Cbe Cmamook Beralcl C. G. CromtHcy, editor lUucd Civic a Ulccfc Cucday and FrldaV flSml Mson.t-cliuM matter May If, 1910. at tho post oillcu at llllauiooK, Oregon, under the act of March 3. lSTi. si'n.si.-Ru-nos siao a vkak in p nvu. Hdvcrtlslttfl Rates ' real Advertisements rr.l Insertion, pur line Rich subsequent insertion, Hno Homestead ftoiiros Titular Claims Netice-s, per line Curds of thank. pr line Loonls, or line, ftrt insertion .10! .06 R.00 10.00 .06 .06 .7 Bach, subsequent insertion, lino .0T KosoUttions of ' omlolenco niu! Lodge notices, per lio w lUtiness rtvfessioiialcards.mo. l.M Display Advert-semont, per inch .2" MA. Display Atl must ho in this of fice on Monday ami Thursday More ing to insurv publication In follow ing Tuesday ami Friday issue. Reasons an1 imperative. f KK1DAV OCTOBKR 1..10U". STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP C, E. Tromhk'v, Editor. Publisher and manager, l.add Hush, Hanker of Salem. Or.. morUjaije holders. SCHOOL NOTES Friday meat at the GulW Hall a "rv enjoyable reeeption was ejven to the new students and new members of the faculty by the Sophomores. Juniors and Seniors. The program was well arranged and carried out with great success. This week the Athletic Association hekl its meeting for the election of officers. The following were elected for the ensiling year. Pres.- Jos Erickson. Vice-Pres. -Clifton Martin. Sec. Broox lieas. Treas. -Oclmer Powers. Manager -Ray hirickswu The debate class has increnstd in interest and number, aud is now work ing on the state debate question -"Military Training for Young Men in the United States similar to the Swiss system." The following officers were elected this week for the Juniors and Seniors. Juniors. Pres. Mayme La Follette. VicJ-Pres. Lucile Rowc. Sec-Treas. -Beulah Rogers. Serjeant-at-arms-- Ben Utter. Seniors. Pres. Ray Eriekson. Vice-Pres. Arlene Burge. Sec-Trea. Marie Hathaway. Christian Church Note Next Sunday will be a special day at '.he Christian Church for it's pro motion day in our Sunday chool. There are 25 to be promoted from the CradU Roll in the Primary Dept. Promotions will be made in all classes and depart ments up to the Intermediates. We expect 250 in attendance. The morning sermon subject will be: "The Church's School." The evening subject: "Temp tation." Christian Endeavor services will begin at 6:30 p. m. and the church services at 7:30. Public invited. Presbyterian Cburch Notes ami social for Friday evening of next week. Kvcrvbodv will want to attend, for It is well known that the ladies will be there with the goods. PARLETTE ON THE PLATFORM Mr. Parlettc will lecture here on Friday evening. Oct. !5)th instead of Monday October 25, as first announced. The great demand for his services made the change necessary. Ralph Parlette Im been called a preacher, a ret, a philosopher, a humori.i. an orator. He is not an en tertainer, nor a "funny man." but keeps his audience laughing ami cry ing by turns. Ho is absolutely unique. illlTerent from any other speaker on the platform, lit talks out of his wide experience in life. He luughi ami cry with the crowd. He has a way of mak ing a wonderful picture of everyday life, ami then hanging some teaching to it that no hearer can ever forget. Every address is in reality a sermon. People in every audience say "I never knew a lecture could be so interest ing." People say, "I never laursd much in my life," and yet I' lette doesn't try to be funny He i funny His good cheer, his quaintness. his personality illuminate every utterance. He has been called "The Sariom Humorist, Hie Man Richer than Rockefeller," "The Master Painter of the Commonplace." "A Preacher in a Thousand Pulpits," 'The Humorist who Helps Humanity." "Prince of Pen ami Platform. I'he Orator cf Good Cheer. ' "The Philosopher of Joy," 'The Helper to Happiness." PARCEL POST SOCIAL Communion will be observed next Sunday morning at II. All the local members of the church are ex pected to be present, and join with the pastor in an earnest invitation to the people of the community who are with out their church home to join them in this impressive and helpful service. The sacramental adaress will be on the subject "The Finished Work." A popular service is planned for the eve ning at 7:30 with a message of intere-. for all young men and women with the subject "Royal Ambition." A young people's meeting will be held at 0:30, in view of organizing a Y. P. S. C. E. The Sunday School is steadily grow ing, old classes are being enlarged and new ones formed. Provision is made for all ages for a thoughtful study of the Bible, of which, in view of life and the future none can afford to be' ignorant. The Guild Hall was the scene of a delightful event last Saturday, when Miss Fay Hill, with competent assist ants, entertained her class of girls. The decorations were carried out with pleasing effect, the main room in red and green, and the table in pink. Re freshments, games and a liberal sup ply ot merry hearts contributed to a happy afternoon for all. It was a creditable affair that sets the pace for other classes and organizations, and reveals a fine quality of class leader ship. Many8uch social good timc9 are being anticipated for the near future. Watch for announcprnents and par ticulars of the Ladies' Guild reception We earnestly invite the public to remember our Parcel Post Social on Friday evening, Oct. Sth, at the Guild Hall. There will be an interesting musical program given by some of th best talent in the city. Games will be indulged in ami light refreshments served. Last but not least Uncle Sam has J mailed you all a package ami requests vou to be present to make your own selection, lor mnv useful articles, goodies, and oh well; things to numer ous to mention will be contained there in. Everyone are invited. Presby. Ladies Guild. WIRELESS TRANSCON TINENTAL TELEPHONY Special to Heralo : San Francisco, Cal.. Sept. 29, '15. Mr. J. J. Carty. of New York City, Chief Engineer of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company, who i3 now in San Francisco, at the St. FranciB Hotel, officially confirmed that Mr. Theodore N. Vail, the President of the American Telephone and Tele graph Comptny seated at his desk in New York City, today talked by wire less telephone with Mr. Carty, who was listening at Marc Island, San Francisco. Others who listened to the conversation were Lieut. Commander Sweet, U. S. N. ; Mr. Allen II. Babcock, consulting Engineer of the Southern Pacific Co ; Chief Electri cian Peterson of the IJ. S. Naval Radio station: Mr. Arnold, Mr. Griswold and several other engineers of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Mr. U. N. Bethel, Senior Vice-president of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Co. ; Mr. J, I Waterberry, one of the company's di rectors, and Mr. Gherardi, one of Mr Carty's staff, also spoke from Mr. ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. .jt GENERAL HABUWABE P'-HEN RANGES mnd -'iNO STOVES Ordering Elsewhere O. I. C. SWINE 1 It.lVO SOUK' vlOKT DUIl pins lor Mile, both m.vs, the, kttul Unit uutttiu-VCI NOUMi One ol inv lu'rtl Iiottrs wcitili cil tiliO lbs. 111 IS months old. My hoi:s Imve won nllmns at county nntl state fairs. Phono or wrirc for prices. JOE DONALDSON R. K. D. No. t. TllUnuwk Vail'. office by wireless telephone to Mr. Csrty, and other present with htm. Mr. Crty recognized the voice of all three of the gentlemen and ex changed with them numerous question ami answers, which was heard by nil of those present at the Radio station at Mare Islnmt. Prior to these wireless message from New York, n large number of wireless telephone message were received from the Naval radio station at Arlington, Virginia. Among those that talked to the tiarty at Marc Island station from the Arlington. Virginia, station, were Ca(pU Billiard, Chief of the Radio service of the U. S. Navy, Colonel Snm Reber of the U. S. army. Dr. S. B. Jewett. Prof. John Mills, and S. A. Stevenson of .Mr. Carty' stair. Words, phrases and sentence were heard from all uf these by the listener at Mare Island, notwithstanding the fact that the "static" disturbances were of unusually violent nature. Mr. Vail's coneralion from New York was carried by wire to the Naval sta tion at Arlington, Virginia, where it wa connected to the wireless telo phont system of the American Tele phone ami Telegraph Company, which was employed in the demonstration. Mr. Carty stated that the result achieved here, outdistanced anything before accomplished Mr C.uly states that this feat of talking across the continent i recognized by the exrmits as being much more difficult thtn'tl ing across the Atlantic, for transmis sion over water Is much eailer than over land, particularly in view of the formidable mountain range. to Iw crossed on the continent. Telephone messages, Mr. Carty says, were Iran mitted with success, from Arlington. Virginia, to the Isthmus of Panama, where they were received at the Gov ernment radio station bv the Navnl officers in charge, who telegraphed back their contents." Talking across the Atlantic, by means of tnls new system is now but a matter of installing 'the necessary apparatts. This would have been done, were it not for the disturbed conditions in Europe, which require all wireless stations constantly to bu used for military and naval purpose. When naked what would be the limit of this new system of his com pany, Mr. Carty stated that he had no doubt whatever when the necessary apparatus was installed that it would be possible to talk from New York to Tokio, Japan, using thu transcontinen tal lines to San Frunclsco and wire less across the Pacific. A LIVE WIRE AND A GOOD TILLAMOOK fiO OSIER YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY HOUR, (MAIN, I !.: Moving Sim V Pomilq Ulend Otegon Flowor I!. I. WLMANN, Mr. In CouunoroinMUdK. Panama-Pacific Exposition IS Tit K MOST H OXUKKWI. TltkWtOSf ItK.I I'Tl FUI. turmos r jmivi:m. t ix utsrott J It is iUtle, It iymntrtcsl, it U world wlJ", l etMupWt". Only three month imtre will ll Ih opnl. No Intolllteiit Mriou can alfard to ml the oprlutt. Ity of v lulling this exposition. Low Round Trip Fare to Sun Francisco on snle dally from all polaU If vo contemplate a trip Kt you Jn trvl throuztt CaHfurnla In one aifceltoo t small ddl' tkxtnt ojwnc. 10 Diri S4: !f Jttfton Xrl to TirCiV- acu nlKl I0UV at Kl l'na fJ Huc-d On tl ticket to live al mailing aver the SOUTHERN PACIFIC ii ..... ...a.r.t ,ttM ttlti r., .1 I hut bif WiytL S tr a-m t Uirtt4 I. --lll.fM I)IU f intctvtt ThJ t 'rfr I John M. Soolt, Cnmt Piiwcf Ajnl. PudLiul. Oct1" OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL JHTEJta Evtnlt Occurring rtt tht SUte During tki Vook. r.rm.r l Kllltd br AM " Kiift-atift. Juliii lloftmm, , ( ? Hvn mith of ;.hn ntrli irtllea urnith id Kiu,!, fldeilUlIf Mllrd lt Ma mJ! thn IIUHIIitalil abOtil It mlU J of Kusmiq Jihn. . hot it tZj an! vHI hU Mile Mi I Iho (lie a trti. stahtr.l ttl) itv, jJ lltl III hlll . .... I. 1 .1 , , - . rfB lil .1...II. fIVMIII fiusprct Hltl (or 4 T'llo H,HfJ tJfeKtiti t H Jamj T)U(f. lf ifttvm iy (Tt lf ynhol In four Uoci. r itWnJ hre and In PcfiUut iujuu4jJ id tht y-r. .ji4 tw J AUkl III htV in lfilr( 43 rd Mft Of the n-.Mf t) HtUt n nd Ht-o- li f-n- v. t Portland lUltHat I M 4 Ywti aided by II iUllluhP h: W4M turl. ThlMnh Ch jmpiijihl Vtm Ifueffi" -thirff ( Hi rk ptott heI Wp rot at Itf mi Mr. Krk hf.u..a ut m off tho blue rtldj.n ti"t siliiirtU COHHI) 6limeU"r bile 7Sli HlehafiUoM a blue ' lUiM ilirli H III hef h'n Ma'- fl( SJiu thr- f litem he Milt it Ltbintft Ojmi, Ilxtniui Th 4 till tl iu m a nun Lumber f-i!.tft n intim U life. UrU U'4-J 19 lUvm ' llto Will : jdttt. the '.7 t- ."r WiI I lxr. tram tIM "4 HI4I Oifif. ri dueiinird f ihttm'm The im( Is rel.i. Ul St I14J5, lnuritc on ihe t. tUt ui tdaflt of about It' 4 JOBS AHE FOUND FOR 1U Fred M. Rowley, hixicial agent for the Kfpiitable Savings anil Loan Asso ciation of Portland, left Tillamook Wednesday morning enrnute to Salem where he will attend the State FnrV. After the close of the fair he expects to spend a few days In Southern Ore gon shooting China Pheasants. After a sojourn of some 10 days he will again return to Tillamook and rcmnln hero for Borne time. Mr. Kowley is a good booster for Tillamook and evidence of this lies In the fact that he took with him several Young America cheese. It Is his Intention to cut thu chce;iu into samples and distribute thono nam dies among his many frionds and rel atives at .Portland. Ho tlilnkH Tilla mook cheese is the very finest chooao on tho market and such being tho case he wants to boost Tillamook County's main product by doing all ho can to et people In tho habit of calling for and using nothing nut Tillamook cheese. He hopes to gut tho traveling men in lino and have them nsk for Tillamook cheese at all hotali when ever thoy are served anplo pie. Ho thinks a "cheese day" would bo iokI tiling tolnmiguratena otherjtowils have set aside a certain dav cuch year for thu boosting of their main product, ' and t fcoemed to him that 11 chuenu . day would be on iicjllcnl ay t'J-Vd tvertine THIarnooi; che3j, Mr, Ilowloy I.iiiieli oijt- mv for our town ml counlv, b ahl. With our vast Mtnount of Oregon very bt dairy Und, ami the million of (ot uf the best spruee limltcr at 01 r very door which now i in such utmi de mand for aeroplane stock, tbi to gether with tho beautiful beaches tu cloie at hnnd. he eon't sen a thing lit the world to hinder Tlllainuok from doubling lit prcsuftt potwUlioii within thu near future. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WINS Word from J. II. Dunntan, who, with others is ('Hiking nftrr Tillamook County uxhiblts at the State Fair thu j wcck, states tpul Tlllnmmik 1 ontity 1 took llrst prixe for having the best ex- i titbit. Tillamook County School secured fourth prize. AW-, niirratiti m ivttUAri, ti 1 ...L In I I "f.Z I rf ri la lkU ra ......Uretl in ihr t'roT I niDHlhs. tr t u ft th. 4. hr tell. Imlb., out-I ... ...!er tilU n I red t' Hakrr. Iur Uura. Tliric wrrc entered In the jitMUiir li" by !Jt Ihjnilan. and wan tlir lirl prlr (or ihr bt dispUy uiitudr ol Port-Ud r m.!r.u.id that Mm. I-, .ad ifut iiiirnil) hit (. lid 4rliiii-nt nl d,ih'i r(r I imlalrd m the 4111 r 'tinr ; . n 'J i'Ijiii.i.iI. The Oregoman on commenting 'iti the county exhibit at the Suie 1 .ur aid on Tuesday t A the only ronii county rej.rrr;ii ed, 'I illamook's buuth is wi mg iiuii.Ii favorable comment. Asidr fruiu a beautiful diiplay of gracs ami grains, giant satiiirm, Krrai orr.ni crabs and other sea prodnets are hitrc ui am.wc the inland viiitor. In a sep arate booth Tillamook County shows in excellent f.ishiou the v'tcat cheese and dairy industry which has been de veloped. The judges of the county agricul tural exhibits plainly have a difficult tick ahead of them, for each of the 10 counties entitled to comprtc has put forth remarkable efiord to make .i good display. In addition to .Marion not in the competition, the counties having exhibits of agricultural tulo iltict in the new pavilion arc: Tilla mook, Multnomah, Clackamas, Wash ington, l.anc, I 'oik, I. inn, Hcnton, Morrow, Union, Wallowa, Jackson, Columbia, Gilliam, Umatilla and Malheur. OAK "DINERS Saddle Sent. i, mill Al.l HS $&25 8 1ST OF SIX, $12.50 Ammer PurnitoreCo. 1'IWsT STK'KI.I Ml Mrn u pluyillMM aextu t." Uf ! 1 Hute llr t !ti i'6f IK tttatUtlO -u t 1 Vy i eotiiiiiUsiWjtirr ' ',!.t tt ! (iirtilhiil 'tiH' ' niuu laborer : ' lfsri 1,1 men Th 'a t ' of tho buru ' ! omployiHt U-s ! morn (tmit t ' half the f- n " f no ork ia v- . . to i 4'KI kt.Hi , r4J I tetr. iwl) cUjf : -.(iiltWl n l Mf1 lh rnttroad Three Hophcusri Ourn Htr Til I ANOOK. p;e.; BECKER Merchant Tailor 2nd foil Avenue ORY CLEANING PKIISfiING AND KHPAIR1NG School Hoys Send Cookinc to Pair. The greater part of the cooking amL. baking sent by the pupils of the Till amook Schools to the State Fair at Salem, was done by boy. William Monroe, of the 7th grade, entered a rake which Miss Ucland pronounced extraordinarily good, ami four boys of the .fth grade, F-rncst Dodge, Clav Myers, leslic Gray and Uersclicl Lauglilin, each entered bread, T Coast Power Co. I nlilr to te Every Electric Need 1 louie Wiring Lamp LlRlilliij Fixtures ludei I'lailillghU QMttln Iilcctrlc Irons IJijht Cooking Dvls. Jilcctrlc l4u(cs KWu will lirlp you i'Uc7yoMr i-iiwcr I'rolilcms, ;7SJ Cheese Score at State Pair, Just as ,wc go to press a message 4 from .Salem says the cliecgc scoring HT -it the State Fair was as follows: Ilugli Harhcr,. Falrvicw. ostf nnimc lalleii8tciii, Monmoiitli, 05; If. Tliom as.Cloverdalc, and If, Hansen, Ijl.i , wood, ih'Ai Unknown name,' A, !?- Scliinelzcr, Kcd Clover, tiriLvith three other Tillamook factorfcVpi, V Tillamook Wins Prize at National Dahlia Show. Tiilamok County was represented at t lie National Dahlia Show in Port- ir.iiu lasi wren, j. U, loins an tak tT VieteckV ' V KilHUlle Hl'e Ilusllltell iMipra'' fire, lipio'd. . tW'veti hoph" -lleiir lillfielie r Hitek, all of b-in caused b' n, 4fr..iurj 1 e b arc n'd Bl 430.CC0 M ' ( JI M llaLnr .-Kenr- - T,:SJ tal. T. H. Iv l ' itU lloiirii Whue.t I'S pKP'il 11...... tin 1,.,. a id IH '"I at .men Kl br i, T J former record a a liea'J htrJi-Kradi) urn Harbor CelebiJtion ..-. I I - H,.rM ill IR rui Miinu - . 1 i.rt. I...MI11 Mill be w Portland id.amber ot rml tluiputn III a met tints j clebrato til" m """. of water at Ui" i"0"1" 01 irMli.i Tninlr ' Portland. The iwjdg, ir.iii.iiiy 'I'miin hr f 29th annual com wvo m-Jm Hlon wmn opjmu'l "y 1 ..it I (Jraut of Malta com"'""? tl. vn.,r.lla Wl-'h YonciilUPM ot u . v,u- .l, T IB CWWi (tlMUMnda of buUU re lUvrl huudred ton out is boxes of those flowers', Con. jrihiited.liv 1r, 1-..AOadd(uJi fr,r i.m,;' v;. r .tl vTWLkb,t,f? . . .1 1 ... fiavd BH u- .1.1 . w 1 was mif"", i. ...1 mlM ' i.nvco klld Til I A MstA., J.. -.i-N thi 'dMv! Till , nook hiul prvd i. a blK WUI - tMI 1 1i Vii r.