednesday after noon, aiicr holding bcssion ior three ta Thi jTORrum was of onnsual in terot and the teachers who attended returned to they itomes with a larffrr vic ol iKcu pru!i.ion. County school supcrrntendent W. S. Buel opened the institute with an ad dress 01 vkcleome He also pave the plan ot the institute's w rk. Addresses were delivered by Mrs M. L. Fulk crson and Charles H. Jones in the morning sismou jnd in the jlternoon Mrs. H. C. Hanson, local hiph school history teacrier. and I. H. Dunstan county fair board president, spoke o interesting subjects Mr. Uunstan told ot lhc work done by the schools 01 thi count) toward lhc state fair. The aftrrncor. session was closed by M. S. human, of the State Normal, speaking on "A Better Position... An evening audience was well instructed by splendid lectures from Dr. B. W. DeHusk, of the Slate Cmvcrsitv and Prof. E. D. Ressler. of O. A. C. On Tuesday mom ins Dr. DeHusk spoke on 'Play and its Meaning to Child Life " and out of the dtpiu 01 his knowledge he delivered a wonder ful lecture to the audience. Professors M. S. Pittmaa and E. D. Ressler also Kuve interesting lectures. In the after noon Charles Jones and Roy C. Jones spoke on interesting subjects. On Wednesday morning three splendid addresses were delivered by Frank cites. Prof. Ressler and Mrs. Harriet Heller, of the Boy's and Girl's Aid Society, of Portland. To many oi the institute attendants ; the program on the last afternoon j equalled or surpassed any session of; . I. - ... 1 . : 11 : . 1. . 1 lion of one spcaUr the program vvasj No ,6 Hemlock, Nora Myers. given by local teachers Professor P. j;0. Hebo, Perul Jones. C. Crockatt gave a splendid talk on I So. 38, TWamook, Mrs. Mablc English." Miss. Hazel McKown gave an interesting talk on "School Music" Professor Karl Onthank, local prin cipal of schoolf, delivered an interest ing lecture on the "Health of the Child". Institute was pronounced most successful by all in attendence and from the names of the instructors on the program many splendid lectures must have been delivered. The Roll Call The teachers in attendance were: No. 1, lillamook, Barney Hanson, principal. No. l, Tillamook Pearl E. Miller, assistant. No. 2, Tillamook, Mrs. W. W. Wil- CNo. 3, Tillamook, Earl E. White. No. 5, Manzinita, Alice B. Mcln tyrc. No. 6, Orctown, Florence Whyte. No. 7, Netarts, Kathcrine Loerpa bcl. No. 8, Beaver, Clara Loerpabcl, principal. No. 8, Beaver, Mida Hincr, assis tant, Xo. 9, Tillamook, Karl W. Onthank principal. No. 9, Tillamook, Mrs. Bertha Han son, history. Teacher training. No. 9, Tillamook, Peter C. Crock att. English, debate, civics. No. 9, Tillamook, Geo. F, Sanders, science, mathematics, agriculture. No. 9, Tillamook, Lucia Macklin, Algebra, Latin, Biology, physiology. No. 9, Tillamook, Pauline McEl vainc, commercial subjects. No. 9, Tillamook, Emma Ueland, domestic science and domestic art. No, 9, Tillamook, David E. Reed, manual training, mechanical drawing, basketry. .o. 39, Mn-icm, same t..vicr.en- zic, puncipal. No. 39, Nehalcm, Margaret Bash, assistant. No. 40, Bayocean, Mrs. Alice Phil lips. No. 42, Cloverdale, Ruth Sutton. No. 45. Beaver, Mrs. Ella R. Sperry No. 46. Garibaldi. Minnie Ripley. No. 48, Wheeler, Belle I. Conloguc, principal. No. 48, Wheeler Jaunita Engdahl assistant. No. 48, Brighton, Martha E. Alley. No. 49, Tillamook, ucrtruilc Sclilap pi. No. 50, Beaver, Irma Docrgc. No. 5:, Hemlock, Alice Perry. No. sa. Barnesdalc. f-vdia R. Crane, No. ss. Pacific City, Kathryn Ward. No. vi. Kockaway, Kutli Hurge. No. 57, Tillamook, Helen Stam, nrincmal. No. 57, Tillamook, Marion Hare, assistant. No. 58, Bayocean, Marie O. Glae. No. 50, Blaine, Agnes Taylor. No. do. Hemlock. Jean Shillinglaw No. 61, Tillamook, Mrs, Alice M. Phillips. Union Hieh Scttpol No. I, Nehalcm, v.. r.. i.ngiisn, princijiai. Union High School No. 1, Mrs, Agnes Randlc. assistant. SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND THE TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR. President Dunstan Gives Some Time ly Advice to Teachers and Pupils. J. H. Dunstan, president of the Til lamook County Fat' Board gave some timely advice at the meeting of the Teachers' Institute in this city on ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. 3, 11 ah i ware: MTV HEN RANQES an MEW TINO STOVES -ec Us for tVIcoa Before Ordering Elsewhere .)i.i !ireilic illltv is tit II SdtltSC this premmtu money and manage the t county lair. tt has been clearly demonstrated tn j be iwst few yuan, that the cuiintv , iair Ate the ureolest factor for til. development of the agricultural an.t livestock interest in the respective otitmuuities. Ki-eocuixini: that fa.. and also tin growing importance and proininetue the schools are taking in the lairs, in 1915 an act wa pacd ntitendiiiK the ct of I93. thi amendment mak ing the county school stipeiinteudcut a nieiuber of the County Fair Hoard 1 will ipaote to you at this tiuu some statements from a speech of 1 O. limner, Commissioner of Agricul turc for Loui-tiana. "An agricultural tuir i a t?n-:lt obicct IrssOtl II IS l" I tensely educative m its character. It teaches by eontmi ami exampn when seeing is believing. It creates a healthy rivalry and friendly cointu tttiow. It gather knowledge and dif fuses it; it advertise and attracts; it kiromotcs social Hie ami goon teenng, it inculcate feeling of pride and patrotism. "it i Hie timekeeper 01 prugrc.. it record a coiunuiuily' advance ment; it 30c into the home, it broaden and brightens the daily llle of the people; it opens mighty store bous s of information. "The fair is a business proportion, il is an opportunity to advertise your goods and your farm products. place them before the people, thu iivtug ou an opportunity to dlpo i vmir nroduec. and vour neighbor in opiHirtunity to b tier bis condition ty ecuring some of your best seed.. hrodC sows, line cattle, horses, mulr. heer etc. "Hie fair spirit is taking lud.l on our people, interest it developing. J .ommunilirs heretofore lukewurmi ire catching the spirit and contagion iia set in and annually the number is increasing, ami you win noun where fairs have been held loug-t. you will find better stock; belter fat mers and better farms, hence you will ec that we have everything t run and nothing to lose by encouraging t .stablishing aud maintaining a goo! , -ounty fair." Some teacher may have lhc idea. I (hat agriculture and live stock bavr , uo particular interest for them. If so, 1 would advise tlirm to lose that idea YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY rUIDK, CHAIN, IttD Moffjing Slot Y Fnmlly Blend Omgon Ptowit I . I. I11.LMANN, Mr. 1 CutniiHMcwil UlilK. MtiUuil Plume IL.ULaiEDII iir .111 nr nai , m ... , Kvpnii ucourrtfif Um Slit. Dyrlni hi Kun Armory Otrflm KuRtmB.Wlth Jamvs wtik.J (haiiibf rUtli. rhalrnmh 1,1 u . iHiminmeo or iho rnlit.1 Ul.-.. Notkc 01 l-oreclo-itirc Slo O. I. C. SWINE I have some choice yotmj Huim n twiVf r Miid more i),a u ullm.t u (rum all ( NiH'H'K IH IIKUKHV tUVHN, that IW l iw ll tliM by virtue of a eerUiu judcmnt nd the Kiikhiih armory Meit jtri iiud ril wntrel on thu llli Kukoii' Wlrt r,iit u jay t.r0et.dK-M'.)l6. Itl U CUcall -Or.,MttjjTJ?. t iltirL ill 110 .Mall' til tri . iii rui t m oV l iitiniy, vth.thi NiuiiioI Ubet, total sttmittliirt f mm Ut 1 I. L llilli,. .,ul William fnl,n,i,,T .AAA l lt.n I ... . plnlltlitt. feCUVure! UilUt1lil Kinl defiiHlAnt4 Allan H. Wilm, lurn L. W1U011. Srenthn. S. I'hdp, H. W 'riuitttju ami Khml 8tn. In th? inn f KWJOW, lU'C'O.w) im IW.W. with lnleret at lh ri of d xr ?nl rmui JulyS, Iff.1. ttethr with thn i-tvila nnd iiiburemenl of Hid action ml .',oo ci utivftw' fro., n by vlf ... I HI A Wrl V F TMMII! VM juj (or MiiCt both sexes, lhc jutUmhi iitt u kind tlwit timtiitevet v voting One of tny heal himrs weijs'h nl irjO lbs. lit IS inonihs uhi. M v hius lutve won ribbons imri armory In llt tUto n HIE eP40j- 1 or Hijfl lrr0R4u4 lulu) attdlturlum nttti (t)mf ttmro Minn jsvo Part Act Tut Suit I Attirfa.,V uil tn fen t4 ot th lrs(ttiii h:Wt ItiK liin (Mifl tl htld llfc t..,in,l lii lid enkl tu llt IU li.'- ment "awl decree a lit tln ld judg-1 ihorliy to aroratn Hun ttf ..M, m l.l ll. li,,.VI.I.I flirt UIM1..F' ,11 . ....... IkZITDI IUMI ! Ill HIM'nm ... . . .... ttaUmUr Iho l:ih tlr of i (-w.u .1 hwi NuveinPer, iviu, i u o ee a. iitiii'' f w .it county and suite latt'S. 1 fufe u,. eui mr joorof IIIUiiumIc t btnso U ib rullfi ef iv Phone or write lr prices. JOE DONALDSON K. F. D.N t, Tlllumwk i " Coast Power Co. Every Electric Need Hhi Tiling lump Llbllng FUlurr Sludrt FUihllililt and (UtUrio FJrctilc Irn Ufihl Cooking Drvl.rt KUflrk- Kjiij-i W't Mil) hlp vr,M I'i, w r, i-,lilm I V.OTIHI, wiviiuii, in tiw mi " ,i.i-i.a ... fet-Mii,. . i. , ! Un fur ca.h t. tW hlghe.l tMnt nd I Wtmliu 'iHa' rlly tt will !( at tmblte nuettun U iuat munlripol etrpvrtkt to 'wti to the Mhrl bidder, the 1 ruad or eltool dutritt fallowing tleeril"Hi real property. t -, . - lUektui. awl 1IMH tMrtleuUlly ( i S cnid follow 23 ( Offfion City Alter lim . The North half of the N.ir tlic.l . Bc4t,Ptt lM !li Tw fix !t.ilh ut lUnju T.. 1 101 Writ ' llMdld. IlltMB.Hne tv tU)4Rtf .,r th VlllmiietId Meridian. ,dd I dfP h4 rWt, th li ..... I....I , ... i.. ...... ..... I M f xritiiintir infirvinini n lami ioiviim ,- inruiiiis u u p i onirrf iixwu i for. tu helHHil lilrwt Oreo t4a tu ctl . oy niTuuiont ir:urn-i m im r , i fwigw 4U, )erl Iloerd uf TllUmovk Ctxinty. Orngirti. 3 ,m AUii Ix-gtnrtliii; at a puiiil on tho U. 1 S ,MrilMer lln l lhc JH.Uthe.ut eof 1 tft of lot Sli (0) f Meetlon U l In ! in Inwiuthlp Ti fituilli Itanf toll j iIO) Vet of Ihn VilUmltrt Meridian, ntwl running thenc N'nrtb V drg. :wci. evon ami tniriy i.untrtih r.ui tlnt Out el Stt, ... 1 L . 4. . my. tU I' catti UtU S4irtefi)e In lt, SHORTAGE OF CABS I (t.3di chain, thne Kortb RJ -dpg. Wrt elRtit and righiy.f av?n tjtf ! , lb IS.H7) ehuin. thetief Nnrifi 81 dee, 'IKnt evtneen an.1 e'ghty humlrcdtln I (17I1 ri-alm. tbeixo North eltfhtwli s soon as poiUle. if they expect , j W J WQQA W Q QA i tw lZX . ty tlZMi -.old successfully, a job as teuchcr in If O OO. uOO U. Y O OU. ttM lheMv w ttVu w,n i attricHlmmt community. Ttllatiiook ' iteli. ubiclt is cnlletl a city. Is only . inall country town, fed and nourish vd by the large dairy section thai sur rounds it. Therefore, I would not ex cept the Tilhrnook teachers from this icw of the uestion. I wish at t.fis time to thank lhc teacher and pupils of the district .hat had exhibits at the county fair .his ':ar. Many of them labored under difficulties; those who started l hi work early, ami con tinned through out the yiar, deserve the greatest praiac. This year we hail a good air, a very good fair, and to my mind the school exhibit was the best par of it. You will remember that the art de partment had one side of the educa tional; next year we expect the art division to go back into their old quarters in the main building, giving all the new building lo the schools. It is very important that you make application for your space as soon as possible, so the building cab be di vided to care for all the districts, that have booth exhibits. I am sure in many districts, you will find a greater interest in the fair this year, and we expect that you, as teacher will foster this interest and encourage your pupil, even if they do not have a booth, to produce something, in the classified list for the fair. I will ask you to help us to remedy one condition which hurt our school xhibit last year; that is the change of location of teachers. The outgoing teachers, who is not to return, nat urally loses interest, and the incom ing tcachcrMias no inicrcst, until she r;ets in touch with her district. There were some noteworthy exceptions however, where the outgoing teach ers held an interest ami assisted also new teachers who lined up with their ichools in time to help place the ex hibit. I hope this will get to be a hab it with all teacher. Would it not be a good plan, wheth er you have organized club work, to plan for a booth exhibit, or both, o enlist one or more live pupil who have staying natalities, and at least one adult in each district, who will keep up the interest in the achool fair work? It might be arranged in remote dis tricts, that three or four districts, combine and compete with like groups in other sections. It is the duty of the Fair Hoard to make the fairs educative in their na ture, and we need all the educational forces in the county with us in th s work. Wc believe in home amuse ments, and think it possible to ar range events in -which the people will amuse themselves. Some of the most enjoyable features of this fair, were those furnished by our own people, Wc have talent in Tillamook County, if properly organized to furnish en tertainment as good' as they have any where, I trust the teachers in the rural schools will not think lightly of their iobs, and' that they will remember, that the boys and girls of the county school districts arc the stuff of which nations arc made. Next year wc want a children's parade that will be worth while, Would, like jevery teacher to plan for this, and every district possible to -ikc ir't Tr minrht be a friendly com (iontinued oo.backipage) Vine Mnplc, eon! Dry Aider Hotly Spruce Dry Cnib Apple, con! FULL MHASURH. GOOD VOOD DH LI V ERED A N Y W H KR IJ JOHNSON & SIMONSEN Route J, Tillnmook. PHONE L. S. JOHNSON Notice ot Administrator's Plnnl Account ;NOTICI IS IIKKBHY OIVBN that the urideri Igned mlrnlmatrnlur for tn Batata of J, A. ItoburU, Deceased, has filed in thu Omnty Court of Tillamook C.itinly, Oregon, bin fltml account, unci that Nnvcmbci Cth, 1U15 at 10 o'clock A. M. has been llxcd n thu time and thu olllru of the County Judgu of Tlllii rr.ook County, Oregon, at tho place for thu hearing of mild final account, All persons Interested in xitld settle ment are notified to appear at mild time and placu mid maku known anv objection to the diachiirm- of said u.. irifnUtnitnr. Datd;Scptfniber 27'h, 1015. 4 I. It. JackHon, Administrator of tho l-'atntu aforesaid. Ni't- 3 Owing to tho fact trial wu ihalPSe obliged to discontinue our business after January lnt, wo hereby give notice that all uccouptM owing to the undcmlgricd, Hnd unpaid after tho 20th of October, 19IG, ahull bu handed to our Attorney, Mr. William Murx, for attention. '. Chin. Peterson. C. S. llsrnti. rj.s fur luaititie. Ilio lusafaf ol rierti Oirs rv r,or4lt l mattoti in the Un4 o ti nubile enfVleo etmm'MWS. a f .iu luMiut i ,.i..tti mv Mitt ll...l nl in... ti nlllU Id t 0M Waohlnwion and mr tUww ... ..... i i pn fa hay Complaint tn- if aro JwtH ! Il.rmit-lioul the Sf'.if drrdlh (li &0I chain., thenec South huwl a !n'"f- ' -J 'J2 ilea. Kat five ami thirty hun- though th r-mir. a I4 d red th (&.)) ehin. ihne .Souih If lna.ior of oUA.oit.. tfitotV dcg. ht four (I) ehaln. Unmet . fl ,, lhe filsrr M..rii. n,i . ah, i.., .. i. Ir milt w.th fl.SOJ chain to Urn pu'eo of heguming, ! company !ar m -t i aa4 ara iiw" mi chain, tho firvirniiirf Iwln Uj I me owlrr llti of hlgfi watrr, ibme Wet ten (ldi chain to lw watur j mark, thunce alng tho nwrwr line of low water ax follow; ' South 67 drg. Ka.telrvfln (11) ehulnt. i thence S'ut 2t dog. Bal Miffbl iA) $r.oo it.iifi itr. 1 ebuinl, thenex South .1 d"f. tt'iul eight '4U : arwl iwentv - n humlredtb (S.2I) r. r.n enaiM, tnenet tUial tn .i .louin i Inrlrrn 9 ' and fifty deif. hurt- eontnlnlng fourlecn and thirty -Hv.j i -r promK'-l leita huiulrnllh (II ttfl) nerc of UdelmwU. ,0Pn n,leitr tb t A t .il ..i, ,11 rtn- F.l .... I' .ivcn (7) and eight (H) In lllock thte ; ,m4r" Mim (.1). in Nclarta I Dated October C0U ! li H.lff.l kit f I' I. l , ,i, ,1, UIUl IMIVll .... j. M t ll.iv I'nrV.I :i 1 "na . leii bmdwl and wpty lw iber 10. llllfi, (U ear ha t.eJ AMa II. CltKN'HIIAW. . i it ,. . . ..... ... h,,.v t4er lumuer auipiiH-uHi Notice of Appointment of Ailniinlstrntiir nratnr eara, . CI, 11 H'lTI Vll , : .. . .i. .mm irwm iiif uiin i" I . .. . ii.1l k ... . t no riicouruKi'int'iii . . """'i iivrtjuy kivcii, K ill lm: . , . ... ,,,.11 I 'ounty Court for TllUmmik County wm,,,n ;",," Him uuij- nuiHJinn'11 win uiMinrmgneil a Ailrnlnutrator of lliu Katnto of Clara Kennedy. ilecoaed, nnd all Kirun having rllm itgnlnat anld estntu are hereby r ired to prusent th ittme to him, at li pin- if btuines In Tllla mixk Oiciun. or tn Wllllum Marx, hi Attorney ul hi ollct No, 20 Commercial. Hldg. Tillamook City, "'"s. nui.-riy veriumi acconllng tu law, wltbln alx month from the dal of thl notice. Dated October 10th IDtfi. W. (J, Dwlght, Administrator of ild Btat. Eat Executor's Notice to Creditor! NOTICE li Hereby Glvon, that the undirnlgned, John H. Hathaway, by an order of the County Court for Tilla mook County, baa been duly appointed Bxecutor of tha last will and teatament of iionjamln If. Hathaway, daceaied. Notice li further given that all per aona balnn any claim agalnit aald eatato are hereby required to praaent the mu within alx montha from thla date to the undenlgred at Aloha. Waihuigtori County, Oregon, or to my attorney S. 8, Johmon, f07 I, O. 0. K, bulldlnir, Tillamook Oregon, together with proper vouchers. Dated Sept. 21, 101(3 - oh.n Hathaway, Executor of tho lnnt will and tent, rount of Benjamin H, Hathaway, deceaacd, g Vtereck's BreAd TILLAMOOK BAKERY AT ALL GROCERS PETERSEN Bp Hwekaatn'allor ft ItlJPVmit A... ""! ORY CLEANING, IPRlBMNCeAWD DBBirBiiM"""" Cor ..... . . . , - MM In AI3 aiiiiiihii una .Mil . i u" - ...... Af llli im Hiimiiimtf ra. m v- , . L . .1, r,.,. ,i ,..,iniiiia.tiiM i i n l m " I, VI Ml IHiormaiiou oi me , .p.i.li.i.1 Ihmii Tlie i" ilueRtloit of turntIi c0" lll . ...lit, I rrSlilttt wresuu mnin of thu Southern I'aeific Slaya Two Women Then '' SI ll..lfiiia.- After Ml'"" ' IMMIIV It II II 11 1' III bur alMnr. Mr, a, M Todd. I R Mi.mi t tiro 10 Ida hu1, ntl IUi Maryll.ll !.. J V. ""- ..... A bit llirnti a tula Ul "" ' ..' .... I... 1. 1 Billl i ,, i,ii muiii. mi niii rshsl the laat iltot. bo kill'' eoiniianlad by tllM Ilia women went to Stout' W ' a divlalon of Uio fn"t,irf' duced the mnrahal to " ..ulnir Itn.l-M WUtlld 111) HO ' - . ,1.1 tnr Htout committal lllcWi. .i..i u..i....i unit Hilliicuiw" : Hll Hum- .. .... .,inirrr i Mra, mioui w "" y I If. V.m tnr (la f.COWWT M,W "Willi ,w, . , Mjnn. JOllIt U "' ingi, kb loaan nrn -. a k.,i. wmi found i .1 I III II1V in .ii,ih from . a, Headed' guilty w W. PHelPI l ulr0U? V aMUaced to Ufa rli0 i. Btuklma prim !r DtJliMi.-rH,lo:l 1 at aMMM4 la paoKina - 1M toaa at flrat graa. mumm mm aklBinelll V " . h HA. A mm UBWB E11U w-.. PertlMi btit NoveniWW