,' vp 3 - . im i V BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON CIRCUIT Not n jingle dollar lost tn Polk COUNT MONDAY. Seventy-nine Cases on Docket. The October term of John llorlm vs. Paul howling, Imhc- I'lilltlt I- the October' W. A. Wise, v. Krauk McClnui and Cora McOlnnij, Korcelosure 01 ' aerremrut. U. W. Holliuitl v. tfr.iee ,M, 1 lot- PREMIEIRADOSLAVOFF tho Circuit ccumy through forest flrv this oar. Cw. , w, etnvc(. 01, M0(unv, vxt,hl '!' Divorce. Scandinavian day will be celebrated at tho state mir tn Salem. October X. Hotwoen Tofl.OOO and SftO.MO bushels of grain tl! leave l'ortlaud In Octo rcr on .Mlin vessel alone A i 30.000 bathing tank Is to bo bultt In Haker. to replace the present wood en natatorluin near the city. There- are 50.0S5 children of sch'tol age in Multnomah county, or whom 25 KM arts boys and 24.951 are girls. Approximate valuation of property In Marion county for 1915 as Riven out by Hen K. West, assessor, Is $37. 229.460. Militant Klks dedicated their now $50,000 temple with ImprvaMvc rituals of the onlor In thn presence of 1500 Elks anil friends. The combined output of prunes packed tn Sa1c.B will total well over X00 carloads or 8590 tons, according to estimates made. Secretary of State Olcott hr.s com pleted the printing of the journals ol thp house and senate and they are now ready for distribution. Thirty of Portland's pub.lc school buildings will be Immediately thrown op-r for clrlo centers and public gath erings may be hold In the school audi toriums. The yield of prunes in the Rickrealt district this year has disappointed the growers, who ciaim. In most instances, that the crop is but little above half the nverace. Arrangements were completed by the Oregon Agricultural collect- exten sion offlco for a courjo of lectures and demonstrations In engineering subjects to be riven In Portland this . winter. Jn compliance with orders Issued by the Interstate commerce commission the Southern Pacific has raised the rates on numerous commodities be tween Interior points In Oregon and California. s Several small forest fires In the ! coast mountains west of. Corvallls were started during the last wk. but , prompt action by residents of the dis trict, assisted by the early fall rains. ' have entirely subdued then. The former Jay Rowerman ranch of approximately 1950 acres of wheat, situated near Olex, Gllllani county, was sold to C. K. Holds, of Portland, at a consideration understood to be In the neighborhood cf $5o.00f The Willamette-Pacific bridge belns built across Coos Bay is uearing com pletion and will t finished some time In October. The city of North Bend has arranged to celebrate the event for three days, October 7. S and 3. The state industrial accident com mission received reports of 15S acci dents, of which two were fatal, during the week. Annonlo Frlesle and Frank 7 eases on the docket. Although the docket is a lonj: one, there arc no itn- j portanl cases to lie tried. Quite a number have already been settled but ' of court. There tire tew criminal cases where the individuals arc houud over to the era ml jury, judge Ceo. K. Barley will preside, bellowing arc the cases on the docket: Warren Construction Co., a cor poration, vs. Tillamook City, a muni cipal corporation. Damage. D. L. Shrodc, 0eiv Williams and Charles Kunxe, partners, vs. K. 11. Asheroft. Action for money. A. C. Heals v. l- It. Wilkins and Hurton Kiev, Action for money. T. It. Potter Realty Co.. a corpora tion, vs. 1 U. Mitchell, Action for money. George Dutan vs. W. C Hawk and Mrs. R. V. Miller. Action for money. T. B. Potter Realty Co., a corpora Uow, vs. Axel nderoti. Action for money. lames Uihoy vs. Josef Dfcucr. entn tor Aionev. Dan Nicklas. vs S. L. Rathhum Action for money. I'lympU heer Agency, a corpora tion. v. I'.. I-. Lauuhlin. Action (or money. Coats Drivtnr and Doom Co.. corporation vs Alma S. Johnson. Con demnation The Adjustment Hurcau of Port land, vs. 11. I Heals, Jr. Action foi 1 money. i b. Miller, vs. t-aucUn Inc. a cot porathm. Action for money. Charles Ray and Wm. M. Owen. v$ .... H. anuyke. Action tor money. L. S. MiHcr, vs. IL fl. Lane and Mcrtie U. Lane. Action for money Carl O. imniiren, vs. The "Arab" Action for money. alter Fremont Schcnck, vs. James Wilson, Action for money. Ashley and Rimulin, vs. Mabel R. Terry. Action for money. llaron-Fnlop Cou. a corporation, vs. Eastman Wilson Co., a corporation. Action for money. . H. Wilson, vs. H. IL Carr. Ac lion for money. IL D. Ranaga, vs. Jos. Ulaser and Marguerite Hlascr. Action for money. Town ot N'cbalcm. a municipal cor poration, vs. Andrew Klein atnl Anna Klein. Condemnation. Grant Mills, vs. Carl Lett. Action for money. A. V. Coats Lumber Co. a corpora tion, vs. P. J. Sharp and Maud Sharp. Action for money. W. G. Dwifrht, vs. H. A. Kinnaman and Vadie Kinnaman. Action for money. Tillamook County on the relation of James Langlcy. vs. M. M. Mead and Lee Mead, partners as M. M. Mead & Son, W. J. Stephens and Henry W'ooltc. Action for money. George W. Coffroan, vs. Alfred Joi. Action for money. First National Hank of Tillamook, a corporation, vs. C. C. Hycrs. Mr- S. V. Hycrs anil H. L. Hycrs. Action, for money. U. L. Slirode, Geo. Williams and harlcs Kunre, partners, v. H. K Cirr and Alice Carr. Action for mon ey. Burton Rice vs. P. H. U ilkins. Action for money. Fceney & Bremer Co, a corporation ri i t7 t t .! Cicorcc W. PhelDJ vs. lillatnook County et al. Wilt of Review. John R. Hartrr v. Chailcs R. Mmle et al. l-'oteclosurc. W. II. Kasum vs. Flin P. hn. ct al Confirmation of sale. Hcnrv Plaskcr, ct al, ys. Clarcnvc Mnllett and Ho Turner. FoteUmif of lien. William P. Wolllt. vs, Gct I llnmliu. Ouict title. t Thomas Gilfonl Sllllwell, et al v Tillamook City, ct al. Cnueel deed i ' trust. Marv I. Cone vs. C. U Wallln. rl al I Poreelosure. H. I). Schroeder, vs. Aldied chroi dcr. Divorce. Alvina Lundburj; vs, Sam Lundburi; Divorce. GcorKiA Honin, vs. Wilfred .llotun Divorce. In tlic uiatter of the applications o Hvnry Scltlld. Peter Sutor, Joscpb I dlatlicr, Henry Adolf lirickiou, ai' Theoilor Gaechtcr for citixeushii (tapers. L THE CHILDREN'S PARK. Thomas Gilford StillweH Agrees to Accept the City's Proposition. Thomas Gilford Stillwcll. who deeded 4' j acres of laud within the city limit, fur a children'. park .iml play cround. haviuK broiiKht uU to recover the land, accepted the City's Offer to deed one acre of the land to the city on condition that he be al lowed to take judgment aKOinst the city. This was mutually atccd upon by StillweH" attorneys. i. S. John sou and T. H. Haudtey, and City At torney il. T. Holt, the followiuR stipulation ha vim; liceit placed on file in the suit pendiiic in the Circuit Court: It i stipulated and arerd that the plaintiffs nave a decree on condition that the defendant Tillamook City shall he compensated for monev ex pended by it on the properly, plain tiff aKrced to convey to Tillamook City an acre of the kind, beginning at a point 17.07 chains sontli and .(5 chains west of the otlheai corner of Block No 6 in W D. Stillwcll's addition to the town of Lincoln (now within the incorporate limit' of I lib mook City. Ore.), and running thence I.H feet; tluuce north ,t?J J-J feet: thence et IJS f'"t: thence south M .'.J feet to tlK plane of beginning aim mat immciiiateiy upon tlic entry o the decree Thomas Gilford Sti well shall convey this property to the m ut a uncni aim iiiiicieni war ratliv ilri-il (rrr nnd rlrar it! nil in ci:mi)rancct. and without any rcstric tn-tis whatsoever. Phulu hy AnirlMit lr AUtl(" M Hailosljvoff. prmief of t!nlgrU. bote ngotUtlerii with tlir blllur Ha has eauied much picuUllon 'a whicK ski lul'jjru would Uvor. R. B. Kennedy 1 1 1 1 . . . . ' ' iuv-cu wc.e Kiiit-u wnue empioycu in .ction lor money railroad operation at Wolf Crack. H. L. Provoost and W. L. Provoost The construction work on the new ' vs- tlhtiduc C. Smith. Action for $50,000 state training school bultdln? monc"f' ... ... , I. L. VUlCk V,S. for the Oregon Normal school is being ; x tnn for nioncy rushed, and according to President 1 Tillamook County, on the relation Ackerraan, the new structure will be . J Ceo. Mosko. vs. Sandbcri;-Logus ready for occucancv by January 10. t 9 a. corporation, and New Amstcr- 1013 ; 'iftm Casualty Co., a corporation. Ac , . , I lion for monev. nans nave ueen prepares uy me Co-1 Carl Possctti, vs. Southern Pacific lumbla Asncultural company, which ' Company, a corporation. Action for has already reclaimed 6000 acres of money. delta land alone the Columbia river i U G- Dwitjlit. plaintiff vs. James ' . .. . . mckks. Action lor monev. near LiaKanie. lor me reclamation; Uf n. Smith, vs. W. R. lllinBworth, ui aiipnuAiuiaicij ju.uuu auuuionai ! Action tor money acres. W. G. Dwicht vs. John Krchs, Wil- C.finTCU Vf Tn;,nn,.r nt fhr. Uat. H.HII j. U lilCtt. et 3l. I'OrcCloSUrC ath Packing comnanv. of Kiamati. .G'. -F-.C,,a',hc'..vs:. Asheroft, I. , . . , . .J 7 , tiatnaway, i. K. JieaU and G. H falls. Intends to send to the exposition ' u ,r. Porecloiure on !. Guy O. Smith, vs. Merton R Dc- Lonff, tt al. Poreelosure. at San Franclsct what la believed to be tha larfisst steer over produced Jn the state of Oregon. Ho Is a six-year-old range-fed animal v.elfchhig 3000 pounds. S. P. Williamson, national chief of construction In all reclamation pro jects, la In Klamath Falls and an nounces that worl: on tho Klamath ' project, v.hlch was stopped June 1, will resume at once. This work Is for the drainage of a large area east and aoutb of the city. Contending that the supreme court erred In a recent decision upholding an ordinance of the city of Portland Imposing a 3 per cont tax on the gross receipts ofthe Portland' Gas & Coko company, the attorneys for tho com pany havo filed a petition for a re heaJng of tho caiie. As a result of a court decreo follow lnga suit to foreclose a mortgage for $1,250,000 the entire properties of the Morrison .Mills, vs. Ramlolnh Lamb and Sarah Ijimh, Foreclosure. Evan J. Owens, vs. Alberta Frock, Henry Frock and A. L. Hembrec. Foreclosure. John Halm, vs. Gus Malinc and Marie .Mahanc, Confirmation of sale. J. Baumgartner, vs. Martha Psetak, et al. Foreclosure. M. Abplanalp, administrator of the estate of 11. Imdorf, deceased, vs. W, U. Lusby, et al. Confirmation of sale. John Stoker, vs. Otis Jones, ct al, Confirmation of sale, J. 11. Hicks, vs. B. L, Heals, Jr, ct al. Foreclosure on chattel. Fred Lange, vs. R. P. York-. Con firmation of sale. , Samuel Leback, et al. vs. Allen 11. Wilson, ct al. Foreclosure, Alfred Gubser. vs. G. W. Wilks, ct al. Foreclosure. Tillamook County Bank, a corpora tion, vs. Francis D Mitchell, ct al. Confirmation of sale. Feeney & Bremer Co., a corpora tion, vs, M, 11. Dennis and L. M. Den WOtidling-Johnaon Lumber compauy nis and Nestuqca Valley Bank. Port- In Douglas and Lane counties, have closure ot lien, beep purchused by tho bondholders of tbejMIchlgan Trust company at a con sideration ot $1,050:000. Tim sale In volves a large tract of fir timber near the" mouth of the Sluslaw river and a large mill at Acme. Attorney General Brown has ad dressed a letter to all district attor neys of Oregon calling their attention to (ho advlaablllty of making an estl auta for the Information of the county ourts of tho amount that will b &e- ewmry jiBt' ear in obtaining or at tending to obtain evidence or ex peniea otherwise Incurred In proiecutV te violations of the statewide law prohibiting the sale and mttnufactura 9t rn toxica tint liquor, Amos Vaughn, ct al. vs. Guy Vaughn, ct al. Partition. Eliza D. Bailey, vs. A. M. Myer, et al. Foreclosure. Clara Picrson, vs, Francis Picrson, Divorce, L. Jensen, vs. A. M, Myer, Anna Myer, J, W, Myer, Hattie Myer and R. L. Sabin, Trustee in Bankruptcy, Foreclosure. Oscar Johnson, vs, P. Krall, E. W. Krall and W, J. Stephens, Foreclos ure of lien, O. K. Jcffery vs. H. J. Conklin and A. G, Ross, Foreclosure, W. C. Thuu and F, V. Tlain, vs. M. H, Dennis and NcstuCca Valley Bank, Foreclosure, Clark Bundyv vs, John C. Crc'ecy, et al. Foreclosure. A. P. CoYtts Lumber. Co, vs. Wm, Powell, Foreclosure ;of lien. Ralph Pfcrlette Says I You don t have to die to tro to heaven or to hell. They begin here, Seerrw like I havo been in both. The world has two kind of heroes live heroes and dead heroes. As h general thing tho world,' s dead heroes ought to be alive and the world's live heroes ought to bo ! tiers tood ! Most unybody can bo a hero for a few minutes. But heroes who can get along with their neighbors and run jnrless households arc scarce It matters little what salary you get; it matters much what salary vou earn. Nobody is long underpaid nor overpaid. We raise or redure our own salary; the boss docsn t. If people would take this prornficj of God as faithfully as thuv take the promises of Unrlc Sam, thure would be a'world-house-clcaning next week and the millennium would dawn. Anybody who snys ho wants to bu a child again merely confesses he has lost his memory. A child isn't seeing its best days, but Its worst days. I don't want to live it over. I wouldn't take my chances getting thru it again alive. I used to think heaven must he a place where everybody cot at thi' "first table." A child can be full of joy and hold a pint. After whilo It holds a quart. I hold a gallon now, 1 expect to hold a barrel. Copyright 1916, Tho Lyceum- Mnga zinc, Chicago, Ralph Parlcttc will lecture here on October. 291I1, Marines Kill 40 Haltlens. . Cape Haltlon, In an attack by Hal Men rcbelu ou an American force about two allies from Capo Hnltlen iO HaltlciiH were killed. Ten Ameri cans were wounded, Tho rebels havo refused to dlstfrm and tho Americans uro marchlug on Haut dul'ap, In the plain of the north, BRlfF WAR NEWS fireis:i answered th Bulgarian rll to arms by ordering senral itiuhllUa Hon of her land fort-en Germany' third r loan urnr sulmerlbod $Sof.ooo,uoo. aeeordlmc to offtelal uunitutii'itmeut Ten billion marks (about 3.'0.00'4.0uO) ws aV s I Subi:rlptlau totnlod IJ.V07.i0o. OOu. Th Italian official oomtnunuatiuit retHinl thi rfpulmi nf Anntrlan 3' tack at vnrluu (Kilut umt dcclnr. that In tlin rmiliiu u lh lMno4 an Olmllenrla vallnyt thu Itullmin by n urprlsi attaeV ueee(Htid in lrm.-, tohtufc part of lht Atutrtau r n h All tho wy (rum ihi HHltlc nrt Itlxn tn thn PrlpKt nmrh.-s. tho Km nldHM arn hotilliifi thiir llm tublHrni In an al!tnpt to Urin thvir Ions rt tlrmni lo an nd Ttw tlfihtine i Pirttcutarly otiri southeast n . and nat of rulnik, t-'nvnlupuixtit r ttw Vtlnu army hvlnic failed, U U at nmiil the German lll dovrlnp lhlr i offoiidirn nioyntiKcnt at DvliuV. th' thi; vli-w of an ultimate blow At UlKa Amurlean vomiln curry Inc eondl tlonal contraband of war hi-rralter un j d-r no rlrrutnutunceii will lm unk by j (ionnans. nor wilt American mwrclunt- -mtm carryliiK aboluto contraband of j ar sent tn tho bottom cpt In ea- of fntr-in .nrresnlty Ttimn f promise States In are made to tho Unltrd a new notn from Gnrinntit concernlnK tho slnklns of tha ship William P. Fryn. That the lonK-ftpucti'd "drlvi" by th AitRlo-French alllr on Gin west em front ha lmftun is Indira!.! dispatches from l-ondon. Pari and ! Berlin. Tim Pari report ava that 1 gains hao hi-in made Ilerllii dirlare the allies hav uff.ni heavily lu offi'tislvK M-a pnwiHlr-d by an intt-n r artillery bnntbardment )atins fiu hours. Fli-n .- hand to hand flKhtinij rnsiicd at many (Kiliit. Dlny hr tjtit. .Mm. ijimbi'U IhUl down llii .-vunln. piipi-r. IoiiUihI iti-riM the library intm. , it Imt hulniid mid reiuiirkiil: ! "Itenlly. nie or tln thlu mui nuii i;i;ni nlinosi I n n-dlble. Afu-r nil WII toe wnrlil ditin t know linw ( lu ll lli-r half llvox." "Never md." repllwl the Itrtltn. "tlidt" rerialuly no fault of your," New VnrU Time Lolly Expectations. "I your hunliiiiid nil you thought in- WIIH?'' l ".Inst nliouf. lint he do-li't conn ioi to bclne nil ht ihoiight lm wax," Dumba Wants Safs Conduct. WashingtonOr, Coustautln Theo dor Dumba, the ambassador from Aus tria, tolcurnphed the titatc deparUmtnl, from the summer embaasy at Lenox. .Mass., that he had been ordered homo by his government, and aakod that i aaio conduct Ur mrroiigsd for him, Executor's Notice to Creditors NOTICE Is ilendiv Gli tftfl (htil this undersigned. John II. Hiithawity, by an order of the County Court for Tilla- rnooK wouniv, nas ueen duly iippolnteil Executor of thu last will uml i,-i.m of llenjmniu II. Hathaway, deeeed. Notice, Is further clven thut 1.11 "i,r. sons having nny claim, agulimt suld estate nre hereby reipilred to nresrnt tho harno within six month from this date to the undersized nt Ainhu Washington County, OrKon, or lo my attorney S. S. Johnson. 107 I n 11 1 bi'ilding, Tillamook Orecon, together with proper vouchnrs. Uated Se)t. 21, 1015 . John H. Ilatluiway, Executor of the lust will und testa, ment or Ileniamln (i, llathsway, deceased. Netlc ot Admlnlitrator's Pinal .. Account NOTICE IS HEttBny GIVEN that filed , n the County Court of Tillamook County, OrsRon, his final .ccount. and A. M. has been fixed , the time uml the offlco of, the County "JwJka of Tllln mook County. Oregon, tho place for the hearlnv of said final account. AllMfsons interested in said settle! meat-ara not fled to ..ij HiBt nd place and 1 make known any objection to the discharge of said administrator. Dated September 27h. 1915. P. B. Jackson, Administrator ,22's Have the Cslli WITH the r! f M bmw mi Ly'J of Mtl, ilriiitttKtuifUMC lnrtino1he rllin t ntniiiiiiilliim In tlio world. 1 i. Ulmtovor nmkn of rtlln )' ulimit. Hriiiliiloa.UWi" ('nrltidni"' Kv? rrmilu titan anyeijj in the world. .... . ' (io to thn Irwlliih' Uralrr tha one who ilujiUyi tU JU Hull Mark ( UtmuitUm-iiXW. t lu ll trllyiiii wlmt iimximhhi inma imiui umtu rctrt-l' nd hr II u tho lUwImti.a.PMt it Hillr, MinU MiKIt ruMI iituii anii ,i u 1 m 1 11 ill 11 lit rli by lbrml lu 1l," p"'Hun till i-mniilrnt ((li'fmlif, 5,LI by yur hum doalor ami U otltr I ill i morKnt In Oratt SPREAD IT RIGH THE BLACK HAWK LOW SPREADER -WILL 00 IT The 1'rtiti 1 niul rear wheels nre ttniKr the lr this adfitii.s it shortrr hitch u thr horses nd iitcans lighter vvtu l: tin the teittit The Hhiek HiiwMj has no jcftrs ihereh.v loiii)L 11 way with all fnctawa.ri II at all utterextcfi lit tmuitiiv siireftderji, we invite .1 you to come ami cxumhik- the iVIael; H.twk hjirciid.v et on exhibition al our store. PLASKER BROS. TILLAMOOK. OREGON I 0HsV iH tisHUsrisiiH sBfl TftGreacrOrcorTl Wit mw frwiUiinrt, twtur H aral, itt4 f toondt, o-J away UIIMMM ID HI FSCUIly, ltr VMffT 'J Om(hi will bcta li tklor-ateOi yMirfutWsy, JUpumUr IJ. MUI tnlnlns for Bu.lo.ii, lo i.1 ;VT,"i ""'"I miiuiniiHi niww i rvtaia ttnl ria Art, i rtfvi mil looMtt t U(uiHBfH ft HMial 4utMkm. tJwf p4 bmm Ik H.H ! W4IH 14 1 1 I M M4M1W iMM ttt IWWIWM, I, M4 ft M !. Wfl Im lL 14 lllMUtUJ uas. OMMM I 1 Notice of Completed Contract - o Notice ii hrrd.y Kiven, tlui the County Kod Master for Tillniunok Coimiy. Urt'oii, ha filed in thi oj. lice hi certilicatc for rniiiplciion rlf tlic cuntract of S4ndbcrK & l opu Co. an Ilayoecan Coimiy Road from I" Pius oo t, :,i.iii f-i pin plain '.' li in accordance with the and tprctfiralioiH, nr y ,,cr0 arm or corporation, hnviuir objec tioni to file to the complclloii of said work, may do 10 within two week from tlic date of the first publication. Her 191V 'SiU ,lMy of Scl,,el"' ... , ).C-.J''I'-:", County Clerk. irl publication, Sept. ifith, ,oij. Last publication, Sept. joth, 19,5? Notice of Completed Contract. j Notice i hereby h'ivni, that the y (om. y Koad ,Maic? for 'H la.iioc k Conniv. Orruon, has filed In tl, U of. I hce l.r ccrlificatc for the com . letlo , ' of tl; contract f XI. J. and John 'cock, ,.n the R. E. rLArJ.rJl". Html. It Cram Prt,,n om siniu ,.u r,..v",n ,-.v...v,,, aily ijerjon, firm "e....,,,tt ".'"nletior, of iad WOfiv naed,hl,he38h,iy oflffiW Pint unUlkk. ."S'J e.n.C",i"y ClerC, KniK.VTII,amoCTZa. V ft ' Bids W.ntetf. "'i w'H be recelyed until SaUirday Qetobar 1. 1916. at j-oa -y tor Hntln, rtf ol oU &LE? Inirjbaard Wiirnlsh r- 1 h. 3. ClaiMMn, Cltfit Mrt. No. The Cracker We'r Proud Toi TMMVWtasteif , M good a 1st 4 sfffwi entire tiftta Usui of caktf crMkcrik In evg otCHHWi mw iw km. ' IN r avMni HisHilsaaiMarytliibo ill AT ALL DEAI UMlMfwIatMI ii.- wv th ,f , ..." . if r - ' I t . . 'i ti I ulaHaw Wwaw; . i .iU TTii -MU-X. - I wa B U maall Cta worka imako (( n 1 ft. In it- V . ;6