Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 08, 1915, Image 1

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z-LSlShTtoNOF Any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkcon. Octojujk 8. 11)15.
NO. 75
- jr.
m BBjgsj rrl sH 1
avsawg bbbsvsv.
Auk any of our ciiKtomcrs about
First National Service
They arc all pleased with it and
Can tell you why.f
First Notional BanK
Perfumery Perfumery
PRICES FROM 25c to Jl.50
We guarantee it
'he Tillamook Dfag Store
IW 111
kmany a young man ikept back from prtmition or a
vtntranip because he dpoa not savo a part i ww
ffnan vrho SAVES It the man who gains the GONFI-.
.of hli mpipy,r1and,et3 advanced over the extrara
who worktby.hlssido, '
iBANKINC'Habit it the, best hablfa man caa acquire,
Mirnn hanK yuuk umm.
(Pay "fpwOiSrttt on Savings Deposits v
ta. MmMlt 'fM
TM Rimwy ilotal'win receWo re
turns of tht Championship Series by
Special Win.
I reck Klnu Informs Minister
He Cannot Support Military
Policy Against Bulgaria.
Athens King Constantino of Greecu
ha accepted lb resignation of Pre
inter VuiiUolon and his cabinet ac
cordlne to official announcement hero,
Premier VenUclos announced In the
chamber of deputies that the cabinet
llmil resigned uwIiik to difference
with KIhk CouWautlne. Sittings at.
the deputies were suspended, Venlte-
los explained that It was Impossible
fur bin cabinet to alter It program
even to meet the wishes of the throne.
WdUoloH resignation came when
King cotmtniillne Informed the pre
tutor that hu wa unable to aupport
his ministry.
The premier and hi cabinet favor
Ied active military cooperation with
Serbia and the nllle against the
threatened aggressions of Bulgaria
nnd the Germanic allies In the Balkans,
The klnK. who la believed to lean
toward (;trmnii) is underatood to
have declnrod hlmnelf In favor of ab
solute neutrality, regardless of Uut
t;:irla' action.
Berlin, via London. British coun
ter-attacks north of Icoe have failed,
the official statement claimed. French
AtUcka.aouth.wuaL of.ABfe..at.of J
Souche and north of Neuvttle were
Capture of 10,731 men and 211 offi
cers around Arras and in Uin Cham
pagne was clalme
in tne unampsgne, saia me state
ment, "the French attacked on a wide
front east of Auberlve. This failed
except at one point where the enemy
succeeded In penotratlng our advanced
positions. Making a counter-attack,
we lock 71 prisoners and kilted the
remaluder who had penetrated,"
Concerning the eastern front, the
statement said:
"General von Llnsengen's forces
stormed Korwlna, taking 1300 prison
ers. A Russian attempt to pierce our
lines west of Ternopol failed with
heavy lose.
Field Marshal von lilndcnburg re
pelled attacks south of Naroca near
Lnke Splagla."
Heavy fltilitinB In stOI In process In
the Artl roRlon of franco and the
bombardments arc r.olUK on In the
Champagne roRlon and In the Vosges
Itussla has been relieved, to some
extent, by the withdrawal of German
troche to meet the offensive In tho
west and to supply a contingent for
the enterprise nfjnlnst Serbia. Itusila
appears to bo holding her own aloa."
virtually all her front
Trance nnd Great Britain already
have taken military measures to de
fen Serbia and Orccco against IJul
KarUn aggression. The Indications
are that Italy and Itussla arc co-oper-atlnj:
wUi France nnd Kngland In u,o
exeaitlon of th!t Joint movement.
The first week of tho allies' big of
fensive in Franco and Flanders ended
witlt nearly 1.000,000 men battering
wlthj undiminished fury In the Artois
and Champagne, losses cannot b
ealltfiatcd, Tho allies declare they
huvd capttired nearly 30,000 and slain
morMhan 100,000 Germans. Berlin
repofted allleu looses as "enormous "
A iJrltlsh report from Meld Marsh?:
Sir John French says tho Germans
northwest of llulluch have recaptured
the greater portion of the Hohcnzol-
lernf redoubt, which was taken from
thetd last week. Numerous other at
tack! over the open against the Brit
ish trenches between the quarries and
tho Scmedes llulluch read were re
pulsed with severe losses.
Events Occurring Throuihout
the State During the Past
Ciar'a Force Haa Halted the Kaiser's
Advance In the East
London. Russia Is not only holding
her own along tho entire eastern
fronts, but nt some points; notztbly In
Oullcla, tho czar's armies have as
sumed the offenstvo and are deliver-
I m; heavy blows at tho Invaders,
These, according to tho Gorman ac
'coiint8, havo been repulsed, but It Is
evident Itussla has boon tor the time
at least relieved from tho tremendous
German pressure to which she had
boon subjected for the last six months
This Is no, doubt duo to the withdraw.
al of u strong contingent of the Tou
ionic nrniien to nsslat in the concerted.
attempt to sweep through Borbla to
tho Dardanelles.
The Income to the treasury for Sep
tember was little more than $00,000,
000, or about $10,000,000 less than or
dinary disbursements, In the United
Professor Michael Pupln of Colum
bia -Mtvrttf-ta Invented-a-'davte?
with which It Is hoped static Interfer
ence with wireless communication
may be eliminated.
J. P. Mdrgan c Co. have been placed
In cntlro charge, subject to the wishes
of the syndicate managers, of tho flo
tation of tho $000,000,000 French and
British loan In the United States.
T. St. John Gaffncy, American con
sul general In Munich, who was asked
to resign on account of partisan utter
ances, Is reporieu to no planning to
lecture In behalf of Germany in tho
United States.
Bear Admiral Charles D. Slgsbee,
commaiylcteof tho battleship Maine
when she wa blown up in Havana
harbor 11898. Is in the naval hospital
at Brooklyn navy-yard suffering from
a norvous breakdown.
Dismissal of six midshipmen, sus
pension of four others for one year
without pay, and the demotion to tho
next lowest class of IS others, waa
annouueed by Secretary Daniels as
the result of the recent hating Inves
tigation at Annapolis Naval acadessy.
Forty-alx Lumber Veaaela Sail.
Astoria. During tho month of Sep
tember, 28 vessels loaded at the mills
In tho lower river district, their com
bined cargoes amounting to 15,408,060
feet of lumber. Twenty-seven of Uses
vessels, carrying 14.S64.000 feet of
lumber, went to domestic ports, while
one vessel, with 844,000 feet of lum
ber on board, Is en route for foreign
ports. During the name period, IS ves
sels loaded 3.311,000 fect of lumber at
uprlver mills for domestic points,
while three vessels sailed with 4,703,
000 feet for foreign ports.
Deposit for Use of Telephones Ended.
'Salem. Abol'tlon of tiio $5 advance
dc-rt horctr.ro'C exacted from Its
subscribers by the Pacific Telephone
ft Telegraph company was ordered by
the Oregon public service commission,
except in the case of metered service.
The new.rule set forth by the commis
sion will go Into effect November I.
The order Is tho result of an exhaus
tive inquiry prosocuted by the com
mission on Its own motion through
several months Into the regulations
ot the company.
Portland. Establishment of Bill
tary training In schools, development
of a military system similar to that
of Switzerland, development of a fleet
second to none in the world, and plac
ing of our Insular possessions on prac
tically a war footing, were measures
urged by Senator Chamberlain, chair
man of the senate committee oa Mili
tary affairs, who addressed the civic'
league on the subject of adequate mil
itary preparedness for the United
States. j
"While 'America is advanced In hr,
views, and while she has the -diplo
macy of truth and fair dealing, over,
the water the nations still hare tse
old Machlavclfan theory of untruth la
diplomacy and of force, and If the
United States Is to maintain herself
as an independent power in the world,
she must be in a position to protect
herself against aggression from them."
Newport Offtrs $100,000 Bonus.
Newport. Offer of a bonus of 1100,
000 haa been made by the citizens C
Newport to the Portland West Coast
Railroad and NavigaUon company
an Inducement for the early construe-
iv. i,it n.. .v i - --- - -: .
posed line from Portland to Newport
Resolutions to this effect were unani
mously adopted at a mass meeting at
the commercial club, the condition be
ing that actual construction be com
menced within 60, days of the accept
ance or tne bonus.
Russian Ultimatum Sent to Bulgaria.
Pstrogrnd, via London. Tho Rus
sian minister has been ordered to
leave Sofia unless within 34 hours the
Bulgarian governmoat openly breaks
with Austria and Uormany and semis
away tho Austrian and German mili
tary officers now In Bulgurla. accord
tni: to the semiofficial nows agency,
Russia's ultimatum to Bulgaria ex
pired &t 4 o'clock Tuesday, but so far
as kuown, no answer had been receiv
ed and none was expected.
PhllllM Win Toss For Series Start
New York. The Philadelphia Na
tionals and the Boston Americans will
meet in the first game ot tho world's
series or 1915 at Philadelphia on Fri
day, October 8. The subsequent dates
of play will bo: Philadelphia, October
9; Boston. Ootober 11 and 12; Phlla
delphla, October 13; Boston, October
Brother of Slain Penitentiary Head
Chosen In Stead.
Salem. John V. Mlnto, of Portland,
was elected by the state board 'cf ca'.i
trol as superintendent ot the Cruson
statu penitentiary to succeed his
brother, Harry P. Mlnto, who vras
shot and killed near Albany by Otto
Hooker, an escaped convict Tl:
election was unanimous, and no ot
aspirants for tho place were mcnti
etl at tho meeting. The appointiu.at
is effective at onco.
Tho new superintendent was for
merly a resident ot Salem, and has u
record as ono ot tho most efficient
and fearless peace officers In Orcs"'
He is a former sheriff of Marlon cou:j
ty, was chtf of police of '.h:a c'.:, n
later, following his remoul to Po-t
land to reside, was chief of tUo Port
land polico department and posttuas
Arrowrock Dam Is Given to Settlers.
Boise, Idaho. Ono of tho govern
ment's greatest achievements in rec
lamation work, tho Arrowrock dam,
tho highest in the world, was formally
dedicated horo Monday. Between 4000
aud 5000 persons, maiuly settlers from
all parts ot tho Boise project, attended
the ceremony.
mil Approves Arbitration Treaty.
Rio Janiero. The chamber haa ap
proved the arbitration treaty between
Brazil and tho United Staten.
Variety Store
Tillamook, Ort.
French Treepa LMJe! te Ale), ierkls.!
Paris, The resignation of Premier
Veitlislos of Grwseill not Stop the
hWsing of troops for iwW1 defense,
it was officially announced after; tho
vrnnch cabinet held lt seeslen with t
PrestdeiU'Polneglre. " J f
Sovonfr -toQusarid jmwntneUn- J,.MDROP IN AND
ed at Salonika wtn ue woji soseni i
of Premier Venlselee, though in order,
to comply wlttf dreea- Uwg fwmd J
n-r.trnt wai ent Franee.
Artesian Water Is Struck In Morrow.
Heppner. E. B. Newlon, who has
been boring tor artesian water for the
past two years 10 miles northeast ot
Lexington, In Morrow bounty, has
struck a flow, ot about 500 gallons a
minute, An Informal reception waa
held at the woll, where the business
interests of Morrow county were well
represented. A number of officials
of the O-W, R, ft N. Co. came from
Irrigation Project For Newest Ceunty.
Culver. The Suttlee .lake irrigation
9800,000 bond issue carried at tne
election by ft vote ot 60 to 42. As ft
result of the vote ft new district wlU
he reclaimed; through lrrlgatlen in
central Oregon, 1I.M0. ftcree,etwkkli
Is government and state land and in
occupied,. The new, dlstrtefjleen in
Jefferson ceunty and has a peftalaHen
ef'llv people.
Lane Clover
ugene. Tea
werta et clover seed has nee sold
within Ue pent 1 dm y flnrsiera of
Une oo.Hty, aferelAe to
history the county nptajMwPi;
r of elover seed. One, deeier tnBn
gene is planning to install a cleaning
plant in Bngone to handle an expected
crop next year' of 'four or fveeftsi,
touting some $30,000,
i'i.uH) iut . al'o ci,cT;i If taken at once.
Inquire at Herald, Qfflce.
"I think New Jersey will be much
benefited by a change.. My position
with regard to the way this great
question should be handled is well
known. It should be settled by the
states, not by the national govern
ment and in no circumstances should
it be made a party question. My view
has grown stronger at every torn of
the agitation."
War Loan Is Closed.
New York. With the $500,000,009
Joint Anglo-French bond Issue over
subscribed to an extent not computed,
the underwriters' books were closed.
Estimates ot the total over subscrip
tion ranged from $25,000,000 to $100,-000.000.
Ohloan Elected Commander of G. A. PL
Washington. Ellas R. Montfert, of
Cincinnati, waa elected commander-in-chief
ot the Grand Army ot the Re
public Kansas City was the unanimous
choice as the next encampment city.
Wheat Club, 88c; blueetem. tec;
red Russian, 83c; forty-fold, lie; red.
fife, 83c
Hay Eastern Oregon Usietky. HI;
alfalfa, 113.50.
Butter Creamery, 29c. ,
Eggs Ranch, 34c
Wool Eastern Oregon, 2le; mUey,
Mohair 30c.
Seattle. .
Wheat Bluestem. 93c;, club, tie;
red Russian, 83c; forty-told, 9e; fife,
Barley 825 per ton.
Hay Timothy,' $16 per ton; ftlfaUa,
$14 per ton.
Euttexr-Creamery, 30c.
Eggs 34c. ,
Dumba Leaves For Austria,
New York. Dr. Constantin
Dumba, Austro-Hungarlan
dor ta.Washington for more than two!
' . " ' J. .i.' .
years, wno, was reosuien ai m rMtwei
started fee AusUla.on board; tke Hol-j
of Ue United sutea government aas
land-American Uner Nieuw Amster
Will Vote For Amendment In
Washington. President Wilson an
nounced he would vote for the wo
man's suffrage amendment at the New
Jersey special election.
The president authorized tho follow
ing announcement of his position:
"I intend to vote for woman suf
frage in New Jersey because I believe
the time has come to extend that priv
ilege and responsibility to the women
of the states, but I shall vote, not as
the leader of my party in Iho na:.o::,
but only upon my private conviction
as a citizen ot New Jersey, calied upon
Chicago Under Sunday Ltd.
Chleeae, wavpr. Thompson, u .
meeMge to the city council annemaoed
"-iftt. , the, owners of all salooM U Chi
cago nereaiter woum do torceai m eey
the atate law, which provides Uat
Uey .reinftlB Qlosed onuaday.
i:ook Cay works make the best and
cheapest tile obtainable, ... :
. hf."
fit ti'
1 ,