il In mock issued twice a weektuesday and friday Largest Circulation of Any Paper in "Tillamook County Tillamook, Old'.GON. Octoiwu 12. 11)1.5. NO. 70 The First National Bank C.ipiUi And Surplus $30,000 Member Federal Reserve Bank 0FF1CUKS kc I '. I'rcuitUifU W. . HmvIww, Ciuliirr .C It '". Vlco Pnw. 1. K. KcMmii, Avsi.CnsIiier J,C ll-Hcn HUICTfKs? I 'cier ITtfcil w.j.iaiiftsr V W. I tun ii lire. Uinb Cartini mention given 10 nil Ijnukiiig, business pjnee "i our lunula. : COO fit i-OTS HUILDINC. I'fMJVMDDK. ORH Teachers Annual In stitute Next Week Three Day Sruion, Oct. 18 lo 20lh. Special Tflltnt Will Be Prcitnl. Notice in hureby given that this Teacher Annual Institute for Tilla mook County, will he hold at tlm High School Auditorium. Tillamook City. commencing Monday, October 18tli at 10 1) cttxtk it, tn. and clo on Wctliwv ily, October 20th at four o'clock p. m. All chools urn inippoed to liu cloaed during tlm tltriu of thu Inotltilto. Teacher tint expected to attend lit leant Ut"cii houra. ltjKctfilly youra, w. a. mukI, County Sunt, DROWNING AT THE BAR 'erfumery Perfumery niE LATEST IN PEWUMES PRICES FROM 25c to 51.50 We guard n toe it 'he Tillamook Dt tig Store L..U.UU rnrsusni.cfc4 IN OUR HL'j! Dnn forte1 WmHm From Courir : Another drowning occurred at thu NVitoi'CH bur. when C, O. Woolicy lout hit life In thu hronkcr ycate nlny after noon. Mr, WooUoy and h young mim hy the namo of George Corall, of Woodi, were fUhing the bar when they cot too fnr out nnil lost control of their hunt. After the boot had filled with water the younger timn caught hold of the nitlii of the boat nml retained his hold until rrciiud, Joe Overeat und a boy hy the name of Huckhcn aw thu predicament tholr fellowfishermon wero In unit with u brave heart and n glgan tie amount of nerve minuted a taint nml buffeted the wavra until the atritndcd taint wb reached. They then brought the young man, who by this time hud become nearly exhausted, to shore. Mr. WooUey waa not accn after the firat trouble. The itccldcnt occurred nbout -J o'clock yesterday nfternoon. XtrWolMiy U 'wvll'knowtt to mnnyofi tlm older cltlxona, he haying IIvihI In the fouth end o Tillamook County n j number of yenra ago and ubout year j ago returned and took up the occupa tlon of tUblng. He was 60 vcara of age and haa a aon living at Sheridan, win waa notified by wire hint evening, SPECIAL MEETING OF BAY CITY PORT Industrial Review Of Oregon Newt Itcmi abou! Statewide Indu!ri Improvement and Building on : The Increase From Examiner: At the special mooting of tho Fort of Hay Citv. held hero on Monday afternoon, the balance of $900 due for the Improvement work on tho Tilla mook. Hay City channel, was ordered paid. The premium on the surety bond waa ordered paid to the Cleveland bnnk. The luteal advice from the war department state that the port hna a balance on hand in tho Cleveland bank of &!S7,000. Another communication waa received stating that Major Wll llama haa aucceded Colonel Jnv. J. Morrow In charge of this department and that the major would be in this city aome time during the present month to look ovcr tho progress made with thu improvements on tho buy. A letter waa received from tho light hoiiHO department regarding tho in atallation of 12 lighla to mnrk the channel; action waa doferred until the dredging work is a little further along. It la expected that the dredge will bo In operation bhortly aa tho officials In charge of thu work are in Portland at present endeavoring- to hurry the pontooma; tho delay ip the ajiipping of thoao ia what la holding tho work back, it la expected that theao will arrive thle week. Several little matters that had to bo taken caro of before work whs started; such as building acowa and making ready tho living quarters of thoao who will live aboard tho dredge, have all been done. bw many a youn man is kept back from piwoiiM . ra ' Darfn.wu u0i. h Hoos not ave a pari f wnai n 1. man who SAVES is the man who gaint tM uunr. GE of hia'amnwar nd cuts advanced Ytr the ertrara P?n who workt'byhttBlde. . . w A-u-rkUD kank YOUR bank. 4- n ink.nJJ. . . .. r.-,l About 1000 man are now working on 7 ni dairy tam U nnt; Mt adouv iv lf.rn H-iw,, fr.m i .i.i.. in llarrlman. PARCEL POST SOCIAL A SUCCESS Th. Pnrenl Post Social which waa glvon by the ladles of tho Presbyterian Church atthn Guild Hall on Friday evening waa a success tn every way. The attendance waa' good and the lad ica netted a neat um for their trouble. A fine prjigrn...wt.J6ndered con eisting f numbers by McGta'a orches tra; a reading by -rror. ickow or Mrh aohaol a. vocal duct b.v Mrs, u, ' . , Poorman and Mist MCKQwn; yoeai tolo by Miss Mabel Goyne; and a voeal kv Ulia lubv McGee. accom panied by Chaster MeGesj on violin an ui.. r?alord on Piano, Gamea were pUyd nd thr wm purcel for avervbody, lh Mng old t 25c and 50c. ur.i..nHM rofreshmanti were alto .Sulorn()ct. U. The fight Ui reduce tnxe and to do nwny with Industry killing ijnlalatlon and regulation waa never carried on In uch a determined mtnncr 6y tho cltlzena of the North west, t The St Melon's hhlp Huiidlng Co, la busy on f mast auxiliary achoouer. The lilca hna u new soap factory. I. 'Ornndu Taeornn cnpltallata bought Whllrii Mine for J.'W.O'jO. Aah'aml ice plant will move to Med fonl. j The Ofegon crunberry crop is gooil price anAJnd ?I0 n barrel. Aahlniul -7-1 1 head of cattle shipped from hero recently brought owners M6.UO0. V A aelf-(ifling trolly wheel manufac tured at Iausser, Oregon, ran .IS days without oiling. llO.fKOincrea of land has been thrown open for kettlemenl in South Central Oregon. L Spauldfng I.3ging Co. will attempt to coloinit! its loggeil-off land at iltuck Hock. J Handorij chceae factory turned out 60,000 (xiUnd of chcere In f month. Handon Prospect of railroad oniera brightcni tho lumber market outlook. An effort la being made for a bridge iter o a Willamette at Hnrriaburg. Princvllle planning big irrigation scheme with canal and dam. Stockholder of Canny Canning Co. are figuring on itar'.inj; cheese factory. for tho first time, $10,000 worth going in two cara. ltepnrt" say that Oregon-Utah sugar company bus been organized to build factory in itoguc River Valley. Crown j'olnt on Columbia Highway will have $20,000 hotel. Gold ore running $10 a ton reported one mile west of ituncon. Frank It. Willis. Gov.'of Ohio says, "The time ia here for tho establish ment of a genuine American policy involving fair treatment of our indus tries, laws that will encourage the business man rather than repress him, and that will encourige him in n legiti mate way to even greater achieve ments than those we have made thus far. Drainage district being organized on Ten Mile, Coos Ha v. Marahfleld Reports state that C. A Smith pulp mill will soon start. Unity Now creamery nearly com pleted. Handon Slnnuger Tnompson of the Sixes River mines haa crew of men working on construction of n flume. A sawmill ia being constructed, and the coat of tho flumo and mill combined will be ubout $150,000. ToledoThe Geo. W. Mooro sawmill preparing to resumo orerattons. Toledo J. H. Miller Logging Camp on Dopot slough ngain in oporntion. Hcppner -Work on new Masonic Templu started. Hill lines will feature Oregon cran berries on their diners. Gardner Salmon canneries on the Umpqua have opened. Present conditions indicate that North liend mills will operate all win ter. The Warren Construction Co. ia rush- Ingita bitullthic paving contracts at North Uond. Grants Pass Reports say Greenback mine may be operated in near future. Tho larcest grain cron the North- west hat ever growu ia now harvested. I saaaasaBaHtHSIRsT? Wk'tKtm tataVKltl Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaat ylB, aaaaaapBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK1 BBBbK s' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbB LISTEN! To TheGood News An opportunity that rarely comes our way is at our door. TO-NIGHT, WED. OCT. 13, at Christian Church. "DAN" POLING A threat union service led hv a man with an interna tioual reputation. And best of it all he's an Oregon boy. j The citizens of Tillamook should show that the' are j proud dl him by giving him a great hearing. Daniel Poling has worked his way up to President Clark's associate, and will be the next President of the WORLD'S CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. He is to be the chief speaker at the great National Convention to be held at Portland this month. Remem ber just one night in Tillamook. Wednesday, October 13, 1915 Admission FREE MUS1CALE On Friday evening of last week Miss Marie Holdc.n gave s muiicale under the direction of Mrs. E. E. Koch, at the Koch residence on Second Avenue Rastr-Thepronrfrrwrnsistctf ofiseveraf choice piano selections by Miss iiolden and two violin solos by Mr. Koch. About twenty invited guests were present. The numbers rendered by Miss Hoi den displayed much skill and good taste. She is to be congratulated upon the progress she is making in her musical cndcaorti. SHINGLE MILL TO START CUTTING SOON From Wheeler Reporter: The ,'ensen Shingle Mill, which has been leased to F. B. Sturgis. has re ceived a thorough overhauling during the pest several weeks.. Mr. Sturgis, the new manager of the mill, fired up the boilers this week for the first time in tho past year. Everything about the mill is now in good running order and it is expected that cutting opera tions will be started in a very few days. The crews which Mr, Stuagis has working in the woods are getting out a considerable number of cedar bolts and with the supply of cedar Ugs which are in the North Fork of thu Nehulem, and which will come, down with the first freshets, the mill will have suffi cient, logs to keep operations going all winter. Such operations throughout the winter will give employment to 12 or 15 men and will mean considerable to Wheeler. CIRCUIT COURT NEWS. In the case Miller vs. Lane, action for money, jury returned verdict in favor of plaintiff to the amount of $107.22 Molion-wM made by plaintiff. that verdict be set aside and a new trial granted. Motion will be taken up later. Carl O. Shagren vs. the launch Arab ownersr action for money, verdict ren dered by jury in favor of plaintiff to the extent of $175. Ashley & Rumelin vs. Mabel K. Ter ry, action for money, jury rendered verdict in favor of plaintiff to amount of $30.59 and 55. attorneys fees. Coats Lumber Co. vs. P. J. and Maud Sharpe, action for money, jury render ed verdict in favor of defendant Maude Sharp on question of partnership. Geo. W. Coffraan vs. Alfred Josi. ac tion for money, jury rendered verdict in favor of plaintiff for sum of $391.65. Feeney Bremer Co vs. Oley Egge and Henry L. Simmons, action for money, jury rendered verdict to full amount of claim $tSS.-l6. In the case Tillamook" County in re lation to Jas. Langley et al, vs Wm. Stephens and Henry Woolfe bondsmen. Judge Bagley overruled demurrer, re versing Judge decision that claims should not be assigned. This is a case where 16 workmen who were nnpaid by Contrrctor Mead for work on county road are sueing bondsmen. Ueder Judge Bagley's decision they can make one suit answer for all. FELDSCHAU-BUFFUM On Friday nfternoon of last week, Mrs. Anna Buffum and John Feldschau were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage by Rev .Gittins. Only im mediate relatives were present at the ceremonies. The bride and groom have tho best wishes of many friends. CHEESE MARKET IS EIRMEJt. LAMAB'i Variety Store TiflaiMOkOfe. "DROP IN Alfft LOOKAROWND" From Journal: Market for cheese is firmer and there are indications of another advance in the price. With great strength in the eastern situation and with the coaat price still low compared with what tt product can be landed here, the out look is decidedly favorable for vakno. GEM THEATRE Friday Night PRINCESS ROMANOFF In Six Reels Featuring America's Premier actress NANCE O'NEIL, in this photo play based ou Fedora, by Victorien Sardoa. $ ...... . - t ' r A." All this week Weltemeyer Ownbey will five . : uo-to-date comedies ani tJrames In con 1 lunctlon with the pictures. . . " Wed. and Thurs,. night, comedy 4$ml THE WUHAN" Watch for later asnoataictments ,J,.w, ...... aervad, uf, i itwi p