Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 15, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe Cilfamook herald
Cromblev. editor
VSftcrvd sc-ciaM "nutlor Mv H. UUO at the pou fllco
Oregon, under the net of March 3, 18TO.
Jtdvcrtliti(j Wale
' Ai)verti.o-ntj
l livvnivn, ,-. ......
Ka."h subsrtpionl insertion, lilt
irit.iesteaii oltcs
Timber Olniiu
Notices, per lino
Card of thsnks, Kr lino
Locals, 'vr line, first insertion
The ropulsr monthly tiwetini: of the
Fairview Gianga hekl on Thurs
day After the fcrmahMes of the
nrorninc meetinR sod a splendid din
ner st the noon hour, an open maeting
wj! held,
J. 1. Stephors, representing the Ore
gon Taxpayer I.ue, save a talk
on the interest and purptw of the
le.iKue. It ;emi that this league is a
non-partisan oriramxation, orifnniid
for the purpose of promoting economy
and etltriency in county and state af
fairs. Mr. Stevens i now in
our county for the purpose of or
ganizing a cood stron coanty orcni
zatioii. His remrks were well io
ceived. Several matters of Interest were dis
cussed, among whicn was the question
of protectinthe Chinese pheasant ami
other came buds that r-ave been turned
out on several of the rnc1e. Most of
the members of the Grange favored the
idea of protecting those game bird,
hut all are very much incensed became
of the fact that while the farmer are
protecting these bird, outsiders and
s-ome town people, sneak out through
their fields and shoot them early in the
morning or at dust, with the result
that the pheasai.ts are not increasing
as tbev should. Strong action in the
prosecution of violators of the game
laws was urged by many, and if we
hear of some arrests, in the near future
we need not oe surprised.
A committee was appointed to raise
a fund for the purpose of assisting E1.
Donaldson in talcing his exhibit of
farm products to the Portland Show.
Mr. Donaldson will take his exhibit.
Methodist Church Notes.
Sunday school session 10 o'clock, W.
E. Noves Snpt, Five minute sermon
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Theme
of discourse: "The Trial of Faith."
Class meeting 12 o'clock, W. M.
Heaston Leader.
Evening service 7:33. Theme of Ser
mon: "The Price You Pav."
Good mu3ic at these services.
A cordial welcome.
Edw. Gittins, pastor.
Presbyterian Church Notes
The services of next Sunday will be
inviting and helpful to all, and will be
held at the usual hours. The Sunday
school ofTers an opportunity for a help
ful study of the Bible to young and
older peopk-. The young peonies soci
ety will be formally organized no-'t
Sunday evening with a g'nxJ list of
members. The committee on constitu
tion and nominations will offer its re
port, committee consisting of Mr.
Robert Leonard, Misi Ruby McGhee.
and Mr. Roy C. Jones. Mrs. Edna
Poorman will be the leader of the
meeting. Many young people will want
to join this society as charter members.
The subject of the pastor's
morning sermon will be
."Under Divine Orders." . Mr.
Chester McGhee will kindly contribute
a violin solo to this service. In the
ovening tho subject for the popular
gospel service will be "Your Reason
able Service." The choir will supply
special music in each service. All who
are at liberty to attend any or all of
these services are cordially invited.
, Christian Church Notes
The Sermon subjeeta lor next Sunday
will be as follows:
Morning: "Glorying in Disciple
ship." "Sour Grapes."
Last Sunday night witnessed the lur-
; Mm Kl 4X II A llll WA.K
See Ui for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Cucstdav ana r-rteay
at TUKtitUMiV,
Kach subsequent Insertion. line
tlcsohitlon of i ondidehc ami
Usliti' IWtlCvM, per H1.0
Huiiu. & PrnfwMonsilenrds.nw.
nimilnv Adverfsemont. por tlicn
AH. Display Ads most Ihj in this of
1U.W jc0 on .viinv ami Thuradny Mn
W! incjt to insure publication in f(dUv
inn Tuesday ami Friday issue.
.7$ Kcason are "imperative.
gest auuleneo that ha bn in attend
ance this fall. The Sunday School lt
s;t Oct. 24th, th day our meeting be
gins, as our fait rally day. Our aim is
300 In Attendance on that day.
11. A. Van Winkle, Pastor.
The prtscnt enrollment of the Titl
tnook school i 40- This i 15 more
,:un wtrrr enrolled a,t this time latt
.. car, and 06 more than were enrolled
t this time the year before In the
-tiRh School the growth s from 104
.1; thu time tost year 10 lit, the prcs
ati enrollment. The Senior chm in
.ue HiRh school is smaller than the
-enior Clas of lat year, but tlii is
sounnnsattd tor by the large Syiho
;i. re and Freshmen clc. There
14 boys And JO girls registered
..iih the Sophomore class and .'j
a..s .nd iS jjirl registered as Fresh
men, v-'t the 11 students registered in
..s,. Ilitjh School, i7 are residents oi
.trtct ouuidc of lilUinook City,
tie is rtfcincred trom another coun-
in Iregon, one from Idaho and
trom Alaska, hight studcttu ate
.(.eudmg irom district No. t; Ij
,m district N'o. 2; J from dtstrict
.0 4 from district N'o. J7 and the
titers are scattered. All but one of
. ie students in high schobl arc be
ween the aires of 14 and o. None art
cr jo and one is below l..
I he average daily atlcndanc dur
i.ig the pst month Has jk;..' - I the
cr cent oi daily attendance was
teral classes had aboe 99 per cent
-tily attendance and the grou- of 14
-iophomorc boys registered with .Mr.
Crockatt, went through the last
;.ivn:h with a perfect record of at
tendance and punctuality. Sixteen
,. t'Liits visited schools during the last
The High School Agricultural class,
taught by .Mr. Sanders, is doing some
practice work in drainage. After
studying soils iu both field and class
and doing some work in the field
with surveyors level loaned by Judge
Henderson, the class is planning to
L.-uv.ike surveying and. estimating
the drainage of a tract of land owned
y judge Ala son. north of town. The
..hole of Saturday afternoon will be
spent by this class for the beginning
of this project.
Under the direction of Mrs. E. E.
Koch and assisted by Mr. KocSc,
Marie Holden gave a pianoforte re
cital last Tuesday evening at the
high school auditorium. The splendid
music was appreciated by a large
audience. Miss. Holden leaves soon
to study music this winter in Califor
nia. Last year she graduated from the
local high school.
Fire Chief Coates of the City Fire
department ave an instructive tdlk
to the studeuis last Friday.
T he Sophomore boys of the high
icliool have a registration record of
.00 per cent iu both attendance and
'jroinptness for two reports.
IV m. (i. Tail, local banker, spoke to
Ut students Friday afternoon on the
operation of a bank and also gave an
explanation of the banking system.
The Parent-Teachers' Association
vill meet at 7:45 Friday evening and
.vill be entertained by a good pro
gram .after which the election of of
'iccrs and the transaction of other
.. i;jortant business will take place.
I'rrf. ssor P. C. Crockatt, English
nd Debating instructor at the high
chool announced that on account of
personal issues and tho student body
petition, that he had decided to re
main until the second semester of
John Tneiler vs. Tillamook County,
action for money for dnrpHcei. This
case was Bet aside by Jude Holmes,
but was carried to the Supreme Court,
which ordered the same back to the
I Circuit Court for trial. Tneiler claimed
$1,000 damages from the county on
account of the construction of a cuN
vert adjacent to his property. The
Jury renderd a verdict or the county.
Mrs, Ann Owens vs. VV. It. Owens,
divorce. Motion of plaintiff for 5125 In
suit money allowed.
The jury was discharged Thursday
and it is thought that court bu-dness
I will be over by Saturday.
General Venustlano Carranra, who
will be recognized as de facto head of
'he Mexican government, at a result
ol the Pan-American conference.
Wilson Creek, Wmh The body i'f
the bank rubber who took hia own ute
after having been aurromtdiHl ami
tmdly Nsoumled by u jumse of cltu-iu
here, was identified n that of II f
(lkbo) Pruott. a notorious character
of thrt buckaroo type, who was well
known ubout Rphrntit and Boap lvk
The rubbur walkml into the Imuk
during the lunch hour and. at thu
polnt of a gun, forced C. T. Orlein
jer. tho asulstunt cashier, who as
alone. Into the vnull. turned the coin
lunation lock ami tool; nil of the gold
and currency, part of thu silver In the
'icney changer, and the automatic pis
tol under the teller's window. He then
walked out of the front door.
With OrV nld of a screwdrlvnr, which
was kept In the vault for such an
imergency, Mr. OrelslnRur soon took
ho hinges off tho vault door and
t.'iead the ulnrm.
The robber was flrnt overtaken
t hout two miles nnet of town by two
t the pofwii uml while they waited for
reinforcements tho robber retreatm!
across the Crab c,reok moailow, swlnt
tain thu creek and lakltiK shelter
among thu bluffs and roc kit along the
Krupp rond. eat of the Shtcw farm.
Barricaded here among the rocka
ho made a last stmul. firing nt his pur
suers whenever thoy came within his
Atttir 30 minutes' iles per.itc ftahtlng
In which hundreds of shots were fired,
the robber tumbled hcuiUung U'jwii thu
bank, dead.
Chieftain Says Formal Battles Will
Be Fought No More.
Vera Cruz. (Jenernl 'Carrunza re
ceived with ureal pleasure tho nowti
that the I'an-Amerlcau conference at
WatthinRlou had decided to reeoKiilzn
him as the tie facto Kovcrmncnt In
In response to questions General
Carrariza said:
"Tho Immediate effect of this will
bo a great moral stretiKthotiliiK of tho
cause of constitutionalism and of cor
resiKindlnu dtsheartr-nlnK "f ojiposlns
factions. There will bo no more for
mal battles, Fighting of that sort al
ready haa ended, but naturally tho
ntrugKle to put down minor outbreaks
and lawlessness must bo continued for
n greater or less tlmo In n country
.uch an this, where tliyto are exten
ulvu open areas."
Notable Life of Mrs. Ounlway Ends.
Portland. Mrs. Ablgull Scott Dunl
way, 81 years old, winter of tho lato
Harvey W, Scott and known as tho
"mother of woman suffrage In Ore
con" died at flood Samaritan hospital
following an IIIik'sh of suveral weeks
Wheat Club, Olu; bluestem, 95c;
red Russian, 87c; forty-fold, 03c; red
flfo, 88c.
Huy Kastorn Oregon timothy, f 16,
alfalfa, $13,00.
Iluiter Creamery, 29c,
I'Rgs IUnch, 36c.
Wool Kaatorn Oregon, 28o; valley.
Mohair 30c,
Wheat niuesteni, 9c; club, 92c;
red Russian, 80c; forty.fold, 93c; fife,
, 88c.
1 Barley ?26 per ton,
1 Hay Timothy, f 10 per ton;, alfalfa,
$14 par ton,
flutter Creamery, 30c. .'
, Kbb3 37c.
hour, oraiv, n.i:i
Moving Slni V Family Dlond Oiogon Flower
i;. I. III.LMANN, Mgr.
In Comiucroinl IU.I. Muttinl Plmnc
O. i. C. SWINE
I ll.tC MlllIC lIliMCC HllK
pii;s lor sale, Imtli jicxesi, tho
kuul tluiL lUHttirovcrvytiuu
One ol my herd bom s weigh
cl (i-M) lbs. nt US months old.
My h'ogslmve won nhhons
.tt county nntl stutc Inns,
I'hotie or write lor prices.
ft. !. . No. I. TilUimnA
S Coast Power Co.
Uvcry Klectrlc Neetl
Hoot U'lilrijj
Lljliime 1'ulurn
l-'Uihlihli Jtii iUlirri't
niecldc hum
Uhl Owlln Dvlt
ta.clrlr RiBgr
'r w.lt :rln
Wood! Wood! Wood!
Vine M ri pic, cord So.OO
Dry Alder " :u,f
Ilody Sprnee " :j.,'Jf.
Dry Cr.'tb Apple, cord f.f0
Route J, Tillamook.
Notice ol Administrator's l-'lnnl
the iiuderticni'd ailmlnutriilor for tlm
Ijitatoof J. A. Kuborts, Duct'nfed, h
tiled lu the County Court of Tllliimot.k
C.iuntv. Oroicon, his lliml tin ount. nrd
tlmt Novembei tlth, lllir, at 10 o'clock
A. M. has been fixed ns thu tune and
tho olllce of the County Jude of Tilla
mook County, Oregon, as thu plnrn
for tho hearint: of mild final account.
All persons interested In said settle.
minl nre nottlled to unpen r at snld
time and place and m'iku known nnv
objrctlon to thr dlschnrKu of suld nd
mftiistnitor. nuf-dJSi'ptefnbnr 27'h, 1U15.
tdES I'. H. Jackson, Administrator
of the l-'stntu nforesiild.
l " vrv
1 OwlnR to the fact that we shall be
obliged to iliseontliiuu our business
after January 1st, wo hereby kivu
notice thHt all accounts owing to tho
undersigned, and iinimhl after tho 20th
of October, l'Jir,, iihall he bunded to
our Attorney. Mr. Wllllum Marx, for
attention. .
Child. Peterson,
0 S, llnrncs.
fixecu tor's Notice to Creditors
NOTICK is Hereby (Jiven that thu
undorsiKiieil, John II. Huthawny, by
an order of tlio County Court for Tilla
mook County, has bcun duly appointed
Kxecutor of tho lust will nml t( fltllllliml
of Benjamin IV. HnUwvnv, dcceiised.
Notico Is furtlxr glvci thut all per
sons hnvlnir any clnlms nuiilriHt "suld
I'Stnto iiro hereby rriilreil to present
ho HHinu within cl:: montlis from HiIh
dale to tho iindorslKicd ut Aloha,
WanlunRton County, Ornitmi. or to my
attorney H. 8, Joluison. 1Q7 I. (), 0. P,
Ipdldlnif, Tillamook OroKOti, toKotlior
with proiier vouchors.
Dated Sept. 21, ll1ft
JJm II. 1 1 a Ilia way,
, T xeciitor ot t,h InsL will anil testu
hum of itopjiiiiihi HMIinwity,
Oklahoma Clscllan Offlelali Qullly,
Ik'iner -i;ieitlnu ufflclaU who ron
,.nrl t drl'rlvo nerws tif Ihe fliht
f si'ffmP through lh fiifurepiiii'iil
nt ih "sramlfalher eUttM if th
OklAhoiiia lolKlltUlli'li t lUblo
10 . .ittvUtuw and ItnprUoiiiiiaiil, ao
onllns to decision Pf llm Unllmt
tite elreult cnutl uf appeal.
p,.uiit.e.l hum. Th KrAiidlAlher clans
was decUtetl Utlroillltutl0iul by I hi
sutitfiii" w.url of th Untied tltat4
on Jjne 31. l?li
President Insist on Amsrlca Ftftt.
Vnliinu!nti , demand 011 all
,worlcn. ui 'imU f istruBlm.
to U iiinm than nnutral In ritd In
ih lCnroiitM war. tw uk ihoir uid
(or ,wr1r first. Il And at the limn
wit roletNi Ut IVdldrnl VH.n In
stweh in flbrAtton at Ibf th aniil-
r:t, of ini (uundirws of tt l)AUCh
I tum of la AmrMtt ltnutiii
I AniiwoMy Mlfi fteawns.
1 liakar T1m amad r 4ni;mt)ny
whleli th l.ptt r l ntlntu
httrd a M i kasmllMit nt (ho old
p. rt nf w f HJr by
4 .Vw York rarporaiiM). I hi Magno
lia Motal company, which IttM wo
trnrind with la owf. Ir.
A Kooahsr and J a 'nrtr, tit pur
. . ha U10 wora (of itoooff
j Hot 9our PUnl IManntd.
UMtfurd 1 1. ' rvt,n 1 h HuHnr
rotupany. rstlUiii") t H(H, with
, 4 bond tui" - - I' .h. haa txti lu
! .;orpuraiM ai lU 1 Ukkn. lh Qbfrci
bmt to eintrM-s 4 ' mmt tue
j tt-ry in h 't'-tt" rir ly is tlmo
' for th ! irvp
0ir -iftQ Ouna
It inay 1 rmrf to ilrstmy cin
in iirrpMl tbui (ulltiiK lnti III" tmmla
if 1 tur rtutny. r u sak .-aMurtMl
fnu ttnaw, If a till Kuiautit of
dvr.smltr- r hr xhMlt l smlt
iitii,. nt ibi nu u itotid t
r,ttH-nty If IKK I he l.rvm f jtt
cmm U ami ! htu jnnt
!tftliwt as ui ieh n nhli with n
hamltsplk ur pklt. If Ibnto tlmo
rru ttftr Hhois nc.l at ttie Mini (Mint.
.' liUM ntr- rly Jutil lhr MSftlMlf
iM n a to uuikp ll UPIrn Willi
Ihr t.nlt nr- If .ti Q nml lh
(,-rri irin,t mnrn a pilit.
T ! IbU ttm rlfliw rtt rpit tirnfrd
vrr -i d tutil up Hilh h-iivy
't'ttthu'rv A :uunltim H dctrr'l
pls'ici; it nt a dorp pt( nnd TttltiR
!t it iln- T'rifrntli itr nr cm up
Into stmill Ue himI tho P"' cut
'uwn awl lrnii ttfk. - lntdun lti
Lit Thm Hunt Tor lu
A mlnlsiiT lii n Iw-nl cliurvh known
for hi nlmviif mlitdedtiiotii by th,. mem
bors of his own family, but not to hi
ewiiKtvcniliiii. nHl lilun.'if frum tuiii
plete eiuri a( a rinriil syrrlrt by
Ids ipilck wll
lie had sttidlrd til si-rtnoii rarrfully,
;ilt hail nt-Kleetrd to iuskr any lioln
'ous of tin? nuinbt-r of tlm chnjitcr n4
verse from which the text was taken.
In tho pulpit ho ttnnoiui'-rd tlm trit
and then stopped short while tho rosi.
(tregntlou v iltwi to hear from what
place In 1 111' It was taken,
As he 11 cm: M'tii'e of notes to this
fact ho iiulekly nunoiiiir-i-d. "I'm koIiik
to K'lve you a wwk to rind from wtmt
rlmptir nml vere this phnim was
tnkeii," Ho wiis uspMurii nvertwL
C.ii.iniiim Ulmmtch.
Merchant Tailor
2nd Ht Aveuuj
rtiul br AitorViui I't
Qfovsr Clvsldl Alto
for th fhlUds'jth.s N4iittu
first um of th Wertiiml
The rrtt-h c ucranxfti la
eOlliplntrd M ll fc4 SfftJ
It I it iudm of imejli
artuod lh thtwn .,tb sn
)teld Mrshl Tim ItWtt.
ln utrUine si t i-rtt t)
the fiuia ll u i' r liimUti ti
iloMifi mnt uf itn siic'te
Chitlptir'. th 1 v"43trf tTf
tho 1'rnirh m'l 1' u Vt 1
Id !t.plttbrr ihcrt
of ri-iOtltllrtt ll. ' tl
Tho nshisne -1- 10 Uu i
thp eJiaral"f of tirftci t
Froitah li-ddlhE 1 tlmil tJ
KSltl, whlln Itr'e to fen
utnpllon ol a--'. 1 Is
hr lb. tlermsn inri t
Of a tltUrh tOhlro'c l t(tul
Thi lonit thrir- 4 AwtrsC
OffijOsllff III the l'4 fil, t!SI
rd m-nac5 of li 1 tm, fen
r4rniit ,lrartt s mulist
tlm rupture of di; mWUi
!-, HfU atl Hi isftwttf i
n Autn5wfmn rra) Ck
i&Ajm mn. ith iu "swa'
of h?y ami -en uit-lui
Hprhta from the m.Nb sJ n
1 IL lrrai!x I ho - it rsttUl tt i
I III pWin'r. a' rSSIJI
thu scmd r tt r
U10 wsur. wltiie AM
iibv rivxrs nn.t .- .tafrtkf!
. r. Brnol dmr l'- f
1 ' . . 1.. i
tub CAtmirn or r-
tooted tfy th II
thnusht thftt ii.- "
rt.ir asHous ' rl
ll I situated . s pf!st tt I
'soil nt the Jim" k"
. Dsitub, Jutu-b "sfhl AsV
could cnilrn,i'ls t SlU'lN
thren nidus
' For tho first Mr- lf ,HH
RO salOOIIS tl !IJ jv'J
iohii Ijaison. CwktriM
, li cdnr has beii vp "'i
13S.0OA ball.
I Hnnrolarv of I'm NaVJ
nnunrd that Am
fastest bHtlsh' BfMl-
President Wilson
mnllmi rrml'ntf th" WtuMV,
rnniiiiiiiniil In I tub nrU"
of ulKanilc reptilian tttii
Unn. Itlnn fl Ol1!) lAsfll"
a.a.-s .I. A. ....(.!' L -Hie 01 tV
hasoball sorlvs t i'lilUWJ
was won by tho i'hiw"n
Is dofoatliiK Hoston 3 to I
Hiiorotnry l.u I 1W J
thut.lio will recoimn'M"
.. . ,w, l.u IhdDIl
atioti or siu,""i1"'
tton of tho A tasks rallrjj
Tho Btitto deimrimtnt w
ii,n. n. Mfiri-rntllSv
tlnoplo to Inform the 1W
offloo that coiitlinmiif of
Ian iiiansacrw mlislit ,n.rirv:,
roliitlotw betweim Amo"w,j
people of Turkey. , a
Hlr Ht'dinoniJ Itof.ln. W
mler, and three f"',cr w7
tow, Dr. W. II. Miiits"
den and U. I, W'
4ttnp the govcrnmt "V
trucUon of puriuuneu
n - hlmiIi the
t Ui complete roturo 1
rcnduM vols of tn
utausv. officers Ol .
mUrmd tha -ttool0fllf l
adopted, Th totl .
wiw all; spotKi, y