Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 05, 1915, Image 4

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. I.'
TKc" Wonder Car
s.J3 aur ami mm mmMBavfar--aw am av il awn
v. iSt II mm -r- w mmm i tl
.'"HSU t II It -1
ml l
if 4
Eft A! l
Electric Starting and Lighting
The new Maxwell is equipped with the Siniins
Huff Electric Starting and Lighting System.
This system is a single unit type, combining
in one instrument the generator and motor.
It is the simplest, "sure-fire" powerful self
starter made and has about one-half tho wire
of ordinary starters.
We are waiting to take you for a
test ride in tho car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
I n ii -i t r . o
UiieA&mfAcfxiirlJD i
1 DcmxnfaHe Ifas
i fain isfcn ttrrds'ltie'd vj
Ehrtric 'Lights
idtpkio fytition
The History of tb eWorld
From the Dawn of Creation
The Great War
I tc(o(c(t li nit, HclniceiMi.l fiulitMiy
uiul pivncnteil In womlttltil colot
.Panama-Pacific Exposition
tnn l;nuu'liu-t
Thin wotulerfiil KoiHI' -U!rn IVff. I.
r.r:'f U
l.e-t you alwny look buck :o l& IH rotjirt
Scenic Shasta Route
Tfcuwcfc th wowlftfal .! ,h' , ,
IamU. th 8iwtiwiln A I'Mfdiu s
Mtv Kh trft tol JtkM.
Low Round Trip Fares
Full purtteultiH with oupv of t'.lt "Wityetdc
Note. Sha-M K'cMt'" or VwlMtmHmttnl !l l'w
Woihl KKwiliim' m ;iiplliiitiou t.ntM"t whI.
John M. Scott, General t'nnscngrr Agent, I'ottlnnd, Ore.
.22' Have the Call!
Til tlm rl? uf rluWumllritf to the Uvf
,.r .itnrl HlilllilltMIII..lli iH'Ottmn the fnilKU
selling hitittitiiiiUoii in lit" worm.
hnUnur tuuU of rilld 0 shoot, HrinJiiKtcm I'M (J
('itrtriilgr. will gtvt' you letter, surer renilU tliitu nit) otfw
in tlm worhl, i if i .
(io tt tlm InitiUni: ukr -tlm who dlsplaya tU l4
tof Murk i! Utmn9im- UMC
II U Ulljuw winmn into '"'.Tl?"'"'""
ilUil,fi -ftttdttrU .Uh )..(( tmlttli-;t.!Mr II
uair. .Hiuw w..i. mu tu.m iJ AuiptiUe
Soll ir ynr im ilUr
olr Utln Mrht Ofii
; 1 F O 0 BETaO IT j
Direct From a Big Run in Portland
St s
Nver Lie Down Dressed Without
Co'A.rirso Over You.
Wlu-ti Un.fiilnn Utwu oil u cotu-ti for
;i ii.-ii. Ui.riii tli, day iiuiiij- jerun
-ui fei tli. :. bcs.aui tticy ttr
! ,.l tl..- '. It U not m nil titc'irj
to n:l ".tr. hi . Iiik
in tui't;i'ii
tiv'iu. in- u
llll'l lll'ti'il:
.111 l-.iu! I 1
Ii' . v'U ..'.ri to learn how to raise
chtPrcn. ask a spinster or an old
Th.r:'s no i o!n ior te,rs. Three-,
fourth of lfu- -arth arc already civ-j
cred with salt water. ' i
Lct"s stay i-ctjuainicd. The world's!
so srnal! v. c",V need each other before i
wc Ret out of it.
If there is one thins? some people
enjov inorr than doing a good act,
it is tilling about it afterwards.
And yet with wireless telegraphy
and feature films, the people don't !
enjoy tru-rnsclirt's any better than
wht i they used to borrow fire and
shavx with soft soapsuds. t
Gng people things t will never
abolish poverty. You can no more
make a .T-.un rich on the outside v.'ith
oui -n iklng him rich on the inside
thar. y.,u ran put a silk gown on a
pig; ; -id exject him to be a canary
bin! i f-u can only help people to
hefc. tbi nvelves. Hut if you can get
them rich on the inside rich in pur
ity, honesty, industry, faith present
ly t. i outside reflects it, and they
looi: better, dress better, live better,
have better laws, and live in better
art' constant
t so:nf - t. 1. 1 cry move
i - i. ' :t It hi. I) tin ax
vi ::iti- .irs. Kvpry lltilf
.... tin- iiiomt ruli-4 fur '
s-vil l i.n;!:.' tli't.f u,i m;: taiiM-i.-i
"ib.v U-.ir. i - l-. more )U,ckl Win
in t'tlnri. .-ii ! tli ;iir -trt'.iufi it ;ri-4i :
r .:!!!!. . i ii.i" i!. iliius.
All f ;L.. n. ... .: at-tifin. mill ttK
. i.--. ,tii-:.i .T. rt i tv.itt-H nud ki-t-ps v
want f .d! iirm:.i herU.
Nor,- ilu ln; v.-hat ;ill Hleep it' j
tl:vf voiiJIt i.n .ire I'tiitttccd. Tii
iiiu-Uit rent ii wel! ;n the brttlu. Tin
'i -art lniit iu ri- Uwly. yml tin
trcatliit, . In cotiM.Ui!uri iiiurv
j'Jlftl.v iioii--a of ivhli'h tftul. f I
i.riui: iiliuat tlie I werliiK of the ImmI.t'x I
!L-tnMr.ifuri. nud tin- hih?iIiib pi-rwiu
imvn m me of th! lutitl. lie fcctisi-! or
f;l tftl ! rwidlly tun! often. If he
ban In in uii- ertiJ. Mttfh n porou In
heard to euuiiltilu of feulln' cold upon
Therefore to utmlilu one to keep In
or r;Utlti the normal bodily heat while
alecjdn. uven if tltu Hleeiilng U donu In
a warm room, one uliould not full to
have a covorJu-,- of some sort ready at
hand. St, Loulo Vott I)Mratct.
THIS rmrliNtsU life tlmin U Inn rm).
In human, tmr rnrr wnnl II Ml
rt Mftit mr unit nur iirlblrf II
maln u rrftirrnbr ami rrefrl nrry ril
ttf Idtf Knl Mr Ui rtrr rvpralr! I rnm
ptut In jiro4lurtf'n hl flliti MKiNflv t
not f.tll to It fnr It U on of th lite
lt I'Uy rirr prnilutcil.
M tm
The I'Yutu ami tear wlicvb arc uiuki il.t hux
tins atlaiits a hMU-r hitch to thr Ihhmh anil
mean lighter wm k ut On uam The IU.uk II nvk
litis nti j4iars thcrehy iluinu away wittiaM Itunutu
U a i all iJiU-ri'Mcd in iiiantiif spreader. m mvitc
ymi to eotnc ami examiju the Hlack Haw epical
or on exhihttion at our .;re
A good trouble-maker can always
find employment. The raw materials
are everywhere.
Copyright 1915, The Lyceum Maga
zine Parlcttc will lecture here on Oct.
- 1 1
C... '.-..lit.
o! iivn ' .on iuv
III llll.lt" .v.
i -1 l.,..p i. ' tile ITX-
fur tmU-v tun! ut'iihit'i''
1.. : to t. nbllfi'd. .Illils
j-)', .runllii 10 the lettei
'If - lil.'lltli.llR'll wIXUIiik WfJ,
'i-t. if Jill! ilfeful mi ef.:ib;'fh
v.nli f-i the propiluty of ftrk",
in: the Initiroprjety of thf
rcj, ifiHoa 1-.11 tlu iui.'e or feel
L'lf any lti.irtduiil." .
!) 01 1 ui' rnie 011 inn wteriugiji
-4'lt Ih urn permltted-for uny H-r-
.i.t..... ....... i.i..i..,
1 iui uuu 111 u ikiiu Willi itii.'ir
w hH- on uudor a pululty of
Mai nud i :.u!f ;uiil Imlf tl dollnt
the may tilftwl
Owing to the fact ttiut wc shall be
ohligeij to discontinue our business
after January 1st, wo hereby give
notice that all accounts owing to the
undersigned, and unpaid after tho 20th
of October, 191S, shull be handed to
our Attorney, Mr. William Marx, for
Chas, Peterson,
C S. Harnett.
Chicago, Oct. 2. Howard D. Iibey,
assistant chief of the local federal
employment bureau, announces that
the bureau has at its disposal more
jobs than it is able to find men for.
Most of the jobs arc for farm hands
although there arc many for other
classes of labor. The bureau has sup
plied several hundred jobs of this
Kind within the last two months.
"We have been doing so niucli busi
ness that we have had to more to
larger quarters," said Mr. Ebcy, "We
have more than enough jobs for the
men we can find to fill them. If there
arc men, in Chicago who want work
there is no need for their remaining
idle. All they have to do is to apply
to this bureau."
Hudson Maxim, the inventor has.
?n 'inificial left ami,
hVn'y all the sandpaper in use is
iiv'. villi powdered tflass,
. t ., in 1 roorf;il tjlk jfojxlf
I California will this year sell 540,-
WED. & THURS., OCT. 6th & 7th
Children 5c
. M
ooo.ooo pounds of dried fruit
Over nnc-ii.ird the ttal an-a of!
Holland lies below the sea level
'Kutlway expenditures on extensions
in Oregon this year will exceed $?,- j
ooo.ooo. j
The total circulation of money in
the United States last year was '
4 su,i6o,30s.
The death rate' for the last year in
this country was 13.8 to each 1,000 of
estimated population.
One of the inhabited provinces of
Siberia is said to have nn average
Wmpcraturc of two degrees below I
Russia has 25,000,000 horses, the I
United States 2.1,000,000, and the '
world contains about 100.000.000 '
One passenger was killed for each
4,000,000 passengers carri.ed by the
railroads of the United States ditrini;
last year.
From Edison's plant at Orange, N.
f., come reports of a new electric dc-.
livery wagon that can he sold and ,
operated cheap enough to discourage ,
nurse cuiuiieuuon.
Executors Notice fo Creditors
N0T1CK ic Hereby (Jivcn. that the
undersigned, John ii, llntl.nwuy, by
tut order of tho County Court for Tllla.
tii 00k County, bus been duly appointed
Executor of tho last will ntxl tcntitment
uf'HcnjHinln II. llntlmwiiy, di-ccimcd.
Notice is further given that nil per
sons having any claims tignltut mild
estate are hereby required to present
the same within six months from thin
du'te to tho underslgred at Alohu,
Washington County, Oregon, or to my
attorney S. S. Johnson. 107 I. 0. O. l-
building, Tillutnook Oregon, together
with proper vouchers.
Dated Sept. 21, 1915.
John II. llHthuway,
Executor of tho last will uiul teiU
rnent of Hunjamln II, Hathaway,
"The heavy producing cow, even on
good pasture, should receive some
grain, since it is impossible for her
to secure sufficient nutrients on grass
alone," says Professor R. K. Graves,
of the O, A. C, Dairy department.
"A Jersey or Guernsey cow produc
ing more than 20 pounds of milk a
day. or a Holstein or Ayrshire pro
ducing more than 25 pounds, should
receive approximately one pound of
rrain for each pound of milk produc
ed by a Jersey ,or Guernsey, and one
it mil -to each seven fir-( by n
., poor, the grain ration should be
fTe Greater Oregon
WitJi nw bulUiit, Uvtivt mp
tn.nl, rnlitfit.l (f nuinL, miajr J
ititdmi to Ii. I.titlfjc, UiiMitT
t4 Orfto Mil) Iwcln It li.litr nmtli
yr t Jy, ipitmt li.
'I'CCUI Irtlnin tut Itu.Ino. Jnuf.
rhm. Uw. M3rln, TwKliUr.U.
hfiry Wk, Mwiie, Auhltnluff,
tfMwni mti f rift..
rvri nu utinK. etpiiirarati
l libti (iturmkitt.
til..,. t ui lk H ill !,,,,
ti,ifn4 Htm llM.m Anmumu
PMIIV..0 I .MrfM M ..MV.Tl-'
iMn-x f,. IMMIItrfU. ! mM
tln.u, 1..MI
Will. I-. l.l4 m4 IIUM..I.4 I kl.l
AUi M.gtoii.,
Notice of Camsleted Cataract
- o- - -.Volic
I hereby given, thai ihr
Cotiniy Hoad Mastei for Tillamook
Cootuv. Oregon, has filed in tint r.f.
cr hit certificate for completion of
the ciurut of Handbag & I.r.gn
Co. on Hayocean County Komi hum
Siulion H vb'i (k to Hon ff) Ins
SJ.X t accordance with the plans
ami ssccififationi, and any person,
firm or corporation, ha vim; obicc
lioin to file to the completion of said
work, may do o within two week
from the date of the first publication,
Dated thin (he tsih, day of Scptem
oer Iff 15.
t . h,C ,,ll,llf,t County Clerk,
l-irit ptili llcailon, Sept. 16H,, 1915.
l.atl ptibllealloti, Sept, 301I1, 1915
Notice ot Administrators Final
the undersigned administrator for tim
Estate of J. A. Roberts. Deceased, has
ft lad in the County Court of Tillamook
County, Oregon, hit final account, and
that Novemhei flth, 1U15 at 10 o'clock
A.M. bat been fixed as the time and
the office of the County Judge of Tills,
rriogk. Count. Oregon, aa the place
for the hearing of said final account.
All persona Interested In said settle,
mant are notified tar appear ut said
time and plaee and make known any
objection to the (Uncharge of aald id
mfrilstfatoV.f '
ni.rtl f!celrinlhni' !J7Hi. 10IJI
, ? "' I?,'Jt .VrtoitAiiml'i'lstrator
' 'i"' & M. .M'RVi'UforeanJtl. ,
Notice of Completed Contract.
Nollcc I lifrehy given, that tlia
County Head Master for Tillamook
Count, Oregon, has filed In (his of
fice lu certificate for the completion
Jcnck, 0,1 the, E E, Cross County
Eoa.l, from Station 44H plus 00 to
,fMi ,5J S " 'fen -Stnilon
m plus 38.1 to Station 406 plus 95,8
m uccordancc w ll, the plans ,,d
specifications, and any person, firm
file to the completion of saiil work,
may do 10 with r. two necks from
Dated lil tl aHth ,My f Scpl? 191s.
Eirst publlcalion, Sept. io. loie
Last aublicallon Oct, 14,1011?'
VV00.I Sa wet -Apply to P W
Knight. Tillamook Mutual P,ofe, !
Bid WiintM. ,
jBld.,wll be received until Haturday,
October t Wis, iU(0o VelockV
orMlntlnoof of old Mhoo, build!
lng(bordt.:furnlsr. njataHiln.
K. J. ClaMMp; Oltrk,
We're Proud ToSdll
th uaM tmaica cimmu
M good AS
SnowHake Sodal-
ln.fmct th entire
d4kkHU mmd moti pW
WbwHAut sodas I
In MvtaiHt ana
whImI latjUary urn pq-
fcahaal hM'ia Hm No
. .. Kmi Ska 'H
Mm ruitT Bll
YOUR fARM, , Thjji
woikOlay warka mk"
tkmm tlk aMalaaule. , ,
.v- i.